The Rising

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The Rising Page 44

by Terra Harmony

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  "Serena—Serena wake up!"

  Someone is pulling at Serena's fins. Serena blinks, rubbing her hands over scratchy eyes. For a moment, she expects the smell of seaweed soup to drift in from the kitchen, and mother Rayne to poke her head in Serena's sleeping cove.

  Serena opens her eyes to find Arista swimming back and forth in front of the ledge, agitated. Reality sets in, pressing down on Serena, weighing more than a thousand scrutinizing eyes.

  "The guards haven't been back yet," says Arista. "I mean, I can't say they are late, because I don't know. But it's been a long time, and it just feels wrong."

  "I know," says Serena, sitting up and swinging her legs into the water. "They are going to battle."

  Arista stops swimming, turning to stare. "With who?"

  "The werewolves," says Serena, glancing up at the only escape to the abyss. Poseidon is still there, standing guard.

  "That," says Arista. "Is a very bad idea."

  Serena snorts. "Tell me about it." She scoots off the ledge, dipping under the water then up again, fully awake. "Is there anything to eat in here?"

  "Cave sponges," says Arista. "They grow along the bottom of the pool."

  Serena's mouth turns down in distaste.

  Arista shrugs. "It's no salted kelp, but you get used to them. Besides, every now and then you get lucky and find one infested with worms."

  Serena puts the back of her hand to her mouth. Filleted salmon is starting to sound very good right about now.

  "You know what?" Arista says. "I'm going to find you a sponge right now. It'll be like a welcoming present."

  Serena nods, just so Arista won't mention the worms again. Once she dives under, Serena brings her hands to her temples.

  I have to get out of here.

  "Psst, Serena!" A voice calls down from the hole.

  Serena doesn't hesitate to swim over and look up. Light blonde hair hangs down from the hole, framing a familiar face.

  "Cordelia? What are you doing here?"

  "I brought her," Sasha appears in the hole next to Cordelia, her bright orange scales casting a sickly glow on Poseidon's expression. Sasha throws over a long strand of material strung together. Tassels hanging from the bottom skim the surface of the water.

  "The rug from your cave!" Serena exclaims, elation hitting her voice.

  "I know—mom is going to be so upset. Come on, can you climb up?"

  Serena grabs hold of the rug, then slips off.

  "Try again," encourages Cordelia.

  A second attempt is no more successful.

  "It's too slippery," says Serena.

  "Wrap it around your leg and we'll pull you up," hisses Sasha. She is getting impatient. They lower more of the makeshift rope into the abyss.

  Serena goes under, transforms from fins to legs and begins looping the rope around her leg in a spiral from thigh to ankle. She glances around the darkened water. Arista is nowhere to be found.

  Resurfacing, Serena shouts up. "Ready!"

  Cordelia nods, then their faces disappear momentarily. Serena puts one foot on top of the other, keeping pressure on the rope in between them. She is heaved up in one big jolt, then again. The smile on her face grows wider as the hole gets bigger.

  Suddenly, Serena is pulled back down. Her feet dip into the water. Glancing beneath her, she sees Arista latching onto the rope.

  "I'm going with you," Arista says.

  Serena shakes her head. "I don't think—"

  Arista pulls again, and Serena is face to face with her.

  Her eyes burn into Serena. "I go or no one goes."

  "Serena?" Sasha yells down. "What happened?" Faces peer out over the ledge. "Who is that?"

  Cordelia whispers to Sasha, and recognition dawns on her face. "Oh."

  "She's coming, too," Serena decides. "Can you pull us both up?"

  "I don't think that is such a good idea," says Cordelia.

  "She's in here for a crime similar to mine—and she's been down here," Serena glances at the tick marks on the wall, "a very long time. If I am afforded the opportunity to leave—she goes too."

  Arista meets Serena's eyes. Thank you, she mouths.

  Serena nods and looks back up. "We are running out of time!"

  The rope moves again, pulling both of them up. Water drips from their bodies as they are yanked higher and higher. Serena releases the rope with one of her hands, and grabs the ledge, pulling the rest of the way through on her own strength. Arista snakes out of the hold on the opposite side of the circle.

  Cordelia and Simone release the rope, breathing hard.

  "Thank you," says Serena. Looking from one to another. "But why are you helping me?"

  "I want to fight, too," says Sasha. "And I figure if I show up with the next heir—they can't deny me again."

  "I don't know," says Serena. "If something were to happen to you…"

  "Please?" asks Sasha. "Do this one thing for me. We can call it my Choosing gift."

  Understanding lights Serena's eyes. Sasha is calling in the favor she gave to Serena in the archives, when Sasha was willing to cover for her leaving under Ervin's guard.

  Not to mention she did just break me out of prison.

  "As you say," Serena sighs. She walks to the side of the cavern to pick up her armor and trident. She shrugs her armor back on, looking at Cordelia. "Will you be joining us, too?"

  "No," Cordelia shakes her head, glancing down at her feet, then at Sasha.

  Sasha gestures toward Serena. "Go on, tell her."

  "Tell me what?" Serena asks, tightening the straps on her breastplate and ensuring the special arrow Ronan gave her is still there.

  "I'm pregnant," blurts out Cordelia.

  Serena's mouth drops open. "Oh…"

  Cordelia blushes, her cheeks going the color of her scales. She rubs her elbow with one hand, looking away.

  "I mean." Serena licks her lips. "Congratulations?"

  "Thanks," Cordelia mumbles.

  Serena thinks of Cordelia singing to a swaddled doll.

  "How do you know that you are? I mean, isn't it too early to know?" Serena glances at Cordelia's midsection.

  "Hailey tested me. I'm the only one that tested positive." Cordelia gives a nervous laugh. "I think some of the other girls are relieved."

  Serena glances at Cordelia's midsection again. The deep burgundy color looks shinier than usual. She wonders if the calfling will don Cordelia's burgundy or Ervin's pale brown. Maybe it is bad luck to think of things like that.

  "This is what you wanted, right?" Serena asks.

  "All my life," says Cordelia. She smiles briefly and looks at the floor. "But…"

  Serena prods Cordelia. "But what?"

  Cordelia shrugs. "It's just…what if I can't give birth, because of the wolves?"

  The cavern goes quiet. Even Arista, who has so far been exploring the walls with her hands, stops to look at Cordelia, then Serena.

  "I need the beaches," says Cordelia. "I need my baby to be safe. And I think you have a better chance than any to make it happen." Cordelia tentatively steps forward, wraps her arms around Serena and squeezes tight.

  Serena stiffens in the hug, unsure of what to do. She would've never expected this display of affection from Cordelia, much less toward the outcast of Society. A second pair of arms wrap around Serena and Cordelia, and Serena looks up to find Arista joining in, a wide grin on her face.

  Clearing her throat, Serena shifts on her feet. The two maidens take the hint and release Serena.

  "Well, have fun with your battle," Arista tips her head at Serena. She looks at Cordelia, her eyes drifting down to her midsection. "And the baby."

  Cordelia put her hands over her stomach.

  "And thanks for the release. I'll see you maidens later." Arista heads toward the sloped spiral leading out. Her bioluminescent tresses are the only ones still glowing, highlighting paintings that watch as she leaves.

  "Should we stop h
er?" asks Sasha.

  Serena shakes her head. "No time for that. We need to get to the surface." The urgency to get to the battle overcomes an uneasy sense of foreboding.

  The last of the light disappears down the corridor, and the cavern goes dark. Poseidon's glowing eyes return, and Serena can swear he is frowning this time.

  "Oh, stop judging," she hisses at him.



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