The Rising

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The Rising Page 42

by Terra Harmony

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Being the first Undine calfling abandoned, Alaric's hatred burns deeper than most. In a way, Serena feels bad for him. She knows what it feels like to be left behind.

  "And now the first wants his revenge on the last of our species," Serena says at a whisper, absently touching her mother's charm, embedded into the high center of her breastplate.

  Serena feels Kai's warm hands move up her cold arms. He glances at the king.

  "I think I understand what is going on." Kai looks back at Serena. "Alaric will never have you if I can help it," he tells her. She meets his sea-green eyes, boring into her. "Not if anyone of us can help it."

  Taking a step back, Serena forces her gaze away. It is almost as difficult as resisting the pull of the moon. She can't let herself be caught up pining over Kai. The king has just ordered all of Society to war because of Serena. If she has to, she'll sacrifice herself, with or without the king's blessing—but she can't have Kai standing in her way or threatening to pull her back.

  She focuses on the cold of the cave floor, imagining it seeping into her feet and up her legs, straight to her stomach where she feels the tingling sensation every time she looks at Kai. Dropping her hands to her sides, Serena glares at him.

  "You said you'd wait for me…and then The Selection came, and you chose Simone." Serena swallows, determined to keep her voice steady. She fails as her next sentence comes out broken. "You chose Simone, the one Undine that is most unlike me."

  Kai glances at the king, then at what jurors are still left in the Great Hall. He leans into Serena. "We can't do this here."

  "Where, then?" she asks, almost yelling.

  Nerin looks up from consulting with the king. Serena doesn't care. She needs to cut ties—if the battle goes badly, she doesn't plan on returning. How could she? Her surrender is the one thing that would leave the Undine race in peace.

  "Come on," says Kai, taking her by the arm.

  Serena allows herself to be led away from the Great Hall and down the corridor. The Undine bustle in and out of caves, charged with energy and calling out to each other. As Serena passes her kinsmen, under Kai's tight grasp, they look at her with curious, raised eyebrows. What has this girl done to warrant another full-scale attack on the wolves? There hasn't been one for a decade, now.

  Serena shakes her head, keeping her eyes downcast. If only they knew how much easier this could be.

  The smell of wood smoke could guide Serena to the armory blindfolded. There is a long line waiting outside the entrance. Maidens are volunteering to either enter The Dry as a second wave of reinforcements to the guard, or to wait in the breakers to execute their marksmanship skills. Crude bow and arrow sets are distributed, as are knives.

  Kai stops at the end of the line and frowns. "I thought this would be a good place to talk."

  Serena rolls her eyes. "It would be, anytime other than right before a battle." She twists her wrist out of Kai's grasp, and then grabs his. "Come on."

  Moving toward the front of the line, pulling Kai behind her, Serena wedges her way in between bodies crowded in the packed hallway. Those being moved aside protest, until they see her. Then they grow quiet, just the way Serena likes it.

  At the front of the line, Sasha Sunbeam is pleading with Ronan. "I want to fight."

  Ronan shakes his head, and behind him, Murphy does this same. "The king's orders were clear, no one in the Temporal Caste goes to The Dry."

  "But I wasn't even at the pairing," Sasha insists, a flash of red running through her bright orange scales. "I'm not with calfling—there is no reason to keep me back."

  Serena turns, looking at Kai.

  No one in the Temporal Caste? Surely they can't mean me, too.

  "Sorry, Sasha. Please move aside," says Murphy.

  Sasha turns away, almost running into Serena.

  "Oh, sorry," mumbles Sasha.

  Serena studies her closer—the maiden doesn't slouch with defeat, she is distracted and determined. When Sasha pauses, looking up at Serena, her whole face lightens, as though she's had another idea.

  "You," Ronan calls out.

  Serena turns as Sasha slinks away.

  He bends the crook of his finger, motioning for her to enter the armory. Kai and Serena squeeze past Murphy—it isn't crowded at all inside next to the fires.

  Ronan turns his gaze to Serena's trident. "It's been used."

  Serena looks at her weapon. She wipes smudges off one of the tips. "That is what it was made for, right?"

  Ronan grunts. "Let me at least sharpen it up for you."

  Serena hands it over and the sound of metal touching a whirring stone drowns out all chance of talk. Kai and Serena cast nervous glances at each other, but neither holds the gaze.

  Once Ronan finishes, he hands Serena back her weapon. "I have something else for you," he says. He retrieves an object at his workbench, then turns her around to place it in her quiver. "More arrows. These are stronger."

  "Thanks, Ronan."

  He moves in front of her, still holding one single arrow. It is smaller than the rest, and is made of a different material. It doesn't have as much give, and seems heavier.

  "It'll pierce deeper," says Ronan, handing it to her. "Can get up to halfway into werewolf hide."

  "Oh." Serena glances at Ronan. She reminds herself of all the battles fought ashore after the Maiden's Massacre, where they lost most of their male population. The expert with weapons that he is, Ronan must've been sent and it is a testament to his battle skills that he still with the Undine now.

  She begins to put the arrow in the quiver but he stops her.

  "Here," he says, pointing to a tab on the side of her breastplate. Farther down, there is another tab.

  She unsnaps them, placing the arrow inside. When she presses the tabs back down, they hold the arrow securely.

  "For emergencies," says Ronan, winking at her.

  "Thank you."

  Ronan grunts again and turns away. "The tridents will be finished by the time you go to The Dry," he tells Kai over his shoulder.

  Serena smiles as Ronan rejoins Murphy at the cave entrance. That is all the well-wishing she will get from Ronan—a wink, a grunt, and several sharp weapons.

  Turning her attention to Kai, she pulls him around the fire pit to the other side. Flames hide them from curious eyes peering in from the entrance to the armory.

  Kai turns to Serena. "Simone and I—"

  "Please, spare me the details," Serena interrupts, closing her eyes. She doesn't think she is strong enough to get rejected again—not by him. But when Serena opens her eyes, Kai is still in front of her waiting.

  "You will hear me out," Kai says, his voice turning to steel. "You have to know this before we all go to battle. Simone and I didn't complete the pairing."

  "What?" The statement catches her off guard. "Why not?"

  "I told her I wasn't ready. We didn't do anything, except leave. She was not happy about it."

  "Oh," Serena pulls her eyes from Kai and stares at the dying fire. She clutches a handful of Ronan's black powder and throws it over the pit. The blaze bursts out licking at Serena's scaled arms, then settles into a fierce burn.

  "She only agreed not to make a fuss if we carried the illusion that we paired," continues Kai. "I think she is worried about her reputation among her peers."

  Serena takes a deep breath, steeling herself for that penetrating gaze and turns back to Kai.

  "You really are waiting…for me?"

  "I said I would, didn't I?" Kai looks down, his voice going softer, and reaches for her hands.

  Without thinking Serena steps back. Her eyes hop from the fire, to Kai, and back to the fire again. Jittery fingers tap against the scales on her thighs; they need something to do. She throws another fistful of black powder on the fire. Flames lick the ceiling of the cavern. Out of distractions, Serena reaches back and pulls an arrow from her quiver. She runs the pad of her thumb over the sharp point. It is co
mforting to have something solid and real between her and Kai. He is pushing Serena into emotions she hasn't before come into.

  "Stop," says Kai, taking the arrow from her. "Stop acting as if you aren't a part of us. You have a place here. You have a place with me."

  He steps forward, wrapping his arm around Serena and pulling her close. Their breastplates crush against each other. Serena's heart is pounding so hard in her chest she is sure Kai can feel it through all of the armor.

  He slides her arrow back in her quiver, her body jolting as the arrow is sheathed. But Kai doesn't step away. Serena goes still, anchored within his arms. She tilts her chin up, and his eyes are on her.

  He waits…and I am ready.

  Rising up onto her tiptoes, her lips find his. She presses closer, wrapping one hand around the back of his neck. Fire spreads in her stomach, moving up to her chest, and it burns hotter than fire beside them. It burns better than the sun.

  Kai tastes of smoke and salt. Serena parts her lips, wanting more. He responds, wrapping his free hand around her waist, pressing her into him.

  Serena rises farther on her toes, drifting away like the smoke from the armory fire dissipating through cracks into the ceiling, past The Dry and up into the heavens. Kai places his hand on her cheek, embracing Serena and softly bringing her back to The Deep. She opens her eyes and smiles while their lips still touch.

  When they pull apart, Kai smiles back. "Worth it?" he asks.

  She blushes, biting her lip. It still tastes of him. "Undeniably," she answers.

  "Come on, we'd better get back to the Great Hall before they plan everything without us," Kai pulls her around the fire and pushes his way through the crowded entrance with Serena in tow.

  As they walk, Serena touches her lips with the tips of her fingers.


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