The Aftermath

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The Aftermath Page 21

by Iris Bolling

  “You going to be able to handle that?” Skylar asked.

  “Alex was my mentor, my friend, my brother. Yes, I’m going to carry him to his resting place.”

  Skylar picked up the shot glass Nate had taken from her earlier. “To Alex.”

  Nate picked up his glass. “To Alex.”

  They both swallowed the drinks straight down.

  “They are about to close down. Let’s call it a night,” Nate stood to help Skylar with her coat.

  “I’ll carry it. All the whiskey shots will keep me warm.”

  They walked out of the restaurant. “Where’s your car?” Nate asked.

  “I’m a half a block down in the parking lot.”

  “I’ll walk you to your car.”

  “As I live and breathe, Nate Reigns helps with coats, opens doors and walks ladies to their cars. Tells me there is a gentleman inside that smooth exterior dressed in black.”

  “My mother raised me right.” Nate smiled.

  “Your looks can be a bit deceiving. You know you have that dark brooding thing going on.” Skylar teased as they walked. “But you are as gentle as a puppy.”

  “Brooding, no. I’m just a brother trying to live my life helping others.”

  “It’s good to see that in a man. Most of those I come across are looking for a woman to take care of them or a masterpiece on their arms.”

  “Hey, you’re a very attractive woman, you can’t blame a man for wanting to be in your company.”

  “Well, thank you.” Skylar pointed. “I’m right over here.”

  Nate chuckled when he looked at the parking lot. He pointed to the three vehicles. “We have a Mercedes, a Lincoln coupe, and you.”

  Skylar elbowed him. “You are going to stop making fun of my ride.”

  “Yeah, as soon as you get a new one.” Nate laughed. “Give me your keys.”

  “Why do you need my keys?” She said as she reached into her coat pocket.

  “So I can continue to be a gentleman and open your door to put you safely in your,” he hesitated then laughed, “form of transportation.”

  “Give me my keys.” She pulled them from him once the car was unlocked. She got inside then rolled down the window.

  “I can’t believe there are cars that still do that. Does this thing have seatbelts?”

  “Get away from my car,” Skylar laughed. “You are not right, Nate Reigns.” She put the key in the ignition then started the car. “You know what I was thinking?”


  “We need a place where we can meet up that is not inside of the offices where either of us work. At this point we have a handful of people we can trust. When I plan this raid, I don’t want word to get out about it.”

  “I’ll work on a location. You work on the plans.” He stepped back from the car. “Do you have to pedal that thing with your feet?”

  “Ha-ha.” Skylar backed the vehicle up, then pulled off.

  Nate was still laughing when he felt something breeze over his head. He looked up. The sound of Skylar’s back window shattering stunned him.

  “Skylar!” he shouted as flames engulfed the back seat of the vehicle.


  Nate ran to the driver’s side of the vehicle. He could see Skylar struggling to get out of the seatbelt. He jerked the driver’s door open and grabbed her.

  “Get out—get out!” he yelled.

  “The seatbelt is stuck,” she screamed.

  Nate jerked on the belt as flames traveled to the back side of the passenger seat. He pushed the button on the side of the seat that reclined the seat back. He yanked on the strap that crossed her upper body giving him room to pull her through, but the lower belt did not give.

  “Get away, Nate, before it explodes. Get away.”

  “You are coming with me.” He opened the door directly behind her seat, put his hands under her arms, then pulled her body up the seat, but her shoes caught in the lower belt.

  “Kick off your shoes.” Nate yelled.

  “My Jimmy Choo’s? Are you crazy?!”

  If the situation weren’t so serious, Nate would have laughed. “I’ll buy you a new pair, kick them off.”

  The fire traveled to the passenger seat.

  “Holy shit,” Skylar cried out.

  “Kick them off, damn it!”

  Skylar kicked at the straps on each heel as he pulled under her arms. Frantically kicking, her shoe hit the seatbelt buckle which then popped open.

  Nate grabbed her into his arms then ran to the other side of the parking lot to the doorway of a building. His body covered hers as the flames consumed the vehicle.

  People came out of their homes, offices, and restaurants, as cars on the street stopped to see what was happening. Nate slowly turned to look at the flames engulfing the area where Skylar had just been sitting.

  “My pink coat is in that car. I’m going to have to hear Tylar’s mouth for a month about that damn coat.”

  Nate could only stare at the woman. She was almost cooked alive, and she was worried about what her sister was going to say about a coat. He pulled out his cell phone, “This is Detective Nathan Reigns. We have an attempt on a…” He stopped, then glanced at his phone. He looked up at the car.

  “Someone just tried to kill you.” Nate exhaled.

  Skylar adjusted her shoes which were now crooked on her feet. “Who in the hell can you trust?”

  She had read his mind. He put the phone back up to his ear. “We have a vehicle fire in the 100 block of 2nd Street. Advise an officer is on the scene.” He disconnected the call, then made another. “Chief, I have a situation. Can you come down to 2nd and Clay Street? An attempt has just been made on Federal Prosecutor Burrell’s life.”

  “You know the car is old. It could have been a backfire that hit the gas tank.”

  “I don’t believe that and neither do you. I felt it,” Nate said as he watched the first patrol car pull around the corner. “I felt it blow by me before it shattered your back window.”

  “You felt what?”

  “I don’t know,” Nate replied with uncertainty and questions flowing around in his mind.

  “You think I was the target? Why? We haven’t found anything yet?”

  “Well, somebody out there disagrees.” Nate declared. “Maybe we have touched on something. The question is how do they know? We just summarized the information from your camp and mine. Hell, we came up with a plan to move forward less than an hour ago. How could anyone know that? It was only you and me in that restaurant.”

  “It may not be connected to that. Several events have taken place in the last 24 hours. It could be connected to Haskell, the Fontaines, or Whitaker for all we know.”

  The two gaped at each other. “The Judge,” Nate raised an eyebrow.

  Another patrol car and a fire engine rounded the corner. “The EMT is here. Let’s get your leg checked out. I scraped it pretty bad yanking on that seat belt.”

  “Forget the leg, I want to find the son of a bitch that thought it was okay to fry my pink coat.”

  Nate stared at her, then picked her up without skipping a beat. “I think we are in some serious shit right now.” He shook his head in disbelief. “And all you can think about is finding who in the hell had the balls to fry your coat.”

  Nate sat her on the back of the EMT vehicle. “Officer,” he pulled out his badge, “have one of the EMT’s look at her leg, and do not allow her to leave this vehicle.”

  “Yes, sir.” A young patrol officer nodded.

  Nate walked over to the smoldering vehicle that was now surrounded by firemen.

  “I do not want anything touched,” he ordered as he showed his badge. “I’m going to need your Chief investigator down here now. Can you call him in?”

  “For a vehicle fire?” the fireman questioned.

  “I’m pretty certain there was something that caused that fire to happen. I want to know what ignited this vehicle.”

  Chief Williams’ vehicle pul
led up. Nate stepped back then walked over just as the Chief got out of the vehicle.

  “Where is Burrell?” Chief Williams asked.

  “I’m having her leg checked out. She has a minor injury.”

  “Give me a run down.”

  “Burrell and I had just left the restaurant. I walked her to her car, we talked a bit, then she pulled off. Before she turned onto the street, a device hit the back window igniting flames in the back seat of the vehicle. I ran over and pulled her out right before the vehicle exploded.” Nate exhaled then stared directly into his commander’s eyes. “Chief, something was propelled into the back windshield. I felt it fly over my head before it hit. It came from the direction of the convention center. No one was in the parking lot except those two cars and us. The trajectory of the device could not have come from another vehicle. I’m 6’2. For me to feel it over my head, it had to come from the rooftop of one of those buildings.” He pointed to his right. “Who would have access to that area, this time of night?”

  “My question is: what was used? Was there an explosion on impact?”

  “No. In fact, Chief, if I had not felt it when it passed over me, I would’ve thought the car backfired, generating a spark that hit the gas tank.”

  “What are you thinking, Reigns?”

  Nate shook his head as he glanced around. His hand rubbed over his head. “We’re talking something that can be propelled from a distance. I know we have weapons of that nature in the department, and they are not cheap. The government has some of every weapon known to man and some that are not. Chief, this case with Alex, it may go further than RPD, the Commonwealth Attorney’s office, and the judicial branch. According to what I received tonight; members of Congress may be involved.”

  “Congress?” The Chief raised an eyebrow.

  “There’s a lot happening, sir.” Nate exhaled.

  The Chief nodded. “Seal off the area,” he said to an officer. “I want a team of men searching the area from 5th street to here. Get me a chopper in the air. I want every rooftop in the 4-block radius searched.”

  “What are we looking for, Chief?” an officer asked.

  Chief Williams looked at Nate.

  Nate had no answers to give him. He was still trying to process all that occurred in the last hour. One thing was certain, whoever was behind this had money and organization behind them. The man he met at Peaceful Intervention Emergence flashed through his mind. He could not remember his name, but the face was etched in his memory. Maybe it was time to pay him another visit.


  Seeing the Fire Chief walk towards Chief Williams, Nate and Skylar joined the conversation.

  “Chief Hasting, what did you find?” Chief Williams asked as the Fire Chief approached him.

  “Unknown device.” He held up the evidence bag. “It was propelled through something similar to a gun. The markings on the side may give us something to go on. I will have my people examine it and send you a copy of the report.”

  “So, this is attempted murder?” Skylar inquired. “It was shot through the back window of my vehicle with me inside.”

  “At this time, I can only rule it as arson,” Chief Hasting stated. “Intent would have to be established to take it further than that.” He nodded his head at Chief Williams. “I will be in touch,” Hasting said then walked off.

  “Are you just going to let him walk away?” Skylar hissed at the Chief.

  “Yes, because he is right. For all we know, this could be a kid whose fire blower went off course. Do I think that or believe that to be so? –No. Believing and proving are two different things, Ms. Burrell. Until we have more to go on, I am going to take Chief Hasting’s approach and wait to see what the evidence will show.” The Chief turned to Nate. “Do you believe this was an attempt on her life?”

  “Yes, Chief, I do. This wasn’t a kid, this was deliberate and targeted,” Nate replied.

  “At me,” Skylar offered.

  Nate shrugged. “It could have been at either of us.”

  “Or both,” the Chief added, as he glanced around. “Something’s in the air and I don’t like the feel of it. Burnett’s services are tomorrow. You two need to lay low.”

  “Lay low? Chief…” Nate began to protest.

  The Chief put up his hand. “Solidify whatever plans you have come up with and get a handle on this case.”

  “We are going to need manpower to do that, Chief,” Nate stated. “We don’t know who to trust.”

  “You do, Detective Reigns. Follow your instincts. You trust each other, Holiday, Harper, and anyone with the last name Williams.

  “Understood,” Nate replied frustrated.

  Chief Williams nodded. “Make sure Ms. Burrell gets home safely. I will see you at the services tomorrow.”

  “Chief,” Nate called out.

  “Go home Reigns, that’s an order.”

  “No, Chief listen, the only other thing that happened today was the interrogation of Judge Reid. There may be a connection, but I think Judge Fontaine, or someone should check on her.”

  “Will do,” Chief Williams nodded as he watched Detective Reigns and Ms. Burrell walked down the street before getting into his vehicle. He pulled out his cell phone and made a call.

  “Mayor Palmer, I believe things are escalating. We are going to have to make a move one way or another with the investigation into the department.”

  Mayor Palmer sat up in bed. “What happened?”

  “I believe an attempt on Detective Reigns and Federal Prosecutor Burrell was made tonight. I do not have proof, but my gut is telling me we are about to get hit with a shitstorm.”

  “Are Detective Reigns and Ms. Burrell injured?”

  “No, but it was damn close. And get this, Reigns was in on the interrogation of Judge Reid. He thinks she may be in danger.”

  “Set up a meeting with Detective Reigns. Let’s bring him on the inside. I will contact Fontaine.”

  “I will talk with Reigns tomorrow during Alex’s services.”

  “Chief, should we bring the AG in on our suspicions?” Palmer asked.

  “According to Reigns, they may already be aware of some of what’s happening. My only question is: why haven’t they initiated their own investigation?”

  “I’ll make a few calls to my contacts. You have to determine if you are ready for an outside entity to assess your department,” Mayor Palmer stated. “Once that call is made, there will be no turning back. I will support you either way. When you brought this to me, you stated the police may not be capable of policing themselves. My question to you is: if officers in your command are breaking laws, do they deserve your unwavering support of the blue wall? This is your opportunity to make the department into something you and I can be proud of. Take a few days to think it over. Let me know your decision. Again, you have my support either way.”

  Mayor Palmer disconnected the call. He fell back on the bed and sighed. “Someone tried to kill Prosecutor Burrell and Reigns tonight. They met with Judge Reid today. Reigns thinks she might be in danger too.”

  “Do you want me to gather a team to check on her and Judge Fontaine?”

  “Yes, just to be on the safe side; she may have finally decided to talk. The Chief will need any insight she may have to those connected to their scheme that may be from his department.”

  “Chief Williams having doubts about his actions?” Sapphire asked as she laid her head on L.T.’s chest.

  “He is concerned for some of his people. It’s hard to distinguish the bad from the good when everyone is protecting each other’s backs.”

  “Right is right and wrong is wrong, L.T. If he has officers who do not understand that simple fact, they should not be on the force.”

  “Sometimes it’s not that simple, Sapphire,” he sighed. “Some of these people have been on the force since before you or I were born. There are alliances and bonds several years old that are hard to break.”

  “Yet you have broken a few yourself.” She
sat up, straddled his body, then looked down into his eyes. “You are a young Black Mayor of a city that is 46 percent Black with surrounding counties of Chesterfield, which is 70 percent White, and Henrico, which is just about 70 percent White, and don’t even start me on Hanover County. You had to break alliances that the community had supported for years, in some instances, generations. Those other counties did not want you in this position. But you are here. You did that with bold progressive actions. You are going to have to take the same approach with the police department. Chief Williams is the perfect man to head up that narrative. He is well liked and respected by his men, committed to good policing, and has dedicated his life to the city. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but it is necessary to protect the citizens and gain their respect. That was your promise, and I have never known you to go back on your word. Clean up RPD and you will see the city begin to shine.”

  “You’re good for my ego, do you know that?”

  She leaned over and kissed him. “Yes, I do. Now, get your mind off Chief Williams and show me how good you are for me.”

  Hours later, Sapphire’s cell phone buzzed. She reached over to answer then realized it was an encoded text message. She sat up to read it. Curiosity and excitement filled her. “Babe,” she shook L.T. awake. “I think I have to go to work.”

  “I thought the official start date was next month.”

  “It is,” she stood walking to the closet. “Looks like it may be moved up.”

  “Be safe,” L.T. ordered. “Come back to me in one piece.”

  “Always,” she replied then disappeared into the closet. She put on a pair of black jeans, a turtleneck sweater, and black boots. Walking out of the hallway entrance to the closet, she followed it to the library. She stepped out the French doors that led to the sunroom, specially designed as her office.

  Turning on the computer she put in the letters TA then hit the command button. The computer screen went black then a picture of a hexagon-shaped table appeared with the words: The Administration written at the bottom.

  “Team One access.” Sapphire commanded.


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