Oracle's Luck: Unraveled World Book 3

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Oracle's Luck: Unraveled World Book 3 Page 26

by Alicia Fabel

  He ran a hand through his hair and didn’t move. “I probably shouldn’t.”

  “Okay,” she drawled. “Why not?”

  “You’re going to miss orientation.”

  “I’m not an off-realmer exchange student. I don’t have orientation today.”

  “But you are their plucky student helper, and Eldrid wants you there,” Kale reminded.

  She snorted. “They’re just learning the rules. Like no killing humans. And no seeing how many babies you can make. What else is there?”

  “I recommend you get dressed and show up, so you’ll know all the rules and expectations. Afterward, Eldrid and I are going to take everyone on a tour. Most of them have never been to Earth before.”

  “Fine. I’ll go.” Vera smiled. “But first…” she used her finger to direct him to come closer.

  The irritating man did not comply.

  “All right. What’s wrong with you?” She put her hands on her hips.

  “I had my first faculty meeting last night.”

  “That’s right.” She dropped her hands and pulled a shirt and shorts from a drawer. “How’d it go, Dorm-dad?”

  Kale cringed. “Don’t call me that.”

  She laughed.

  “I learned about this rule they have here. About no relationships between faculty and students.”

  Vera froze and slowly turned to stare at him. “You’re joking, right?”

  Kale picked at the paint in the doorway. They’d come a long way in fixing up the building over the summer, but there was still work to do. Vera couldn’t believe the fall semester started in only a week. Or that the old dorm building was going to house off-realm students, guardians, and emissaries. The top floor was reserved for the guardians-in-training. Kale had handpicked dozens of magical beings to help keep order in the meadow and to monitor off-realmers. Mostly a bunch of terrifying guys and girls, who Vera avoided. But Mimi’s brothers were in the program too. The meadow would double as Kale’s academy of guardians.

  Finally Kale said, “I talked to Eldrid and Dean Harris. They are aware of our unique situation, but they also say that if we are seen breaking the rules, there’s little chance I can maintain order. And I agree with them.”

  “So we have to sneak around.” Vera smiled slyly. That might actually be fun.

  “That’s not what I said.”

  “Well, it’s what I heard.”

  Kale sighed. “You only have two more years—”

  “You can stop right there.” Vera marched up to him. “If you are about to suggest that I don’t get to do this”—Vera kissed him and pulled back once he kissed her back—“for the next two years, I will kick your ass and anyone else who agrees with you.”

  Despite trying to be serious, Kales lips tipped up. “I don’t think I could give that up if I had to.”

  “Good call.” Vera kissed his chin. “So sneaky it is.”

  Kale sighed. “You’ve always got to make things difficult, don’t you?”

  “Difficult or better?”

  “Both,” he conceded. “Hurry up. I’ll meet you down in the conference hall. Everyone’s supposed to be there in five minutes.”

  Vera’s lips turned down. “I will be fashionably late.”

  “There are donuts, but I don’t promise there will be any good ones left if you don’t hurry up. The exchange students have never had donuts before. They’re pretty excited about them.”

  Kale left with a chuckle, closing the door behind him. Vera was already half-naked and hurrying to get on clean clothes. She grabbed a hair-tie and slipped on flip-flops. For donuts, it was a messy bun day.

  The orientation had already started when she got there. Dean Harris was introducing the off-realm staff and each of the exchange students. Vera snatched two donuts from a box in the back and then sidled up beside Kale, who stood in the back of the group.

  “I’m allowed to stand next to you, right?” she whispered.

  Kale gave her a look and kept listening to the presentation. He raised a hand to acknowledge the Dean’s introduction.

  “Mr. Tinirau will be who you go to if you need anything or have any concerns. He’ll make sure to get you to the right person if you need help.”

  “There are only ten students.” Vera nodded at Mimi’s brothers. “And two of them are from Heliopolis. Plus Mimi. I thought it was only one student per realm each year.”

  “Mimi started last year. And technically, her brothers are sharing a spot. Each one will take turns being a student and providing security for the meadow.”

  “Twin switch. But what about the other realms?”

  “Baby steps. There’s a spot for their students. We’re hopeful some will apply mid-semester. Or in the years to come.

  “Prince Cato was chosen over Airlea?”

  “She didn’t apply. She’s working with her family to regain their home. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see an application with her name in the next year or two.”

  “Who picks?”

  “The leaders of each realm submit a selection of candidates, who represent their whole population, and then the off-realm faculty has a selection committee.”

  “Kinda like the no-fraternizing committee.” She took a bite of donut.

  “It’s going to be worse than if I never said anything at all, isn’t it?”

  Vera grinned. “Highly likely.”

  “You’re such a pain, Sprinkles.”

  “I love you too, Scotchie.” She remembered the folded paper in her pocket. “Oh, I have something for you.” She pulled it out and handed it over.

  Kale unfolded the picture she’d had Jemma draw. He stilled. “How?”

  “That’s what I saw in your memories on my birthday, when you healed my face.” It was Kale’s mom. A water bird that she’d created to entertain her young sons circled her. “And now you have a token from someone who loves you.”

  Kale folded the portrait just as Eldrid was finishing his speech and slid it into his pocket. There was heat in his gaze when he slid her a look. “I am going to show you how much you mean to me before this day is over.”

  Before Kale turned to lead the new students away with Eldrid, his hand brushed nonchalantly over hers with just the barest squeeze. Vera stared straight ahead. Yep. Sneaking around is gonna be fun.

  **Thank you for reading the Unraveled World Trilogy! If you loved Oracle’s Luck and the other books in this series, please consider leaving reviews on Amazon so other readers will give this story a chance too. When it comes down to it, none of this would be possible without you. So thank you!

  Also by Alicia Fabel

  Unraveled World

  Siphon Magic

  Tempest Song

  Oracle’s Luck

  Legend Academy

  Coming April 2019!



  Sign up to get insider information about Alicia’s books. Plus, sneak peaks, bargains, and more.


  Aaron, you are the one who keeps me sane. Thanks for standing by my side and listening to my constant book babble. It means a lot that you’ve chosen to learn my language so I can share my journey with you.

  Hai Hai, J-man, Em, and Aer, you are the best kids a mom could ask for. Your awe and excitement when you see my books or hear that your friends’ parents are reading them is the icing on top of everything.

  Chris (The Editing Hall), I’m not sure how I was lucky enough to find you, but I’m glad that I did. I’m sorry for the billion extra commas I sprinkle in every manuscript. Lara (Wynter Designs), thank you for being my friend, and for making beautiful art for me.

  Being an author is so much more than just writing the stories in my head. Thank you to all the authors out there who have generously coached, advised, and cheered for this small fry. Seriously, you guys are amaze-tastic.

  Finally, thank you to everyone who gobbled up Vera and Kale’s story. You g
uys make it all worthwhile. I cannot wait to share my next series with you.

  Author Notes

  Why I write what I write.

  When I was little, my imagination was WiLd. I’d imagine my toys playing while I slept (should’ve written that, and sent it to Disney, right?!). I was always looking for signs of fantastical creatures, hoping to be the one to discover them. My favorite movie was The Borrowers, and my first book addiction was The Hero and the Crown, by Robin McKinley.

  So, I write about magical worlds and amazing creatures—creatures that I always imagined were hiding just out of sight. These are the worlds that I’d escape into, in my mind, whenever I could.

  When I was a youth, I drawn to YA (young adult) fantasy books. They provided an easy escape, and characters I could relate too. As I grew older, though, I wished for characters with a bit more life experience and maturity. But I still wanted the pacing and escapism that is so prevalent YA. Basically, I wanted YA to grow up with me.

  So that is my goal. I want my stories to branch between YA fantasy and general fantasy. I want my stories to appeal to youth and adults alike.

  Lastly, I like a bit of romance. Not insta-love. You won’t find that in my books. But you can bet you’ll find sparks weaving throughout my story as sub-plots. Oh, and I •adore• happily-ever-afters! Who knows if my idea of happily-ever-after (HEA) means the same as everyone else’s, but I do try in my own way. I know, many people roll their eyes and claim HEA is unrealistic...

  *sticks tongue out at those people*

  I don’t care. Haha! Everyone deserves a HEA. If for now, it’s only found between the pages of a book, then so be it. And if someone just likes to be reminded of how their breath caught and tummy clenched when they were first falling in love, I hope they can find that in my stories too.

  This is what I write. And why I write it. I •love• what I do!




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