Brother’s Best Friend

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Brother’s Best Friend Page 17

by Black, Natasha L.

  “I wasn’t there to protect you,” he whispered.

  I kissed his lips softly. “This isn’t your fault. This is all on your mother, and she’ll have her day in court.”


  “Yes, literally. Just like she should. Plus, you know, I kinda love you a bit. So, you’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

  He paused. “Love?”

  I snickered. “What, are you really shocked about that?”

  He pulled back and I watched his eyes dance between mine. A smile grew across my face as my hand slid against his cheek. I gripped his chin playfully, wiggling it around, trying to make him smile. And finally, that cheeky grin of his slid into place.

  He dropped another kiss to my lips.

  “Good. Because I kind of love you a little bit, too,” he murmured.

  “Only a little bit?” I asked.

  “Hey, you’re the one that started it.”

  I sighed. “I love you, Cole.”

  “I love you, too, Layla.”

  “I’ve already talked with your brother downstairs. I caught him coming out of the cafeteria. He’s going to help me sue her for what he’s done.”

  My eyebrows rose as my head fell back to the hospital bed pillow. I was truly, genuinely shocked at how nonchalantly Cole said that. He didn’t look sad about it, either. I knew he’d always had a hard relationship with his mother. But suing her? Being on that side in court while watching his mother on a witness stand?

  “Are you sure you want to do that?” I asked.

  “Look at you right now, Layla. I’m more than sure.”

  I sighed as I relaxed back into the pillow. I nodded softly, giving him my support as he brushed my hair back. And as his tears slowly dried up, my mind fell back into memories. Times where Cole came barging through the front doors of our home like he lived there and stayed for long weekends or his entire spring break. Hell, there were moments where I remembered my mother doing his laundry, letting him keep a spare set of clothes in our guest bedroom.

  But, still. This was his mother. His flesh and blood. I knew it had to be hard on him too.

  “I’m here for you, whatever you need,” I said softly.

  He kissed my forehead. “I know. And thank you. It means more than you’ll ever realize.”

  “Can I come back up?” Millie asked.

  I giggled. “Come up here, pretty girl. I’ve always got room for you.”

  She climbed into the crook of my arm, and I snuggled her close. We turned on the hospital room television and flipped through the channels, eventually settling on none other than Beauty and the Beast.

  “Be… our… guest! Be our guest! Put our service to the test.”

  Millie started singing and I joined in, with Cole sitting on my other side. His hand fell against my stomach, rubbing soft circles with his fingertips. I smiled as Millie and I sang loudly to the songs, so much so that a nurse came by and softly closed our door, causing the three of us to fall apart in laughter as music filled the room.

  “Sounds like people are having a party in here,” Mom said as she opened the door.

  “Good thing I brought cake,” Dad said.

  “Cake?” Millie asked.

  As my family walked back into the room, I looked over at Cole, finding him smiling at me with love in his eyes.

  “I love you,” I mouthed.

  “I love you, too,” he mouthed back.



  “Alight, ready to head inside?” I asked.

  “I still can’t believe you talked me into this,” Layla murmured.

  “You live on the third floor. How are you getting up there in two casts?”

  “Hush, you. I would’ve found a way.”

  “Would you have rather moved in with your parents?”

  She paused. “Lead the way, fine sir.”

  I laughed as I opened the back-truck door. Millie jumped out, squealing as Ace tumbled onto the ground beside her. The poor dog practically scrambled to get away from her. I had to call out after Millie to give that poor puppy a rest. I heaved Layla’s suitcases out of the back of my truck before we started for my front door. I put the suitcases on the front porch before I opened the door, letting Millie and Ace run inside to greet Hope.

  Then, I went back for Layla in her wheelchair.

  “This is going to get old,” she murmured.

  “Once that cast is no longer above your knee, you’ll be okay,” I said.

  “Especially once I get my damn arm out of this thing.”

  “At least your elbow isn’t hindered.”

  “No, but it’s driving me fucking crazy.” I sighed as I wheeled her chair into the house. I kicked the door closed behind me and watched as Hope and Ace ran around, with Millie giggling along behind them. I rolled Layla down the hallway and took a hard left through the kitchen, passing through the dining room no one ever used. After traveling down a small hallway, we came to a door.

  “I didn’t know this was down here,” Layla said.

  “Well, prepare to see your new home for the next few weeks,” I said.

  I reached over and threw the door open, revealing a small in-law quarters the house had attached to it. The damn thing was practically invisible from the front of the house, especially with the screened-in porch attached to it. But the place was perfect for her. I wanted her in my bed and by my side. However, her casts simply wouldn’t allow it.

  “Holy shit,” she whispered.

  I chuckled. “Acceptable?”

  “This room is as big as my bedroom and living room combined!”

  “And it’ll be big enough for you to work on navigating your wheelchair on your own. Since I know you’ll want to be doing that soon.”

  “Can my wheelchair fit through the screen door porch thing?”

  “Uh-huh. You can roll out there anytime you want. It’s got a fan you can turn on, too. In case you want it cooler back there or something.”

  “And a coffeepot?”

  “That you can work with one hand.”

  I rolled her into the room and let her get acclimated. The room housed a king-sized bed, a small kitchenette with a coffeepot, a mini fridge, and some kitchenware for her to use with the small stove. A couch and a high-back chair along with a small coffee table sat off in the corner of the room. And in the small hallway leading from the dining room to the bedroom was an off-shoot door leading into the bathroom, complete with both a walk-in shower and a jetted tub.

  “I’m living here now. It’s official,” Layla said.

  I kissed the top of her head. “Make yourself at home. Ginny already came by with your toiletries, and Nicole brought over all your work and art supplies. I set those up in the closet for you to easily pull out.”

  “I can’t believe you did all this for me.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way, beautiful.”

  She leaned back to see me, and I dropped my lips to hers. I let them linger. I drew in the way she smiled. The feel of her giggle. The way her breath pulsed against my lips. She was alive. Well. Smiling. Happy.

  I couldn’t have asked for more than that.

  “Your parents want to come by later and check in on you. But they promised me they’d only stay for a few minutes,” I murmured.

  She snickered. “You know damn good and well that means they’re staying for drinks, dinner, and dessert.”

  “Which is why Millie and I are going to bake some cookies for tonight so you can try to settle in a bit.”

  “What? You think I don’t want to make cookies?”

  “You mean you don’t want to practice moving your wheelchair around so I don’t have to push you everywhere and do everything for you?”

  She paused. “I’ll see you guys out there in a bit.”

  I laughed before giving her one last kiss. Then, I left her alone in the bedroom. It took all I had not to check on her. Not to rush back there every time I heard her softly cursing or getting frustrate
d with herself. I paid attention to Millie. I kept my attention on the sweet girl as we spaced the cookies just right on the baking sheets. I lifted her up and let her preheat the oven. I let her slide her own tray of cockeyed cookies into the searing heat. I even let her eat some of the cookie dough while we sat there, watching the timer count down the minutes until the cookies were done.

  Then, just as the cookies came out of the oven, I heard the door open.

  “Layla?” Millie asked.

  “Hold on, honey. Let her do it,” I said softly.

  There were a couple of bumps and swears that made me cover Millie’s ears. Playfully, of course. I waited with bated breath as Layla’s shadow emerged.

  And with a smile, she looked over at us from across the dining room.

  “I smell cookies,” she said.

  “Layla!” Millie exclaimed.

  My niece took off running, and Layla helped her clamor up into her lap. She took her time wheeling into the kitchen, but I was so proud of what she’d already accomplished. She moved slowly, but she moved on her own. And I knew how much that meant to Layla. She parked herself at the kitchen table and held Millie close.

  I got us each a glass of milk along with some fresh, gooey chocolate chip cookies.

  “Oh, these are perfection,” Layla said, moaning.

  “They’re really good,” Millie said, giggling.

  “Can I ask you something?” I asked.

  “You know you can. What’s up?” Layla asked.

  “How did things go with your boss at school? Have you talked to them at all yet?”

  She nodded, swallowing her mouth full of milk. “Mm. Mm. Oh, yeah. That’s fine. I mean, they’re giving me the time off. Obviously. I hate it for the kids, but I’m going to work on a detailed outline of my curriculum that will take them to Christmas break.”

  “They’re going to let you off that long?”

  She shrugged. “They don’t have a choice. The doctor faxed over paperwork that backed up his recommendation of my recuperation time. Plus, my father’s a stickler for things like this. One talk with him pretty much sets anyone straight.”

  “Trust me, I get that. I had plenty of lectures from him when I was younger.”

  “‘Lecture’ is generous. He’s a man of few words and still has the art of persuasion.”

  I chuckled. “Because he chooses his words wisely.”

  I wanted to tell her that she didn’t have to go back to work at all. Ever. Not if she wanted. Not while she was with me. But I knew Layla. I knew her well enough to know she’d never do that. She’d bristle at it, in fact.

  “Well, you’re welcome to stay here as long as you like,” I said.

  “I’ll be out of your hair once I can get back on my feet,” she said.

  “Layla. I’m serious. However long you want, no matter where you are in your recuperation. If you want to stay, my place is yours.”

  Her eyes found mine, and she slowly nodded her head. Just then a knock sounded from the front door. I heard her mother softly talking behind it before her father groaned, and it made me laugh. Layla shot me that “I told you so” look as I got up, which followed me all the way to the front door.

  Then, we were bombarded.

  It started a round of people filtering into the house that chased Millie into the living room with the dogs. First, Layla’s parents. Then, Lance. Nicole came by and Lance magically found himself back over here, which didn’t shock me in the slightest. Her parents came back by just as the sun set. Lance came by to say good night before Nicole called. It had been a whirlwind of people filtering in and out all afternoon, and I worried that Layla might sleep fitfully because of it.

  But after putting Millie down for bed, I found her exactly where I knew she’d be.

  Sitting on the screened-in porch with a mug of coffee in her hands.

  “Care for some company?” I said.

  “No offense, but the company better stay silent,” she said sleepily.

  I nodded, then walked over and sat beside her. I pulled up a chair and settled my hand against her knee, squeezing it softly. The fan whirred overhead, blanketing us in the autumnal chill that had seized Maine fully and completely. And as the last of the sun set, I heard Layla draw in a deep breath.

  “Thank you. For everything,” she said softly.

  “You’ll never have to thank me for something like this.”

  “You know your money doesn’t bother me, right?”

  I paused. “I’d hope not. It’s not really something about me that’s ever going to change.”

  “I know. I just want you to know that I can take care of myself. I’m capable of doing that. You don’t have to save me. I’m not that kind of woman.”

  I snickered. “Layla, you’ve never been that kind of woman. You’ve always been headstrong. Independent. Hell, you took impeccable care of yourself well before this ever came along. I never questioned that. Not once.”

  “You didn’t?”

  I turned to face her. “No, Layla. I didn’t. I just want to spoil you. I don’t want you to ever have to worry about things as long as I’m around. And I know, from watching your mother growing up, that sometimes teachers do worry about finances.”

  “It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

  “I know that. I need you to know I know that, too. It has nothing to do with you being incapable of providing for yourself. It just has to do with me wanting to relieve some of this burden off your shoulders. I mean, what the hell good is having money if you can’t spend it on the people you love?”

  Her hand fell against mine, and she squeezed it.

  “Just give me some time. It’ll come. Eventually, I won’t bristle at you paying for things. I just want you to know I don’t expect it.”

  I pressed a kiss to her lips, silencing her words.

  “I know, Layla. I promise you; I know.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  Then, it was my turn to worry. “We’re going to be okay, right?”

  She paused. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, we didn’t come this far to have it all end because my mother is a fucking alcoholic psychopath. Right?”

  She nuzzled her nose against mine. “I promise you, Cole, we’re good. I don’t blame you. Not one bit. And I’ll tell you that as many times as you need to hear it.”

  I sighed. “Good. Because I’ll need to hear it for a while.”

  “I’m right here. Through it all. Just like I’ve always been.”

  “Thank you. Thank you so much. Because, to be frank, this sucks absolute dick.”

  She snickered. “Yes. Yes, it absolutely does.”


  Layla - Five Weeks Later

  I heard the front door open, and I quickly scrambled onto the bed. I scooted to the edge of it, then pressed my knees together and shook my hair back. Finally, Cole was back from dropping Millie off at my mother’s for their tutoring session.

  And I was ready for the taking.

  The past five weeks had been a nightmare. At least, with some things. But living with Cole was magnificent. Waking up in his house felt incredible. But I missed him. I missed being close to him. I missed making love to him.

  He kept dodging my hints about it, too.

  I knew he’d picked up on them. He’d give me those looks or lick his lips. But he’d never act on them or take me as his. He wouldn’t act on the whims I knew he had. Yes, I’d gotten hurt. I hadn’t died, though. I was still a woman with needs. I mean, the man hadn’t done anything but kiss me since I’d been in his in-law quarters!

  Drastic times called for drastic measures.

  “Layla? Where are you?”

  “I’m back here! I need help!” I exclaimed.

  “Layla! Are you all right?”

  “I just need your help with something. That’s all!”

  He scurried into my room, and I slowly spread my legs. My body was naked for him, and he careened to a quick stop. His jaw fell open as his eyes
worked their way over me.

  “Baby,” he said with a groan.

  “Come get me, stud.”

  “Layla, you know we can’t—”

  I sighed. “Cole, look. I get it. You’re worried. But the cast is fully off my arm. It’s just this stupid brace now. And tomorrow, I get a boot on my foot. My leg cast is only at the middle of my shin now, for crying out loud.”

  “I just want to—”

  “I know what you want to do. But I got the all clear from the doctor two weeks ago, Cole. Two. Entire. Weeks. I got cleared for work. I got cleared for exercise. Everything, Cole. I’ve been cleared for it.”

  He sighed. “I just—”

  “Ah, ah! No more. Stop it.”


  “No. Do you want to have sex with me or not?”

  He sighed. “You know damn good and well I do.”

  I slid my hand down my torso. “Then, come have sex with me, big boy.”

  I licked my lips and giggled as my hand crept closer to my folds as it glistened for him. I sighed as my hand traveled the road I knew his tongue wanted to take. I spread my legs as far as they could go before lying down on the bed. My fingers breached my lower lips. I slid them over my clit and gasped for breath.

  “Oh, Cole. Please.”

  I circled my clit slowly. I felt his eyes on me as my thighs jumped. My back arched, putting on a show for him as I moved faster, panted harder, and moaned his. Juices dripped down to the mattress below me, and my whimpers grew louder. And just as I felt myself about to burst, his hand came down around my wrist. He ripped my arm away from my body and pinned it down, hovering over me.

  “Only I make you come. Understand?” he asked.

  His cock slipped effortlessly into my body, and my eyes rolled back. Finally. After weeks, I felt filled by him. He pinned my good arm to the bed and sank into me, his massive cock throbbing against my walls. As my casted leg lay there, out of his way, he knelt on the mattress between my legs.

  “You have no idea what I’ve wanted to do to you,” he growled.

  He slid out and slowly inched himself back in, then repeated the motion, torturing me in all the ways I’d dreamed of.


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