Harper's Fortune

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Harper's Fortune Page 25

by F. C. Clark

  His eyes show me how much he needs me. ‘I know, baby.’

  He moves me to the wall, lifting my leg. His fingers delve inside my sex.

  I gasp.

  Luke holds his fingers still.

  ‘Too much? I need honesty.’

  ‘I’m fine.’ I kiss him hard.

  He slips his fingers between my wet lips and begins to torment my pulsating clit. His free hand grasps his erection. My eyes fall to Luke’s hand sliding up and down his thick shaft.

  He grins. ‘Talk to me.’

  What? I swallow.

  ‘I know you like me doing this. Tell me.’

  I nod.

  ‘Tell me you like it when I work my dick. You want me hard for you.’

  ‘Yes.’ My response is a whisper. I look away. He leaves my clit and lifts my head.

  ‘You can’t hide from me. I want you to do the same.’


  ‘You heard me. I will fuck you, but I don’t think you’re ready yet. I want to watch you touch your clit, and I’ll do the same.’

  ‘Luke… I…’

  He kisses me passionately, his tongue moving against mine, using the tip of his erection against my sensitive clit. I feel my body begin the climb to orgasm: my breathing becomes shallow and my legs go weak.

  He pulls away from my mouth. ‘Use your hand – I know you want to come.’

  My eyes lock on his as my hand slides between my wet lips. The circular motion of my fingers against my sensitive clit is almost too much.

  ‘Don’t come.’

  I nod.

  ‘I’m not ready – Kate, watch me.’

  He works himself, pumping his erection hard. Holy shit, I love this far too much.

  ‘I can’t hold off much longer,’ I confess.

  ‘OK… put your leg around me.’ I do as he asks, and he guides the head of his erection to the entrance to my sex. ‘I’m going to lift your other leg. This will be quick, so don’t stop touching yourself.’

  I nod.


  The next minute, he impales me, making me slide up the wall. His powerful body delivers hard, fast thrusts, while my hand mirrors his speed and passion on my clit. After what feels like seconds, I feel the rush of my orgasm.

  Luke leans to my ear, brushing his stubbly cheek against me. ‘I’m coming.’ His voice – oh God.


  In seconds, I feel the last of his hot fluid inside me.

  ‘Christ, I needed that.’ Gently, he kisses the nape of my neck.

  He slides out of me and lowers my legs to the floor.

  Pushing the wet hair from my face, Luke kisses my mouth, not savagely but with tenderness. He pulls away.

  ‘You know how much I love you, soon-to-be Mrs Sutton?’

  I nod.


  His words are music to my ears.

  After our shower, I slip on black leggings and a long black T-shirt. Luke wears jeans and a black polo shirt, obviously comfortable in the company of his family.

  ‘Kate, you look fine – everyone will be waiting, especially Kiki.’

  I glare at his reflection. ‘You didn’t tell me she was here.’

  ‘There was no point. They headed straight to Declan’s room when we got back.’

  ‘It would seem all the Sutton boys are getting fucked tonight.’ I giggle.

  Luke scowls. ‘My articulate wife-to-be and her filthy mouth… Now move your delectable arse or you will be sorry.’

  After dinner, the super-efficient members of staff remove our plates. The meal was divine. The atmosphere is relaxed. Declan stands to retrieve a bottle of cognac. I lean close to Kiki’s ear.

  ‘So, how are things with you and Declan?’ My finger circles the top of my wine glass.


  ‘OK? Is that it?’

  ‘What do you want me to say?’

  I link my arm through hers. ‘I don’t want you to get hurt. Declan’s not ready to settle down.’

  ‘I know what he wants, and more importantly what he doesn’t want.’ She takes hold of my hand with my engagement ring. ‘This, I’m not ready for, and neither is Declan, so don’t worry, babe.’

  I lean my head on her shoulder. ‘Fine. But, I’m watching you, Kiki Marlow. I know when you’re bullshitting me.’

  It has snowed overnight, and Luke’s younger brother Ollie and his girlfriend Scarlett have arrived. The entire Sutton family will be skiing today.

  ‘Luke, don’t you dare throw that snowball at me… I’ll tell your mum.’ We stop, waiting for the others to catch up. What a delight to have Mr Playful Sutton at my side.

  ‘Are you threatening me, Harper?’ Luke gives me his best sexually charged grin, which hits every erogenous zone in my body.

  ‘Two words for you, Sutton: wedding dress… I have your mum on my side.’ Luke drops the icy weapon and moves closer, taking his skis around mine, stopping me from moving.

  His breath glides across my lips. ‘You’ll need stronger bribery material than my mum and your wedding dress.’ He goes in for the kill. His cool lips take my breath away. Even though we’re standing outside a crowded café, Luke takes what he wants.

  I pull away from him. ‘Do you want me to bribe you with sex?’

  ‘You can try, baby.’ His hands run down my salopettes, cupping my arse, while his mouth returns with a vengeance.

  ‘Jesus, Luke, put her down.’ Declan arrives at speed, sending a small snowstorm across our skis.

  Slowly Luke pulls away. I look into his eyes. ‘Have you finished?’

  ‘Never.’ Shit, I need him!

  Scarlett and I decide to have a coffee break. Ollie offers to come with us, which pleases my controlling fiancé. Edward and Livy return to the chalet for lunch and the remaining competitive skiers decide to test their skills further. Kiki, who is one of the lads when it comes to extreme sports, opts for black runs, not black coffee. Once again, they are welcome to it.

  The three of us sit chatting about life, Ollie’s job as a teacher, and my plans for Harper Jones. Ollie is the polar opposite to Luke and Declan. Luke strives for world domination, Declan is always partying when he isn’t working for Luke, and Ollie wants to help disadvantaged children. Luke and Ollie’s bond is beyond brotherly. How can Luke forget about Ollie trying to commit suicide when he was only sixteen? Ollie was at a difficult point in his life and Luke was off saving the world, not his brother. Living your life to the full is the only way to deal with past demons, and Ollie is proof of what doesn’t break you, makes you stronger. Luke must see that.

  Scarlett leaves for the bathroom, leaving Ollie and me alone.

  ‘While we’re alone there’s something I want to say.’ Ollie looks at his coffee. ‘Declan told me that you’ve spoken about… when I was younger.’ He lifts his eyes to mine as my mind drifts back to the afternoon in Livy’s garden: an afternoon of revelations. Firstly, Ollie’s attempted suicide, and then finding out that Luke was once engaged to Maddy, who Luke hadn’t told me about.


  ‘Have you told Luke about… Alexis?’

  I frown and shake my head.

  ‘No. I promised Declan I wouldn’t. But I think you should speak to him. If he found out, he’d be really upset. He thinks the world of you.’ Playing games with Ollie’s heart, and taunting him that they had slept together was the last straw for him – and the final nail in Alexis’s coffin for me.

  Ollie sighs. ‘I know – he’s cool and wants to show me the world.’

  ‘He would give you the world, Ollie, there’s no doubt about that.’

  ‘I accept what you’re saying. Christ, their paths cross all the time. The last thing I need is Luke losing it with her – you know more than anyone that his temper is unpredictable.’

  ‘No shit! But he would calm down, eventually. He went mad the day he found out about your job, which is crazy, I know.’

  ‘Declan told me. Look, Luke thinks I can’t handle myself with out-of-control teenagers.’ Ollie’s anxiousness begins to fade.

  ‘I have no reason to doubt you – you’re calm, and that’s one of your best assets, Ollie.’

  ‘And you must have a talent for defusing bombs – my brother.’

  ‘Once he saw reason! That’s when he told me about your past. I tried to tell him to give you guidance and advice, not so he could control you. Did he listen? Well, that remains to be seen. You know he thinks differently to us.’

  ‘He always has. Listen, I don’t want you to feel awkward. It was a long time ago. I will talk to him, but there never seems to be a good time.’

  ‘There’s never a good time to talk about the super-bitch either – sorry, that’s my nickname for her. Christ, Ollie, what the hell did you see in her? I know that’s not a great comment to make, but bloody hell.’

  He laughs. ‘Don’t hold back, Kate! I was young, and she was older than me.’


  ‘Don’t be. I know what she’s like. Although we avoid each other at functions now – saves embarrassment for us both.’

  ‘She’s vicious, Ollie – she just wants to destroy things.’

  Ollie laughs. ‘Kate, it was a long time ago, and I am over it.’

  ‘She makes my blood boil. Besides, we’re almost family: you think Luke is your protector, you haven’t seen me go yet!’

  ‘Should I be worried?’

  ‘Not really.’

  Ollie laughs again, and then Scarlett appears from the bathroom.

  ‘Another round?’

  I head to the bar and patiently wait, in a world of my own.

  ‘Good afternoon, Kate Harper, are you stalking me?’

  I turn when I hear the familiar voice.

  ‘Charles Morley – in your dreams. Besides, I think you’re stalking me. Must be all that free time you have.’

  He laughs. ‘Perhaps. Having fun with the Sutton boys?’

  ‘Yep. I take it you’re here with your family? I know you hate to work, so I assume this is playtime for you.’

  ‘Every day is playtime for me.’ He sits on the stool next to me. ‘A little birdie told me you caused some trouble in New York. It would seem Bagrov and Cooper may have trouble on their hands.’

  ‘Looks like the super-bitch has been spoon-feeding you information.’

  Charles can’t hide his amusement. ‘I knew you would mix it up. I like you, Kate Harper, a lot… But I didn’t see the Bagrov estate landing in your lap.’

  ‘That makes two of us.’ My gaze falls to the bar.

  ‘I assume the news of your late mother is a blow to you too.’

  I nod, not wanting to have this conversation with him.

  He reaches for my hand. ‘I’m sorry for your loss.’

  ‘Don’t be. I didn’t know her, and she died some time ago. Apparently, she committed suicide.’ My mood takes a nosedive. ‘Sorry… I have a tendency to ramble.’

  Charles leans on the bar, a hint of sadness in his eyes; maybe he isn’t such a dickhead after all.

  ‘Apparently? Why would you say that?’

  ‘Just a feeling. Ignore me.’ Why am I telling him personal information?

  ‘A gut instinct, perhaps.’ He watches me closely.

  ‘A delusional feeling, more likely. Honestly, I babble all the time.’

  ‘Let me think, what year did she die?’


  ‘In London?’

  ‘Yeah.’ I look down as my emotions begin to rise. I don’t want to share them with a stranger. ‘Sorry, I wasn’t expecting to get all deep and meaningful with you.’ I try to lighten the mood.

  ‘You can go deep on me any time, Kate.’ His crude humour makes me laugh. ‘Are you aware my father is a judge? Well, the eighties was his era.’

  ‘Oh. I don’t know anything about your family.’

  ‘My father and I have a fucking awful relationship.’

  ‘No love lost between you?’

  ‘None. I suspect you want to know why I am telling you this?’

  ‘Do you think I’m some kind of therapist?’

  ‘A hot therapist! It could be a new vocation for you, if you continue to piss off Philip Cooper. My reason for mentioning his name is that my father has a secret cupboard containing various documents.’

  ‘OK, and you’re telling me this because?’ This has to be the most bizarre conversation I’ve ever had.

  ‘First, I like you. And, second, I will take a look inside his safe.’

  ‘Thanks, I think. Honestly, why would your father have information on my birth mother?’ I am confused.

  ‘Your mother was wealthy, and I suspect your instinct may be spot-on.’

  ‘You think so?’ I wish Luke would show this much interest.

  ‘It could be fun – well, not that your mother is dead, obviously. Truthfully, it’s been a while since I rummaged through his private paperwork.’

  ‘Your life must be really dull,’ I say.

  ‘So this is why we’ve met – you’re here to brighten up my life.’

  ‘Like I said – dull.’

  ‘I probably won’t find anything, so we have nothing to lose.’

  ‘OK. This is still bloody odd, but thanks for the offer.’

  ‘Odd is my middle name – besides, you can pay me in other ways. That is, if I find anything worthy of a debt.’ He offers a cheeky smile.

  My tray of coffees arrives. ‘Never going to happen. Can I ask you, are you gay?’

  He runs his hand through his hair. ‘I would take you and Luke at the same time. My fucking choice swings like my mood… Speaking of fucking Luke Sutton, he is heading our way. Until we speak again.’ Charles moves off rapidly, leaving me wondering what the hell our conversation was about.

  Luke and Declan arrive at my side, as Kiki joins Ollie and Scarlett at the table.

  ‘Hi. Declan, be a love, take the tray to the table and I’ll order some more coffees.’

  ‘Sure. I want food too.’ He heads off to the Sutton table.

  ‘I’ll bring the menus over.’ I turn to face Luke. ‘Did you win?’

  ‘What the fuck did Charles Morley want?’

  OK, straight to the point. ‘Chill, Luke.’


  ‘Yes, breathe, Luke. Nothing, really; he asked me about Katenka and I told him that I thought her death was suspicious.’

  ‘You did what?’

  ‘He’s friends with Alexis; he knows about Katenka. You know his dad is a judge, right? Anyway, he has a safe containing documents from cases he worked on.’

  Luke scowls at me. It’s safe to say he’s pissed off.

  ‘Charles is going to take a look for me, just in case there’s something about Katenka’s death.’

  Luke’s eyes darken. ‘Are you joking?’

  ‘No! He may find something.’

  ‘Yeah, my fist meeting his face. I told you not to go near him; you can’t trust a single word that comes out of his fucking mouth. Do you understand me?’ He moves closer, trying to intimidate me.

  I fold my arms. ‘No, I don’t bloody understand, and don’t tell me what to do. You haven’t tried to help me, have you?’

  ‘You bet your arse I’ll tell you what to do! If Charles Morley is involved, you don’t have a fucking choice.’

  ‘Yes, I do. I know it’s bloody odd, but my entire life is odd now. Anyhow, I have nothing else to go on.’ My anger builds at Luke’s attitude.

  He pulls me behind a pillar, so people can’t see us, placing his hands on either side of my head, pinning me to the spo

  ‘Don’t push me, Kate. I won’t let Charles Morley feed you bullshit. He’s a fucking idiot, and why would Joseph Morley have information on Katenka?’

  I place my arms around Luke’s neck.

  ‘I have no idea and, for your information, I’m not pushing you, but telling you about a conversation. I know that look in your eyes, Sutton: dark and pissed off. You want to fuck me, don’t you?’ I forcefully kiss him, pulling on his hair, ensuring he succumbs to my touch.

  He pulls away from my mouth.

  ‘Jesus, Kate.’ He looks away. ‘I don’t want you to get fucked over by that prick. I told you we would look into Katenka’s death – together. He would love for you to owe him a fucking favour.’

  ‘I’m not stupid; the chances of him finding anything is zero.’

  ‘Well, I don’t give a shit about him. What I need is to get you back to the chalet – now.’

  ‘What, no lunch? And what about skiing?’

  Luke looks at me, a vision of frustration.

  ‘So how badly do you want me?’ I smile impishly, working him with my hand.

  ‘We’re leaving. I told you – don’t tease me; I will win.’

  Always, Luke!

  Back at the chalet, Luke runs us a deep bath. With the bath full of bubbles, Luke holds my hand as I step in. The heat hits me as I lie there, watching Luke sink in at the opposite end. His erection stands to attention above the waterline.

  ‘Horny as ever.’

  ‘Trouble as ever.’

  ‘Frustrated Luke?’

  ‘How can being angry make you horny? You’re quite bizarre.’ I laugh.

  ‘I’ll take that as a compliment.’ He takes one of my feet and begins to massage it.

  ‘Is it only me that you lose it with, and then want to fuck?’

  ‘What do you think?’

  ‘You need anger management, is what I think,’ I say.

  ‘I believe there is some divine retribution heading your way.’

  ‘I bloody hope so, Mr S. And, for future reference, don’t bully me into not talking to people.’

  Luke stops and frowns.

  ‘Bully you? Stay clear of him, Kate. I know the prick a lot better than you.’

  ‘Maybe you do. The way I see it, you can either stand with me or walk away.’


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