MANFAX: Winter Brothers #2

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MANFAX: Winter Brothers #2 Page 17

by Chance, Jacob

  “Why are you so happy this morning?” Rex questions.

  “I’m always in a good mood.”

  “Yeah, but you’re obnoxiously happy today. Did you get laid last night?”

  “Nope. I made love for the first time,” I reply.

  Rex laughs. “Sure. What have you been smoking this morning? I think I understand your great mood.”

  “Bro, I’m trying to be serious here and have a bonding, brotherly moment. Stop ruining it for me.”

  “Okay.” He looks confused, then it changes to concern. “You’re acting weird. Even weirder than you usually do. Are you about to tell me you’re dying or something?”

  I bark out a single laugh and then a string of them slip free. “You’re fucking hilarious, bro. And I love you too.”

  “I don’t remember saying I love you,” Rex corrects me.

  “Not in so many words, but your concern is truly touching.”

  Rex crosses his arms. “Get on with whatever you were planning on telling me. We have work to do.” After he’s done helping me, he needs to return to one of our other job sites.

  “Last night I made love to a woman for the first time.”

  “Who are you and what have you done with my brother?”

  I hold my arms out. “It’s me, in the flesh.”

  Rex scratches his head. “Do you have amnesia? Have you forgotten the trail of sexual indiscretions that follows you wherever you go?”

  “Dude, if you’d shut up and listen, I’ll explain what I mean.”

  He nods. “Fine. Can you tell me the condensed version?”

  “Roxanne and I made love last night, and it was the best sexual experience of my life.”

  “So your brain has short circuited from hot sex? Now I get it,” Rex quips.

  “I don't think you do. I’m in love with Roxanne. She’s it for me. I’ve found the one.”

  Rex’s eyes grow larger until the whites are exposed. “You’re serious?”

  “Completely. This playboy is no more. Cupid has shot my heart with an arrow.”

  “He should’ve shot your ass instead.” Rex smirks.

  “That’s all you have to say? Your younger brother confessed he’s in love and you make fun of him. What kind of big brother are you?”

  “A patient one for putting up with you all these years.”

  “You might have a point,” I agree.

  “Adam, I’m happy for you. I hope your feelings for Roxanne last. If they don’t, and you break her heart, I can’t be held responsible for what Danika does. If it comes down to her happiness or yours, which do you think I’m picking?”

  “You know, for the first time in my life, I understand putting someone else’s happiness above all others’.”

  Rex rubs his forehead. “Jesus. You really are in love.”

  I chuckle. “I told you so.”

  * * *

  “Hey there.” Roxanne smiles as she saunters toward me. Echoing her smile, my gaze glides down her curves. lingering on her bare legs beneath the knee-length skirt.

  Is she wearing a thong or panties?

  There’s one way to find out.

  I drop everything from my hands, and in two giant steps she’s in my arms and our lips are connected. I’m overcome by the same wave of weakness in my chest that’s been crashing into me every time we touch.

  Our kiss continues longer than I intended, but she feels so amazing, it’s difficult to stop. Running my hands over her ass, I get my answer.


  Schwing—my dick’s reply.

  I finally tear my lips from hers, dragging in a harsh breath. “How’s your day been so far?”

  “Extremely busy, or I would’ve been down to see you sooner.” She pouts her full lips.

  “It’s just as well that you didn’t visit earlier. Rex was here helping me, and he was on a tight schedule. I hope you don’t mind that I told him about us.”

  She shakes her head. “Why would I?”

  “I don't know. Women get mad about things that make no sense to me.”

  She slaps my arm. “Don’t generalize about women. It’s rude. Yes, there are some who act crazy, but there are way more who don’t. Also, there are plenty of men who are just as bad. And FYI, I am not one of those women who loses their shit over the slightest thing.”

  “I didn’t think you were, but you have to admit that you didn’t like me very much at first. So how could I be sure?”

  “Actually, I liked you more than I wanted to, and certainly more than I could admit to myself.”

  I wink. “I think I’m ninety-nine percent sure I get what you’re saying. You wanted to jump me at first sight.”

  She snorts. “Hardly. Did I think you were hot, yes. But I also figured you were a conceited dickhead.”

  “And still here we are. I guess we’re meant to be.”

  “It does seem that way. When they say love is blind, they’re not kidding,” she teases.

  “Hey.” I pretend to scowl. “I’ll spank your ass for that later.” She smirks, appearing to be on board with my threat. Hot damn.

  She rises on her toes, pressing a kiss on my lips. Her hand tenderly caresses my cheek. I catch hold of it and press a kiss to the middle of her palm.

  She wrinkles her nose. “I would stay, but I need to get back to work.”

  “I wish we could be together tonight, but I have to head to another job site after I leave here. I’m not sure how late we’ll finish up. It’s a reno on a house, and the owners haven't moved in yet. We need to take advantage of some late-night work hours. Will you come over to my house for dinner tomorrow night?”

  She grins. “I’d love to. Can I bring anything?”

  Gripping her ass, I tug her closer. “Just bring yourself. You’re all I need.”

  * * *

  The candles are lit all around the screened in back porch, setting the mood for a romantic dinner. I’ve set bowls of Chinese food out on the granite bar top, buffet style, and placed two of my best plates on the glass table where we’ll be dining. No paper plates for Roxanne. At least not yet. I’m still trying to convince her I’m worthy of her affection—even though I’m sure I’m not. She’s a freaking goddess. There isn’t a man alive worthy of her love.


  I snap my fingers and set my speaker up. I can’t believe I almost forgot the music. I even made a soft rock dinner playlist for tonight. I hope she likes my choices.

  My doorbell rings, and I take one more glance around before hurrying to the door. I want everything perfect for Roxanne. Twisting the knob, I tug the door inward.

  “Hi.” She grins. My only reply is to grab her wrist and tug her inside. She slams into my chest as I push the door closed. And then I’m kissing her. And kissing her some more. I’m tempted to take her upstairs and throw her down on my king-sized playground. But for now, the playground remains off-limits. We have dinner and conversation to enjoy. And then we can fuck.

  Our lips part, and we stare in stunned silence at one another. Our incredible connection grows stronger every time we come together. Maybe that’s the way it is when you’re in love with someone. The feelings are more powerful the more time you’re together.

  Powerful enough to make my chest ache in the best way possible.

  Jesus. My heart might explode from my chest cavity if we’re together as long as I plan on being.

  “Come on, I’ll show you around.” I lead her on a tour of each room in my house, envisioning her living here the entire time.

  “Adam, this is beautiful. Did you do all the renovating yourself?”

  “I did.” I smile with pride. I love my house. All the money and hard work I’ve sunk into this place feels worth it as I watch Roxanne looking around. Her obvious approval pleases me.

  She runs her fingers along the edge of the wainscoting. “All the woodwork is beautiful.”

  “Refinishing it all was a labor of love, but I’m glad I made the choice to put the extra time in. Craftsman b
ungalows aren’t too common in this area, and I wanted to stay true to its heritage.”

  “You should be proud.” She squeezes my hand.

  “Come on. Let’s eat dinner before everything gets cold.”

  She sniffs the air. “Are we having Chinese?”

  “We are.”

  “Did you make it or is it from a restaurant?” she inquires.

  “It’s from my favorite restaurant. I can cook meat and potatoes, but Chinese food is above my skill level.” We fill our plates at the buffet, and I direct her to the table. “Have a seat.”

  I sink down onto the empty seat beside her. The other side of the table is too far away. As much as I’d love to see her face during the meal, my need to be close to her is more urgent.

  There isn’t much dinner conversation after all. Both of us are too focused on cleaning the heaping amount of food on our plates. When we’re finished, we move to the padded wicker couch to cuddle. Roxanne shivers, and I grab the blanket draped over the armrest, covering us both. Wrapping an arm around her, I ask, “Is that better?”

  She nods, snuggling closer.

  “I added this room after I moved in. I had such a clear vision of what it would look like when it was finished. I imagined relaxing out here with someone special, but I wasn’t sure it would ever happen until now. And being here with you far exceeds anything I imagined.”

  “You’re pretty sweet for a manwhore.” She titters.

  I clear my throat. “I think you mean reformed manwhore.”



  Roxanne and I have been going strong for a solid month now. We’ve managed to see each other almost every night, even though I’ve finished the renovation in her office building.

  We take turns sleeping at each other’s houses. I know our relationship has progressed fast, but when it’s right, why wait? I’m hoping at some point I can get her to move in with me, but I’m not going to rush her. It will happen in due time.

  And if she refuses to give up her house, I’ll sell mine. I understand that purchasing her house was an important symbol of her independence. I would never want to take that away from her. However, for me, home is wherever she is.

  Turning into her driveway, I park, leaving the truck running. She’s out the door before I reach it. My feet halt on the walkway as my eyes drink in her beauty. Her voluptuous shape is wrapped in a sleek, black, short-sleeved dress. Her high heels, made of some animal print, will be staying on when I fuck her senseless later.

  “You look amazing. I can’t wait to show you off.” I hold out my hand, and she weaves her petite fingers between mine. Leaning down, I brush my lips against hers. “I don’t want to ruin your lipstick,” I explain. “I have a fantasy of it being all over my cock by the night’s end.”

  She holds up her small handbag. “Don’t worry. I can reapply it when I need to.”

  My cock twitches at the thought. “Fuck, Rocky. You make it hard to be around you.”

  “Nice pun,” she tells me. I escort her to the passenger side and close her in. Passing in front of the truck, I discreetly adjust myself. I climb behind the wheel. “Are you ready for tonight?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “You’re going to meet my parents and a slew of other family members. Does that make you nervous?”

  She shrugs. “I guess it depends on whether or not you’d break up with me if they don’t like me.”

  “Are you kidding? I don’t care if anyone besides me likes you.”

  “Then I’m not nervous.”

  “Good. There’s no reason to be.

  * * *

  I remove two champagne filled flutes from a passing waiter’s tray and hand one off to Roxanne. “I want to make a toast.” I take a minute to compose my thoughts. “To you and me and our future. Whatever it may bring, I hope we find our way together.”

  She taps her glass to mine. “I’ll drink to that.” We both swallow a mouthful of the champagne. “It’s really thoughtful of your parents to throw this engagement party for Rex and Dani.”

  “My mom has been waiting a long time for this day to come. She’s probably been planning it for years.”

  She laughs. “Just the same, I know it’ll mean the world to Dani.”

  “There’s the happy couple now. Let’s go say hello.” Clasping her hand, we walk side by side across the small banquet room. Scanning the immediate area, I notice almost every man’s eyes on Roxanne. Simultaneously, I feel angry and proud. I’m with the most stunning woman in the room, and she’s going home with me. I’m a lucky guy. The luckiest.

  Dani steps forward to hug Rocky while I shake Rex’s hand and slap him on his back.

  “This is quite the party,” Roxanne says.

  “It sure is,” Dani replies, looking a bit shell shocked.

  “Have you seen Larsen or Jack?” Rex asks.

  “Not yet. Larsen probably has a work emergency,” I droll. Rex and I have a good chuckle over it.

  “Jack told me he might be late. Not sure why, but at least he gave me a heads up,” Rex mentions.

  “Hey, everyone,” Violet joins our group, and the girls exchange hugs.

  “How’s it going, Violet?” I ask.

  “Good, thanks.”

  “Any idea why Larsen is late?” Rex inquires.

  She looks at him like he’s grown a second head. “Why would I know where your brother is?”

  “No reason. Just throwing it out there,” Rex explains.

  “Why don’t you and I dance for a little while,” I suggest to Roxanne.

  “You dance?” She seems surprised.

  “The best way to find out is to take me up on my request.”

  “You’re on.” We move to the middle of the dance floor and I draw her close, cradling her hand in mine. My other hand rests on the middle of her lower back. Slowly swaying to Paul McCartney’s distinct voice singing “My Love,” I can't help but be grateful to have Roxanne in my life. As much as I like having her to myself, it’s amazing to be around all these people. I like showing her off. I’m proud to be with her.

  I press my lips to her temple. “I’m glad you’re here with me.”

  Her fingertips caress the back of my neck just above my dress shirt collar. “Me too. If someone had told me you and I would be in this exact spot on this date, I would’ve thought they needed to be committed.”

  I grin. “I wouldn’t have doubted them. I knew you were the woman for me the moment I saw you.”

  “Pfft, sure. You mean the woman for that night.”

  “No, that’s not true. I’m not saying I wouldn’t have fucked you that night given the opportunity, but I always knew you’d be more than a casual fling.”

  “And you pursued me anyway?”

  “Does that surprise you?” I ask.

  She nods. “Somewhat. Didn’t the idea of being with only one person scare you?”

  “No. I’ve always hoped for you, but the time wasn’t right until now.”

  “That’s really sweet. I think I always hoped for you too, but I was afraid it would never happen for me.”

  “Well it did, and I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me.”


  We continue dancing until Roxanne tells me her feet need a rest. I guess that’s the price women pay for wearing such sexy shoes, and thank God they do. I’m starting to think I have a high heel fetish. Or maybe I just have a Roxanne fetish. I’m interested in anything related to her.

  Leading Rocky over to the bar, I wrap my arm around her elegant shoulders. “Do you want more champagne or something else?”

  “Champagne works.”

  I order her drink and a beer for me. My eyes scan the room, settling on Rex and Dani, surrounded by people and deep in conversation. “How do you think your girl is holding up?”

  Roxanne looks around until she finds Dani. “She looks stressed.”

  “She looks calm to me. How can you tell?”

  “She’s cl
enching her jaw tightly, even though she’s smiling. That’s her fake smile. It’s the one she uses at work.”

  “Her lips do look kind of tight,” I agree.

  “Exactly. And her back is ramrod straight. She has great posture, but she’s so rigid and awkwardly straight.”

  “You’re right. She kind of looks like she’s got a stick up her ass.”

  Roxanne sputters. “Oh my God, she does. I’m not gonna share that with her, though. I don’t want to make her more self-conscious.”

  “Rex will help her get it out later.”

  “Eww. I don’t want to think about that.”

  I place my lips near her ear. “Is this the appropriate time to ask how you feel about anal sex?”

  She gasps. “Definitely not.”

  I chuckle. “Good. So how do you feel about anal?”

  Her head turns, placing our lips temptingly close. “I’m open for it.” I bark out a laugh. “Wait. Let me rephrase that. I’m willing to give it a try.”

  “You’ve never…?”

  She shakes her head. “Nope. I never had anyone I trusted enough before.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “I do.” She doesn’t hesitate to answer, and that makes my chest tight with emotion.

  “We can wait until you’re ready.” I spin her around to face me. “Are you ready now?”

  She swats my chest. “Aren’t you funny.”

  “I couldn't resist. You got me so excited thinking about being where no man has been before.” My eyebrows pop up and down.

  “You gotta earn that hole,” she snarks, and my lips spread into a massive grin. I love her sense of humor.

  I catch sight of a woman approaching over Roxanne’s shoulder. She looks vaguely familiar. Is it one of my distant cousins? I always mix them up.

  As she gets closer, I have a better view, and my stomach drops like a lead paperweight. I can’t remember her last name or many details of the night, but I know we fucked. Goddammit. Why does my past have to bite me in the ass when things are going well?

  She’s almost upon us now, and there’s no time to warn Roxanne.


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