Deuces Wild Boxed Set

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Deuces Wild Boxed Set Page 63

by Ell Leigh Clarke

  A closer look when a gap formed showed him that they followed guidelines painted on the ground. He supposed that allowed everyone to go about their day in studied ignorance of everyone else around them.

  John had a sudden surge of homesickness. He wanted to be back by the river on Zuifra, having a picnic with the sun on his skin. Maybe after he picked this device up, he could go back to Themis and invite Nickie to come with him. He looked at Barnabas as the older man made a turn. “Where are we going?”

  Barnabas didn’t take his eyes from the road. “To the biosphere research center.”

  John nodded, a little put out by his guide’s short replies.

  Barnabas smiled. “There will be plenty of time to talk once we are in a secure location. Patience is a virtue, young man.”

  John did a double-take and twisted in his seat to face Barnabas. “Did you just read my mind?”

  Barnabas sniffed. “It hardly counts as an intrusion when you broadcast your thoughts so loudly.” He reaffirmed his grip on the buggy’s steering and continued to stare nonchalantly at the road ahead.

  John leaned against the frame of the buggy again and went back to watching the city. He tried to keep his thoughts to himself as they traveled, however someone was supposed to do that. High Tortuga didn’t quite feel like a Federation planet, although John’s experience so far had taught him that outside of the official boundaries things tended to run a little differently.

  Devon had been a prime example of that. He was glad to have moved on from that wild place. In contrast, so far High Tortuga was like an ultra-organized ants’ nest compared to the spread-out frontier he’d had to pass through to get here.

  Barnabas stopped the buggy at an intersection while a long maglev train thundered by. The block they’d stopped at was given over to rolling grass and trees, all a little purpler than John was used to. His planet’s ecology was closer to Earth’s. John’s gaze lingered on the extensive landscaping, the sculptures that dotted the open park, and the well-dressed families taking time together within.

  This place had wealth. Lots of wealth.

  John was in awe of the casual use of advanced technology wherever he looked. Even the smallest personal transports zipping along the shipping lanes in the upper stratosphere put his ship to shame, and the people clearly had the means to pursue fashion and art. Some of the children in the park had toys that John as a grown man would love to play with.

  In fact, if he had been brought here on the royal transport as his father had almost forced him to instead of flying himself, he would have been hard-pressed to believe he was anywhere other than the center of the old Empire. John didn’t actually care. He was here to pick up the device for his father, and then he was heading straight back to Zuifra before the disease the device would prevent hit his planet.

  “You’re impressed?” Barnabas asked.

  John nodded. “It’s hard not to be. This place is amazing—but I suppose that was the point of this?” He waved a finger to encompass the fleet of tiny ArchAngels and the holonannies that shepherded the children playing in the park, the luxury vehicles on the road around them, and the drones that moved overhead.

  Barnabas snickered. “Not really. I just wanted to drive.” The last carriages of the train flashed by, and Barnabas continued on through the city. He turned again, taking the buggy into the barely visible side entrance of an imposing onyx building.

  There was a brief moment of darkness, and then they came back into the light as Barnabas took the buggy down a spiral ramp. “We have no need to impress anyone. You are here for our help, after all.”

  John felt his cheeks warm with embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I just assumed…”

  Barnabas pulled into a parking spot by a large set of doors on the third level below ground. He waved John off and headed for the doors. “It is no matter.” He pressed his thumb to the keylock on the doors and waited for them to be admitted.

  The light turned green, and the door clicked open. John followed Barnabas out of the dimly-lit parking lot into the research facility.

  “I understand that you are in need of protection against the Vlargian rot?” Barnabas inquired as they walked. “When I spoke to your father, he was extremely concerned for your people.”

  John nodded solemnly. “The Zuifran people are at risk of starving if the rot hits. It’s struck on four planets in the Rebus Quadrant already, and our crops have no immunity. It’s a pretty tense situation. Our only hope is to get the technology you offered us up and running before it reaches us.”

  Barnabas looked suitably concerned. “Well, this intervention should be enough to prevent any of that from happening.”

  John screwed his face up. “I hope so. To be honest, I’m a little unsure how we can reprogram our entire biosphere without causing devastation to the ecosystem.”

  Barnabas grinned. “That’s why you’re here asking for our help instead of fixing the issue by yourselves.” His grin widened at John’s blank expression. “Don’t worry about it, I have no idea how it works, either. I leave the tech to those who understand it, like Tabitha.”

  John furrowed his brow at the familiar name. “Tabitha?”

  “The programmer for this,” Barnabas told him as if that explained it all perfectly. “It would have been better if she could have been here to talk you through it, but we will have to muddle along without her, I’m afraid.”

  John was about to press for more information when Barnabas’ expression became unfocused.

  He recognized that look. Barnabas had an onboard EI?

  Nickie had an onboard EI.

  He kind of missed her, although maybe it was the sense of danger he felt when he was near her that he really missed. He loved a challenge, but that woman was like a lit powder keg wrapped in a nest of spitting cobras. Thrilling, but not survivable in the long term.

  He caught himself smiling and snorted at the searching look Barnabas gave him. He’d forgotten the man could read his mind.

  High Tortuga, Northern Continent, Biosphere R&D Lab

  Barnabas bent down to the low cabinet and peered inside to locate the device John had come to collect. While he hadn’t expected his niece to follow the prince to High Tortuga, it was no accident that he was here.

  On intercepting the message from John to his parents, Tabitha had made it Barnabas’ business to discover everything he could about the man who had designs on their niece.

  Barnabas was dubious, and protective too. His checks had revealed the prince’s wanderlust, which was not something they wanted to encourage in Nickie since they all wanted her home as soon as she could be persuaded.

  With Shinigami’s help, the vigilante had poked around and discovered that John’s home planet was in danger from a virulent spaceborne fungus. The contact with John’s parents couldn’t have come at a better time. Offering to help Zuifra had been the right thing to do, but it also gave him a reason to investigate the prince further. The opportunity to bring Meredith Nicole a step closer to home was icing on the cake.

  Barnabas had to repress a chuckle at the combination of attraction and fear he felt from the prince as his niece passed through John’s thoughts. He certainly knew Nickie well enough, although he seemed unaware of Barnabas’ relation to her.

  Barnabas didn’t think this pampered and idealistic prince would last two minutes with the nuclear Nickie he remembered, but he would love to be wrong. From what he’d seen in John’s memory his niece had softened somewhat in her time away, just as they had all hoped she would when Bethany Anne had made her ruling.

  The young man should still watch his step, though. That kind of fire didn’t just disappear overnight.

  Shinigami interrupted his musings.

  Barnabas, there is someone in orbit presenting herself as Ranger Two.

  Oh? Interesting. He knew that there was only one person who would dare turn up at High Tortuga and disregard the law. Is it Merry?

  The Guardians who went to verify the captain’s id
entity appear to believe so. She had Tabitha’s badge.

  The corner of the former Ranger’s mouth quirked. We must do something about that. It’s not an entirely acceptable title these days.

  Shinigami snorted. Like Nickie cares. What are you going to do about him? He let her follow him. What if it had been someone else?

  What do you suggest I do to him?

  I don’t know. Maybe just a little light torture?

  Barnabas sighed. You know that’s not going to happen. Where is Nickie’s ship docking?

  Back at the base, Hangar 003.

  Then we’d better get over there before she starts a fight with the ground crew. He turned to John, who was thinking about his niece right at that moment. “You allowed yourself to be followed.”

  John’s face dropped. “I did not!”

  Barnabas shook his head. “Then please tell me why the Penitent Granddaughter is coming in to dock? I know my niece would not be here voluntarily.”

  “Nickie is here…” John’s voice trailed off. “And she’s your niece? That must mean you’re the Barnabas. Shit, she was telling the truth about her family. You’re a Nacht, and that’s how you can read my mind.” John paled.

  Barnabas sighed the sigh of the eternally put-upon and handed the young man the device he’d come for. “Indeed. I’m going to meet her at the dock now. Keep up, or you will have to find your own way back to your ship.”

  He left the lab with a swish of his robe.

  John hurried after Barnabas with a slightly glazed expression.

  Chapter Three

  High Tortuga, Northern Continent, Space Fleet Base, Hangar 003

  Nickie burst onto the ramp, impatient to find John and get the fuck off High Tortuga before any of her family realized she was there. It was a small hope and one that proved fruitless when she saw who was waiting to meet her. “Uncle Barnabas.”

  “Merry,” he returned. “Will your crew be joining us?”

  “Some.” Nickie glared and pointed to the ground crew who were hurrying to take care of the Granddaughter. “I have a Skaine onboard. Anyone who hurts him will die, and it will be a painful fucking end. Am I clear?”

  Her uncle looked a little bit too pleased for her liking. “Of course, your Skaine is safe,” he assured her.

  The ground crew all nodded and got to work.

  “Good.” Nickie turned and waved to her people. Grim, Adelaide, and Keen exited the ship.

  Barnabas tilted his head at them and smiled. “Pleasure to see you again, Grim’zee.”

  “You too, Barnabas. It’s been a while.” Grim leaned down to speak into Nickie’s ear when he reached her. “Durq doesn’t want to leave the ship.”

  Nickie turned and stalked back up the ramp. She remembered to calm her body language before she reached the door, so she didn’t scare the timid Skaine any more than he already was.

  She found him hanging onto the rail by the door. He was shaking so badly she almost wanted to pick him up to comfort him. “Durq, you don’t have to leave the ship if you don’t want to.”

  Durq looked up at her with wet eyes. “I want to go with you.”

  Nickie raised an eyebrow. He clearly didn’t. She spotted Brandy at the end of the hall, which gave her an idea. She laid a hand on his shoulder. “Durq, I’m sorry, but I really need you to stay here and ride herd on the house bots. There are still repairs to take care of, and they’ve all been acting screwy since we left the colony.”

  “Really?” Durq’s skinny shoulders sagged in relief. “I mean, if that’s what’s best.”

  Nickie smiled fondly at the little Skaine and shooed him toward Brandy. “It is. Off you go, then.”

  Keep him busy, Meredith. I don’t like leaving him when he’s this afraid.

  There’s plenty for him to occupy himself with while you’re gone, Meredith assured her. I’ve given the house bots a good long list of repairs that Durq can handle with their help. He’ll be fine.

  She headed back down the ramp to where her crew waited with Barnabas and his companion, who Grim appeared to know already if the animated way the two were talking was an indication. Looked like she had found her missing prince.

  She walked over and slapped them both on the back. “Why am I not surprised that you two rekindled the bromance the minute I turn my back?”

  “Nice to see you again, too,” John replied.

  “I didn’t say it was nice.” Nickie grinned. “What are you even doing here?”

  John’s smile faded. “My planet is in trouble.”

  Nickie snorted. “Again? Didn’t you just have a disaster? You should probably start looking to move planets. Zuifra doesn’t sound like the best place your family could have chosen.”

  Barnabas shook his head at Nickie’s teasing. “Just as one matures out of it, another is dropped in my lap. When will the universe decide enough is enough and leave an old man to go and wreak vengeance in peace?” He sighed and waved for the five of them to follow him out of the hangar. “This way, all of you.”

  They left the hangar and took a short flight of stairs to the ground floor level, then Barnabas led them through the base.

  Nickie walked with her uncle while the others followed a short distance behind. She glanced back to make sure none of them were wandering.

  “You take good care of them,” Barnabas remarked.

  “Don’t look so surprised,” Nickie replied offhandedly. “They’re my crew. If I don’t take care of them, my ship doesn’t run.”

  Barnabas chose not to comment.

  Nickie appreciated that he didn’t press further. “So this is where everyone ended up? Meredith told me Aunt Bethany Anne took over.”

  Barnabas chucked dryly. “Not quite. This planet belongs to Baba Yaga.”

  Nickie gave him a look. “Really?”

  “Ask anyone, and they will tell you all about the Mistress. We’re set up to run the whole planet from the base,” he told Nickie. “The governance system we’ve developed has been more than successful.”

  “What’s that—do as you’re told or die?”

  Barnabas sighed. “Not quite, my dear. Maybe in the early days when crime was still rampant here. Your aunt wanted crime to be the less attractive option. This place was the original Devon, in case you didn’t know.”

  “I didn’t know,” John chipped in.

  “You weren’t supposed to,” Barnabas returned in a cool tone. He turned back to Nickie. “Anyway, Baba Yaga cleared out the more unsavory elements and turned the others to her purpose, then Bethany Anne made the adjustments necessary to the infrastructure and provided education and healthcare for the masses. Now the planet is thriving, and the people are mostly content.”

  “It sounds like a great idea,” John enthused. “Mostly content is about the best you can hope for as a ruler. How does it work? Maybe some of it would be useful for Zuifra.”

  Barnabas launched into an explanation of the libraries, the rollout of universal medical care planetwide, and the support system for those who struggled to live by someone else’s rules.

  “So that’s why Devon resembles feeding time at the zoo,” John marveled. “What if the new planet revolts? You put that many rabble-rousers together, there’s bound to be trouble at some point.”

  Nickie snorted. “Then Baba Yaga will probably turn up in the mood for a fight.”

  Barnabas shrugged. “I’d argue that, but I would be lying if I said it’s not how it would go down. However, there are measures in place to ensure that the people of Devon do not revolt.” He turned to John. “I believe you met some of them.”

  John frowned. “I did?”

  Barnabas smiled. “Your rescue in the bazaar? That was more than likely undercover Guardians.”

  Now John was impressed. “That’s… The Empress is too smart.”

  Barnabas snickered. “She knows.”

  Nickie kept her reactions to herself, but the others had no issues with pointing out all the interesting features they passed as they
followed Barnabas through the base.

  She dismissed the technology that fascinated Adelaide, was unimpressed by the detailed attention paid to the décor, which drew Grim in, and was as far from Keen’s total awe at the sheer scale of the place as it was possible to be. Even John paused with the others to watch a troop of Guardians training in an open courtyard they passed.

  Nickie had seen it all before. “Hey,” she called. All but John turned to look at her. “You can stay and watch if you like. Just ask the base EI where to find me when you’re done.”

  Keen and Adelaide high-fived and went back to watching the sparring Guardians. Grim tilted his head in a question but turned back to cheer along with the others when she nodded to confirm.

  Nickie rolled her eyes at their overexuberance and picked up her pace to match her uncle’s.

  High Tortuga, Northern Continent, Space Fleet Base

  Barnabas gave Nickie a half-smile when she fell into step beside him on the stairs. “You are somewhat mellower than the last time we met, my dear.”

  Nickie returned his smile. “I’ve had some time to chill. Doesn’t mean I’m going to take any shit from anyone.”

  “So it would seem.” They walked in silence for a while before Barnabas spoke again. “How have you been?”

  Nickie waved a hand. “Oh, you know. Mostly high.” She scowled when she didn’t get the reaction she wanted.

  “Meredith tells Shinigami differently.” His tone was gentle. “You have been doing some good work recently.”

  “Meredith is a fucking snitch.” Nickie shrugged, a small smile escaping her as she spoke. “But yeah, I’ve been helping out at this colony. They were fish in a barrel for whatever asshole came through there to take advantage of them.” She grimaced at Barnabas’ questioning gaze. “Fucking Skaine. Don’t worry, they’re dead now.”

  Barnabas smiled. “So you have ceased to fight your nature? We were never close, but it hurt us all to see you on such a destructive path.”

  Nickie looked away. “There comes a point where poker and drugs just don’t do it anymore. I had to grow up sometime.” She didn’t flinch from the comforting hand Barnabas laid on her shoulder.


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