Chasing His Forever (Sweet Somethings Book 1)

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Chasing His Forever (Sweet Somethings Book 1) Page 5

by Rory Reynolds

  Mind. Blown.

  He basically said that he wouldn’t be upset with having a baby with me. So now, not only am I smiling from making love for the first time, but I’m warm and fuzzy down to my toes at the thought of a mini-Torin.

  “What’s that shit-eating grin for?” Margo asks, scaring the crap out of me.

  “Holy shit, girl. You scared me!”

  “Sorry. You were so caught up you didn’t even hear the bells. What’s on your mind?”

  I look around the bookstore making sure I didn’t miss anyone else coming in while I was lost in thought. “Torin and I… you know…” I say vaguely.

  “No way!” Margo shouts.

  “Shh, keep it down!” I hiss.

  “There’s no one here to hear me dying of shock.”

  “Gee, thanks, Mar.”

  She laughs. “Gotta keep it real.”

  “In that case, how’s it going with Amos? I saw you talking to him in front of the bakery when I was opening up this morning.”

  Margo blushes. “He just wanted to make sure his order was placed for the apple festival over in Clearwater, and he’s ordered about five dozen different apple-flavored desserts.”

  I give her a confused look. “Why would you sell him so many apple treats when that could take away business from Sprinkled With Sugar?”

  She blushes even darker. “He insisted that we would split the profits from whatever he sells at the diner.”

  My eyebrows raise to my hairline. And she says the man doesn’t have a thing for her. He’s so smitten he’s willing to not only buy dozens of desserts but to then turn around and give her half the profits from selling them.

  Yeah, he’s gone for her.

  Like Torin is for me, my heart pipes up with its wishful thinking.

  Is it really wishful thinking? Prue is right that he looks at me the same way Amos looks at Margo, and that’s saying something because I swear to God Amos wants to eat her like one of those desserts he buys from her. I try to rein in the giddy thought of us being on the same page in our relationship, but it doesn’t work. Somehow, I’ve allowed myself to go all-in with him despite the warning bells.

  I’ll just have to cross whatever bridge comes when it does and stop borrowing trouble.

  “You really should talk to Amos, Mar. What if you’re missing out on something amazing because you’re afraid? Think about all the wasted time.”

  Margo chews at her fingernail like she does whenever she’s anxious or deep in thought. “I just can’t approach him. Even if you guys are right and he wants me more than my maple bacon cupcakes… I just don’t know how to put myself out there like that. Why can’t he just make the first move?”

  I give her a sympathetic look. “Hon, I think it’s because you act like a cornered cat—terrified—or you get snippy and angry anytime you talk to him. Maybe if you tried to… I don’t know, relax a bit?”

  Margo laughs sadly. “Easier said than done. I get so nervous and the frustrated around him I’m lucky I don’t faint every time he talks to me.”

  “I’m sure it will all work out. I mean, look at Torin and I. I’ve had a crush on him since I was too young to even know what a crush is, and now here I am. Sleeping in his house.”

  She snorts. “You mean sleeping in his bed and humping like rabbits.”

  I slap her arm. “Shush. Don’t you have a bakery to run or something?”

  “Yeah, your boyfriend called to order a muffin and tea to be specially delivered to you.” She points to the bakery bag and cup that I didn’t even notice she sat on the counter. Man, I really need to get myself together. I’m one hundred percent in La-la land—more like Torin land, not that I can really argue with that. It’s a pretty damn good place to be.

  My cheeks heat in pleasure at his sweetness. We didn’t have much time for breakfast this morning after our shower… Yeah, we took a shower together—another thing to check off my Torin bucket list. Well, if there were a bucket list. Showers with him would definitely be on it because wow. I will never look at showering the same way again. Also, shower sex is definitely underrated. Just saying.

  “Well, enjoy your love muffin and coffee,” Margo jokes.

  “You better believe I will. Thanks for bringing it down. Call me later.”

  She leaves with a promise to call and a wave over her shoulder.

  I send a little prayer out into the universe for her and Amos to find their way. I want her to have what I have right now. Heck, I want the whole world to have the kind of happiness I’m drowning in.



  I’ve never once resented the fact that I have to spend so much time at the fire station, but right now, I hate every hour away from Lani. Last night was painful. I wanted nothing more than to hold her in my arms all night, but it’s my turn for a forty-eight. Meaning I live at the station for two days.

  It’s only been one day without her, and I’m going crazy. Which is why I’m standing at the counter of Burnt Sugar Diner waiting for two lunch specials so I can surprise my girl. I might not be able to hold her at night, but I can damn sure spend at least an hour with her eating a meal. I send a silent prayer to the heavens that she’s not busy with customers. The last thing I want is to share her attention during the only time I’ll get to see her for the next twenty-four hours.

  “Amos, my man, how’s it going?”

  Amos grunts. “Can’t complain too much.”

  I raise a brow. “Margo still putting up a chase?” I ask. The man is in love with the quiet little baker, and she doesn’t seem to reciprocate those feelings. It’s driving my friend insane. Every time she so much as talks to another man—even if he is a customer—he turns into a surly bear for the next week.

  He lets out a gusty sigh. “Yeah… every time I talk to her, she acts like the last thing she wants is to be in my presence. I thought I could wear her down and make her more comfortable by ordering from her bakery, but it hasn’t seemed to work.

  “Hell, maybe it’s getting worse. Thank goodness I’m a stubborn son of a bitch. I’m not giving up on her. She’s mine even if she doesn’t know it yet.”

  Daisy sets a couple containers in front of me. “Here ya go, sugar.”

  “Thanks, Daisy,” I say with a smile for the woman that’s been serving food here since before I was born. She’s a permanent fixture at the Burnt Sugar. “Well, Amos, don’t give up, man. She’ll come around. I have a feeling it’ll be faster than you think. There’s something in the water when it comes to unrequited love these days.”

  He laughs. “Guess I need to start drinking.”

  Lani is bent over a box, unloading stack after stack of books. She turns when the bells ding, a broad smile spreading across her beautiful face when she realizes it’s me. My cock instantly hardens just being in close proximity to her. Having her in my bed for only one night isn’t nearly enough. I will never get enough. We’ve got our whole lives to try and sate this need I feel for her. Though I doubt I’ll ever be sated. It’ll be fun trying though.

  “Hey, love. I brought you lunch, can you take a break?”

  She blushes at my endearment then turns her head like she’s considering my question. “Well, I don’t know,” she motions toward the stacks of boxes she’s unpacking, “I’m awful busy. Swamped, in fact.” Her giggle tells me she’s teasing me. “Let me lock the door and flip the open sign over.”

  I grab her around the waist as she passes and give her a quick, yet passionate kiss, then pat her bottom as she continues toward the door. She squeals, giggling at my playfulness. While she’s locking up, I head back to her office to set up our lunch.


  I turn just in time to catch Lani as she launches herself at me. She wraps her arms and legs around me, her lips crushing to mine. The kiss doesn’t go from zero to sixty; it starts at sixty and ramps up from there. It seems my girl is hungry, but it isn’t for lunch. I grip her ass in my hands, pulling her tight against my rigid length. She pulls
her lips away on a moan.

  “Did you miss me, baby?”

  Lani looks at me with hooded eyes. “Mhm…” she murmurs, moving her hips so she’s dragging her pussy against the hard bar of my cock over and over.

  Fuck, she feels good.

  “Baby, you gotta stop before I come in my pants. You’re killing me.” I tighten my grip on her ass, holding her still.

  She wriggles in my arms, trying to get the friction she’s desperate for. “Torin, please…” she whimpers. “I need you.”


  I cross the room to the small sofa and sit her down. I drop to my knees in front of her, flipping her skirt up, baring the white silk of her panties. I growl at the sight of how wet she is. Jesus, she’s needy.

  Spreading her legs, I slide her panties to one side. Without hesitation, my mouth is on her. I lick her with purpose. We don’t have a lot of time, but I refuse to leave my girl hurting with need for me. I work her over until she’s moaning and writhing beneath me. Her hands fist in my hair, pulling until it’s painful, but I wouldn’t stop even if she ripped it out at the roots. Lani’s orgasm comes fast and hard. She screams my name, then collapses back against the couch, panting.


  A sated smile curves her lips. “Mhm… much.”

  I fix her panties and press a kiss to her mound before rearranging her skirt and standing. I adjust my cock, giving it a little squeeze to alleviate a little of the pressure. Of course, it only makes me want Lani more. Unfortunately, there’s no time for that. I’ve got to be back at the station in thirty minutes. Once again, I feel a wave of resentment. I love my job but balancing that love with my love for Lani feels impossible.

  “What about you?”

  I kiss her lips, hugging her soft body close. “That was all for you, sweetheart. Let’s eat.”

  Lani gives me a little pout, her eyes flicking back and forth from my face to my obvious bulge. “I could…” she waves between us. I know exactly what she’s talking about. She’s offering to suck me off. As much as I would love feeling her soft little mouth wrapped around my shaft, sucking me dry… I’d rather wait until I have time to devour her for hours. A quick blowjob isn’t going to be nearly enough.

  “Later,” I say, giving her a salacious smile that promises all sorts of naughty things.

  “Later,” she says breathlessly. “I like later.”

  I throw my head back and laugh. God, I love this woman. I just hope she loves me half as much as I do her.

  Lani’s desk only has one chair, so I sit and pull her into my lap so we can eat. We spend the time chatting and eating. I soak up everything she reveals to me, loving every second. She shocks me by telling me she’s never been on a date before. Something I cannot believe. Someone as gorgeous and sweet as Lani should have had dozens of men panting after her.

  “We’ve got to rectify that immediately. I’m taking you out on Friday night.”

  She snorts a laugh. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “Why is wanting to take my girl out ridiculous? Maybe I want to show you off to everyone.”

  Her cheeks turn a pretty pink. “I just mean… we sort of live together—temporarily,” she quickly adds, “we don’t have to go out to spend time together.”

  “We don’t have to, no, but that’s not the point of a date. I mean, yes, spending time together is the goal… but getting dressed up, the anticipation of where I’m going to take you, driving with your hand in mine, wondering how the night will end. That’s what a date is really about.

  “Plus, I want to show you off. I’ve got the prettiest woman in the county as mine and only mine. Everyone needs to see me put my claim on you.”

  Lani laughs. “Caveman!”

  I shrug. “Gotta make sure there’s no confusion.”

  “I doubt that will happen. I’ve managed for twenty-five years without anyone laying a claim on me, I think you’re safe,” she says with a roll of her eyes.

  “What’s that saying? Better safe than sorry.” I smirk. “Let me take you out, sweetheart. You deserve to be treated like a queen, and the first step of that is to give you the perfect date.”

  She thinks it over for a few seconds before agreeing. “But nothing fancy, my nice clothes are in my apartment and probably stink like smoke.”

  I make a non-committal sound. We’ll see about that.



  Ana answers on the first ring, thank goodness. “Ana help! Torin is taking me on a date tonight, and I don’t know what to wear… I’m freaking out here.”

  She laughs. “Calm down, did he tell you where you’re going?”

  “No! Do you think I would be freaking out if I knew? You know how bad I hate surprises anyway; this is like triple the stress. It’s not like I have any experience in this whole dating thing.” The doorbell rings, distracting me from my tirade. I curse because I’m standing here naked save for a thin robe. “Shoot, someone’s at the door.”

  “Just calm down. I’m sure whatever you wear will be fine. Torin wouldn’t take you anywhere that would make you uncomfortable. Just relax and go open the door.”

  “You’re right. Thanks for talking me down. You’re the best.”

  Ana laughs. “I know. Have fun tonight.”


  I run to the door when whoever it is lays on the doorbell. “I’m coming!” I shout.

  I throw the door open and blink up at Amos in confusion. He’s Torin’s best friend and knows he’s at the fire station so why on earth is he here?

  “Hey, Amos. Torin is still at the fire station…”

  “I know,” he says in that gruff way of his. “He sent me to give this to you.”

  He shoves a box towards me. It takes me a second to get over my confusion before I grab the box. “What is it?”

  He shrugs. I’m just the delivery guy.

  “Oh, well… thanks for bringing it.”

  “He also gave me a message for you. ‘Relax, sweetheart.’” If someone like Amos could blush, he’s definitely doing that right now. I almost giggle at how uncomfortable he is right now. It has me wondering if this is how he acts when he’s talking to Margo… Is he this gruff and unsure of himself? It could explain why she thinks he doesn’t feel the same thing for her.

  Interesting, I’ll have to explore that later when I’m not freaking out over my own problems. Sheesh, no wonder I’m so stressed. Thinking about our date as a problem to solve is definitely the wrong way to think about it. I take a deep breath, doing exactly what Torin requested: relax.

  “Thanks for bringing this.”

  “You’re welcome. Have fun tonight.” Amos turns and quickly walks to his truck.

  A quick look at the clock tells me I have less than an hour before Torin gets home. Crap, I need to hurry. Once I’m back in the bedroom I’m now sharing with Torin—a fact that makes me ridiculously happy—I rip open the package and gasp at the beautiful dress inside. I pull it out and hold it up to myself in front of the mirror.

  It’s perfect. Definitely something I would buy for myself—a knee-length emerald green halter that nips in at my waist and flares out. It’s amazing. How did he know? He knows me so well it’s almost scary. I love it though.

  With renewed excitement, I get dressed. I twist my hair up and apply some mascara and lip gloss… I’m not a makeup person, but I have great eyelashes and mascara accentuates them in a way that makes me feel beautiful. I look at myself in the mirror and hardly recognize the woman looking back at me. She’s practically glowing with happiness. I definitely like what I’m seeing.

  I frown when my attention turns to my bare feet.

  Double crap, I don’t have any shoes to wear with the amazing dress. I bite my lip, looking at the three pairs I grabbed the night of the fire. Brown sandals, tennis shoes, and hot pink flip flops. Yeah, none of these will even sort of match the dress.

  “You look amazing, beautiful.”

  I jump at the sound of Torin’s
voice from right behind me. I turn and give him a shy smile. “Thank you.” I look him up and down. “You’re looking pretty amazing yourself.” For the first time ever, I’m seeing him in a suit and tie. If it were possible, my ovaries would’ve just exploded. He gives me that sexy half-smile of his, and I melt. God, I love this man.

  He crosses the room and takes me in his arms, kissing me soundly. I melt into him, my core clenching at his closeness. He takes a step back far too quickly. I giggle when I see my pink lip gloss smeared on his lips.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Oh, just thinking that pink really isn’t your color.”

  He takes a look at himself in the mirror and turns to look at me with hungry eyes. “I think you look good on me.”

  My cheeks heat in a deep blush at the implication in his eyes. It’s obvious he’s not just talking about my lip gloss. I whimper when he licks his lips, cleaning off the pink smudge. My core clenches, and I wonder what the chances are of him agreeing to just stay home tonight are. I could definitely get behind stripping him of that sexy-as-sin suit and having my way with him on his big bed.

  “Are you ready?” Torin asks, dragging my mind out of the gutter it always seems to be in whenever he’s in touching distance of me.

  “Umm… about that,” I say, frowning down at my feet. “None of my shoes go with this gorgeous dress.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing I brought these.” He bends down and picks up a shoebox that I hadn’t noticed. Though, when he’s around, I doubt I would notice a burning building he’s that distracting to my senses.

  I open the box and gasp at the beautiful black heels inside. They are perfect. “How?”

  He shrugs. “A magician never reveals his secrets.”

  Torin kneels in front of me, my heart thuds in my chest as he puts on one shoe, running his rough hands up and down my leg. Then does the same with the other. Who knew such a simple touch could cause such a visceral reaction? I’m more turned on than ever from a practically innocent touch. Man, I have it bad for him.


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