Order of Truth

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Order of Truth Page 35

by Lisa Caviness

  “Lila.” Dirk nodded then slid off his hood.

  Lila shifted her gaze from Ivan to Cody. Before she could say anything else, she heard footsteps behind her. Reid, Adam, Justin, and Carson rushed to join them.

  “Are you both all right?” Reid said, hugging Lila and Cody.

  Lila turned to Carson who stood staring at Ivan. “I can’t believe this.”

  Ivan approached her. “Sloane.” He reached out to her, but she stepped back.

  “Dad? You’re alive. Where have you been all this time?” Carson’s pained expression tore at Lila’s heart.

  “I’m sorry, Sloane. It was imperative I handle things in the manner I did. I’m sorry I hurt you.” Ivan pulled Hilary close, holding her hand. “Please meet Hilary. She’s been by my side for years and integral to my survival. As well as Dirk,” Ivan added.

  “Dirk.” Carson pivoted toward him.

  “Hello, Sloane. It’s good to see you.” He stepped back against the house, standing rigid like the sentinel he’d always been.

  “It’s actually Carson, now.” She turned her attention back to Ivan.

  “I’m aware of your name change but you’ll always be Sloane to me.” Ivan nodded.

  “Hilary, you’ve lived here with Ivan all this time? Were you responsible for Jack’s death?” Lila gripped Cody’s hand as thousands of questions peppered her brain.

  Hilary shook her head. “Ivan and I have known each other for quite a while and were married about a year ago. We don’t always live here. As you know, I have active cases requiring my attention. I have a house in Dallas, and we have another in Switzerland.” She continued to hold Ivan’s hand. “Lance is guilty of Jack’s murder, in addition to others. Our firm represented him and then suppressed the evidence.”

  “You let Jack take the fall?” Heat crawled up Lila’s back. “Why didn’t you take the evidence to the authorities?”

  “I liked Jack. Had I known he had the evidence, I would have tried to keep him safe, but I didn’t know. Lance had a large criminal defense team. Not until Jack was murdered did I come to suspect that Steve had smuggled the evidence out of the firm.” She ran her fingers up and down Ivan’s back

  “But you were on Lance’s criminal team.” Lila looked at Hilary with fresh eyes. The hard as nails attorney now appeared like a schoolgirl enamored of her first crush.

  “I consulted on Lance’s defense team to monitor him. I, we”—she glanced at Ivan— “knew Lance would never be brought to justice. But we wanted the evidence so that we could, one day, expose him. After all, when he tried to kill Ivan…when he pushed him from that plane, he of course, became someone Ivan could no longer trust. When I discovered another set of those files were missing, I knew someone else in firm was either working with Lance and took the files as insurance or was working against Lance and had plans to disclose the evidence. Now, we know Steve evidently gave Jack the evidence with specific instructions to hide the documents. Apparently, Steve wanted the files in case he ever needed them but knowing Steve, he didn’t want to know where Jack hid them. He’s sort of an out-of-sight-out-of-mind kind of guy. But when Jack was killed, Steve knew he needed to find the evidence.”

  Lila emitted a loud sigh as she rubbed her forehead. “So much deception. Was Mr. Talcott part of the coverup?”

  Hilary nodded. “I’m aware of his death. With both Jack and Steve dead, Walt knew the heat would be on him.”

  Carson stepped forward, but Adam placed his hand on her arm. “How did you survive being pushed out of that airplane?” Carson asked.

  “I’ll get to that.”

  “Reid, you’re awfully quiet,” Ivan said.

  Reid swept a glance across the outdoor room. “Taking in the environment. I can’t decide if you’re full of shit or not.”

  Ivan reared back his head and laughed. “You are the ever-present surveyor.” Then his demeanor grew serious. “I’ve been faced with death. At that moment, I reevaluated my life and didn’t like what I saw.” He sighed. “I made some serious mistakes.” He paused and turned to Lila. “I’m very sorry about the way your life started and for the pain I caused you and those close to you. I’m not asking for forgiveness. I’m not sure I deserve that.” He stared over her head at the ocean waves crashing onto the rocky shore creating a frothy spray, then he faced Carson. “I haven’t been the best father to you. I’m sorry. The fact you had to flee and change your name… On one hand, you impressed me with your tenacity but on the other hand, I’m deeply saddened you had to make such a drastic decision.” Ivan turned his gaze to Adam. “So, this is the man who’s captured your heart.”

  “I know the sick things done in the name of The Order. You shouldn’t be allowed to see the light of day.” Adam’s eyes blazed.

  Justin stepped forward. “Many people have been killed and hurt. Do you believe saying sorry means you’re forgiven?”

  Ivan dipped his head. “I know it’s not so simple, Dr. Tanner.”

  Carson stared at her father. “Is this about revenge or to regain power?” She shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. You’re wasting your time. Father, I witnessed some of the atrocities you and others engaged in all in the name of The Order. You imprisoned Lila. And she was our blood.” She spoke as if she ingested something bitter, her blue eyes giving off an icy glare.

  Lila slid her hand toward Carson and her friend gripped it with gusto.

  “After the shooting broke out and Lila and Cody disappeared, we got a message requesting our presence. Why did you send for us, Ivan?” Reid asked. His lips flattened into a thin line, and he held his jaw was rigid.

  Ivan swallowed and tapped his fingers as if contemplating his next move. “I’ve been monitoring you all and the situation for some time. I expected some type of activity, but I must applaud your proactive response. Everyone deserves to see how this ends. I’ve gone through a transformation of sorts. I will agree that I was ruthless and evil. And Sloane, you are correct, power is a dangerous drug more addictive than any substance. The more you have, the more you want. Then I learned a truth which shook me to my core—my wife and my own son would kill for that power.”

  Lila shot Cody a worried glance. Events were happening so fast. She knew everyone was considering exit options. Dirk brought her in through the front, which contained a heavily fortified gate and what appeared to be an electrified fence. But if Ivan were to be believed, they had nothing to worry about. She didn’t trust him, and she suspected neither did any other Alliance member.

  “What about Morris Beak, Garvin Jennings, Willa Dickerson, and my mother? Do you realize they are all dead?” Cody held both arms at his sides, his hands curling in a fist.

  “Yes, I do. In the case of Willa Dickerson, her husband, Edgar, was part of my inner circle. I sent the directions to these individuals years ago to contact Lila when the time was right. I needed to heal from my injuries and wasn’t capable of dealing with any of this. Then as I got stronger, I became aware of Lance’s plan to acquire Veridian. I knew that if he got ahold of the mine as well, he’d be unstoppable.” Ivan settled in his chair, with the help of Hilary. “As far as your mother, Cody—I’m sorry. In the heat of battle, we must expect collateral damage. Same goes for the Caldwell family.”

  Lila stepped forward, her body shaking with rage. “Ms. Green and my family had nothing to do with this stupid fight. If you have any hope of gaining a sliver of respect or forgiveness, you could start by sounding like you give a damn.”

  Reid threw up his hands. “If your desire was to stop your son, then why not step out of the shadows, contact Carson or any of us, and let us know what Lance was up to?”

  “Would you have believed me? Would we have become allies? Besides, as silly as it sounds, I wanted to prove to myself that I was just as savvy as my father. He discounted me. Just as my sister tossed you aside, Reid.”

  “People are dead because you played another game, Father.” Carson said softly.

  “And I’m sorry. No one knew I was alive
. If my secret was exposed, then Lance would’ve kicked his plans into high gear. I wanted Hilary on the Stonegate board to monitor their progress.”

  “We know Lance killed Willa Dickerson and Beak committed suicide. Did Lance kill the Jennings’?” Adam pulled Carson close.

  “Lance knew there was another player. I had to remain dead. My son had feelers out on several people, including Beak, Jennings, and Dickerson to find the other puppet master. He killed the Jennings to send a message to the person pulling the strings—me.” Ivan leaned on his cane. Although his physical abilities appeared diminished, the ferocious determination in his eyes remained.

  “You’re Hugo Castille,” Lila said. The last puzzle piece clicked into place.

  He nodded.

  “Lance has a team working for him at Veridian” Ivan continued. “He had a taste of the power he’d have if he controlled Veridian.”

  Cody took a step forward. “The DDI. I was on that team.”

  Hilary nodded. “Many of the upper-level executives are Order members.”

  “What are you trying to prove, Ivan? You’re now one of the good guys?” Reid said.

  Dirk appeared once again. He moved with the stealth of a jaguar on the hunt then whispered something to Ivan. After a nod from his boss, he retreated.

  Ivan stood. “I have another guest.”

  Chapter 54

  A familiar voice boomed through the house seconds before its owner stepped on to the patio.

  Lila jumped up and ran toward Lance standing at the door in his usual smug manner. She reared back and walloped his nose. “Where’s my family, you bastard?”

  Cody charged after Lila. If anyone laid a hand on her…

  Lance took a knee as blood spurted from his nose. “Bitch!” He rose and reached for Lila, but Cody’s fist met the side of his face.

  “What the hell?” Lance glared at the scene, dabbing at the blood pouring from his nose.

  Ivan stood. “Hello, Lance.”

  Lance’s eyes widened. “How can you be alive?” He stood and stepped closer to his father, confusion clouding his eyes before he stiffened. “Whoever you are, I want my wife and child returned to me now. I came alone as requested by a man named Hugo Castille who indicated my wife and son had been taken. If I don’t see Delphine and my son immediately, I will rain down my wrath like you’ve never seen.” Lance lifted his head as if to show he maintained control.

  Ivan shook his head. “You and your mother thought you killed me. I am very much alive and have been living under the name Hugo Castille. You see, I discovered your plan to kill me months prior. I got notice that my will had been altered when I hadn’t made any changes. I knew then what you were planning.” He picked up a set of papers from the table and waved them. “This is my current will. I have evidence that you committed fraud to change my will making you the sole beneficiary.”

  Lance laughed bitterly. “You are considered dead. You have no power, and you’ll be looking at your own fraud charges. I’ll make sure.”

  “I made you believe that all those papers were legitimate, even my death certificate. You aren’t the only one who can manipulate a situation.”

  Lance glanced at the group. “I suppose you’re all are in on this?”

  Reid shook his head. “Nope. We’re just as surprised as you.”

  “I knew you tried to kill our father,” Carson shot daggers at Lance.

  “Who the hell cares what you think, Sloane? I suppose you believe that when our old man actually does kick the bucket, you and your buddies here will get everything.”

  Sloane shrugged. “I really don’t care what’s in his will. I don’t want anything to do with him or the money.”

  Reid moved toward the door. “Lance you have a chance to do something right for once. Call off the dogs and tells us where the Caldwells are.”

  Lance whipped his head toward Reid. “Your media blitz didn’t work. You’ll never get your family back, Lila.” He turned back to Ivan. “Now, give me my wife and child.”

  Delphine stepped through another door followed by Marissa, Holly, Justin, and Bobsled. She held the baby as she eyed Lance. “Hello.”

  “Finally. Let’s go, Delphine.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” She held her head high. “I know you were going to kill me and take the baby.”

  Lance stalked closer to Delphine and pointed. “You know nothing. How the hell are you going to listen to this man? He probably has brain damage after he fell out of an airplane.”

  “Correction, I was pushed out of an airplane. But I’d prepared. My men were following in another plane. When you tossed me to my death, one of my men with a parachute picked me up. Very risky move but it worked.” Ivan smiled. “I went back to Europe for a while, then I built this place.”

  “I want my son,” Lance almost spat the words.

  Delphine jumped back and smiled. She shot a glance toward Holly and Marissa as if drawing strength from them before turning back to Lance. “You’ll get nothing. This baby isn’t yours.”

  “What the hell are you talking about, Delphine?” Lance’s always pristine hair hung limp, as if his hair follicles, like his power, had also been weakened.

  “Say hello to your brother.” Delphine flashed a satisfied grin.

  Ivan puffed out his chest. “With the blessing of my wife, I impregnated Delphine. We were blessed to create a beautiful son. My son.”

  Lance lunged toward Ivan.

  Hilary screamed as the two men tumbled over one another.

  Groans erupted from Ivan as he fell to the ground with Lance on top of him.

  Dirk rushed to Ivan’s side and lifted Lance up, tossing him aside as if he were a toy.

  Lance popped up, his eyes full of rage. “I’ll kill you. You won’t survive this time! I’m the Grand Commander. You were weak.”

  “I outsmarted you and lived. Who’s the weak one?” Ivan struggled to stand before holding out his hand. “But you’re my first born. I will have mercy.”

  Lance stared at his father’s outstretched hand. “I am on the pinnacle of power and wealth and you want me to concede to you?”

  “Let’s end our family feud. I’m sorry, son.”

  “I learned from Russell. Only a weak man apologizes.” He curled his lips and spat at Ivan’s feet. “Your weakness disgusts me.”

  Sloane stood next to her father. “For the sake of this innocent baby. Don’t let him grow up in this hatred. Tell us where Lila’s family is.”

  Lance laughed with a bitter tone. “You both are fools. Mother was right. I deserved to be Grand Commander. I can’t believe I share DNA with you.” Lance charged toward Lila, grabbing her around the neck and jamming a knife at her throat. He pulled her past the pool toward the cliff’s edge.

  Marissa pulled Delphine back. “Take the baby and get inside.”

  “If she takes another step, I’ll slit Lila’s throat.”

  Delphine’s eyes widened. “Lance!”

  With his heart lodged in his throat, Cody raced toward Lila. “Let her go!” He had no doubt Lance would kill her. Cody stepped in front of Reid, Adam, Justin, and Bobsled who’d followed him.

  “Don’t be a hero. I will kill her.” Lance tightened his grip on Lila. Then he smiled. “Just like I killed your mother. It was so easy. You know better than anyone what you can learn when you dive into someone’s history.”

  Cody’s heart tumbled in his chest as rage rose. “You won’t get away with this.”

  “Looks like I already have.” Lance pulled Lila farther away from them, past the pool and into the grassy area about fifty yards from the ledge. A small wooden fence stood as a paltry barrier to the rocky shore below.

  “Killing Lila will serve no purpose,” Ivan said, still rooted to his spot.

  Lila grimaced as the knife lay parallel to her neck.

  Cody met her gaze. Despite her situation, Lila appeared calm. With her hands on Lance’s arm, she moved to widen her stance.

  Lance shift
ed the knife. “Be still or I will cut you.”

  She was getting in position. Cody needed to give her the chance to pull out Lance’s grip and throw Lance off balance. Reid inched up behind him. They only needed a second but so did Lance.

  Carson stared from Lila to her brother then stepped several feet to the side of her brother. “Lance, the authorities will be here any minute. Let Lila go, and we can talk.”

  From the corner of Cody’s eye, he saw Dirk draw out his weapon. Dirk couldn’t get off a shot without hitting Lila or Ivan. He was in a better position to hit Lance.

  “Don’t come any closer, Sloane!” Sweat poured down Lance’s face. He emitted a maniacal chuckle. “You didn’t want to talk before. You took off. Our mother died of a broken heart after you rejected her.”

  “She died trying to protect you. I left to survive. To have a life,” Carson said.

  “You killed her! You killed my mother with your desire to bring me down.” Spittle flew from his mouth. “Lila and this so-called Alliance have been on a mission to topple me. If I have to kill each of you one by one, I will. I saw you, Sloane, on the television spewing lies.”

  “Let’s talk now.” Carson maintained Lance’s focus on her.

  In the split second, Lance’s gaze shifted, Reid slapped a gun into Cody’s hand. The cold steel gave him hope he could save Lila.

  “No! You left and didn’t want to talk, so why should we now?” Lance turned the knife and with the tip drew blood on Lila’s neck.

  Lila winced but didn’t move.

  They were standing uncomfortably close to the ledge, a couple hundred feet from the bottom of the waterfall. A fall wouldn’t be survivable.

  Once a well-put-together, smooth-as-ice person, Lance had dissolved into an out-of-control maniac with a knife.

  Carson held her hands out. “I’m sorry about Mother.”

  “Listen to your sister, son. All the power and money in the world won’t bring your mother back.” Ivan leaned on his cane.

  Cody stared at Lila. With her eyes, she signaled to the left. Cody tensed. They had no other choice. He gave her a slight nod. He’d prefer to use his hands and go to work on this dude. All he needed was five minutes. Instead, he chose his target and waited for Lila to act.


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