The Aftermath

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The Aftermath Page 8

by Iris Bolling

  “You agree with him on everything,” Janice sniffled. “Who did this? And why?”

  “We are going to find out,” Nate replied. “I know right now you think those are just words. Not for me. I have to find justice for Alex.”

  Wayne walked in from the lobby door. Much better, Nate thought. This was the well-groomed, controlled accountant he was used to seeing.

  “Janice.” Wayne walked over to where they stood at the window. “I am here to take you home. Nate will handle anything further on this end. You don’t need to be here.”

  Janice hesitated, then walked into his arms.

  Relief filled Nate’s body as she burst into more tears. Wayne wrapped his arms around her then guided her out the door.

  “It was the right call,” Tess assured him.

  “It’s what Alex would have done.” Tony patted him on the shoulder.

  Nate knew they were trying to reassure him, and he appreciated the thought. He knew this situation was a strain on them too. They were all going through the loss of Alex. He did not want either of them to worry about how this was impacting him. Seeing Janice leave with Wayne relieved him of worrying that she would be handling Alex’s death alone. The only way he could relieve his friends of that extra burden was to work. So long as he was busy, they did not have to worry about him.

  “Were you able to get anything on the woman we could use to identify her?” Nate asked.

  Tess placed her hand on the pad outside the door she had come through earlier. The door opened. Nate and Tony followed her inside. “This is all preliminary, but I can tell you she was strangled.”

  “That doesn’t eliminate Alex,” Nate stated as they walked into the examination room.

  “It does not; however, her time of death does.” Tess walked over to the body. “I would put her time of death somewhere between six and seven pm. Alex’s time of death is closer to eleven.”

  “Alex was in the office until after ten,” Tony acknowledged.

  “That gives us reasonable doubt that Alex killed her, thereby eliminating the murder-suicide theory.” Nate kept his attention on Tess. “But you found something else, didn’t you?”

  Tess nodded. “There you go with that sixth sense telepathy, handsome.” She walked to the end of the table holding the woman. Pulling the sheet back to expose the feet, Tess pointed. “Take a look at this.”

  Nate and Tony walked around the table to look at the dead woman’s feet. There was a mark on the bottom of her right foot.

  “Is that a tattoo?” Tony asked.

  “Roman number two.” Nate looked up. “More like a branding than a tattoo. I wonder if there are any more, like a one or three?”

  “Funny you should ask,” Tess walked over to her computer. She hit enter and a file appeared. “We had a Jane Doe out of Henrico County that also had the Roman number two on the heel of her right foot.”

  “A different jurisdiction,” Tony declared.

  “Right.” Tess nodded. “However, they were able to identify the girl by her fingerprints. She was on file as an inmate from a correctional facility out of North Carolina.”

  “And she had the same markings?” Nate asked as he read the computer file over her shoulder.

  “The very same, in location and design,” Tess replied. “I ran the fingerprints on your Jane Doe to see if she may have been from the same facility. No luck on my search.”

  “Send this to me,” Nate requested.

  “We can do a follow up with the facility in North Carolina to see what they may have on the victim from there,” Tony suggested.

  “I’ll run our Jane Doe through the facial recognition program. Maybe a hit there can lead to her identification.”

  “I may have a head start for you.” Tess pulled up a different case. “Skylar Burrell was brought in on these cases because they crossed state lines.”

  “Making them federal cases,” Nate nodded.

  “Right. We found at least three more girls with the same branding on their right foot. One case was traced to Tennessee. The Roman number one was on the heel of the foot. The cases from Kentucky, both victims had the Roman number two, just as our Jane Doe.”

  Nate stood as he stared at her. “Are we looking at a serial killer with a foot fetish or do you think we have a sex trafficking ring operating in the region?”

  “It’s looking more like the latter, at least that is what Skylar and Alex were thinking,” Tess replied.

  “Interesting.” Nate nodded. “I will follow up with her. What can you tell me about Alex?”

  Tess took a deep breath then walked over to the next table. “He was not strangled from that belt we found wrapped around his neck.” She pulled the sheet down to his chest then turned his head to the side to expose his neck. “Take a look at this.” She pulled the light down then stepped back.

  Nate and Tony bent over to look.

  “It looks like a needle mark.” Nate looked a little closer. “They got him from behind.”

  “Had to. There was no way Alex would go down without a fight.” Tony stood. “Any idea what he was injected with?”

  “We won’t know until the toxicology reports come back,” Tess replied. “What I can tell you is that Alex Burnett was murdered.”

  “It was premeditated. They brought the syringe for the injection and the woman with them,” Nate summarized out loud. “The purpose was to kill Alex in a way that would put suspicion on his name. Whoever did this wanted to discredit him. That’s the reason for the dead woman in his bed. The question is why? Could it be connected to the sex trafficking case Prosecutor Burrell mentioned? Or could it be another case he was working on? There is one more thing bothering me.”

  Tony and Tess looked up at him.

  “Why hang him? Doesn’t that seem a little odd to anyone?”

  “Sensationalism,” Tony suggested.

  “No matter what truth is uncovered, the public will only remember a dead woman was found in his bed then he hung himself,” Tess noted.

  “Yeah…, but the hanging of a Black man in these days will cause suspicion for so many reasons. There is a message here that we are missing.” Nate shrugged, “Maybe I’m trying to see something that is not there.”

  “So…we are working on the theory that the woman in the bed was an attempt to soil his reputation?”

  “For now, until the evidence leads us in a different direction.” Nate hesitated as he covered his friend’s body, taking one last look.

  The night he was shot filled his mind. It was Alex Burnett who was talking to him, keeping him alert while he was bleeding. Nate knew his soul would not rest until he found the person responsible for taking this good man, his friend, from this world.

  “Harp, go home. Get a few hours rest. I’m going to check out the security cameras at the condo.”

  “I’ll sleep when you sleep,” Tony replied.

  “You realize you are older than I am,” Nate stated.

  “You really are.” Tess nodded. “Neither of you are going to be able to see straight if you don’t get some shut eye.”

  “I can still run circles around the kid over here,” Tony huffed.

  “Only if I’m crawling,” Nate replied. “Besides, I don’t want Claudia on my ass if something happens to you. There’s not much more we can do tonight. I need you fresh, first thing in the morning.”

  “I will tell her it was all your fault,” Tony nodded as he walked out of the door.

  “Thank you for the information, Tess.” Nate gave her a hug as he took one last long look at Alex’s body. “Get with me when that toxicology report comes in.” He walked towards the door.

  “Keep me posted on the case,” she called out as they exited.


  The sun was rising when they left the morgue. The rain had cleared, and the freshness of a new day had found its way. For Nate, the nightmare had not ended. Before he made it home to shower, change and head back to the office, he had to make one more stop. With any luck,
he would catch her before she saw the morning news.

  Pulling into the gated sub-division Nate showed his identification to the security guard. The guard nodded then pressed the button to open the gate. Driving into the development, the plush green lawns that lined the street, reminded him of his parents’ home, the place where he grew up, but rarely saw these days. He made a mental note to call his mother after making this stop.

  The three level condominiums looked like estate homes. Only three condos to a building provided the feel of single dwelling living with the security of neighbors. The brick front, with white columns framing the porches, gave each home the look of southern charm.

  Nate pulled into one of the four parking spaces allotted to the middle condo, parked, then stepped out of his car. He had been to the home of Regan Fontaine on several occasions. A few times with Alex and others with his law firm. During those times it was simply, Regan. Now, she was Circuit Court Judge Regan Fontaine. He was proud of her, but not as much as Alex had been. For a full week after Regan was sworn in, Alex walked around boasting about her superior legal mind. At the time, Nate wondered if Alex realized his love for Regan was apparent to every person that he spoke with about her. One would have thought he had been given the judgeship. What made this stop difficult was the fact that Nate believed Regan loved Alex as much as he loved her. This was going to be hard news for her to take.

  Taking a breath before ringing her doorbell, Nate braced himself for the hurt he was going to see in her eyes. He pushed the bell, then turned to inhale the fresh air. His lungs seemed to swell gratefully, as it eased his spirit.

  “Detective Reigns, what are you doing at my door this time of morning? Are you on my docket?”

  “No, Your Honor,” Nate replied as he turned. “Can we go inside?” The look on her face was one of curiosity.

  “Of course.” She replied as her cell phone buzzed. “Come on in Nate have a seat. I’m going to quickly grab this call. This time of morning it can only be Rachel.” She ran and picked up her cell phone from the island.

  Nate watched the one hundred thirty pound, five-six, beauty with a legal mind as sharp as a chef’s prized knife. Even all of that did not match her sense of justice. She believed in her bones the wording in the Constitution that “all men are created equal.” She would and had stood toe-to-toe with anyone who dared to walk over anyone’s equal rights. Now that she was on the bench, it was her job to dispense equal justice under the law, and she did.

  “Rachel, let me call you right back. Nate just walked in.” She took the phone from her ear and gave him a strange look. “Has Rachel been arrested again or something?”

  “Not that I am aware of. Why?”

  “She just said ‘I’ll be right over’ then hung up the phone.” Regan shrugged, then placed the phone back on the island. “Sorry about the interruption,” she said walking back into the living room. What can I do for you?”

  “My apology for the early visit, but I did not want you to hear this on the news.” Nate began.

  Dressed in a navy skirt, white blouse, and heels, he could see she was preparing to leave for court.

  “What news?”

  Nate took her hand. “Have a seat, Regan.” He cleared his throat.

  “Nate, why do I need to have a seat? I’m a big girl. Whatever you have to tell me, just say it.”

  Nate swallowed, “It’s about Alex.”

  Regan pulled her hand away, “What about Alex?”

  Nate lowered his head, closing his eyes against what he was about to see.

  “Nathan Reigns, you have never been one to bite your tongue around me. I know Alex,” she joked. “There is nothing you can tell me about him that will surprise me, unless you say he ran off to Vegas and married somebody else.”

  Lost for words, all he could get out was, “There was a woman in his bed,” his voice broke. “She was dead, He was found in the closet last night.”

  “Nate, you’re not making sense. There’s a dead woman in Alex’s bed?”

  The blank look on her face was an indication she did not understand. Now was not the time to break, his mind warned him. He took a deep breath then stepped closer to her. “Alex was found dead in his condo last night, there was also a dead woman in his bed.”

  Regan made no movement, no sound; she just stood there, staring at him as if he had slapped her. Next thing he knew she was fainting. He caught her right before she hit the floor.

  “Regan, Regan,” he called her name.

  “What the hell did you do?”

  He looked up to see Regan’s sister, Riley, in the doorway. Before he could answer her other sister Rachel ran in the house.

  “Regan,” she ran over dropping to her knees next to Nate.

  Riley was now coming from the kitchen with a glass of water in her hand. “Let me try this.” She sprinkled drops of water on her sister’s face.

  Rachel took the glass from Riley and threw the entire contents in Regan’s face.

  “Why did you do that?” Riley yelled.

  “Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Rachel stated as Regan’s eyes began to flutter open.

  She looked at her sisters, startled. Then she looked at Nate who was still holding her in his arms. She shook her head as tears started streaming down her face.

  “Please tell me it’s not true.”

  “I’m sorry, Regan. I’m sorry.”

  Heart-wrenching screams like he had never heard before filled the room. Like with Janice, he tightened his arms around Regan. To his surprise, Rachel and Riley put their arms around them both and held them together as they all cried.

  It was a full fifteen minutes later when Regan whispered, “There was a woman in his bed?”

  He settled back against the fireplace. “Yes, a woman was found dead in his bed. It was a set up. Whoever killed Alex put the woman there.”

  “Why would someone do that?” Riley stood wiping her face.

  “To sensationalize the story,” Rachel replied as she sat back keeping her sister’s hand in hers.

  “Someone needs his reputation questioned, is all I can think.” Nate said as he exhaled.

  Riley came from the kitchen with paper towels in her hand. She handed one to Nate, another to Rachel, then sat back on the floor next to Regan. She began wiping her sister’s tears away.

  Regan exhaled then took the paper towel from her sister. She tilted her head. “How…” she took a deep breath then asked, “How did he die?”

  “We think he was killed by some type of injection then they hung him in the closet.”

  “Hanging? In the bedroom closet?” She shook her head as she blew her nose. “No, on so many fronts,” she sniffed as she sat up. “Alex would never disrespect his clothes that way. And you and I both know he loved himself way too much. And hanging, hell no it’s too primitive.”

  Nate nodded. “I agree.”

  “No,” she slowly stood. “Somebody did this to him.” She put her hands to her lips to keep from crying out again. She closed her eyes. “Oh, Alex.”

  Nate stood, pulling her into his arms, giving her comfort as her tears pierced his heart. This was the woman Alex had always planned to marry. The one he changed his life for. They had both finally reached the point where their career goals had been met. Alex was off the police force and Regan was now a judge. There was nothing stopping them from being together. Now this.

  Regan slowly pulled away wiping her tears, then sighed. “Who are you looking at for this?”

  “Nothing was left at the crime scene. Whoever did this cleaned up behind themselves. The only lead we have is the dead woman found in his bed.”

  “Well, she isn’t talking,” Rachel huffed.

  “Rachel,” Riley chastised. “Can’t you be more sensitive?”

  “No,” Rachel replied. “But I know this, there is always something left behind, Nate.”

  Are you assigned to the case?” Regan asked.


u will find it, Nate,” she ordered “You will do this for Alex.” Her voice breaking into a sob. “You’re going to find who did this and kill them, for Alex and for me.”

  “He can’t kill anyone,” Riley stated.

  “Yes, he can!” Regan snapped. “And you are going to. Do you understand me, Nate?”

  “I’ve seen him do it before, during the dirty judges’ investigation.” Rachel chimed in.

  Regan stopped. The expression on her face turned to one of pure unadulterated hatred. She tilted her head as she glared at Nate. “Oh my god. She did this. I’m going to kill her!”

  “Who?” Nate asked.

  “God damn Paula Reid,” Regan growled. “I’m going to kill her!”

  “Judge Reid?” Rachel asked. “Do you think she had anything to do with this, Nate?”

  “Of course, she did,” Regan hissed. “Her and those crazy ass clone people. They are the type who would hang people. You know I’m right, Nate.”

  “Regan, we don’t have any proof that this is even connected to that case.”

  “Oh, hell yes we do.” Regan swiped her hair from her face. “I understand your situation. I know you have to go by the book on this.”

  “So do you,” he emphasized, “You are a judge now. You are not a prosecution attorney anymore. You have to stay out of this and let me investigate this case.”

  Regan stepped back putting her hands up in surrender.

  “Okay, I know,” she sniffed then exhaled. “It’s in your hands, Nate. I’ll stay out of your way. You find the person who did this to Alex.”

  “You know I will.” Nate nodded uncertain if the woman he was responding to was thinking clearly. “Are you going to be okay?”

  “We are going to stay and take care of her,” Rachel replied.

  “Her who, Regan or Judge Reid.” Nate asked.

  “Her too; if we discover she had anything to do with Alex’s death.” Riley replied.

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.” Nate stated.

  “Nate, you know me,” Regan closed her eyes. “I’m hurt right now. I might say anything.” She opened her eyes. “You know I will not interfere in your investigation. Thank you for letting me know about Alex.” Tears streamed down her face. She stopped mid-sentence. “Janice, have you told her?”


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