Crex: Alien Abduction Romance (Captured By Aliens Book 2)

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Crex: Alien Abduction Romance (Captured By Aliens Book 2) Page 1

by A. G. Wilde


  Captured By Aliens: Book Two

  A. G. Wilde


  Crex © A. G. Wilde 2019

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, businesses, or locales is coincidental and is not intended by the author.

  To her:

  You can do this.



  Keep In Touch



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Next in the Series


  Keep In Touch

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  About the Author


  This work of fiction is intended for mature audiences only.

  All sexually active characters portrayed in this book are eighteen years of age or older.

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  There are two types of hell.

  The one priests preach about and then this.

  Stuck on an alien slave ship, Piper is auctioned and thrown in a cell with … something.

  He’s an alien with a reputation.

  A warrior. A beast. A killer.

  He is dangerous.

  A creature with a cold, cold heart…one not unlike her own.

  You’d think falling for an alien killing machine was something so far-fetched it would never happen.

  Well, so was being abducted out of 7.5 billion other humans on Earth—and that had occurred so…

  Hey, what’s the worst that could happen?


  I think I must give fair warning…

  This book contains quite a few F-bombs because, well, Piper likes to cuss. I thought I would warn you about that if it’s the sort of thing that doesn’t suit you.

  There are also several scenes of torture (not between the heroine and hero <3) and there is death and killing, lots of it.

  Apart from those things, I hope you enjoy Piper and Crex’s story.

  Chapter One


  Then anger.

  She only had two stages of grief—fuck having five.

  And she was here, stuck in stage two with anger so deep-sated it etched itself into every part of her being…her personality…her core.

  She could feel it now, like something that made her blood thicken and pound in her ears.

  They were laughing, and it was like fuel for her rage.

  The aliens.

  Thick, bubble-like sounds emanated from their disgustingly baggy throats. They looked like overgrown toads that had large fluid-filled bubbles all over their skin.

  Ha. Life was funny. She’d always had a dislike for toads.

  A week ago, things had been simple. She’d been on Earth, where she’d always been. Exploring the cosmos was something she’d only done on Google Earth and the closest she’d ever come to aliens was through sci-fi movies.

  To put it lightly, imagining she would ever see an alien in reality had been far-fetched.


  Blood pumped in her temples, making her head pound harder.

  Far-fetched…yet, now, they surrounded her.

  Far-fetched…yet, somehow, they’d abducted her and it wasn’t like any sci-fi movie she’d seen before.

  Anal probes were bad. But here, everything was worse.

  So. Much. Worse.

  Instead of skinny little green men with oversized heads, the aliens in front of her were a set disgusting species that her entire being was telling her she needed to eradicate.

  There were three types of aliens in the room.

  The guards: tall, lizard-like beings with long alligator-like snouts and yellow eyes.

  The abductors: small slug-like aliens that moved around on blue orbs that appeared to float above the floor as they moved.

  And then the buyers: Large, toad-like beings with swollen necks and fluid-filled bubbles all over their skin. These were all dressed in white robes with gold trimmings as if they were some kind of royalty. But the pristine robes and adornment didn’t change the fact that there was vomit-inducing material underneath.

  Yes. The feeling was strong. She wasn’t a killer. Far from it. But it was undeniable. What she was feeling was a strong urge to kill them all.

  It would be genocide.

  Shit, it wouldn’t even deserve such a title.

  It wouldn’t be genocide. It would be pest control.

  There were many of the toady aliens filling the auditorium-like area. They all had luminescent blue cards and after what just happened, she knew what those were for.

  It was how they took part in the auction.

  It was how they made their bids.

  Bids for the four other women like her who were naked, stripped bare as if they were nothing, and thrown in front of them all to stand and wait for whatever destiny awaited them.

  It was all happening so fast. It seemed like just a few days ago she’d woken up alone in a cell, bound by the legs with some kind of tube pumping God-knows-what fastened to the back of her neck.

  They had initiated her then—practically molesting her to determine her sex before shooting her behind the ear to implant some kind of translator there.

  They’d then moved her to the terrarium, a huge glass box where she’d been reunited with her sister and met the other women.

  Glancing back at the huge glass box now, her heart clenched. That’s where it had happened.

  That’s where she had lost the most important person in her life.

  The anger that surged within her was welcome. She needed it. It was the only emotion that seemed fit, given the circumstances.

  She’d never forgive them.

  Because of them, Callie was dead.

  Her Callie. The only blood relative she had ever had. Her only family. Her only sister.

  Callie died. She died because of them.

  Gritting her teeth, Piper clenched her fists as she turned back to face the aliens.

  They would pay for what they had caused to happen.

  She would make sure of it.

  A sound in the crowd of aliens brought her back to the present and her gaze found the woman who’d been auctioned first. She was being pulled away by a guard towards the toad-like alien that had won the first auction. />
  Good luck, Athena, she thought. Who the fuck knew what awaited them after they left this room.

  Glancing at the other three women standing with her, she knew they were all thinking the same thing. It was just them—against this... this shitshow.

  She couldn’t help the look of disgust that crossed her face.

  The slug-like captors that were hosting the auction hovered around on their little blue orbs, paying little attention to them. But the other aliens, the big toad-like ones, they were all mumbling excitedly. Series of bubble-like pops echoed in the room every now and then.

  It was their laughter.

  Their sick laughter.

  “Yes,” the word reached her ears. “That one looks angry.”

  Her eyes flashed to the alien that had spoken and narrowed immediately. Thanks to the translator the slugs had implanted, she could understand everything the thing was saying.

  Large dark eyes looked back at her and seemed to become larger as it realized she was listening to it speak.

  “The Ceqtaq is much too vicious for that specimen, my pleasure,” another beside it crooned. “Maybe we should buy that one. The one with hair like red hjeks. Or maybe we should buy two.”

  “No. We must respect the others,” the first one said. “They will frown upon us if we are too greedy with our purchases.”

  “But what if the Ceqtaq rips it to pieces in just one minute,” the other crooned again. “Hardly enough fun for us.”

  The one staring at her grunted.

  Piper’s nostrils flared as she listened. They were talking about her, she knew, and her knuckles burned with the pressure from her fists.

  The toad’s bubble-popping laughter floated over to her as it cocked its head.

  “Yes, yes,” it licked its lips and Piper resisted the urge to shudder. “That one will do nicely.”

  “Piper,” a small voice reached her ear, and it took much effort to pull her gaze away from the chuckling monstrosity toward the sound of the voice.

  The woman beside her seemed even smaller than usual and Piper’s gaze softened somewhat as she watched the woman tremble as if stuck in a blizzard in the middle of the Arctic.

  Funny, she knew they would all probably prefer being naked and alone in the Arctic rather than where they were right now—on a ship or someplace else being auctioned to aliens that looked like they belonged in swamps.

  “Piper!” Song whispered again, more urgently this time. Tears were flowing freely from her eyes and it made Piper swallow hard. She knew her own eyes didn’t reflect the same.

  She couldn’t feel fear at the moment. She couldn’t feel terror.

  All she could feel was anger, and she needed to find a way to let it out.

  Judging from the room full of aliens, she had a lot of options. It was just that those options might get her killed.

  “They’re talking about you!” Song whispered again harshly and grabbed her hand.

  She did the only thing she could think of doing. She squeezed Song’s hand and hoped that was enough reassurance that everything would be ok. It was something she didn’t believe, but maybe the thought would help the small Asian woman, as she was obviously terrified.

  She wasn’t afraid of whatever they had planned for her.

  It couldn’t be worse than what had happened to Callie.

  “God help us,” the redhead, Diana, whispered.

  “Or at least take me now,” the other woman, Evren, mumbled as she gripped Diana’s hand.

  Piper gritted her teeth.

  It was just the five of them, now four, against a ship full of enemies. And they were being split up, with Athena auctioned first. If the entire ordeal hadn’t been torturous enough, things only seemed like they were going to get worse.

  The voice of the slug that was running the auction boomed. “Next up is this specimen.”

  Piper could only gasp as a light suddenly appeared above her head and lifted her into the air. She felt her fingers slip from Song’s and the suddenness brought with it a chilling thought.

  It was her turn.

  Her turn to be auctioned.

  As they levitated her, she couldn’t move. It was some kind of sophisticated freeze ray that was able to defy gravity as it made her float above the others.

  The slug didn’t have to say anything as the little blue cards the toads were holding began popping up all over the auditorium.

  Through the corner of her eye, she could see that Athena was being pulled from the auditorium by her new owner.

  That was her fate soon. The same thing was about to happen to her and there was nothing she could do about it.


  It only lasted for what felt like a few seconds before she was being lowered back to the little platform she’d been standing on with the others.

  As soon as the light disappeared from above her, she couldn’t help but take in huge gulps of air as her eyes searched the crowd of aliens.

  Which one had won?

  It was then that her eyes fell on it. The golden card. And it was in the hands of the alien who’d been eyeing her from the start.

  Its gaze caught hers again and the low bubble-like laughter began in its throat as its partner crooned against it.

  “Come to us, slave,” the toad said as it stood with its partner.


  Piper snarled.

  Fuck them.

  She could feel her fingers biting into her palms as her fists balled tightly, wishing she had something to punch—preferably the face of the alien standing in front of her.

  As if it could read her mind, the toad started its low laughter again.

  It found her amusing.

  “Bring it,” it ordered the guard.

  It. She was the it.

  Not a person. Not an intelligent being.

  Just an it.

  As the guard approached her and clasped the chains around her neck, she didn’t have eyes for the other human women who were looking back at her helplessly. She didn’t have eyes for the guard as it snarled beside her, its gator-like mouth coming dangerously close to her face as it snapped to taunt her.

  She didn’t have eyes for any of those things.

  Her gaze was a burning fire, and it was focused on one thing.

  Well, two.

  The two bitches that were now her owners.

  They’d made a mistake taking her for a plaything.

  A big fucking mistake.

  Chapter Two

  She was pulled from the group of women and into the crowd of aliens to her waiting captors.

  “We will need an escort to take her to the holding cell,” the bigger of the two toads spoke to the gator-guard. It seemed as if it was the male of the two, as the other smaller toad seemed to only fawn over it as if it couldn’t wait for them to be alone in private.

  Piper resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

  As they led her from the auditorium, her fiery gaze scorched their backs. But, if they were aware of her rage, they made no indication. Why would they care anyway? Her anger only seemed to amuse them.

  After all, she was but a “slave.” A slave in chains.

  She could feel the chain around her neck biting into her skin. No doubt it would leave a bruise later. Digging her fingers into the small space between the skin on her neck and the chain was the only relief.

  Insensitive assholes.

  The two overgrown toads were taking their sweet time walking down the corridor and Piper squeezed her eyes shut for a second and focused on putting one leg in front of the other. She could feel it, her growing contempt as she stared into their robe-clad backs.

  Hate was a strong word. It was one she didn’t use often. But the feeling was there with clarity. She hated them.

  She hated them with a passion.

  Their white robes were spotless, brushing against the floor with such grace that, if her gaze didn’t rise to their horrible swollen necks, she would think she was in the presence of some dainty be
ings. The bright light of the corridor only highlighted the robes’ spotlessness. It was made of a material that seemed to reflect the white light.

  Who the hell did they think they were anyway?

  “Where are you taking me?” Her words came through gritted teeth.

  The gator-guard behind her bumped something hard against her spine that made her inhale sharply.

  “Quiet, degenerate. How dare you utter phrases to the High Tasqals?”

  Piper turned her sneer on the guard and wasn’t surprised when he bent his snout to snarl in her face. A week ago, something this monstrous snarling in her face would have made her jump back and scream.

  Now, she absolutely didn’t give a fu—

  The bubbly sound of laughter she’d now come to know penetrated her senses.

  “It communicates verbally.” The bigger of the two toad things was speaking and Piper suddenly realized that they had stopped walking. “You wish to know where you are being taken?”

  Piper turned her gaze back on the alien but didn’t respond. The gator-guard poked her in her spine again. “You must respond when a High Tasqal speaks to you, slave.”

  This time, the pain felt like nothing and her gaze remained unmoving from the so-called “Tasqals” in front.

  “Make up your mind, lizard. Should I or should I not speak?”

  “Insolence!” The gator-guard snarled, raising its claw to strike her.


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