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My Yakuza

Page 12

by A. J. Llewellyn

  “I see. Well, you are not to worry about me, Grandma, do you understand? You’ll see everything will be all right very soon. Now I must go, please be careful and take care of yourself. In fact, if you can, go to your sister’s house for a month. Can you do that?”

  “I don’t know, Shiro.” She sounded lost now. “Is it important that I see my sister now?”

  “You haven’t seen her for so long and you don’t know how long she has on this earth, so yes, I believe it to be important that you go stay with her.”

  She demurred. “I don’t know…”

  “Grandma, where exactly are the two men now?”

  “Oh, they are gone. No need to worry.”

  Christ…okay…I won’t worry.

  “I will call her. Let me know when everything is better.”

  “I will, I love you,” Shiro said.

  “I trust you.”

  Shiro hung up the phone and wondered at the strange goodbye that he’d received. He could only assume that his grandma meant that she knew there was far more to the story of the cop then he could tell now. Shiro smiled. They were close enough that they could talk in little phrases and convey entirely different messages than what someone overhearing the conversation would think.

  “Is she all right?” Kono asked.

  “Yes, there were two men there that forced her to call me. They’re gone now and she’s no longer in danger from those particular men. But the Harada clan may send more men to her, so I’ve asked her to visit with her sister for a month. She lives on another island and she should be safe there.”

  “Any idea who the men were?”

  “Yes. Apparently it was Nobuo-san, himself, with someone that he forced to go with him—a man that I knew in Tokyo who was a beautiful human being. A gentle creator of fine things. He was an artist.”

  “You speak of him in the past tense. Did something happen to him? Did Nobuo kill him?”

  “Nobuo killed Keizo the minute he forced him onto the plane in Japan,” Shiro said as he began to tear up once more.

  “How did she force Nobuo to leave her alive and apparently well?”

  “I didn’t want her to say too much over the phone. Will this ever be over, Kono? You know them far better than I do. You lived with these men for an entire year! Do I have to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life?”

  “The only true way to be totally safe from these animals is to chop the head off and hope the body dies. I’m trying to do exactly that when I testify in court in less than a month. If we can convict Shun’ichi Harada, then we can probably get more indictments and go down the chain of command in the clan. With as much as I learnt about their operations here in New York, I hope that together with other testimony, we can cripple the clan once and for all. The other clans won’t have a beef with you since you just helped put their biggest competitor out of business.”

  “You’ve never said before, but do you think you can get a conviction? Do you have enough on them?”

  “The D.A. thinks so, and so does the department. But as with anything dealing with the courts, you never know until it’s done.”

  “Not to change the subject, but I’m gonna. Can we use the pool here?”

  “They’re located in public areas and I don’t think it’s wise for us to be seen anywhere…yet. One of Harada’s spies could spot us. Sorry.”

  “Well, we’ll just have to find something in the room to amuse ourselves with,” Shiro said with a smile.

  Kono smiled and said, “Turn on the TV.”

  “That’s not what I had in mind, if you know what I mean.”

  “Oh, I know what you mean all right, and it isn’t happening. So just forget it. I’m kinda hungry, see if you can figure out something simple to make and we’ll have some lunch. I’m going to unpack my clothes.”

  Shiro pouted as Kono grabbed the duffle bag that he’d gotten out of the trunk of the car and proceeded to pull out clothing and a twelve-gauge police shotgun. Shiro shivered when he saw it, reminding himself that they were still in great danger.

  “I’m gonna take a hot bath and wash that stinking jail cell off of me,” Shiro announced moodily. He wasn’t happy that Kono showed no real interest in having intimate contact with him and he closed the door, filling the jetted hot tub as far as it would go without spilling over the sides when he got in.

  He stripped off his clothes and jumped when he heard Kono rack a shell into the chamber of the shotgun. There was no mistaking that sound for anything pleasant.

  Shiro slid into the water slowly and when he was able to sit back in the tub, he let out a sigh of exhaustion and tension. The time he spent in custody was the worst time in his life with the exception of being in that small room with Nobuo who was now dead at the hands of his sweet elderly grandmother. How had she managed to kill two men, one of whom was a certified lunatic killer plus an innocent man dragged into the crazy world that Nobuo inhabited?

  Shiro’s heart ached as he thought of Keizo now dead because of Nobuo and the Harada clan. He hated them more now than he had before. Shiro replayed their love-making session over in his mind as he recalled the orgasm that had produced such vivid colours. Shiro had desperately wanted to feel Keizo inside him many more times and now realised that was not to be. The primal lust that he had once felt was not to be reached again with beautiful Keizo and the world was poorer for it.

  Tears flowed freely down his face and dripped into the water as Shiro grieved for a man who had moved his world. It was still a shock to know that Keizo was gone.

  “Are you all right in there?” Kono asked from the other side of the door.

  Shiro brought himself under control and sat up a little in the tub. He turned towards the door and replied, “Yes, I’m okay.”

  “I heard you crying. What else did your grandmother tell you?”

  “Nothing else, I promise.”

  Kono opened the door and entered the bathroom and looked down at the startled Shiro.

  “Tell me the truth. What else did she tell you?”

  “Are you asking me as a cop, or as a friend?”

  “It depends on what you’re hiding,” Kono responded.

  “My grandmother killed both Nobuo and my friend from Tokyo, Keizo. Keizo was forced to be there by that butcher and paid for it with his life. Keizo and I had a very intense connection that one night in Tokyo and he brought me to heights I had never reached before and had hoped to reach once more. He was a man of both outer and inner beauty—almost pure in many ways. My grandma didn’t know the difference between the two men, only that they were holding her hostage and she believed that they had forced me to kill you. So, out of fear for both herself and me, she somehow killed them both.”

  Kono sat down on the toilet. “Incredible. Nobuo was a very strong man and I can’t imagine how she killed him and another man. Did she keep a gun in the house?”

  “No, she hates guns. She feels the only purpose for a gun is to kill a human being and she’s a woman of peace.”

  “Well, woman of peace or not, she managed to kill at least one very dangerous man. I’m sorry about your friend, though. He obviously got caught in the crossfire. Does she know that Keizo was a friend and there against his will?”

  “No, and I’ll never tell her because the guilt would kill her. It was hard enough for her to do what she did thinking both men were evil.”

  “Did she call the police, do you know?”

  “I have a feeling no. It sounded to me like friends removed the bodies and they are on their way to the mountains, which could mean one of several things. I have a feeling though that their bodies will never be found.”

  “I’m sure your grandmother was justified in killing them as she feared for her life, no doubt. Any court would rule that it was self-defence and we don’t know what else she learnt or overheard them talking about. My only thought is what will the Harada clan do when they don’t hear from their butcher. I have a feeling that you saved her life by telling her to get o
utta Dodge and go to her sister’s. Hopefully they won’t be able to track her there. You said you told her to stay there for a month?”

  “Yeah. That will take us all past the trial hopefully. After that, they’ll have far more important things to worry about than some little old lady in Hawaii.”

  “Are you okay now? I didn’t like hearing you crying in here.”

  “Yeah. Thank you for caring enough to check on me. I can’t believe what’s happened to my life since I left for Japan.”

  “Hang tough, Shiro, we’ll both get through this.”

  Kono got up to leave the bathroom.

  Shiro quickly stood up in the tub and asked, “Would you hand me a towel please?” Water ran down his sleek body making it shimmer. He caught Kono looking down his body. Kono quickly handed the towel over to Shiro, who smiled.

  Shiro dried off, enjoying the obvious interest expressed in Kono’s eyes, and for the first time, he felt that he might really get to sleep with this Asian stud. He climbed out of the bathtub and wrapped the towel around himself and combed his hair. He looked down his chest in the mirror and was pleased with what he saw except for the needle marks. How could Kono not want to possess such a body? Shiro smiled once more as he turned to enter into the bedroom.

  Kono left the bathroom thinking about what he had just seen of Shiro and realised that there was indeed a strong sexual attraction between the two of them. He walked over to the bed and laid down on it, trying not to think of what he wanted to do to his temporary roommate.

  “I feel much better now—both physically and mentally after that bath and our talk. Thanks again for coming in.”

  “It was nothing. Forget it,” Kono said without turning to look at Shiro who was sitting on the bed in just the towel. “What about lunch? Do you want something?”

  “No, I think I’ll wait until dinner and then have something decent. We have to eat here in the room?”

  “Yep. We need to try and stay out of public view. I’ll wait ‘til this evening, too, then. In the mean time, let’s watch some television. Oh, and you might wanna put some clothes on.”

  Shiro didn’t respond to that last statement. He got up and pulled out a set of clothes that were in Kono’s suitcase. He dropped the towel, but instead of dressing, he began to flip through the channels looking for a movie to watch. He hit a local news station.

  Kono stared at Shiro’s body, at the golden cock taunting him. He was so close…so close. He was torn between telling Shiro to get dressed and demanding the guy come right over with that hot ass of his.

  His feverish reverie was broken by the TV news.

  “…it’s unknown at this time, which holding facility the alleged police assassin has been taken to. He was last seen being herded into this police van along with an officer and when it took off, no one seemed to know where it was going.

  “In other news related to this story, it has been learnt that the well-liked police detective, Kono Takumi, victim of alleged shooter Shiro Kanake, left instructions that there was to be no formal police funeral as is the custom. His last wishes were for his body to be cremated and his ashes taken care of by the New York City Police Department. No word yet when that cremation is to take place. Now back to the studio, this has been Judy Wentworth reporting live for New York Nine.”

  “They’re cremating you?”

  “Actually, they’re not, obviously,” Kono said with a laugh. “It was the only way to prevent a media circus surrounding my so-called murder along with security concerns of someone getting a peek inside the box and finding sandbags. This was the easiest and safest for everyone. It’ll also piss a lot less people off when I walk into the courtroom. It’s very expensive to put on a government funeral for a slain police officer.”

  Chapter Eight

  “That all makes sense. It’s just weird to be sitting here next to you and hear them discussing how your remains are being disposed of and guessing where I’m at.”

  “And that’s the rest of the story…along with the Tinaken clan looking for you, the press will also be on the lookout trying to figure out how you did the disappearing act. There have been cop killers before and they haven’t just vanished into thin air like you have. When they begin to figure out that the department is trying to pull a fast one on the media, they’ll go on the hunt and they’ll stay on it until they get their story.”

  Shiro shifted closer on the bed. Oh, he had a beautiful penis. Kono almost reached out to touch it when his cell phone rang.

  Both men jumped. Kono checked the read-out. The phone number of a pay phone at a local dinner where the cops ate came up on the caller ID.

  “It’s my boss. Hello?” Kono answered trying to alter his voice.

  “It’s me,” Jerrell said. “You two okay?”

  “Yeah, we’re fine. Is there a reason we shouldn’t be?”

  “No, everything is cool on this end. I just wanted to make sure you were settled in and out of view. We’re gonna announce tomorrow that you’ve been disposed of, which should stop some nosing around by reporters trying to get the story on your funeral. Also, the D.A.’s office is being hounded by defence attorneys for Harada seeking a dismissal of charges due to the unfortunate death of the lead detective in the case. The D.A. is in the know, of course, and will continue to tell the Judge that the state is ready to move forward with or without you. That way, there are no lies being told to the Judge and the defence attorneys think they’re gonna run all over the D.A. come opening trial day.”

  “I’m not surprised by any of that. Since they’re not granting bail to Harada, they’re trying to get him released because of lack of prosecutable evidence and or witnesses in the case. The D.A. has to be careful and walk a fine line here with regards to me.”

  “Well, that’s his worry. My worry is keeping you and junior alive. Do you need anything?”

  Kono couldn’t respond. Shiro was standing naked beside him, his cock half hard.

  “No.” Kono’s voice came out in a croak as he stared at the magnificent cock rubbing against his cheek.

  He tried to lunge for it, but Shiro moved away.

  Jerrell went on. “By the way, the US Attorney is watching this case very carefully and it looks like they’re waiting to jump in and take the case over when you don’t show up in court. I have no idea what federal charges they could have on Harada unless it’s RICO charges, but New York has his ass first.”


  Shiro was back, his fingers and cock rubbing against the back of Kono’s neck. Damn!

  “Are you okay?” Jerrell asked.

  “Uh-huh.” He twisted around on the bed. His fingers curled around the head of Shiro’s sweet, smooth cock.

  “Okay, take care,” Jerell said.

  Kono hung up and put the phone on the nightstand.

  Shiro asked, “Anything wrong?”

  “No, everything seems to be going as planned. I’m thinking I know what I want for lunch.”

  “Yeah.” Shiro’s voice caught in a half-chuckle. “Me, too.”

  Kono looked Shiro over closely as he sat on the bed. His fingers stroked along his belly and thighs. Kono could see Shiro’s balls. He took the sight in with relish and began to think about making-love to this man who was sent to kill him but couldn’t. He needed the closeness of being with someone in bed, naked, and sexual. Before Kono knew it, his cock had grown hard in his pants and when Shiro looked up, he knew Shiro could see the bulge.

  “Looks like you’re thinking thoughts that I might like since your cock has woken up.” Shiro nodded towards Kono’s crotch.

  Kono got up off the bed, removing his shirt and unbuckling his belt by the time he was standing in front of Shiro again.

  “You are a beautiful man, Shiro Kanake. Your skin is so soft,” he said as he ran his hands over Shiro’s shoulders and down onto his chest, stopping to tweak his nipples. He went easy on the battered one, but Shiro seemed to like the contact. He reacted by putting his hands on Kono’s hips and m
oving closer so that they could finally kiss.

  Their lips touched, and at first, the kiss was very tender and sensual. There was no tongue, only the brushing of lips that felt as soft as newly fallen snow. When they broke the kiss, Shiro looked down and unfastened Kono’s pants and let them drop to the floor. Shiro sank to his knees in front of Kono and pushed his shorts down, allowing his hard cock to spring forward, bouncing enticingly in front of his mouth.

  Kono kicked off his pants and shorts as Shiro looked at his body in near worship.

  “You are magnificent Kono-san! Your body is both hard and well defined without a trace of fat anywhere on you. Your cock is beautiful as are the jewels hanging underneath. Would you turn around for me?”

  As Kono turned around, Shiro let out a slight gasp of awe. Kono’s ass was one of the finest he had ever seen. It truly looked as if it had been chiseled from stone. When Kono once again faced Shiro, Shiro took Kono’s cock and went down on him. Kono threw his head back in ecstasy. Shiro was sure that it felt as good to his lover as it did to him. Shiro’s hot wet mouth kept up its tender sucking as he played with Kono’s balls. Shiro hungrily sucked at the cock he possessed with his mouth increasing the intensity as he continued. Shiro finally held what he had wanted since their first furtive blowjob. This was a fantasy come true. Shiro moved his hands from Kono’s balls and slid them around and down over Kono’s ass. Upon feeling Kono’s ass, currents of electricity coursed throughout Shiro. Little cries escaped from Shiro’s throat as he worked on Kono’s cock until Kono pulled away.

  “I don’t want to come yet. Wow. You sure know how to suck cock, don’t you, Shiro?”

  “When it’s as beautiful as yours is, it’s not difficult to be enthusiastic about giving you pleasure.”

  “Stand up,” Kono commanded.

  Shiro stood up and Kono once more appraised the body standing before him. “You are beautiful, Shiro. What is it that you want most from me?”

  “I want you to fuck me, and fuck me hard. I want you to own me like a sex slave. I want to give you as much pleasure as you can take and then a little bit more.”


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