Storms Over Texas

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Storms Over Texas Page 17

by Tessa Gray

  When she walked back into the bedroom, he studied her thoroughly. As she set down the tea, he watched her. The black sheath dress she wore showed off every curve in her body. He doubted another woman could have looked better in the dress than Rachel. She continued leaning over, arranging the cups, giving him ample time to study the roundness of her breasts. This particular dress showed more cleavage than others she’d worn, and he decided this might be his favorite.

  Inhaling the scent of her lavender perfume, he struggled to keep himself in check. Back in the day, he’d pretty much expressed his desire for her by carrying her into the bedroom and kissing the ever-loving crap out of her before they made love.

  Tonight felt different. Their gazes locked briefly, and then she spoke. “Here’s your tea.” As she leaned over to hand him the drink, he tried not to stare at the way her breasts moved. In the past, he’d sometimes come on strong, groping her, with little thought to foreplay. But he was hesitant now, for reasons he couldn’t figure out.

  Setting down her cup, she leaned over and kissed him. He tugged on her lower lip and she moaned softly.

  She broke away from him and walked over to the old oak dresser—the one that had belonged to Grandpa Donohue—the one Jake had insisted on storing since she didn’t have room for it at the Antelope.

  Standing across the room, Rachel began unfastening her dress. She groaned then glanced over at him. Beneath the dimly lit lamp on the end table, he could see the look of chagrin on her face.

  Sauntering back over to him, she smiled. “Can you help me unzip this? For some reason, it’s stuck.”

  He reached for her hand, drawing her closer. “I’ll have that dress of yours off in no time.”

  “I’ll just bet you will.”

  As he ran his hands along the back of her dress and slowly unzipped it, she turned her head and their gazes locked. He quickly lowered the dress to the floor, allowing it to fall into a heap.

  “I love you, Jake.”

  “I love you too, Dallas.”

  She reached for both his hands, placing them directly on the back of her bra. He undid the hooks, and when the bra slithered to the floor, he exhaled.

  She stood before him now, almost completely undressed. Exhaling sharply, he slid a hand inside her panties, remembering her sweet spot.

  Stepping out of her underwear, she dropped the panties to the floor.

  When she tugged at his trousers, he slid across the bed and got to his feet. As she pulled them off, he felt the familiar pulsing in his groin.

  She pushed him back down into his bed, splaying both her hands across his chest, and he leaned against the bed frame closing his eyes.

  When she lowered her body onto his, he felt her heat. Grabbing her, he lifted her toward his face, kissed her intensely, and then lowered her onto his arousal. She cried out, and then the familiar rocking began. Any misgivings he had disappeared. He couldn’t recall a time he’d loved her more.

  ~ ~ ~

  Rachel couldn’t recall a night she slept this well. There weren’t really words to describe how she felt. Every single time she’d stirred in her sleep, she’d felt Jake’s arms wrapped about her as he pressed her tightly against him. They’d murmured sweet sentiments to one another, and then drifted back to sleep.

  “I’ll be right back.” Rising from their bed, she walked into the kitchen to make coffee. She peered outside at the salmon-colored sunrise, thrilled that Jake had put in such stunning bay windows in his kitchen.

  As the coffee percolated, she heated up several croissants. When she walked into the bedroom with their breakfast, Jake climbed from the bed to help her. “You don’t need to fuss over me like this.” His face lit up, and as the morning sun swept across the room, she felt as though she was waking up from a wonderful dream.

  “Last night was amazing, Jake. You’re amazing. And I love you very much.”

  “Love you too, Dallas.”

  “I love when you call me that.”

  “I know you do.” He smiled and reached for her hand, his dark eyes twinkling. The two stared at each other, and she couldn’t think of anything to say. When he linked her fingers through his, she remembered that sweet elderly couple at the Blue Depot so many months ago. It occurred that it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility that someday, down the road, she and Jake would be just like that couple.

  They sat for several minutes as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

  “When will the boys move in with you?”

  He grinned, a look of joy sweeping across his face. “Just before Christmas.”

  “They’ll love it here, Jake. I just know they will.”

  “Maybe you should move in with us, Rachel.” When he left the comment alone and gazed at her, she realized he was dead serious. But his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he let go of her hand. “I’m sorry, that was probably presumptuous of me. I wasn’t trying to—”

  “Actually, how about if we get married?” Her comment appeared to surprise him because he leaned back and stared at her.


  “I’m game if you are. Besides, if you plan to adopt Caden and Parker down the road, having a wife might work in your favor.”

  “Did you just propose to me?”

  She laughed aloud at the look of bewilderment on his face.

  “I believe I did.”

  “Name the date, Dallas. I mean it.”

  “This coming Wednesday. No flowers. No church. Just a Justice of the Peace. We’ll tie the knot at City Hall.”

  He shook his head. “The way I had it figured, you’d want a four piece orchestra and eight bridesmaids. And I thought you’d make me write my own vows.”

  “That’s what the old Rachel would have done. The only thing I want is to wake up beside you every single morning.”

  Cupping her face with his hands, he kissed her. When she opened her mouth, he slid his tongue inside, exploring her.

  The ebb and flow of their lovemaking began once again, and she decided breakfast would have to wait.


  On Christmas Eve, after their company left, Jake breathed a sigh of relief. Rachel had gone all out, decorating the house from top to bottom, making the boys’ first Christmas at their new place amazing.

  Pulling his wife into his arms, he kissed her. “Happy Christmas Eve, Mrs. Crenshaw.”

  “Happy Christmas Eve to you, Mr. Crenshaw.”

  They stood with their arms draped about each other as he continued talking. “The boys will always remember this, Dallas. They’ll always remember the effort you put into this. And truth be told, it’s definitely the best Christmas Eve I’ve ever had. Of course, now that everyone’s left . . .”

  She reached for his hand and squeezed it. “I’d put this right up there with my happiest holiday memories.” Her scent filled him, and as he inhaled the lavender perfume she wore, he stared at the fullness of her breasts. Pretty crazy to be this horny before they’d even made it to the bedroom.

  Her gaze held him, and she drew his hand to her mouth and kissed it.

  My God, woman. You’re making me crazy.

  Releasing his hold on her, she walked over to the tree, leaned over, and picked up several packages. “I have a favor to ask you.”

  “Name it, Dallas.”

  “Call the boys out here. I want to give them one more gift.”

  “Can’t it wait?”

  “Babe, please. Do this for me.” Her eyes lit up under the lights of the tree, the amber flecks twinkling. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

  Smirking, he decided to cave. “Cade, Parker. Come out here a minute, will you?” He hollered so loudly, she grimaced.

  “Geez, Jake. I could have done that myself. I thought you were going upstairs to get them.”

  He shrugged, enjoying the playful bantering between them that generally centered around the boys.

  Ten days into their move, things were going extremely well. Both Caden and Parker appeared to feel right at home.

  Caden flew into the room, Parker behind him. “Did you call us?” As Caden asked the question, he watched Rachel hold up the gifts.

  “There’s one more gift I’d like you to open.” She handed the boys each a box that resembled one that clothes would come in. Common sense told him the boys would be less than thrilled if the gift turned out to be clothing.

  “And there’s one for Jake, and one for me.” Rachel smiled as she handed identically wrapped boxes to all four of them, and for the life of him, Jake wondered why this couldn’t have waited until morning.

  “I want everyone to go in separate rooms and put on what’s in the box. When I announce it, everyone will come out at the same time.” She’d become more animated now as she gestured with her hands.

  Rolling his eyes, he sighed. Why Rachel wanted to put on some type of fashion show at nine o’clock in the evening eluded him. “C’mon, Dallas. Can’t this wait—”

  “Please, guys. Do this for me.” As she stared at the boys, a frown on her face, he obliged her.

  “Okay, guys. Let’s do what the good lady says.” He tried to sound excited, but seriously, he was annoyed. It made no sense that this couldn’t wait. Of course, once Rachel got something in her head, it was next to impossible to talk her out of it. He’d be a good soldier and comply. It would make his life much easier. Besides, she mentioned something about making it up to him.

  The boys raced back upstairs, and as Rachel walked into the master bedroom, he followed her. “Oh, no you don’t, buster. This is supposed to be a surprise.”

  “If it’s clothing, it better not be hard to get off. I don’t want to put on anything that will slow things down later on when you reward me. Like you promised.”

  She laughed at the comment and shook her head. Clutching the box tightly, she strode over and kissed him. “I love you so much . . .”

  “Love you too, Rach.”

  She slid a hand to the waistband of his jeans, rubbing her thumb across the zipper. “And like I told you before, I’ll make this up to you.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  “How about you stay in our room and try on the gift I bought you? I’ll go use the guestroom.”

  Before he could reply, she walked down the hall and slipped into the guestroom, closing the door behind her.

  ~ ~ ~

  After Rachel changed into the clothing that lay in the box, she waited for a few minutes-long enough for Jake to change into the pajamas.

  She checked the bedroom clock and sauntered out to the living room. Standing next to the tree, she cupped her mouth with both hands and shouted. “Is everyone ready, or do you need more time?”

  “We’re ready,” three voices chimed in unison.

  The two boys sprinted from upstairs, barreling down the steps. By the time they got to the Christmas tree, they were laughing out loud, pointing at one another.

  Parker spoke first as he danced about the room. “Wow, we’re twins.” He waited for a few seconds, and when Jake entered the room, the boys gasped.

  Jake strode into the room and headed toward Rachel. He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at the four of them dressed in identical pajamas. She’d ordered them a month ago, and had their names monogrammed on the lumberjack looking concoction. She’d sacrificed frills and lace to appease her men.

  Jumping up and down, Parker’s shrill voice pierced the air. “We look like the people in the catalog—that one where the families all sit together dressed in the same pajamas.”

  Jake chewed on his lip and swallowed several times, before moving closer to where she stood. Lacing her fingers through his, he leaned over and kissed the top of her head. He gazed at her, the amber flecks in his eyes lighting up, and she knew he approved of what she’d done.

  Caden stared at Rachel as he spoke, a smile sweeping across his entire face. “We look just like any other family now, don’t we?” After she said it, Jake swallowed several times and looked away. When he turned back to face her, there were tears in his eyes.

  “Can we wear these to bed?” Parker’s blue eyes twinkled as he stared up at her.

  “Of course you can . . . Son.” The comment slipped out before she could stop herself.

  Caden stared down at the monogramming. “How-How did you get our names on them?”

  Rachel smiled at the boy. “Well, I ordered them early because the monogramming takes a while. But I felt as though you’d each like having your own names on them.”

  “So no one else could really wear these because Parker and I have our names on them.”

  Rachel intervened. “That’s right, Caden. It’s kind of like you and your brother being totally unique. There’s no one like you on the whole earth. You’re special boys, and Jake and I are the luckiest grownups on earth because you live with us. You make our lives much happier than they would have been without you.”

  The boy swallowed and stared down at the floor. “So, I guess you’re going to let Parker and I stay with you for a long time?”

  “We hope you’ll stay with us forever. Rachel and I would love you to be with us until you’re all grown up.” Jake brushed away several tears but quickly recovered.

  “Kind of like a forever family.”

  Everyone nodded. The four of them stood under the tree for several minutes, talking about what time the boys would be allowed to open their gifts in the morning.

  “Th-thank you for the pajamas, Ms. Rachel.” Caden reached for Rachel’s hand. When his lip quivered, Rachel stepped in.

  “So how about a group hug!” Rachel gathered the boys in her arms and Jake quickly joined in. They all embraced for several seconds, and then Rachel laid out the ground rules.

  “No one’s allowed to step out of bed until seven tomorrow morning. I’ll have the cocoa all made up, and then we can head into the family room to open gifts. I have the feeling Santa will be very good to us this year.”

  “I think he already has been,” Jake quipped.

  “Indeed. Now, it’s off to bed.” Rachel shoed everyone away and laughed.

  As the boys scrambled off to bed, Jake cradled Rachel’s head with both his hands and kissed her. “You have no idea what this means to the boys, Dallas. And it means a lot to me, too.”

  “Thanks for going along with me on this.”

  “You are most welcome. I’m going to tuck the boys in, and then I’ll come to bed. I might read them a story, but whatever you do, wait up for me.”

  “I will, Jake. Count on it.”

  As he made his way upstairs to the boys’ bedroom, she breathed a prayer of thanks that she and Jake had finally found their way. Their life together would be rich and full. It had taken her a while to figure things out, but thankfully, she’d gotten a second chance. A second chance to get things right. A second chance to try and give Jake the life he’d so deeply craved. And this time, she’d gotten it right.

  Also from Soul Mate Publishing and Tessa Gray


  A fiercely independent woman makes the decision to become artificially inseminated but the opinionated, conservative widower she’s met throws a monkey wrench into her plans. The stakes are high. She yearns for a child without the baggage of marriage. He insists on marriage without children.

  Available now on Amazon: LAST CHANCE TEXAS


  After catching her husband in bed with another woman at her twentieth high school reunion, Meredith Chapman files for divorce, packs up her two kids, and heads to a small west Texas town to start rebuilding her life.

eredith attends the local college, where she meets Native American college professor Adam Lightfoot. Despite attempts to keep them apart by her meddling, bigoted mother, and rebellious teenage daughter, Meredith and Adam fall for one another with a love as hot and sizzling as a shooting star.

  As focused as Adam is with helping Meredith become the parent she needs to be, he has unresolved issues of his own, including dealing with the death of his infant daughter from a previous marriage.

  Together, they must learn to trust and communicate and, most importantly, to let go of the past and hold on to hopes and dreams of a brighter future.

  Available now on Amazon: STARS OVER TEXAS




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