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Comatose Page 15

by Graham Saunders


  Tuesday morning arrived with Tony's stomach in knots. It was the day when he had to steal the car and he had psyched himself up to complete the job as soon as everyone else had left for the evening. He knew that he had to keep his head clear, once the car was taken he would be finally off the hook and could turn his attention to the cottage. Tony arrived at work earlier than normal, driven from his normal routine by the growing nervous tension. As the morning rolled on, he kept a constant watch for the BMW arriving at the service department. At a little after nine thirty a tyre kicker entered the used car yard his attention held by smart Volkswagen beetle – "something for the wife" the plumply ageing man had mumbled.

  "I'll get the keys... you can take it for a spin." Tony said pretending to be interested. As he walked back inside the M3 finally made its appearance. Tony could hear the rasp of its racy exhaust note as it made its way down the access road to the service department. As Tony had hoped, it was as invisible as an M3 could be. In a metallic silver grey colour, it looked standard. Only someone interested in cars would take it for anything other than a normal three series. The owner had not customized the look of the car in any way, it was a real sleeper. Tony allowed himself to relax a little; things were falling into place nicely. The hard part was still ahead but at least the car he wanted was there waiting to be lifted. At lunchtime he popped in to see his mate and was pleased to see the work had already been done and the car was parked in the zone reserved for customer pick-ups.

  There had been just the one sale by the time that the clock had ticked round to knocking off time, Tony made himself appear busy writing up his records. Soon everyone else was gone from the offices and he made his way through the internal passage that linked the sales offices with the service department. It was in darkness. He put on a pair of gloves, went down the four stone steps to the workshop and saw the M3 still where it had been earlier. He found the wall cupboard without difficulty, opened the door and using a torch brought along for the purpose, discovered the key to the safe hanging innocently on a hook. As Dave Barnes had said, the combination was printed on the tag. He soon had the safe open and found the set of keys he wanted. He walked over to the M3 to make sure everything was in order and unlocked the doors. All he had to do was open the roller door and drive off. He would be home free. This was going far more easily than he had expected. As he grabbed the door catch, Tony suddenly heard voices and footsteps coming this way. He froze and then ducked down below window height. He quickly slipped inside the car closing the door so that the tell tale interior light was extinguished, he lay flat to avoid being seen. If the lights to the workshop were turned on, the game would be up. He held his breath but he felt sure the pounding of his heart could be heard across the entire workshop.

  The unmistakeable sound of a young woman giggling as they passed the M3 made Tony sneak a peek. To his astonishment it was Samantha Vincent and, he could not believe his eyes, Dave Barnes was walking alongside her with his arm around her waist. You sly old bastard. He thought, not without a twinge of envy. In the dim light he saw them slide into the service manager's office and close the door. It was clear that the couple had sought seclusion to pursue a moment of passion. Conformation came when Tony finally heard Samantha in the throes of passion calling out 'yes, yes, yes' with ever more urgency as Barnsey went about his carnal business The young woman was obviously enjoying her bit of rough trade with the mechanic. Tony was starting to ache from the uncomfortable position he was crouching in but dare not move. The whole sordid encounter lasted little more than five minutes and then Samantha walked carefully out of the office; smoothing her designer skirt and flicking her hair back to shape. She left the way she had come in, back up towards the main showrooms. The click of Samantha's heels faded and a few moments later Barnsey followed her out of the office but let himself out of the side door which opened into the access road and the used car yard. Tony was sure he could hear, above the constant hum of the passing traffic, the faint sound of the mechanic whistling as he walked away, presumably back to his unsuspecting wife Julie.

  Tony waited, listening for a while but everything was quiet. He got out of the car and followed the path that Barnsey had taken. The was no sign of anyone in the yard. He returned and cautiously opened the roller door. With his heart still pounding Tony slowly inched the M3 out into the access road and then closed and locked the door. A quick check that the coast was clear and Tony made his way out into the evening traffic. He drove down the High Street checking his mirrors for any sign of the police. He turned up by the brightly illuminated supermarket and at the junction had to stop for a red light. Some comedian on a Ducati pulled up along side him. He must have noticed the M3 badge and looked across at Tony. He made a gesture that Tony understood only too well. The rider was clearly up for a drag away from the lights. Tony nodded an acceptance of the challenge but when the lights turned green he trickled away like a granny in a Micra. The Ducati screamed away pulling up onto its rear wheel. Tony just smiled.

  It was already eight o'clock and Tony assumed that he would have to phone Jimmy to come and open up. He continued to drive carefully and slowly, well under the radar, to Jimmy's place. When he got there he saw the building was still lit up. He parked the car in the front area next to the Mercedes in which he had recently enjoyed a brief trip out to woods. He tried to forget the incident and knocked on the rattling metal door with the last dregs of his confidence now exhausted.

  Kevin and Jimmy, together with some dangerous looking stranger were obviously enjoying an after work drink.

  "It's the boy, boss." Kevin called over his shoulder as he opened the door.

  "About fuckin' time. Bring him in, Kev."

  Tony found the lights harsh and bright after the darkness outside and shaded his eyes from the glare. He had an uneasy feeling as he edged into the warehouse like a lamb being drawn into into a lion's den. The warehouse was filled with boxes. There was booze of all types, cases of cigarettes and much more stored under tarpaulins, probably electrical goods but there was nothing Tony could readily put a name to from a quick glance. Clearly Jimmy Costard was into much more than just drugs.

  "I hope you've brought something for me Tony." Jimmy's voice sounded a little slurred as if he had overindulged in his favourite tipple.

  "Yes... it's out here, want to take a look?"

  Jimmy followed the young man back outside into the brisk evening air.

  "Shit, it's going to be cold tonight." Jimmy said rubbing his hands together; feeling the urgent need of another warming glass.

  "A BMW... M3 is it? Good choice Tony, you done well. That will do the business just perfect."

  "Shall I leave it here or drive it inside for you?" Tony said, hoping he might be able to just slink away into the night and forget the whole unpleasant business.

  "I think you can see, I'm a little over the limit for driving tonight, you better bring it in..." He turned back and called into the lozenge of yellow light that spread out from the open warehouse door. "Kev! Get the main door open will you." Jimmy's bellowing voice echoed across the car park and up into the night air. A dog started barking somewhere in the distance. Soon the whine of an electric motor could be heard as the heavy roller door edged its way open. Tony wasted no time in getting the stolen car inside. He parked it in a corner where a space and been cleared for it. Kevin and the other man already had a tarpaulin ready the cover the M3.

  "Now Tony you gotta stop for a drink, we've got plenty to spare as you can see" Jimmy gestured to the stockpile of stolen liquor with an open arm.

  Hanging around in that company was the last thing that Tony wanted, his plan was to put space between himself and Jimmy as fast as possible and forget that any of this had ever happened.

  "No better not, I need to be somewhere. I have to say I'm glad that's over; I've been bricking it for the past couple of days."

  "You hear that lads, the boy's got 'imself all worked up... Tony my son, that was just the easy
part. Oh no it ain't over for you yet, didn't I say... I've got you pencilled in to be our designated getaway driver. I've been watching you wheeling them used motors round the streets like an F1 driver. No Tony, you ain't done yet old son... not by a long way."

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