Harper's Fortune

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Harper's Fortune Page 21

by F. C. Clark

‘Oh my God, you’re out of control. Seriously, Luke, if you don’t start listening to me we won’t make it to the bloody altar.’

  His eyes meet mine.

  ‘Russia was a walk in the park compared to you.’ I slam the bedroom door.

  For the meeting, I decide to dress to kill. The mood I’m in, the Coopers had better watch out.

  I look in the mirror at my outfit. Smart black tailored shorts – actually, they are rather short – with a tightly fitted black blazer. A white shirt, a skinny black leather tie, and my most daring item, black fishnet tights and shoe boots. The look is a little quirky and very me. My hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and I wear my usual makeup. I achieve extra drama with heavier kohl and red lipstick – let’s hope Luke doesn’t think his luck’s in. There’ll be no visits to bathroom cubicles to suck his dick today!

  Tanya and I stand on the pavement, and I look up to the tall building with a sense of déjà vu. As soon as we enter a new sensation washes over me. The stress of yesterday has altered; a personal crusade to take down the Coopers is motivating me today.

  ‘Ready, Kate?’ Tanya presses the button for the top floor.

  ‘Not really. OK, if I speak, kick me – hard.’

  Once again the Bagrov and Cooper sign hits me. Undeniably, my business insight is sketchy, but Ivor did say I had Katenka’s passion. Perhaps that’s what I need to draw on here.

  We enter the boardroom and take our former seats. The room begins to fill, including the evil duo. Eyes forward is today’s mantra. I can feel Philip’s intense glare; his hatred for me consumes the entire room.

  The spokesman from yesterday takes his place at the head of the table. He then proceeds to explain the reason for the meeting. I do have something to say. I take a deep breath and find some courage.

  ‘May I say something?’

  Silence washes over the room as all eyes fall on me.

  ‘Yes, Miss Harper.’ The spokesman gestures for me to take to the floor and speak.

  ‘Thank you. I visited the hotel this morning.’

  Philip Cooper looks at me and raises his brows – fucking prick.

  ‘And I agree it is a magnificent building. However, I looked at the drawings as well. The bottom line is, if you want my vote, there is a condition. You can’t touch the staircase.’

  Philip Cooper begins to laugh, not with humour but with shock.

  ‘Are you joking? You roll in here demanding to keep some structure you clearly know nothing about. You have some balls, Miss Harper.’ Philip sits back in his chair, shaking his head.

  ‘First, you need my vote, so don’t sit there and shake your head at me. And, second, your idea was shit. The staircase adds historical value. Reception areas are the first view of any hotel, so why would you want to remove an iconic structure? Besides, Bradley Taylor agreed with me.’

  I turn to Tanya. No need to kick me; it’s too late.

  The spokesman stands. ‘Thank you, Miss Harper. OK, so we need to vote, with the additional clause, the staircase remains. All those in favour, raise their hands.’ One by one the hands around the room begin to rise, including mine. Philip Cooper is the last member to vote.

  He looks at me as he raises his arm – he clearly hates me. Not a problem; the man makes my skin crawl.

  ‘The vote is unanimous, so we can now go ahead with the finance. Thank you, everyone, for attending, and to you, Miss Harper.’

  I nod. It’s over. I can go home. Except I have to deal with Mr Moody Bollocks Sutton first.

  Ten minutes later, Tanya and I stand on the kerb. I take a deep breath and relax for the first time since we arrived.

  ‘Thank God it’s over.’ I link my arm through hers as we make our way towards the car.

  ‘You did well. I was a little surprised about the staircase, and so was Philip Cooper… But you held on to your principles, so well done.’

  The car returns Tanya to the hotel and then takes me to meet Luke for lunch. He mentioned a surprise guest. I wonder who it is. Within fifteen minutes the car draws up outside a restaurant. I step out and walk through the door.

  ‘Afternoon, ma’am,’ a host instantly greets me.

  ‘Hi, I’m meeting Mr Sutton.’ I scan the room, looking for Luke. I remove my coat and pass it to the woman on reception.

  ‘This way. Mr Sutton is already here.’ I follow the waitress to a cocktail table with glasses and an open bottle of wine.

  ‘This is Mr Sutton’s table.’

  ‘Thank you.’ I smile and stand alone, waiting for Luke.

  The bar is filled with businessmen.

  ‘Kate Harper.’

  I turn, to see Bradley Taylor standing there. His eyes drink in my body.

  ‘You look… different from this morning.’

  ‘Better, I hope.’

  ‘I like what I see.’

  Crap. He’s flirting again. This isn’t good.

  ‘I’m here to discuss staircases with Philip Cooper. Apparently, there have been some alterations to the plans.’

  ‘So I hear.’ I tilt my head and smile.

  ‘Do you know anything about that? I wondered, after I received the call, did Kate Harper change Philip Cooper’s mind? I doubt it; there must have been guns drawn and a bloody battle.’ His hand runs down the arm of my jacket. ‘I’m impressed.’

  ‘Don’t be fooled. My business skills are rubbish.’

  ‘Expect the unexpected works for me.’

  ‘Your luck’s in; I don’t do expectations. What you see is what you get.’

  He tries to speak.

  ‘No. Don’t say you like what you see. Anyway, you might have worked out that the Coopers and I aren’t friends. He’s a weasel – with no appreciation for stunning staircases.’

  Bradley’s face lights up with his smile.

  ‘I get it. I admire your tenacity.’

  I nod, and accept his compliment.

  The scent hits me, before I feel a gentle touch against the small of my back. I turn to see the love of my life. My eyes lock on his, as Luke leans down and places a kiss on my cheek. Is this a sign of affection or ownership?

  ‘Hey, baby.’ Ownership – he doesn’t do ‘baby’ in public.

  ‘Luke, this is Bradley Taylor, the architect working on the hotel for Bagrov and Cooper. Bradley, this is my fiancé, Luke Sutton.’

  Bradley leans across and shakes Luke’s hand. ‘We have a mutual friend, Zhan Abdul. We’ve worked on several projects together. The last time we spoke he showed me the plans of your hotel in Dubai.’

  ‘Small world.’ Luke smiles, but I sense hostility.

  ‘Very small. I met Kate this morning as she climbed through a window into the hotel – and now she has laid out stipulations for Philip Cooper. She’s definitely strong-minded.’

  ‘She is.’ Luke spreads his hand wide across my hipbone, drawing me closer.

  ‘Speaking of Mr Cooper, I had better go. Luke, good to meet you; tell Zhan I said hello. Kate.’ He kisses my cheek.

  Alone, Luke turns to face me, and runs his tongue across his lower lip. Christ, he looks hot. I must stay focused – I’m still pissed off at him.

  He begins to snigger.

  ‘Something bothering you?’ I ask.

  ‘Where do I begin? First, climbing through windows… Jesus, do you want to get arrested?’

  ‘For your information, it wasn’t boarded up, and I would have told you this morning, except you went off on one.’

  ‘Off on one! You went missing, and not for the first time. I need to trust you.’

  ‘You can. I’m not flying off anywhere, and I wasn’t missing. Speaking of this morning, you sidestepped my question about what team you meant.’

  He shakes his head. ‘There are eyes and ears everywhere, a bit like this room.’

  ‘What do yo
u mean?’

  ‘Do you know how many men have been watching you?’

  ‘Might I suggest you buy some blindfolds?’ I shake my head. ‘There must be a doctor out there that can help you. Your irrational behaviour is getting out of control.’

  Luke pulls at my chin. ‘Kate Harper, very nearly Sutton, right now I want to take you back to the hotel and fuck you. You’re as testing as ever. With your lips the shade they are, you know I can’t kiss you. Please do not push me, not after this morning.’

  My hand swiftly moves to his arse, drawing him close. ‘Back at you, Luke. And for the record, I’m fuming about this morning.’


  ‘Too bloody right I am.’

  ‘Bradley Taylor likes my fiancée… How do I feel about that? Pissed off.’

  I pull away and take a glass of wine from the table.

  ‘You’re seriously worried about an architect I don’t even know… you have seen what you look like, right?’

  ‘What the hell are you talking about?’ He takes his wine.

  ‘Just listen. You’re a good-looking man – no, let’s say it how it is. You’re the most handsome man I’ve ever met. I could come just by looking at you.’

  He nearly spits his wine out. ‘For Christ’s sake, Kate.’

  ‘When you walk in a room, women are already sliding off their knickers for you, and they don’t even know what you’ve got going on under the suit! Don’t stand there and act like I’ve just revealed some breaking news… You know the effect you have on women. Apparently, business and women are your thing.’

  ‘Irrelevant; I have no interest in anyone else.’

  ‘That’s where you’re wrong. I have a bloody good point to make. You look like a bloody model, and I look like me. Not really much of a challenge, is it? My point is, I should be the one being jealous, not the other way round.’

  He drinks some wine and places his glass on the table. ‘Look around you. Do you see the men in this room? They have been watching you since the moment you arrived.’ He looks at my legs then at my eyes. ‘Fishnet tights? I’m not surprised you’ve caused a stir in their trousers.’

  ‘Luke!’ I hit his arm and pull him close. My arms lock around his neck. ‘Your trousers are my only concern. I have agreed to become your wife – ownership goes both ways.’

  ‘Yes… Please don’t forget I possess you.’

  ‘Possess me? That’s fucked-up. Am I supposed to be impressed with that? You don’t possess me, Luke. I choose whether I want to be with you… Think carefully about that: suffocate me and we’re over.’

  He takes his glass of wine, downs the remainder and places it on our table. His dark eyes lock to mine; this morning has unnerved him, without doubt.

  ‘Say something.’

  He takes my left hand and gently kisses me. ‘You always have a choice, Kate.’

  ‘Then don’t force me to make one…’ Oh God, I would never leave him. ‘I need your help to get through this. We’re a team, not at odds, and I don’t want my future husband judging me.’

  He tilts his head. ‘Noted.’

  ‘Good, and for the record I’m still mad with you.’ This time I smile. I am mad but I hope he’s listening.

  ‘You should have taken your phone.’

  ‘Noted!’ I smirk.

  ‘Are you taking the piss?’ He laughs and kisses my neck. ‘I still need to fuck you.’ His eyes fix on mine.

  ‘I want you to eat me; let’s run.’

  ‘We can’t cancel, but soon I’ll lick you dry.’

  I’ve gone. He has me, hook line and sinker.

  We sit and wait. Within minutes, Luke stands.

  ‘Mrs Gold.’ Luke guides the elderly lady, a friend of his family, to our table.

  I stand too. ‘Mrs Gold, Luke said he had invited a surprise guest.’

  ‘Kate, my darling, I do hope I’m not a disappointment.’ She offers me a double kiss and a warm smile.

  ‘No, it’s good to see you again.’ We all sit down.

  ‘Luke sent me an email informing me that you were here in New York. As luck would have it, so was I. So tell me, I believe you have some news of your own.’ She reaches for my left hand and gazes at my ring. ‘I was thrilled when Luke told me. I won’t lie, Luke, I have been waiting for this day. Ask your mother – she’ll tell you.’ She looks across at him. ‘What are your wedding plans?’

  The Sutton boys grew up surrounded by people like the Coopers, so what a change it is for him to be in the company of an old family friend with a heart!

  During our main course, I spot Philip Cooper. I shake my head. How unfortunate – he appears to be heading our way.

  ‘Luke, congratulations on your engagement.’

  Luke stands and shakes the weasel’s hand. I feel he’ll need a serious amount of antibacterial soap afterwards.

  ‘Thank you, Philip. You know Mrs Gold and, of course, my beautiful fiancée.’

  ‘Mrs Gold, you look well… Kate.’

  ‘Hello, Mr Cooper,’ Mrs Gold responds while she gazes across at me.

  If he thinks I’m talking to him, then he can think again.

  ‘I will leave you to your lunch. Perhaps we will catch up in London? Are you going to Klosters next weekend?’ Philip asks.

  ‘Yes.’ Luke takes his seat.

  ‘No doubt I will see you there.’

  Not if I push you off a cliff first.

  ‘Mrs Gold, it was a pleasure.’ His eyes fall on me. I remain silent. Thankfully, he walks away and takes the chill he brought with him.

  Luke laughs. ‘Jesus, Kate, you need to find a way to deal with the likes of Philip Cooper. I told you to rise above him.’

  ‘Yes, and my mum taught me that if you have nothing nice to say, then best not to say anything. Sorry, Mrs Gold, I just don’t like him. He makes my skin crawl and he’s bloody rude. Congratulations my—’

  ‘Kate!’ Luke squeezes my fingers.


  ‘Truthfully, I couldn’t agree with you more.’ Mrs Gold laughs. ‘Do one thing for me, my darling.’

  I nod.

  ‘Never lose your passion – or your morals. They will keep you safe when you least expect it.’

  Over lunch, we chat about many issues. Mrs Gold seems to be very interested in my life, although I’m not sure why.

  ‘Luke, I emailed Stella with the details of the gala for the Alzheimer’s charity,’ says Mrs Gold.

  ‘Stella did mention it: we have a table.’

  ‘Can I ask the pack to come?’ It will be fun to have like-minded people with me.

  Luke shoots me a look. ‘OK.’

  Mrs Gold looks at me. ‘Pack? That sounds like fun. Tell me, what does this involve?’

  ‘Kate’s pet name for her friends; just look for the noisy table.’

  Mrs Gold’s face lights up. ‘Oh, they should bring some life to a dreary event. I may have to sit with you.’

  Finally, Luke and I say our goodbyes, having fixed a date for the gala. We swiftly leave, to see Michael waiting by the kerb.

  ‘Hi Michael, I promise not to ask you to drive me to any more derelict hotels.’

  He smiles. ‘Yes, Ma— sorry, Kate. Not a usual request.’

  ‘I guess not.’ I slide inside the limousine; Luke follows me. His dark eyes rest on me. ‘What now?’ Christ, his moods change like the wind.


  ‘He was the driver who took me to the hotel this morning.’

  His fingers tap against his leg.

  ‘Welcome back, Mr Irrational Sutton; you must have a season pass. What’s your problem?’

  ‘The problem is, you are over-familiar with people, and that’s not how business works – especially with architects who want something else from you.’

fold my arms, as I want to slap him hard. ‘Did you just say that? Jesus, Luke, we just spoke about this.’

  ‘It gives off the wrong signals.’

  ‘OK, so the reason you’re a miserable bastard is so people won’t want to fuck you?’

  ‘Jesus! You can’t help yourself; watch what comes out of your mouth.’

  ‘You just said that I want to shag Bradley Taylor.’

  ‘Fuck me, you’re relentless. I said you’re over-familiar.’

  ‘Dress it up, Luke; the Chelsea boy is never far away. It all adds up to the same thing.’

  ‘Adds up to what?’

  ‘I’m not cut from the same cloth as you, familiarity breeds… what is it – contempt? Well, you’re wrong. Saying hello is different to saying let’s shag.’

  ‘Stop talking shit. Christ, Kate, you need to control your mouth.’

  ‘Is this how it’s going to be when we’re married? I can’t help being friendly. You should try it; it can be useful at times.’ Holy shit. His fists are clenched and his knuckles are almost transparent: a sure sign Luke is pissed.

  We arrive at the hotel. Luke takes my hand. I try to shake him off, but his grip is too tight. Once inside the lift, he presses the button for our floor. The silence kills me.

  The door of the suite opens. I shake myself free of him, and walk away in the opposite direction to Luke.

  ‘Wait,’ he bellows, stopping me in my tracks. His strides are quick. I blink and his hands are in my hair.

  ‘I don’t know what you want from me.’ I bow my head in confusion.

  He pulls my chin. ‘You, baby, that’s all I need.’ His thumbs brush against my cheeks. ‘You drive me crazy.’

  ‘No shit.’

  ‘Fuck, Kate, you scare the shit out me.’


  ‘You’re unpredictable, and…’ He trails off and looks away.


  ‘You’re my biggest threat – losing you would destroy me.’

  ‘Luke, I love you. Even when you drive me mad I couldn’t live without you – ever.’

  ‘I apologise for putting you down earlier. It was wrong. And I should have taken you to the hotel yesterday.’

  I nod. Wow.

  ‘You have more business acumen than you realise.’ His hand moves across to my heart. ‘This is your main asset. Today, you proved your worth. Tanya called me.’


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