The Aftermath

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The Aftermath Page 5

by Iris Bolling

  “Was he working on one now?”

  “A few, that I’m aware of,” Nate replied.

  “Anything that could be connected to what happened here?”

  “I’m not taking anything off the table at this time.”

  Tess took a deep breath as she scanned around the closet. “It’s hard looking at this like just another case.” She wiped away another tear away.

  “That’s because this is not just another case,” Nate hissed. “This is Alex, damnit!”

  “Of all the people in the world, why him?” She turned off her flashlight and looked up at him.

  Nate could see the expectation of an answer in her eyes, but he had nothing for her. “I don’t have an answer for you right now, but I promise you I will find the person who did this. And when I do, I’m not sure I will be asking any questions.”

  “Nate, your captain is going to be looking for a reason to keep you away from this case. Don’t give it to him.”

  The warning in her voice was clear and Nate knew she was right. “I know, Tess. It is going to take me a minute, but I will pull it together. This is the one time I will kiss the brass’ ass to make sure this will be my case.”

  “Please do. I don’t want this case in anyone else’s hands. All of us who cared about him will be looking at you to give him all you got.”

  Nate nodded, understanding the expectation from her as well as Alex’s sister Janice and Regan. “Regan,” he whispered.

  “Oh, God, she is going to take this hard.”

  “No. I mean, yes, she will. But that’s not what I was thinking.” Nate shook his head. “Alex was working on an investigation for Regan that did not have anything to do with his office assignments. That is what he usually had inside that room.”

  “Do you think that might have something to do with this?”

  “I’ve been out of the loop on it for a while, but I’m not ruling anything out. I’ll mention it to her when I do the notification.”

  Tess walked over to him. “Should you be doing those? That’s asking a lot of you.”

  “I cannot let, Janice or Regan hear this from anyone else or the media.”


  "Skylar Angela Burrell, get up and answer that telephone right this minute!" Tylar Angel Burrell, the oldest twin, by three and a half minutes, yelled from the doorway. "It's after midnight. We know that phone ringing is someone from your office."

  Skylar turned over in the bed, resting her arm on her forehead. "It can't be. I just left there three hours ago. Even the great Alex Burnett has to sleep sometime."

  "Skylar, get the phone!" The yell was more demanding.

  Reaching over to the nightstand, Skylar picked up the cordless phone. "Hello?"

  "Burrell, this is Assistant AG Haskell. I need you at Alex Burnett’s place within the hour. Retrieve anything he has on the DeFazio Cartel.”

  Skylar sat straight up in bed, brushing her hair from her face. "Yes, sir," she replied. "I'll call Alex to let him know I'm on my way." She threw the covers off, wondering why the Assistant US Attorney General was calling her directly. Yes, technically, he was her boss, but there were at least three levels between Assistant AG Haskell and her. US Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia for one and then there was her immediate supervisor, AUSA Peters. He was the one who assigned her to the DeFazio case with Alex. Where the heck was he?

  "Don't bother calling. When you arrive use your authority as the federal prosecutor to take charge of the DeFazio documents. It is imperative that you obtain and secure those files. Your authority on the DeFazio case has been cleared through the brass at RPD.”

  "Yes, sir. I’m certain Alex will have no issue turning over the files to me." He was the Commonwealth Attorney handling the case on the girls that were found during the raid of a nightclub on the South Side of Richmond. Some of those girls had been brought across state lines and held against their will. So far, they had not been able to convince any of them to sign a complaint against the members of the cartel they had arrested. It was as if the cartel had something on them, Alex had suggested. Skylar’s theory was that the women were immigrants who may have had family members still in danger. If they could get just one of them to talk, it could give them enough to close out at least the trafficking branch of DeFazio’s organization.

  “His cooperation may be difficult,” Assistant AG Haskell stated. “He’s dead.”

  He disconnected the call just as she was standing to walk to her closet. The shock of his words caused her to forget the sheet from the bed was wrapped around her lower legs. She tripped, falling face first to the floor. She was sitting up reaching for the phone receiver when her sister ran into the room. Skylar looked up as Tylar shook her head.

  "Don't say it,” Skylar hissed. “Just go back to bed.”

  "Still tripping over your own feet, I see."

  Skylar knew her sophisticated; runway model sister was going to say that. It didn't matter that it was true. She just hated to hear how clumsy she was from the perfect half of her. The identical twins had been cute babies and they both turned into beautiful women. One chose to live her life by her looks and talent, the other by her brains and tenacity. Both were successful; one made millions, the other, not even close. But each loved what she did, and they supported each other in many ways. Her father would say the two were dangerous when their minds worked together.

  "Thank you, Tylar." She unraveled the sheet from around her legs, then stood. "I have to go into the office."

  "No kidding. I have a flight to Milan tomorrow. I’ll be gone for a month. My schedule is on the fridge,” Tylar said as she walked out of the room. “Make sure you lock the door behind you and be careful.”

  Skylar rushed to take a quick shower thinking of the words from her boss. Alex is dead. How? Why? She wondered as the water washed over her. Could it have anything to do with the case? When did it happen? She was just with him a few hours ago. Could she have been the last person to see him alive?

  She stepped out of the shower, dried off, then dressed as quickly as she could. Because she wasn’t certain what she was walking into, Skylar pulled out the specially designed pink trench coat her sister gave her as an extra layer of protection. To her knowledge, there were only two in the world, and they were owned, patent and all, by the Burrell sisters. Skylar closed the door behind her. “Seal the fortress,” she ordered the security app on her phone, then walked out into the rain.

  On her drive over, she thought about Alex. “What in the hell happened, Alex?” She shook her head in disbelief. Thoughts of their last conversation filled her mind.

  "I can't believe you had seven cases connected to the DeFazio organization and you were unable to take any one of them to court," Skylar sighed as she placed the files on Alex's desk then slouched into the chair in front.

  Alex’s smile was always infectious, especially when he was in a playful mood, she thought as a tear slid down her cheek.

  "That's what happens when you have someone on the inside who can make evidence disappear."

  "Well," she smiled back. "I think their reign is about to come to an end. Once we discover the connection between the organization and the girls, we’ll take down the trafficking division."

  "You are that sure of this case?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

  "Aren't you?"

  Alex sat up and stared at her. "I don't count it a win until I have the foreman of the jury say we find the defendant guilty." He glanced at his watch. "What did you find in those files?"

  “How do you know I found anything?”

  Alex laughed. “You have that ‘I got something’ look in your eyes.”

  Skylar laughed. "You are beginning to know me too well Alex." There's a common connector to five out of the seven cases we have here and what little we got from the girls we detained.”

  Alex raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

  "Each name in the files and the name given by the girls is some version of William."

hat?" Alex frowned as he reached for the files. He looked inside the first. "This man's name is Vile'm."

  "Czech for William," Skylar explained.

  Alex looked at her suspiciously, then opened another file. “I actually had a question on this one. I thought it was a misspelling of the first case. Vihelm?"

  She leaned forward to look at the file. "That is not a misspelling. It is Danish or Swedish." She shrugged. "Whichever you prefer."

  Alex placed that file on the desk then pulled another "Guglielmo?" he questioned.


  He opened the next file. "Liam?"

  "Irish." She laughed. "I'm telling you each one of those persons of interest’s first name is a version of William. And remember, the only girl who really gave us anything used that name, Liam.”

  "Okay." Alex nodded. "What does that tell us?"

  "Heck if I know. But it's a hell of a synchronicity."

  "I like it when you talk dirty.” Alex smiled. “The simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection."

  "In other words, a coincidence. I don't believe in them." Skylar looked at Alex. "Do you?"

  "No." Alex laughed. “Okay, beauty queen, what else did you find?”

  “The beauty queen would be my sister, Tylar. I’m the regular one.”

  “You are twins. You look alike.”

  “We have different personalities. She’s prim and proper, while I’m just a pain in the ass with questions.” Skylar reached into the file she held in her hand and pulled out a printout then handed it to him. “This was balled up in one of the files. It was a piece of evidence found in one of the houses we raided.”

  Alex looked at the document. “Pie? I don’t understand.”

  Skylar shrugged. “It is a mystery; however, it’s the only word and it’s written 743 times on the page.”

  “You counted them?”

  “Of course, I did,” she replied.

  “Does that number have any significance?” Alex asked as he stared at the piece of paper.

  “None that I have determined, yet,” Skylar said as she stood. “However, my trusty computer and I will keep searching for a connection to the names, the word ‘pie’ and the number 743. We will come up with something.”

  “Well, as you look for a connection, I will search for the legal names of the Williams.” She watched as he placed the printout inside an envelope. “Find me a connection beauty queen.”

  “I’m the regular one.”

  “Okay, oh regular one, find me a connection.”

  The flashing lights in front of Alex’s building brought her back to the present.

  “Whew, how nice it would be to fly to exotic places without a care in the world right now. Dealing with smiling faces, cameras, lights, and action while people fawned all over you. Not, you Skylar. You chose to deal with the criminal element of society. What a life.”

  She parked her vehicle inside the police taped area then stepped out of her car. This life of fighting for justice, after her parents were killed by a crime family was her choice. Tylar handled their deaths by following in their mother’s shoes as a scientist. After a news article about one of her inventions hit, her face was plastered all over social media. In less than six months Tylar was on fashion magazines, changing their lives forever. Skylar took up her father’s cause of justice for all. She’d attended Georgetown, then Harvard Law. Instead of getting justice just for the living, she worked on justice for the dead. It was dangerous at times, hence the reason for the pink coat.


  Thirty minutes later, Skylar was walking through a throng of officers in the lobby of the Hill Condominium Building. Two officers at the elevator stopped her. She flashed her credentials.


  “The call woke you from a nice sleep?” The officer asked.

  "A nice warm bed, which I was desperately in need of,” Skylar replied.

  "I could have helped you with that." One of the young officers smiled.

  Used to the looks and comments, she continued. “Appreciate the offer, but I think the work is a little above your pay grade." Skylar turned back to the older officer, placed her palm on the electronic tablet. "How long ago?" she asked as she walked swiftly to the elevator.

  "The body was discovered about two hours ago," the officer replied as the elevator doors closed.

  Skylar checked her watch. It was after 1 am. She had left Alex at the office around ten. This must have happened as soon as he’d arrived home. He did mention he was running late for a date when he walked her to her car.

  The elevator ascended towards the twenty-seventh floor, as snippets of conversations she’d had with Alex raced through her mind. There were threats received, but they put them off as occupational hazards. Nothing significant came to mind. Questions, so many questions were assailing her again. Did his death have anything to do with the DeFazio case? Was the evidence preserved? Did they locate the room? Was she in danger? The elevator stopped, the doors opened, and the whirlwind associated with a murder scene filled the corridor.

  The scene inside was still being processed by the CSI team when Skylar walked in. Flashing her credentials to the detective at the door, she asked, "Who's in charge here?"

  "Detective Reigns." An officer pointed towards the bedroom.

  She put her badge away. "Where can I find Detective Reigns?"

  "The tall one in the black suit, no tie, in the bedroom.”

  “Thank you.” Skylar looked up to see Tess Holiday walking towards her.

  Tess was one of the few people who’d welcomed Skylar when she was assigned to the Richmond U.S. Attorney’s office. They bonded quickly over several murders they were certain would lead to DeFazio. Maybe it was due to them being women in male dominated occupations. Skylar didn’t know, but she appreciated the kindness.

  "Tess, what do you have?"

  "A double murder. Alex and an unknown female."

  "Did he suffer?" Skylar asked.

  "Not clear." Tess wiped a tear away. "I believe he was drugged before he was hanged. There is no way Alex would go down without a fight. However, I can't prove that until I get back to the lab." She squeezed Skylar’s hand. "Are you going to be okay?"

  Skylar shook her head. "I don't know. I’m trying to take it all in and follow orders. I haven't had time to process any of this yet."

  “Orders?” Tess questioned. “Alex’s case is not federal. RPD should be handling the investigation.”

  “Alex and the female found here tonight, yes. But the DeFazio case is under federal control. I have to temporarily take charge to collect any evidence Alex has here.”

  “Are RPD detectives aware of that?” Tess’s eyebrow rose as she asked.

  "I certainly hope so. I don’t need any push back tonight." Skylar turned to walk away.

  “Okay if I listen as you inform Detective Reigns? I may be able to help."

  Skylar looked over her shoulder. “Okay.” She shrugged making her way into the bedroom.

  Tess followed the woman, "This ought to be interesting.”

  "Did you say something?” Skylar asked.

  "No," Tess replied as she followed Skylar into the bedroom.

  Two men were bent near the head of the bronze king-size bed when she walked into the room.

  "Which of you is Detective Reigns?"

  Two heads turned in her direction. With questioning expressions on their faces, neither replied to her inquiry. Skylar flashed her badge. "Federal Prosecutor Burrell. Which of you is Detective Reigns?”

  The shorter of the two pointed.

  “That would be him.”

  Her eyes turned to the man identified as Detective Reigns. “What can you tell me?"

  Both men slowly stood, and the legend of Nate Reigns unfolded before her eyes. All six feet two inches of undeniable masculinity unveiled as he reached his full height. From Alex’s description, Skylar knew instantly the tall dark one with the int
ense eyes was indeed Detective Reigns.

  "This isn't a federal case," Nate replied as he inspected her credentials a little closer. "You have no jurisdiction here." His cell phone buzzed.

  "You will find your statement is incorrect as soon as you answer that call." Skylar folded her arms across her chest. "I'll wait."

  Nate pulled the phone from his pocket. "Reigns." His eyes never left hers as he listened. "Yes, sir," he replied then disconnected the call. "Sorry, Barbie. Until we determine this is connected to the DeFazio case, this is a joint investigation."


  "Is that code for something?" Nate raised an eyebrow.

  "Yes. It's the code you use to get me to respond to you."

  Tess and Tony glanced at each other, then back at Nate.

  "Umm, Nate," Tess interjected. “This is Federal Prosecutor Skylar Burrell. Skylar, Detectives Nate Reigns and Tony Harper of the Richmond Police Department."

  "Gentlemen." Skylar nodded. So much for things being cleared through the brass, she thought. "I'm not here to have a pissing contest with either of you. Alex was a colleague and someone I began to accept as a friend. Finding the person who did this is my priority. I hope it is yours as well. A little cooperation is all I’m asking for here. Will one of you take me through what happened?"

  Tony pointed without looking. "Nate's going to take you through the crime scene." He hit his friend on the back. "Right Nate?"

  “I would appreciate that Detective. I know you and Alex were close. I will try not to hold you too long.” She exhaled. “I’m in need of two facts. Is this case connected to my investigation, if so, how? My second question is what time did all of this happen? And I need that to be as precise as possible.”

  “I’m afraid your needs are going to have to take a backseat to a few questions I have, starting with what you might know in regard to who killed my friend.” His voice came out edgy. “And, why in the hell you came in here as if your needs take priority over that?”

  “Nate,” Detective Harper placed a cautioning hand on his arm.

  She watched as Detective Reigns took a step back as he glared at her.


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