wanted to enslave the people of Lilliput in a highly organized economy, and nothing I said made any difference. The Commission lost no time in finding me guilty of blasphemy, and voted to strip me of my government support.
Suddenly all my grooms, farmers, cooks and builders were fired; and I changed from an economic asset to a giant freeloader and, worse, a social nuisance. Everywhere I went mobs, now deprived of Sprugs for my care, formed around me shaking their fist and shouting obscenities, and I knew my life was in danger and my days were numbered.
Dean Swift has described in detail how I escaped from Lilliput with only the clothes on my back and returned to England, so I won’t bore you with repetition. But, after I got home and became rich and famous, I grew restless with nothing to do to create excitement in my life. So, I’ve decided to leave this account among my papers, take ship in a fortnight to feel the rolling deck under my feet again, and see if I can find Prosperous Island.
The Almighty Sprug: Gulliver's Eyewitness Account of the Quaint Economy of Lilliput Page 11