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Taken by Temptation: Rage Ryders MC

Page 9

by Liberty Parker

  Right now, he has more protection and getting to him is like getting through Fort Knox. Impossible, but we’ll bide some time and make it happen. Not too much time, but we have a plan in play and he won’t be so protected forever. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and when I see who’s calling I can’t believe my eyes…Sniper, what the fuck is he doing calling me? No one has really heard from or talked to him since King died. Knowing he wouldn’t be calling me unless it’s important, I answer.

  “Yo, Sniper what’s up?”

  “I have information you need.”

  “Yeah, what’s that?”

  “I have some inside information on one Johnny Valdez that I think may be of an interest to you and the boys.”

  Hearing this I’m on alert, whatever information he has is solid and good, otherwise he wouldn’t be calling me. “Good shit?” I ask.

  “Top notch. I’m coming in to talk to you boys, I’ll be there in the next twenty-four hours or so. Do me a favor, Wasp isn’t answering my calls, let him know would ya?”

  “Absolutely, see you soon brother.” And the call is disconnected. Doesn’t surprise me, he’s never been a phone type of guy, he likes everything done face to face. Scrolling through my contacts I grab Wasp’s number and hit the button to place my call. He answers on the second ring, “What have you got for me?” No hello, straight to the point as ever.

  “Just had an interesting phone call,” I tell him.

  “Lay it on me.” He doesn’t even ask who from, I’m sure he has his suspicions since Sniper informed me he tried to get ahold of Wasp already.

  “Sniper has some inside information he feels is important to us, will be here in the next day.”

  “I’ll let the brothers know to be on standby for a mandatory meeting as soon as he shows. Stay safe out there, stay sunny side up,” he says to me before disconnecting the call. We have one meeting scheduled for today and then I’m heading home to spend some much needed time with my sweet cheeks. She and I both need some quality time with each other, talking and making up for lost time. Hopefully, I’ll also be getting my dick some much needed stress relief while I’m at it.

  Chapter 24


  Picking up my phone I decide I want to get in touch with my cousin Skylar. She answers quickly which surprises me, I kind of thought I’d have to leave a message since she’s also been busy with school.

  “Hey chick! How’s it going?”

  “Hey Sky, I miss you so much!”

  “I know, the girls and I were talking last night about how much we miss you too. Tell me, has the clubhouse fallen apart yet? Are the guys treating you good?”

  “The clubhouse is fine, these guys are pigs though, I find something new and disgusting every day when I clean. It’s like living in a frat house, from what I’ve heard. I found a condom the other day still covered in chocolate syrup. I’ll tell you, I don’t even want to know what happens to a woman’s hoo-ha when chocolate enters the picture!” I say in disgust which causes Skylar to let out a laugh.

  I continue, telling her, “I don’t see the guys much these days though, they’re out every day trying to track down information on someone from my past. Someone my parents were in cahoots with. I’m not sure exactly what kind of business they were all involved with, but he’s not a good guy and I’m really upset that’s he’s made an appearance back into my life.”

  “Do you want to tell me about him? I’m a good listener, cousin. I give damn good advice too if I say so myself.” She chuckles at the last part of her statement.

  “I’ll tell you about him later, I really don’t want to think about him right now. I’ve made a new friend though, someone you know who’s made a reappearance at the clubhouse.”

  “Oh yeah, do tell?”

  “Justice is back.”

  “What! And nobody told me, that’s some bullshit right there. I grew up around him, he’s family. How is he doing? You know he was hurt when we rescued you and Lil’ bit…right?”

  “I know, and I thought for sure he’d hate me or treat me like the redheaded step child, but he hasn’t. He’s actually been wonderful and when he’s around he talks to me. Wanting to get to know me and vice versa. I think he could turn out to be a good friend for me.”

  “Nobody blames you for the deeds of your parents,” she tells me, “You do understand that don’t you? You were, and are as innocent in all of this as Lil’ bit and Kori are. We can’t always carry the burdens of our parents…just ask Ryder, he’s carrying around guilt for his dad’s departure and what he views as betrayal to his brothers.”

  “I don’t think Ryder’s dad was trying to hurt his brothers though, Sky. I think his grief and guilt have gotten the best of him. From the history of them that I’ve been told they were as close as blood brothers. It must be hard for him losing the one constant person that’s been a part of his life for as many years as they were.”

  “I agree with you,” she tells me, “However, the code of the brotherhood sees it as betrayal for not standing next to them. You don’t abandon your brothers in time of need or grief, you stand next to each other and hold each other up. Otherwise the brotherhood is nothing. Without it, these guys world would cease to exist and everything they stand for goes out the window. Am I making sense to you? I’m not sure if my explanation is doing it justice.”

  “I get what you’re saying, and I understand it. I just feel bad for all of them, losing one was bad enough, but they’ve lost two of their leaders, and Wasp and Tic are doing good from what I see and hear. Everyone seems to be adjusting to the roles they now play in the club. How about on your end? Everyone adjusting to their new life well?”

  “We’re all settling in alright, we now are in with another club that has a war brewing on drugs that the guys are helping out with. We’re all on lockdown which makes life hell sometimes, but it’s something we’re all used to and are dealing with.”

  “Is everything alright, are you all in trouble?” I ask her worriedly.

  “We’re all holding up good, drugs are something the guys are against and since it’s trickling its way toward us, it’s something we are willing to help with. Anything to keep out drugs in a place we’re making a home. No one wants the kids to grow up with that shit.”

  Right as she says that Brady comes in the door. I’m excited to see him so early that I nearly hang up on Sky.

  “Hey cuz, my man just walked through the door, do you mind if I call you back later?”

  “Absolutely, go enjoy time with your man and I’ll talk to you later.”

  As we hang up I look up at Brady and I see a predatory look in his eyes, a look that I know I’ll be enjoying the receiving end of. Suddenly my panties are wet and I can’t wait to become his meal.

  “I need you, sweet cheeks.”

  “Take me then,” I tell him in reply.

  Chapter 25


  I wake up the next morning, and as I begin to move around I feel the delicious soreness that was a gift from Brady. I can’t believe the way he took me over and over again last night before succumbing to sleep. I stretch out expecting the space next to mine to be empty, imagine my surprise as I encounter a body next to me. Almost in shock I jump out of bed fearing who could be next to me. It’s been nearly a month since I’ve woken up with Brady next to me. Good thing I didn’t scream like a banshee because it is my man in bed. I place my hand over my heart in an attempt to slow its pace.

  Closing my eyes, I count to ten in hopes that it will slow my adrenaline down and Brady won’t wake up thinking I’ve lost my mind. Opening my eyes up I am staring straight into his. He smiles at me and my world stops spinning, he takes my breath away when he smiles at me like that. Like no other before him.

  “Morning, sweet cheeks, you look as beautiful as ever this morning.”

  “Thank you. I wasn’t expecting you to still be here when I woke up this morning.”

  “We have a visitor coming in this evening with some i
nformation for us. I decided to give myself the day off and spend it with my girl.”

  “Is that right?” I ask him.

  “Yep,” he says popping his P.

  “What exactly do you have planned for us on this fine day?”

  “Nothing exciting, I thought we’d wake up, take a shower, eat some breakfast and hang out in my room together. Just you and me all day long, doing absolutely nothing.”

  “That sounds wonderful,” I tell him getting excited to spend the day with him.

  “Let’s not let our day get wasted then…to the shower my dear.” I giggle at him and run towards the bathroom knowing that he’ll follow me there.


  I’ve had one of the best days of my life. We took a shower, soaped each other up, and had an erotic-filled shower. We got dressed, had breakfast with my brothers, bullshitted with them for an hour or so and then went back to the bedroom. We cuddled, talked and watched a couple of movies. I even let her pick a chick flick for one of them. Why women want to watch a movie that makes them cry, I’ll never understand, but I took it in stride, held my tongue and just held her through it. Then feeling like I was losing my dick I had to fuck her to remind myself that I indeed still had a cock and a vagina hadn’t grown in its place.

  I told her how Sniper would be by later with important information regarding the motherfucker I plan on putting out of our misery and his own. I’m having a vivid imagination to ways I’d like to see him pay for his sins against humanity and my family. I imagine myself ripping his balls off his body for selling women, children and men into brutal slavery, whether it be for sex or torture, the fucker deserves to bleed out. I see myself ripping his fingers off one by one while he howls in pain. Cutting his dick off and gluing the cut shut, so he doesn’t die from that too quickly.

  Bristol’s voice brings me back to reality as I realize she’s speaking to me.

  “Do you think we’ll have another day like today soon, Brady?”

  “I’m not sure, sweet cheeks, we’re going to have to take it day by day for now. That’s not saying that I’ll do everything in my power to give you another one as soon as I possibly can.”

  “I know you’re doing everything in your power to end this situation. And I’m so very thankful to you and the guys for doing that. I just wish it would be over so we can go back to the way things were before... before he came into our lives and tore us from our daily lives, spending time together. I miss you.”

  “I miss you too, sweet cheeks. More than you realize, but you’re on my mind every single minute of every day that I’m away from you. I promise things will get back to normal soon. We just need a little more time.” Getting a notification alert on my phone I pull it up and see it’s from Tic. Sniper has arrived and we’re needing for our meeting in five minutes.

  “I gotta go, Sniper’s here. I’ll come back as soon as the meeting’s over. Why don’t you stay here and relax? Take a bath or watch another movie.” She yawns and replies that she’ll do that as I get out of bed and get dressed. God, I love this woman…is it too early to tell her yet? Unsure of myself, I walk out the door questioning if I should’ve told her.

  Chapter 26


  We haven’t called the boys home because they’re wrapped up in their own shit right now assisting another friendly MC. We don’t know them well, but Wasp does and that’s good enough for us. He trusts them, so we have his back in this situation. Keeping drugs out of Templeton’s territory is important to the future of that club. Hopefully, we don’t have to go in and assist since we have our own shit storm brewing here. Plus, Ryder would lose his shit if he came face-to-face with his old man. He’s so full of anger when it comes to Sniper I’m not sure things will ever be the same again with father and son. Don’t even get me started with Sniper’s relationship with his daughters, Kaci and Kassi. That situation was already fucked up.

  He sent them away to boarding schools instead of being the father they so desperately wanted growing up. He hardly let them home for holidays and kept them as far away from the club as he possibly could. Those girls now despise their dad, and with good reason. He wasn’t even there when Kassi was hurt and Kaci gave birth to his grandson. Travler and Malibu would love to have his head for that alone. Seeing Sniper sitting at a chair at our table isn’t going over well with my brothers. He may not have been a rat, but he was a traitor to the code nevertheless.

  We needed him, we needed his guidance after King was murdered. But he flew away like a wounded bird, and we all lost any respect for him that we had. I don’t care that he was one of the founders of our club. I don’t care that he was our VP since the day I started. I don’t care that it was my job to protect his life. He’s a coward in my eyes, and the only reason I’m allowing him to sit in here is because he may or may not have information we need to protect the club and our families. Fuck. Him.

  None of us have any control over the death stares we are sending him. We know there’s a reason he’s here and we’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. Nothing more, nothing less. He’s lucky he’s getting the honor of sitting in a room with us at all. It’s more than he deserves, he will never be welcomed back into the fold. Once you lose the trust of your brothers, the life as you know it is over. He will never wear the Rage Ryders patch again. Trust in this life is not just a necessary thing, it’s a needed thing. I for one have no trust in him, I just hope he doesn’t let us down, once again.

  Wasp brings the meeting to order. “We called this emergency meeting after Ghost received a phone call from Sniper. He claims he has important information regarding the situation we find ourselves in thanks to Cordozo and his merry band of misfits. I know most of you have a few things you’d like to say to him—however I’m giving an order to hold your tongues until we can figure out what’s going on. Understood?”

  Everyone responds with either a nod or a yea. We know this situation is dire, which is the only reason I’m sure the boys are willing to hold their tongues. Bristol is one of ours and if keeping our mouths shut means getting intel we so desperately need, we’ll do what needs to be done. Not happily, but we’ll oblige. For now. Justice gives me a look, letting me know he wants to talk once this is all over. He hasn’t been around for the full jist of what exactly has gone on and most likely wants some holes filled. We’ve known and worked side by side for so long, I know what every signal is he gives and what every look he has means.

  “Alright Sniper, tell us what you’ve got,” Tic says.

  “One of my old informants gave me a call the other day. He’s high up in the ranks in Valdez’s organization. He’s heard we’re willing to help put an end to the shadier side of things that he and a bunch of his crew are not in approval of. They despise Valdez and want to see him brought down. ASA motherfuckin’ P. All they ask is that we leave the guns and drugs alone, as long as they promise not to sell it in any of our territories.”

  It really irks me to hear him say ‘our’, he isn’t part of us anymore and I want to slap some sense into his ass for even saying such a thing. I promised to hold my tongue no matter how hard it is, so I’m biding my time to tell him exactly what I think. My leg starts shaking involuntarily and I bite the inside of my cheek so hard I draw blood. I catch the eye of Tic who hands me over a Kleenex to wipe the blood from my lips. He gives me a look reminding me to keep a lid on it. I reply with a nod letting him know I’m in control. Which I am, to some degree.

  “So, we have to agree to have drugs and guns running around in order to save Bristol and end the sex trafficking ring. Am I hearing you right?” Wasp asks Sniper.

  “That’s their request for helping out. I told them I would bring the deal to you and let you vote on it. I also told him I’d let him know the decision and to introduce you and Tic to him for future reference.”

  “How do we know that the information will put an end to it all?” Justice asks.

  “He’s willing to put up collateral,” Sniper relies to Justice’s questio

  “What kind of collateral are we talking about here?” I can’t help but ask my own question. I think we need to know how serious this fucker is.

  “You guys aren’t goin’ to like it. He wants to marry his daughter off to a single officer of the club. He says it’s more binding than any contract could be. A truce between us all.” There he goes with that ‘us’ and ‘ours’ bullshit again. By the time this meeting is over I will have no blood flow left in my mouth.


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