Darkest Night: Mercenaries and Magic: A scorching enemies to lovers romance

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Darkest Night: Mercenaries and Magic: A scorching enemies to lovers romance Page 8

by Alessa Thorn

  "If you are looking for a magical or mystical connection, then that would be the place to start," Kon contributed. "Rasputin was suspected of being a part of the Khlysts, a mystical cult in opposition to the Russian Orthodox Church."

  Leo brightened. "Those guys were next level. They believed the only way you could really know salvation was to sin a lot first. They would have these services where they would sing forbidden hymns, whip each other, and then have a massive orgy."

  "Sounds like a fun night," Dante said with a laugh. "Did Rasputin get his whip out or what?"

  Kon shrugged. "It's unsure. While Rasputin was found not guilty the two times he was investigated, we know he was a mystic and interested in channeling and communicating with the Divine, which is what the Khylsts claimed to be doing at their ceremonies."

  "Liddell's favorite kink," Athena said, earning a curious glance from Kon. "What? All of the relics we were fighting over were connected to communicating with a god."

  "Liddell never admitted it outright, but he's trying to find a way to speak with a divine being and gain knowledge and power from them," Kon replied.

  "Or he was trying to communicate with the classical Secret Chiefs," Izabella said, jumping in. "Don't forget these assholes only like to pretend they are the real Secret Chiefs, but in occult history, they were always masters of the cosmos and holders of ancient and powerful knowledge. Tibetan Masters, Masters of Ancient Wisdom, The Elder Brothers, whatever you want to call them, it all comes down to the same thing; transcendent beings with unlimited knowledge that could be used to shape the world, who only communicated to a select few. My bet is Liddell wants to make contact with something, god or master, and doesn't care which."

  Kon started to pace. "If he's still collecting relics pertaining to them, it means that he hasn't succeeded yet."

  "Could we lure him out that way?" Dante asked. "You and Athena could find something that he wants. You can offer him a deal, the object for removing the bounty. When he comes to collect it, Silas or I can snipe him."

  "Liddell would see through it. He could just wait until the bounty hunters or other mercs kill us and then take the object anyway. He won't stop his hunt for magical relics for long. Now that I'm not there to do his legwork, he might be reaching out to find a replacement drudge…Oh." He stopped in his tracks and swiveled to look at Athena. "Get your knives, Edgeworth. We are going on an excursion."


  The ferry from Eminönü was packed with nighttime commuters and a rowdy bachelor party. Athena leaned against the railing at the back of the ship, watching the white foam churn from the propeller blades.

  She was wearing four knives and two handguns under her leather jacket and had a dagger in her left boot. It was probably overkill, but after the auction, she wasn't going to take any chances.

  Silas wouldn't let her out wearing any less anyway. He was already pissed that she was out with Kon, but he trusted her too much to vocalize it.

  "I have to say, I'm kind of surprised that your father isn't tailing us," Kon said as if hearing her thoughts.

  Athena smiled. "If he was, you wouldn't know it anyway. Silas knows I can handle myself. He just thinks my judgment is compromised when it comes to you."

  "Is it?" Kon looking all casual and tousled from the wind definitely made parts of her feel compromised.

  "Yes. He's been telling me to kill you for two years now." Athena thought back and added, "You are the only thing we have ever fought over."

  "And why haven't you taken his good fatherly advice?"

  "Probably for the same reason you haven't killed me. Curiosity. Amusement. The thrill of the chase."

  "Not my amazing dick and charming personality?"

  "I'll grant you the former, but the latter, I'm still waiting to see."

  Kon grinned. "It all comes down to what you consider charming. Some women you give flowers, and others you give fifteenth-century daggers."

  Athena grew hot under her clothes and cleared her throat. She needed to change the subject before she did something reckless.

  "So what can you tell me about this person we are going to see?" she asked.

  "Altun Buruk is a fence of beautiful and often illegal objects. She is who you go to if you need to buy or sell something that is high value. She also provides a service of authenticating objects that don't come with papers," Kon explained. "I expect you have a dealer of your own?"

  "Yes and no. Julian takes care of any sales but most of the historical items I acquire are repatriated to their original or traditional owners. I'm the one that steals things and gives them back," Athena admitted.

  "You're kidding me," Kon spluttered.

  "What? You thought I was doing it to sell on the black market?"


  Athena tsked. "Not all of us mercenaries with a weak spot for historical artifacts are out for a quick buck. That medallion I stole from you in Semarang went right back to the guardians of the god's sacred cave where it was stolen from."

  "What about the rumors you kill people for money?"

  "All depends if they deserve it. I don't take contracts on anyone innocent and don't need killing. Silas is the same."

  "Athena Edgeworth, you are not the person I thought you were," Kon replied with a shake of his head.

  Athena patted his cheek. "Try not to be too disappointed in my moral compass, Konstantius."

  Kon nipped at her palm. "Disappointed is not what I am, güzelim."

  The mysterious Altun lived in a townhouse in the shadow of the Galata Tower. Kon stopped in front of the high wrought iron gate and rang the buzzer.

  "Smile, she's watching," he said, pointing to the tiny camera mounted on the edge of the building's roof. Athena waited a full minute before getting twitchy.

  "Maybe she doesn't want to see you," she said.

  "It's possible. She was pissed when I went to work for Liddell."

  "Why? Please tell me I'm not about to meet your ex," Athena groaned. She wasn't in the mood to deal with that.

  Kon laughed softly. "God no, I'm not her type. No, she was pissed because I used to work for her."

  The door buzzed, and Kon pushed his way in. The gate closed and locked automatically behind them, and Athena's fingers twitched, wanting to get a knife in her hand. She didn't like being caged in, and Altun's security was definitely a cage.

  The front door was painted turquoise and navy blue, Athena's eyes drifting to the strange symbols painted around the frame. They made her eyes blur the longer she looked at them, and the hair on the back of her neck rose.

  "What are they?" she asked Kon, wanting to move closer to him.

  "They are magical wards. There isn't much that Altun doesn't trade in; that includes magic."

  "And you don't suspect her to be one of the Secret Masters?"

  Kon shook his head. "Too many people know about her."

  The door opened, and Athena got her first glimpse of Altun Buruk. She would have been in her forties, her curved body wrapped in an emerald green satin dress that matched the giant stone hanging around her neck. Her dark hair was pinned up in a chignon, and make-up was done with a perfection Athena would never be able to achieve. In contrast to her perfect appearance, Altun was barefoot.

  "Konstantius Zalam, you have a lot of nerve coming to knock on my door," she said finally in a surprisingly deep voice. She lit a small cigar, her jade green eyes making a thorough investigation of Athena. "And this must be the girl you would be willing to screw Liddell over for."

  "That's not quite how things went down. Are you going to let us in for tea? I have a proposition for you that will be worth your time," Kon said. Altun's eyebrow quirked, and he moved in front of Athena. "She isn't it."

  "Shame. I like women with meat on their bones," Altun replied, turning on her pedicured toes and letting them in.

  Athena tried not to gawk as she followed Kon through an elegant space decorated with all the colors of a peacock feather: turquoise, indigo, purple, bla
ck. Gold and brass objects added highlights and sheen. Everything from the plush woven carpets to the antique lanterns above her head was aesthetically beautiful.

  Altun opened carved wood and glass doors and pointed to an emerald velvet chaise lounge. "Sit. I will hear you out, but only because I am so curious about the prospect of you finally pissing off Liddell."

  "I never betrayed him, but he doesn't see it that way. You did try and warn me he doesn't like to share," Kon replied.

  "And now he wants you dead and your pretty mercenary too," Altun said with a throaty chuckle.

  "I'm not his anything," Athena corrected.

  Altun raised a brow and only laughed harder. "Oh, sweet girl. The Basty doesn't bother keeping anything unless he's made a fierce claim to it. I watched him kill thirty-seven people on the night of his massacre, people that he had spent years being comrades with. He meets you once and then allows you to keep living even after all the trouble you have caused him. If I thought he was capable of it, I'd say it was love."

  Athena laughed to show her words didn't have any effect on her. "We have a mutual goal. That's what this is about. I'll kill him when we are done."

  Altun tapped her ash into a crystal tray. "I'll believe it when I see it, balım."

  "I want to know how to find Liddell," Kon said, interrupting her.

  "And what makes you think I know where he is?"

  "Because you are the great Altun Buruk, and there's nothing you don't know how to get your perfectly manicured hands on."

  Altun took a deep drag of her cigar. "And why would you need to get to Liddell? He wants you dead, and Liddell always gets what he wants. You should know that better than anyone."

  "He killed my parents," Kon admitted, surprising Athena. Altun's expression went from ambivalence to cold calculation.

  "And the true reason for you leaving finally comes out. Fuck you, Kon." Altun went to a small drinks cabinet, poured herself a shot, downed it, and poured another. "Do you have any idea who you are fucking with? I know Liddell comes across as an eccentric, rich white man, but he's so much more than that."

  "I know. He's a Secret Chief," Kon began.

  "Mashallah! Don't you say another word!" Altun hissed, making the mano cornuto with one hand and trying to deflect the words like an evil eye. "You bring evil down on yourself just by knowing such a thing."

  "Which is why I need to kill him. I've been trying to get close enough to do it for four years."

  "And your patience has run out because he's not only after you anymore?" Altun snickered. "And you think the Basty hasn't claimed you."

  Athena tensed, fighting not to give the other woman the argument she wanted. "Kon has his own reasons for doing what he does. As do I."

  "If you say so, balım." Altun downed her shot. "If I tell you how to get to Liddell, what will you give me?"

  "A promise that none of the fallout will touch you and that you will have the first pick of his collection after I kill him and take it," Kon said without hesitation.

  Altun hummed, inspecting her cigar. "Do you have resources to get out of the country?"


  "And good backup? People you can trust?"

  "Yes," Athena and Kon said at the same time.

  Altun walked to her desk and scribbled something on a small piece of paper. "There is only one man that can get to Liddell. He's the only person I know that has ever met him in the flesh."

  Kon took the piece of paper, folded it, and put it into his pocket. "Thank you."

  "Don't thank me for giving you your death. If you survive, it would be wise not to cheat me out of my share, Basty."

  Kon kissed her hand. "I wouldn't dream of it. My word is as good as it's ever been."

  Altun looked at Athena. "I can't decide whether she's plotting to kill me or not."

  "This is just my face," Athena replied, giving her a sharp smile. If the woman decided to betray Kon, she would consider it.

  Altun only laughed. "Now, I see what the appeal is. You're just as savage and broken as he is. Go on, get out of my house, you beasts of the night. Try not to get yourselves killed."

  Athena didn't breathe easy again until they were out on the street, the high gate locked behind them. "Can we trust her not to sell us out?"

  "I can trust her greed not to betray us. She wants something from Liddell's collection. It was one of the reasons she didn't seek revenge on me for leaving her to work for him exclusively," Kon explained while they walked back towards the Kasımpaşa dock.

  "I suppose we will just have to trust that whatever she gave you on that piece of paper is worth it," Athena replied.

  Kon took it out and passed it to her. "Name and address. It looks like we need to go to Hamburg."

  "Silas is going to love that," Athena said, reading the paper and passing it back. She stuffed her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket and tried to imagine a young Kon in the hands of a spider like Altun. The beauty, the elegance, the wealth; they were a nice distraction, but Athena had met enough spiders to know how to spot one.

  "Altun likes to play mind games with people. Don't brood over anything she says," Kon said after a long silence.

  "Is it true you killed thirty-seven people to get out of the gangs?" she asked. She wasn't judging, just curious.

  "Yes. I gave them three opportunities to let me go without bloodshed, and they refused."

  "And you didn't consider saving yourself the drama and just leave Istanbul?"

  Kon looked across the dark water of the Golden Horn. "Istanbul is my home. I could never exile myself from her."

  "Must be nice. I've never had a place I'd kill thirty-seven people for," Athena replied as they reached the stone pathways that cut through a park.

  "That's because you've never lived in Istanbul," Kon said, stopping under the trees. His smile was a white gleam in the dim light. "Altun was right about one thing."

  "And that is?"

  Kon grabbed her by the biceps and dragged her into the darkness with him. "We are savage and broken beasts of the night."

  Kon's mouth took hers in a bruising kiss that made Athena's pulse pound in her throat. Any other man who grabbed at her would get a knife in the ribs, but she wanted the searing embrace and heat of him. She felt like she needed it to ground her in the crazy she was now mired in. Sorcery and secret societies and spiders. Kon was the only thing that made sense anymore.

  Athena moaned when he pressed her against the hard bark of the tree, hips grinding up against hers. Her hands slid under his shirt, stroking his scars and pulling him closer. His mouth broke from hers so he could run his teeth down the soft column of her throat.

  "I hate how much I want to touch you all the time," he admitted. "It's distracting and constant, and the more I'm around you, the worse it gets."

  "Then touch me everywhere while you can." Athena dragged his mouth back to hers.

  "Say that it's not just me that feels this way," he begged, one hand pressing to her throat, turning her head so he could kiss behind her ear.

  Athena's voice shook, "It's not just you." No matter how much she didn't want to give him any power or leverage over her, it was true. This thing between them was tangled and complicated and heavy. It was violent desire and obsession and addiction. It was always too much and not enough.

  Kon's hands went under her shirt, squeezing her breast while the other went down the back of her jeans to grip her ass. She canted her hips against his, rubbing herself against his hardening dick.

  "We need to stop, or I'll fuck you right here and damn the consequences," Athena panted. She ran her hands through his hair, taking his lips one more time.

  "You're right. We need to get back," Kon groaned and let her go, pulling himself away from her, his breathing heavy. He smoothed his messy hair, and Athena straightened her shirt before they headed for the dock.

  When her hand brushed his, Kon tangled their fingers together, and Athena held on.


  By the tim
e they got back to the warehouse, someone had cooked food, and they were all sitting around the table talking and eating. Leo had somehow slotted right into the group within an afternoon.

  Kon could never be that easy, not when they all knew exactly what he was and couldn't lie to them about it. He had worked alone for four years and didn't know how to be in a group anymore.

  Kon was still too antsy from their trip to Galata, his skin feeling tight and mood wound up. He hadn't wanted to go back to Altun, didn't want to owe her, but he didn't have a choice. And he absolutely hated that Altun was right about him claiming Athena. He hadn't even thought of it in those terms, but it was true. If anyone harmed a hair on her head, he would rip their liver out and feed it to them.

  He tried not to laugh at that reaction because Athena was more than capable of carving out livers on her own. She was carving out his heart without her even knowing it.

  Maybe Kon had once been interested in playing the long game with Liddell, but after Semarang and the attack on the auction, he wanted it to be over.

  For the first time since he watched his mother die, Kon wanted something more than revenge, and it didn’t sit well with him at all.

  Athena headed over to the kitchen at once, dropping a kiss on her father's head on the way past. Kon contemplated going upstairs and letting Athena update them, but Silas spotted him.

  "Come and eat, Basty. You're looking peaky," he called.

  Kon might not know much about socializing anymore, but he recognized an olive branch when it was offered.

  "Who's the chef?" he asked, going into the kitchen where Athena was getting out more bowls.

  "Izzy cooked paella, so you are in for a treat," she said with a smile. Athena in his kitchen was making Kon's chest feel warm. Being in close quarters with her and not being able to touch her was a new kind of torture he had never experienced before.

  "Cooking helps me think," the hacker said from her place beside Silas. "It's nice to have other people around to eat my food, instead of me just grazing for the whole duration of a job."


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