Rise of Prophecy

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Rise of Prophecy Page 1

by Abdur Mohammed

  The Anuk chronicles

  Vol I

  Rise of


  Abdur R. Mohammed

  Rise of Prophecy© 2018 by Abdur R. Mohammed. All Rights Reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  Cover designed by Abdur R. Mohammed

  Images courtesy Stefan Keller, Pixabay, & adobespark

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Abdur R. Mohammed

  Visit my website at www.theanukchronicles.com

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing: January 2019


  ISBN 13: 978-1-7324-7533-5


  “To the One True Master of the Universe”


  To the following for their inspirational work:

  Dr. Ken Atchity, Dr. Robert Sepehr, Erik Von Daniken, Andrew Collins, Brien Foerster, Dr. Robert Schoch, Graham Hancock, Robert Buval, Alicia Lindsey, and everyone who challenges the contemporary view of history.

  To: Caroline Cardinale for her support throughout this journey.

  Chapter 1: After the Beginning

  Far into antiquity when the world was young, it came. Out in the blackness of space an intruder approaches. The wondrous craft lumbers into high orbit, swimming along the sweet caress of gravity, skirting the edge of the warm planet. There is tremendous damage on the outer hull; scorching around other signs of a battle long past.


  "After the beginning when the world was cooled, tribes of man roamed the planet."

  The spacecraft stops like a giant whale about to sing; the behemoth drops its nose towards the southern continent. Seven smaller crafts detach from the aft section. They fly off towards the Northern continents. The mother-ship slowly descends to the green land at the bottom of the globe.


  "The visitors fell from the sky in dragons, full of heat and thunder."

  In a dense forest somewhere in the northern continent, the sun is in its retreat from the day. A primitive family gets ready for the evening routine when suddenly, a sonic "Boom" fills the sky. A small spec with trailing smoke becomes apparent, gradually increasing in size; it heads towards the forest.

  One craft the size of a small field begins to settle on the forest floor. Afterburners blast trees off to the side, and animals scamper off in fear; only two primitive youths brave the unknown. One adolescent girl and boy sneak closer for a better look, silently observing the chaos.

  Steam billows from the craft's underside. The thick smog dissipates to reveal a large ramp dropping to the ground. Several humans emerge from the ship. They look like us, but taller, the primitive boy thinks. They wear strange dark blue apparel, reflecting the fading sunlight. They survey the area with unfamiliar things that light in their hands. Are they benevolent, or malevolent?

  The youths observe quietly. They spot two children running down the ramp, laughing as they chase a small animal.

  The locals make their presence known by cautiously revealing themselves. The foreign children run up to them, smiling at the prospect of new friends.


  "Our brothers from the stars welcomed us into their tribe, and we welcomed them."


  It is the beginning of autumn. Lush vegetation welcomes the brilliant hues of the season. A thick tree line peeks out at the village.

  Children run around primitive huts, playing with wooden sticks as children do, swashbuckling, pirating. The smaller children giggle as they chase the taller ones, the visitors who are called human. They all end up at the center of a massive construction.

  Small crude machines jump about on the muddy ground, hissing, grunting, spitting out plumes of smoke. Tubes weave around the area like the bodies of giant snakes, ending at a tan colored formation that’s larger than all the huts in the village.

  The structure is not like one ever built. The outer surface is made of a solid mixture of rock with sand melted to a liquid pulp, then poured over frames of metal. The humans say, "Anything can be fashioned from melted stone."

  A full path leads up to a structure they carved into the rock wall itself. The locals talk about the night the humans started throwing light from their sticks; magic light, it cut through the mountain like a reed cutting through the water.


  "We taught them the names of the beasts."

  A human stands with a man in front of the local storehouse made of stone. They look up at the towering two-level structure. Here the village keeps a large number of meats, fruits, vegetables, and ale. Oh, how everyone loves the ale.

  The human picks up a small box from a trailer behind them. Instantly, blue light envelopes a carcass on the bed. Like magic it slowly rises, gliding in the air straight into an open doorway.


  "They taught us the names of the stars."

  Night graces the village. The lake water is calm. A cold breeze blows, causing the human sitting with a woman on a rock to bundle up. He points to a corner of the star-filled sky, calling out strange names in a story. The woman weeps as the tale saddens her heart.


  A massive waterfall roars in the background, throwing out water into a large pool. A temple is embedded in the mountain, shining with the morning light. A rainbow appears.


  "We pledged our lives to the Royal house of ENlil. In return, they raised us out of darkness; they called us, Human."


  It is the first year in the age of Virgo. Many lifetimes have passed since the strangers first arrived. Far in the Northern continent, they established the royal court of the Anuk. It was here that the seat of power existed, with all reverence directed to their land called Hyperboria.

  Other houses belonging to ENlil created a great civilization towards the eastern part of the world; they called it Aryavan. Although loyal to ENlil, their culture became distinct over time. They indulged in many taboos such as breeding freely with man.

  The lands of Illyria flowed from Hyperboria in the north across to Aryavan in the east. There the royal cousins set up principalities, engaging in trade with the other civilizations. They all lived in harmony until the brother house of ENlil, house ENki, was granted a burgeoning civilization to the south. Commonly referred to as the underworld, house ENki called it pTah, eventually changing the name to Egypt.

  Persephone was the firstborn of the great Anuk King Shuru of ENlil. She married Osiris, the King of Egypt in secret, angering many royals in Hyperboria. Blood oaths were sworn against Osiris, resulting in the assassination of King Shuru. This unforgivable act sparked a global conflict.

  Osiris was murdered soon after, leaving the new queen to fend off an offensive from the North. Sophisticated weapons from a Citadel in Hyperboria launched weapons at Persephone's allies in Aryavan. An attack was made on the rich southern continent. The ancient craft which first brought the Anuk lay hidden there in the forbidden land of Lumeria.

  In the vessel, weapons and technology exist beyond any currently in the world. The ship's exact location was known only by the original seven Anuk. They retreated there at the end of their cycle of several thousand years. Only
one pure blood Anuk from amongst the houses knew of the forefathers' location, ‘The keeper of forbidden knowledge.’

  Today, the keeper rushes to find refuge with his beloved queen, to bring her hope. The plains of Giza appear welcoming, but he has seen the might of the approaching forces. He knows their true intentions; he knows what they want.


  An elegant temple sits in the shadow of the Great Pyramid. It is not as ancient but old enough to show years of weathering. Moss creeps through the stone tiles covering the walls with green. Just outside a magnificent monument in the shape of a lion stares out at the horizon. A massive river runs nearby.

  Persephone sits in solitude in her private chamber, hunched over a small console. The escape from royal duties allows her to mourn her husband. Long flowing blonde hair, six-feet tall with a slim, elegant stature, piercing blue eyes; able to fight off a horde of Illyrian savages while still in a princess dress. She is still the envy of all the houses.

  She looks at a bowl of exotic fruit. It just sits there waiting to be pushed off the ledge. It's just so easy, do it, she thinks. Her better sense prevents her from throwing a tantrum. She has been known to have quite a few; the Anuk were notorious for their tempers.

  Her console begins to make rhythmic beeping sounds. She looks expectantly at the screen as information appears. Her face instantly becomes a mask of worry.

  The high ceiling above her head brightens as a floating light-pod enters. The now worried but angry princess grabs the bowl, immediately launching it at the artificial creature. The dish connects with the device sending it crashing to the floor. The rash behavior does nothing to appease Persephone; she is still angry. Her chamber doors open revealing Thoth.

  Tall and powerful in stature, Thoth is an Anuk to behold. His dark skin glistens from the long journey in the sun. His long wavy hair is pulled back into a tight ponytail. His sandals match gold on emerald-green clothing. He stands over six-feet-four-inches, with two hundred pounds of muscle.

  Born to the house ENki, he is the last of this royal dynasty. He appears menacing to his enemies but is a kind, gentle human. Although adopting her husband’s house as her own, Persephone is still of house ENlil; this does not devalue the love he has for his queen.

  He walks briskly along the polished floors heading to his cousin. She is calm now, only watching the destruction brought on to the bowl. She decides to share her news before receiving Thoth’s.

  "The eastern settlements are destroyed,” she explains angrily, “transformed to scorched sand. Those were innocent people.”

  "That's not all,” Thoth informs her. “The Southern continent is frozen. Hyperboria’s preemptive strike; Lumeria is under miles of ice."

  There is a grave concern in Persephone’s voice, "The forefathers, are they alive?"

  "They are safe, still sleeping in the complex. They won't be for long if this onslaught continues."

  "Surely, they won't dare kill the forefathers." A sudden chill overcomes the queen.

  "Won't they? What better way to prevent judgment day?" Thoth sits next to Persephone, resting his large hand on her slender shoulder. Her stoic demeanor melts into one of sadness. She rests her head on him.

  "Is this the end? Are we going to be the last of our house?" she asks full of sadness.

  A glimmer of hope shines in Thoth's eyes. He looks at Persephone, trying to share through his expression that they will survive.

  "We must go to Lumeria,” he suggests, “from there we can end this conflict." His confident demeanor does not influence Persephone. If anything, her hopeless tone indicates this.

  "Virgo ends in three thousand years. That's a long time before the awakening, before the forefathers can help."

  Thoth decides that he will not let her mood sway his determination. “We can't trust or wait for the forefathers. We must do it ourselves."

  "And what prevents them from finding us? Shall we trade a grave for a tomb?" she protests. Thoth smiles; there will be no convincing him they are on a foolish errand.

  "I am still the keeper of forbidden knowledge. I have corrupted all routes through the network. They can try to find us, but not before we destroy them."

  Persephone acts stern, although somewhere in the despair of her soul, she knows he speaks the truth. She tries one more attempt to plead with him. "Destroy them? They are our family, our blood."

  "And when they kill us who remains from house ENki? Shall we leave the murderous line of ENlil to reign?"

  There is no defeating Thoth's argument. Persephone resigns herself to accept it. She becomes curious as Thoth removes a small amulet around his neck.

  About a third the size of a palm, it is made of gold and silver, cased in a grey colored ore, it falls apart in his hand. It is now three pieces; engraved symbols can be seen on the insides glowing brightly, and then quickly fading.

  "I created this key at the Citadel," Thoth explains.

  "To what?" she asks.

  "The sanctuary complex," he explains while putting the two larger pieces together; he then holds up the third. It is similar to a cartouche, with sacred Anuk symbols still glowing brightly, adorning the surface.

  "This is the heart. It powers the key. Together it gives us full control of the complex. Weapons of old and the ability to take the long sleep.”

  Persephone has to protest. The thought of joining the Forefathers scares her. What happens when they wake and find us? What will they do?

  "That is forbidden. Only the forefathers can sleep," she reminds him.

  "I am not suggesting that we must, only that we shall, if events prove to not be in our favor."

  A brief silence passes. Persephone stands. A sudden ache in her stomach causes her hand to grasp the slight bulge. She heads over to a counter near a corner; an empty bag sits undisturbed with miscellaneous articles deemed necessary for any journey.

  Amongst some clothing in a drawer lies a stuffed toy bunny; a childhood toy dressed in a white coat. Persephone holds it close as if she were a small child once more. She tosses it into the bag; it falls on top three leather-bound books.

  On a wall, she touches a symbol. A drawer extends revealing several sacred metallic objects. Amongst them is a small red gem. She carefully picks it up, kisses it before placing it in the bag.

  Suddenly, the doors burst open. A royal servant hastily enters. Sweat falls from his face. He is out of breath, trying to regain his composure.

  "Your majesty,” the short elder man starts, “Hyperborian forces have entered the perimeter. Two armed ships in the river, twenty more in the air."

  Panic sets in with the queen, "Get everyone out. Flee to safety, hurry!" She looks at her devoted servant, regarding the man who took care of her since birth. “My heart is with you…go now, may God watch over and protect you.”

  The servant bows reverently. Before he retreats, he looks at his queen one last time. His expression is one of pure love. It breaks Persephone's heart.

  The man runs off. With haste, Persephone begins filling her bag. "Our family is intent on destroying us and now, themselves. They forget, man cannot rule man."

  "Your husband believed they could. That's why they killed him. Hurry, we must leave,” Thoth insists.

  At that moment when the bombardment started, when the temple walls shook, the queen made up her mind, my enemies have to die. Maybe the time of the Anuk is over.

  Small pebbles begin to fall from the ceiling. The pair quickly makes their way out.


  The tomb is deep underground. Dark, damp, with artificial light emanating from pods secured into the rock. A robust grey platform is in the center. Four feet wide granite forms a catwalk-like perimeter around a moat. In the middle, another grey platform sits with a cavity filled with blue water. Four obelisks stand tall at each corner, with Anuk symbols carved into them. At the top, the capstones are polished to a smooth white finish.

  Muffled explosions vibrate through the rock. They a
re coming from the surface. With no apparent way into the chamber, the enemy soldiers are attempting to blast their way through.

  A nearby arch cut into the earth begins to glow blue. The light reveals a smooth depression cut into the surface. It goes some four feet into the wall, standing eight feet high. A flash of light brightens the space. In an instant, Persephone appears with Thoth.

  They quickly jump on to the platform, trying not to fall into the six-foot-wide moat. The queen opens a compartment in one of the obelisks. She finds a box with a pair of pistols. Never thought I would have to use these so soon, she thinks to herself. It was not but two weeks ago that she hid the weapons there.

  "How long before they find us, you think?" She asks Thoth.

  Thoth holds out his hand. He appears calm, yet he is panicking inside. "Any moment now. The gem."

  He takes the gem from Persephone. She passes him a pistol as well. He examines the items. Satisfied, he jumps high into the air, landing across the moat. Persephone does the same. "This will take a moment," he informs her.

  Blue light begins to course through the symbols on the obelisks. A low hum starts, adding bass to the explosions above. Blue light emanates from the capstones, pulsating like lightning bolts. In a dazzling display of lights, they connect.

  "Hurry!" Persephone screams. She drops to her knees, grabbing her stomach. She cries out with the momentary pain.

  Thoth does his best to manipulate symbols which materialized in the air. A sarcophagus rises in the center cavity, pushing the blue water on to the granite floor.

  "Remember, as soon as you arrive put the key in the main console,” he reminds her. “The countermeasures are pre-programmed; it is all automated after that."

  Explosions grow louder. Rubble falls from the ceiling. A far wall explodes revealing enemy intruders wearing the colors of house ENlil. They brandish their weapons as they climb through a small hole.


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