Harper's Fortune

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Harper's Fortune Page 17

by F. C. Clark

  ‘I love you… And I love what we just did. Is that wrong?’

  He rubs his nose against mine and nips the end.

  ‘You know it’s not wrong, but this is my workplace… Please remember that.’

  ‘I’ve told you before, it’s not a one-way street.’

  He shakes his head. ‘So, your plans are… what exactly?’ Luke changes the subject. Now he wants to concentrate on work.

  ‘Food shopping, then home to prepare dinner for Mr Jones.’

  ‘Good. I’ll call Max to collect you.’

  I roll my eyes. ‘I can manage to find my way to the Bentley.’

  ‘I feel you’ve just wasted your breath.’

  Luke calls Max from his mobile, as I slip on my coat and collect my Bayswater bag, and swiftly leave Luke’s office.

  ‘Bye, Stella.’ I lean over and give her a kiss.

  ‘Bye, Kate – see you soon and congratulations.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  Luke walks me to the lift.

  ‘Are you trying to get rid of me? Or are you shielding me from… no one?’


  He presses the button for the lift and takes hold of my chin. ‘Can I trust you to stay out of trouble?’ He plants a kiss on my lips.

  ‘Not a problem, Commander Sutton, as you won’t be with me.’

  ‘Stop fucking with me!’

  ‘I just did – twice.’

  At six thirty, the black door opens – it’s Mr Jones, escorted by Max.

  I join them both in the hallway, feeling particularly happy to see Mr Jones. As ever, he wears a three-piece suit, shirt and tie – definitely a Jones Tailor creation. Although he is in his sixties and slender, his presence always commands attention: old-school charm runs through his veins.

  ‘Kate.’ Mr Jones gives me a hug. ‘How was your Christmas?’

  ‘Good. Come in, let me get you a drink.’

  Mr Jones and Max follow me through to the kitchen.

  ‘Kate, what time will you need me to take Mr Jones home?’ Max waits for his instructions. I hate the authority that Luke has given me.

  ‘I’m not sure; it won’t be late.’

  ‘Call me when you’re ready to leave.’ He walks towards the door leading to the apartments at the far end of the kitchen.

  ‘I’ll bring your dinner to you when it’s ready.’

  He stops in his tracks. ‘Kate!’

  ‘Stop moaning. It’s roast lamb, your favourite.’

  He smiles and holds up his hands, and walks off to his apartment.

  ‘It would seem you have Luke’s staff under your spell.’ Mr Jones looks at me.

  ‘I worry about him. You know what Max went through.’ I blow air through my lips. ‘Here.’ I pass him a glass of red wine.

  ‘He looks remarkable, considering… Anyway, happy new year, Kate.’

  ‘You too, Mr Jones. Dinner will be half an hour, so we can chat. Follow me.’ I walk into Luke’s office and guide Mr Jones to the sofa.

  ‘How was Harry’s wedding?’

  ‘We had the best day, and the snow – it was lovely. Oh my God, she looked so beautiful. I’ll show you some pictures later.’

  ‘I can imagine.’

  ‘What about you? I wish you could have been there.’

  ‘And I am truly grateful you asked, but Christmas for me is always quiet – I suppose I’m getting old.’

  ‘Never! Anyway, I wanted to see you for a couple of reasons.’

  ‘Hmm, sounds like the good old days.’ Mr Jones smiles with curiosity.

  ‘The first reason…’ I hold up my hand.

  He takes my hand to examine my ring. ‘Well, I never… When did Luke ask you?’

  ‘New Year’s Eve: he bought me a car with “marry me” as the number plate.’ The thought still makes me smile.

  ‘How very ingenious of him – why am I not surprised? Good news; I always wanted you to be happy.’

  ‘I know, so you understand what that means.’ I turn my head towards a framed picture Mr Jones gave me on my birthday. Not only is it my favourite picture from his archive collection, it’s also a full-length strapless dress with a huge train. Essentially, it’s a wedding dress.

  He chuckles. ‘And of course the fabric is yours.’ He takes my hand.

  ‘How do you feel about that? Honestly, I know you gave me the fabric when I left the tailor’s, but…’

  ‘I’m honoured.’

  ‘Really? I feel bad; you might want to give it to someone else. I totally understand if you’ve changed your mind.’

  ‘Kate, I gave you that fabric because I knew you would love it, like I did all those years ago in France. I repeat, I am honoured that you want to create a dress to share with Luke from my history.’

  ‘Oh crap! You get me every time…’ I swallow my emotions. ‘The other thing is… we want to get married in Venice, and I want you there.’

  He squeezes my hand. ‘I’m not sure what to say… You have a place in my heart, Kate, always.’

  ‘Yes, and you can’t talk like that because I’ll cry.’ I sip my wine. ‘So, I have one more question for you.’ I reach for my Eat me pink leather book and open the front page.

  Mr Jones looks at the page and then at me. ‘Is that what you want – Harper Jones?’

  ‘Yes! Let’s do it, let’s start Harper Jones. I feel really excited about it. I’ve got so many ideas, and with your drawings, too, we’re ready to go – sort of. I told you when I saw you before Christmas that I needed to do something for me.’

  He smiles. ‘Yes, you did. I can see you have given it some thought.’

  I nod. ‘I said if I won the lottery this is what I would do with the money. OK, I haven’t won the lottery, but I do have a large bank account.’

  ‘Your mother’s money?’

  I inhale and nod.

  He takes my hand. ‘Kate, it must be so painful having no memory of her.’

  He’s right.

  ‘What I would give just to be able to touch her face.’

  ‘My dear Kate, without doubt life has been testing for you – and of course Luke.’

  ‘Honestly, I hate thinking about her, which feels wrong.’

  ‘Not at all. Perhaps putting her money to good use will give you some comfort.’

  ‘I hope so and in that case yes is the only word I want to hear… Holy shit, I sound like a bloody Sutton. Honestly, just think about it.’

  ‘It will be hard work.’ He takes a large sip of red wine.

  ‘I know, but it will be so much fun, seeing all your drawings come to life. Also, I want to ask my friend Maria, I’m sure I’ve mentioned her to you. I worked with her for a day just before…’ He reaches for my hand, understanding my emotion. ‘And you know Valerie, Luke’s stylist.’

  ‘Yes, of course.’

  ‘Obviously, I haven’t asked them yet – I wanted to wait until I’d spoken to you. This is you – your clothes and handiwork.’

  ‘Harper Jones will be us, Kate. I know you will bring your own twist to my ideas.’

  ‘Oh my God, yeah, I have so many ideas.’

  ‘So you have a plan in mind?’

  ‘Not really, but when I get back from New York we can have a meeting and discuss it. Is it a yes?’

  He extends his hand. ‘Deal.’

  The following morning I open my eyes, stretch, and feel rested, although in the pit of my stomach there is a sense of trepidation about tomorrow and the dreaded trip to New York. I look at my watch – it’s nine o’clock! Shit. But I have nowhere to be, so I guess the time is irrelevant.

  I turn my head and see a note on Luke’s pillow; that’s a sure-fire way to make me smile. God, I miss the good old days when this was our only way of communicating. Anonymity was quite exciting!
  Dear fiancée…

  You looked beautiful in our bed this morning.

  I shall miss you today, after your presence yesterday – which was fun.

  Please call me and let me know of your plans – not to control them merely to have knowledge.

  Max will take you anywhere you wish to go. Stay out of trouble.

  I love you.

  Luke, aka your fiancé, Adonis, Techno Boy, sex god and ex-boss. (How life has changed.)

  I hold the note and laugh at his list of alter egos: honestly, I would take any of them! The man drives me mad, physically and emotionally. Nevertheless, I agree yesterday was fun. This gives me an idea.

  I spend the morning baking, after which I pack my sugary treats into containers. I look up as Max enters the kitchen.

  ‘You’re just the person I wanted to see. Can we go to Luke’s office?’

  ‘Is he expecting you?’

  ‘No.’ That’s the point!

  Max and I wait by the busy lifts at Sutton Global. This double-act routine is becoming pretty tedious. The doors open and we step in.

  ‘A question for you, Max!’

  He lowers his gaze.

  ‘Aren’t you bored following me? I mean, not being able to get in the lift alone is bloody ridiculous… Maybe you should have a word with Luke?’ Because he doesn’t listen to me…

  ‘If you’re asking me to agree with you, then you’re barking up the wrong tree… May I remind you that I was in an explosion, and we still don’t know who’s responsible?’

  I glare at him, hurt and pissed off.

  ‘No, I don’t need reminding. You know it still haunts me… and that was a low blow. My point is that it was nearly six months ago; don’t you think they would have tried something else by now? Surely Luke would have something to go on, what with all his contacts? But they haven’t found out anything more about Ivor, or any plans for me.’

  ‘Jesus, Kate.’ Max looks around the lift at the other people.


  ‘Keep it down – and no news is not always good news. Silence can mean a number of things.’

  ‘Like what?’

  The lift pings.

  ‘Max! Like what?’

  ‘Talk to Luke. But don’t ask to be let loose… that’s not happening.’

  I exhale in frustration, as I appear to be talking to Max in a foreign language.

  Max walks behind me as I approach Luke’s office.

  Stella looks up. ‘Kate – two days in a row?’

  ‘I know, I must love it here… Is Luke around, or is he busy?’ I place the containers filled with sugary treats on her desk.

  ‘He does have some people with him. Let me check.’ She looks down at the boxes on her desk. ‘I see you have been busy.’

  ‘There’s an extra fruit cake for you to take home.’

  ‘Kate, call me when you want to leave, I’ll be in my office.’ Max says, heading in the opposite direction.

  ‘OK. Give me some space, for God’s sake.’ I mutter under my breath.

  ‘He loves you like his own darling, plain and simple.’ Stella touches my hand and her words touch my heart. ‘Let me call Luke.’ She picks up her phone. ‘You have a visitor – your fiancée.’ She looks at me and winks. ‘Yes… very well.’ She replaces her handset. ‘He said to go in.’

  ‘Thanks, Stella.’

  I manage to open the door with my arms full of the boxes. My heart skips a beat as it does every time I see Luke – I enjoy watching him control his empire. Placing my food parcels on his desk, I lean against it, waiting for him to finish his conversation with several members of staff seated at the boardroom table. His eyes hover in my direction, and he flashes me his Sutton smile. Fuck, I could drop to my knees for him, right here, right now. He gestures for me to join him.

  ‘Hi.’ I extend a warm welcome to his staff, who smile and nod.

  ‘OK… change the drawings. I want costings for all the alterations. No more surprises! You have until I get back from New York; let’s make use of the time. Email me with any questions. In the meantime, use your staff to research for you.’

  The staff stand, collect various pieces of paperwork and leave the office. I smile as they exit.

  Alone at last, Luke takes my hand and walks me towards his desk.

  ‘I see you brought cakes.’ His eyes scan the parcels as he sits down.

  ‘Yeah.’ Immediately I head for his lap. Luke moves his arms, allowing me the space. ‘Thank you for my note; I really miss them.’

  He smiles, knowing how much his words brighten up my day. ‘You’re welcome.’

  ‘I’m here for a reason, not to tease you!’

  Our dark eyes connect.

  Luke rubs his jawline. ‘What do you want?’

  ‘OK, so, yesterday was fun.’

  ‘Not today… Th—’

  I place my finger over his lips. ‘I’m not just talking about what we did on your sofa, but I mean getting up, having a purpose to my day. That got me thinking.’

  ‘Where are you going with this?’

  I’m babbling. ‘Do you have an office, I mean a room, somewhere I can set up the Harper Jones business – hopefully? I know it’s early days, but…’


  ‘Yeah, here… with you.’

  ‘You want an office here?’ He laughs. ‘Yesterday, you told me you wanted space and now you want to be under my feet… You hate being under my control.’ Luke’s brows knit together.

  ‘That’s not strictly true. I like it when I like it, but not when I don’t. Besides, it’s my prerogative to change my mind – daily. Anyway, this isn’t a power trip.’

  ‘Power trip!’ Luke throws his head back, laughing.

  ‘Come on – your middle name is power! Followed by control and then irrational, lastly delusional!’ I laugh.

  ‘Is this your idea of stroking my ego? If so, you need to rethink your strategy.’

  ‘Honestly, I like it here; I feel safe.’

  He takes my face in his hands and kisses me. I respond as I always do. This must be an early birthday present for him, offering him twenty-four hour surveillance on me.

  He releases me.

  ‘You know I can’t kiss you… I made my point yesterday.’

  ‘Self-control, Luke… You must be able to buy it.’

  ‘Funny! OK, so you want an office here?’ He runs his hands through his hair. ‘If I agree, there will be conditions.’

  ‘Fine.’ What conditions?

  ‘Firstly, this is where I work, and I command a certain amount of respect. My members of staff understand what I expect of them, so this’ – his fingers gesture between us – ‘has to remain under control. No fucking games, literally.’

  I try to speak but Luke presses his finger to my lips.

  ‘I’m aware that your approach to business will clash with mine, but you have to respect me. I don’t want my staff thinking just because you work here I will have different expectations of them… Do you understand?’

  ‘I do… Luke, I admire you and your empire. Your staff will have nothing to do with me.’ I place my hands on his shoulders. ‘Look, I just thought we could come to work together, that’s all. If I’m here with you, you know I’ll be safe. Besides, I can shut the door and have a boundary that we can both respect until five o’clock.’

  He places his hands on my breasts, sizing up the deal that’s on offer.

  ‘Perhaps… there could be a positive side to you being here.’

  ‘I think the boundary should be no sex at work.’ Bullshit!

  ‘Are you challenging me?’ He takes my hand and kisses my sparkly ring.

  ‘That’s up to you, Mr Sutton, boss man… Shall I drop to my knees and challenge you.’

  ‘Hmm, why do
I think I’m about to regret my decision?’ His chest expands. ‘Right, an office… Let me show you something.’

  I move from his lap. We exit his office and walk across the hall, literally ten foot from Luke’s office. He opens a set of double doors to reveal a large room, not the same as Luke’s, but nonetheless bloody huge.

  ‘Will this do?’ He stands, relaxed, his hands in his pockets, looking his usual fuckable self.

  ‘Are you shitting me?’

  He shakes his head. ‘No! I’m not shitting you.’

  ‘Oh my God, I wasn’t expecting this.’ I walk towards the floor-to-ceiling windows taking in the view: a view I will be able to look at every day.

  ‘If you like it, then it’s yours. Now I can really keep an eye on you.’

  ‘I guess you can. Do you mind if I choose my own furniture?’ I look at the dull boardroom table and ugly chairs.

  ‘It’s yours – do as you please.’

  I pull him towards me. ‘Thank you.’ I reach up on tiptoe to kiss him gratefully.

  ‘Jesus, how much work am I going to get done with you around?’

  ‘Not changing your mind?’

  ‘Not yet!’

  ‘Get back to work then; let’s start as we mean to go on.’ I jump up and down with excitement. ‘This is perfect; you know l love designing interiors. Lucky Max is in for a real treat – furniture shopping.’

  ‘Don’t forget Sandbanks.’

  ‘I won’t. I’ll make a start when we get back from New York… Besides, I liked just having a bed there.’

  After an eventful afternoon of furniture shopping, I lie in bed alone and look at my watch. It’s ten o’clock. I roll onto my side and pull the duvet under my chin. I take a deep breath, praying the next few days will pass quickly. My eyes close.

  Next thing I know, a cold arm grips my waist, making me stir from my sleep.

  ‘Shh. Sleep, baby, I’m home.’

  I inhale the Sutton scent. ‘Love you,’ I mumble and take his hand.

  ‘Back at you… I’ll meet you in your dreams.’


  I stir and look at my watch: five thirty, far too early to face the world of business. I hear the shower stop and then Luke padding into the bedroom.


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