Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas

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Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas Page 7

by Bartlett, Gerry

  “That’s the problem. I never wanted to ask, to beg for my stake. I want to make my own way. This time I’m going to do it, I swear it.” I ran my hands down my body, his eyes tracking my movements. “I have my assets and I’m using them.”

  “I don’t like where this is going, my love.” He shook his head. “You don’t have to sell yourself—”

  “Stop!” I put a hand over his mouth. “I have never sold myself and don’t intend to start. What I’m doing is earning an honest living and saving my money so I can start my own business. Surely you can understand my urge to do that. You have hundreds of businesses, probably thousands by now.”

  He nodded. “Very well. Work. Show off what you call your assets. Do what you have to do. But I hope you know that I am here for you. I could loan you the money you need. Or give it to you outright. There’s no need to go through this struggle.”

  “This struggle, as you call it, will make it all mine when the time comes.” I smiled at him finally. I did love him. “Stay and watch the show. I helped put it together and I think it’s going to be pretty good.” I touched his cheek. “You always did like to look at beautiful women.”

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. “I always liked to look at you, beautiful woman.” He kissed me hungrily, making my knees fail me. Didn’t matter, he held me up, his arms strong around me. I was finally aware that Dom was clearing his throat.

  “The clock is ticking, you two. If you’re serious about working, Glory, you’d better get out there.” Dom strolled over to hand Jeremiah a goblet. “I’d hate to have to fire you after that impassioned speech.”

  I straightened my hair and managed to get the door open. “Enjoy the show, gentlemen.” I could hardly think. Oh, how I’d missed my man. I hadn’t let myself think about him. I’d been so determined to prove how independent I could be, I’d pretended I didn’t have needs or the craving that now made me clumsy with drinks, forgetting orders and dropping change. By the time the show started, I was glad for the darkness that hid my flushed cheeks.

  That kiss still had me rattled. The worst thing was that I wanted more. More of Jerry, the modern man who’d looked so good to me in a silk shirt, open at the neck, and jeans. He kissed the same though. And time had stood still. He tasted of the Scottish Highlands and London alleys and the press of naked bodies discovering ecstasy.

  I leaned against a wall as Manny introduced the dancers and the music swelled. “Smooth.” The girls had ripped t-shirts and tied them beneath their breasts. The rips still showed plenty of skin and they planned to shred them as the music went on. It was actually more erotic to see nipple through a rip than to just bare a breast. They carried their feathers and ran them down their bodies as they undulated to the Latin beat. The men in the audience couldn’t take their eyes off of them.

  “You came up with this dance?” His voice was low in my ear.

  “Yes.” I felt breathless, hot, wishing I could rip off that bra and dance with the girls on stage.

  “Will you dance it for me later, when we’re alone?” Jeremiah ran a finger down my arm, a light touch that seemed to burn and sizzle as he did it.

  I couldn’t look at him, couldn’t say a word. I just hugged my tray to my breasts and nodded.


  J erry was staying in a hotel on the strip. I was glad it wasn’t the same one Donna’s boyfriend occupied. This one was cool with dogs too, though. I left my uniform in my locker and pulled a t-shirt on over a spare pair of shorts before I met him there. He’d given me time to change my mind. I appreciated that.

  Apparently, he and Dom had discussed business before Jerry left to go back to his hotel. He’d left me a note asking me to meet him. Not very loverlike, but it did give me the chance to back out.

  “You’re going to his hotel?” Valdez settled into the passenger seat of the Suburban. “You should feed me first. I have no idea what we’ll find there. He’ll have a shifter on guard for his own daily death sleep.” He gave me a look. “He won’t be looking like a dog, I can guarantee you that. You have any idea how humiliating this will be for me?”

  “Suck it up, you’re being well paid to suffer through it. The other shifter will understand. I’m sure they’ll order room service during the day. You won’t starve.” I drove while I replayed that kiss. I had never denied that I loved Jeremiah. No, I was calling him Jeremy or Jerry now. We had cover stories that kept us blending with mortals as time passed. If I was meeting him, I had to play along with his current one.

  We arrived at the front of the hotel and the valet opened my car door. I handed over my keys and reached for Valdez’s leash.

  “Let’s go, pup.” I had to tug at his collar, putting on a show for the valet, who stood waiting. Valdez chuffed, not eager to leave the car.

  “Can’t wait. Sucking it up as you lead me through the lobby on a damned leash while Jerry’s shifters laugh in my face. Thanks a heap.” He hopped out, finally waiting patiently while I clipped the leash on his collar.

  “Be a good boy now. Behave and I’ll get him to order you a nice steak for your supper from room service. ” I glanced at the valet who whistled.

  Valdez growled and the valet took a couple of steps back.

  “Jeez, I’d be a good boy for a steak from here.” The valet eyed my butt in those revealing short shorts.

  I flushed and ignored the comment, leaning down to wipe Cheeto dust off Valdez’s nose. “I’m sorry, okay? That contract wasn’t my idea, you know.”

  “Yeah, I know. Steak? Don’t bother. I’d have to ask the other shifter to cut it up for me. More humiliation.” He gave the valet one more warning growl before he trotted next to me through the ornate lobby.

  This was a five-star hotel. Jerry stayed in the best while I was in a shabby apartment in a sad part of town. It was more proof that he’d done well throughout his life. He came from money while I had been nothing but the widow of a poor actor. Clan Campbell owned a castle in Scotland. His father, the Laird, had always done well, making investments and being smart about it. He’d also managed to stay on the right side of various political upheavals when they’d happened. He’d encouraged his son to make his own way and Jerry had certainly done that. We’d come to America in the 1700s in a Campbell ship and never looked back. Both of us liked the freedom here.

  Valdez and I got a few looks as we took the elevator up to one of the penthouse suites. My canine companion wasn’t the reason. I wore my butt-exposing shorts and a tee tied under my breasts, no bra. I was itching to do that dance for Jerry. I had missed him and wasn’t ashamed to admit it.

  We had about an hour before sunrise and I planned to make the most of it. I’d even taken back my CD of the song. Manny would be having a fit when he couldn’t find it, but I’d left him a note. He needed to buy his own copy anyway. He could go out during the day and do that. I couldn’t.

  I knocked on the door of Penthouse 1A and it was opened immediately. The shape-shifter who answered was a tall woman with red hair, striped blonde.

  “You must be Gloriana.” She waved us in. “Valdez.” She couldn’t keep a straight face. “Seriously? Must you stay that way or shall I bring out my tiger and we’ll see whose animal has the sharper claws?”

  “Sherie.” Valdez sniffed. “Call her Glory or Gloria. I’m honoring my contract. Blade doesn’t trust her around my devastatingly handsome mortal male figure.”

  She laughed then closed and locked the door behind us. “Blade is on a call. He’ll be with you shortly. Would you like a drink, Glory? I have a selection of synthetics for you in the fridge.” She led the way into a spacious living room with a fabulous view of the city spread out in front of us.

  “Thanks, but I’ll pass.” I unclipped the leash and walked around the room. I could see another bedroom off the living area. A two-bedroom suite. I couldn’t imagine how much it cost.

  “Nice digs. Are you the only shifter with Jerry this trip?” A woman. Was this to get back at me for having a male guard? I’d a
lways had a man guard me, since the days when it was unthinkable to have a woman take the position. Maybe I should give Jerry credit for being enlightened enough to trust a woman with such an important job. I blocked that thought when I saw her grin.

  “No. I handle the days. Blade has a second shifter with us he can call on when he feels he needs backup during the nights.” She held out her hand. “Sherie Mehta. If I shift suddenly, don’t be alarmed. I’m a Bengal tiger. Very effective against ordinary mortals.”

  “She is. Comes from a family of shifters for hire. Like I do.” Valdez had found a tray of cheese and crackers and was making a selection, one piece at a time, with his tongue. “Very limited shift, though. Not like me. I can be anything you want. A fly on the wall, a bat, a cute and cuddly dog.” He grinned, then gobbled up a chunk of cheddar. The shape-shifter did love his cheese.

  “But not a man this time.” Sherie stretched out on the sofa, all six feet of her. “Too bad, Valdez.”

  I could see it would be a long day for these two if they continued to snipe at each other. When the bedroom door opened, I lost interest in their bickering. Jerry stood there, his phone in his hand.

  “I heard you come in so I cut the phone call short. Pleasure before business.” He held out his hand then glanced at the two shape-shifters. “I have an hour with my lady. I will not be disturbed. Get lost. Sherie, take Valdez for a walk, outside. Then I expect Glory might like to spend her death sleep here. Gloriana?”

  I nodded.

  “You two can watch over us from the living room. We don’t see each other often these days so our privacy is important to us. If you are concerned about our security now, wait in the hallway until sunrise. We will not be disturbed. You can come in as soon as you are sure the sun has come up and we are in our death sleep. Understood?”

  Valdez and Sherie just looked at each other. She silently put on the leash and led him to the door. I got one more glance from Valdez over his shoulder.

  “Go. I’ll be fine.” I looked up at Jerry. His eyes burned with what I recognized as the same kind of need for me that I felt for him. I couldn’t wait to have him. “More than fine.” I dragged Jerry into the bedroom and shut the door.

  I pulled the CD from my purse and thrust it at Jerry. “I hope you have a CD player.”

  He nodded. “You’re going to do it? Dance for me?” He walked over to a setup on a bureau and turned it on. “What do you want me to do?”

  I looked him over. He must have showered when he got back to the hotel. He had on another silk shirt, this one white, with loose black pants, no socks, and loafers.

  “Kick off your shoes and get on the bed.” I’d worn my high heels. Oh, how I wanted to kick them off, my feet ached after a full shift. But this was part of the routine, adding to what made it sexy. I would suffer for my art. Art? Hah! I turned on the music, keeping my back to Jerry as I pulled a pair of scissors from my purse and made a series of small cuts in that tee. I have vampire strength of course, but it didn’t hurt to make ripping the cotton easy.

  The music started playing and the Latin beat throbbed through the room and into me. My hips seemed to move on their own as I turned to face him. He stared at me hungrily. He’d always liked my butt and I was aware of how very exposed it was in those shorts. I ran my hands over my hips slowly, then tossed my hair, staring at him through the strands that caught on my face. When I raised my arms to push it back, I paused and caught the first cut with a fingernail so I could rip the tee. Worked like a charm to expose one breast.

  I heard Jerry inhale. Oh, yes, he liked that. His eyes narrowed and he touched himself through the silky fabric of those pants, obviously already hard. My nipple jutted through the rip as I undulated to the beat, twisting and turning as I leaned back and ran my hands down my body.

  “More?” I couldn’t resist asking.

  “God, yes.” He groaned.

  “Then put your hands on the bed. Don’t you dare touch yourself again.” I gave him what I hoped was a sultry look. “That’s my job.” When he threw his hands out on the bed next to his head with another groan, I smiled and rewarded him with another rip. The second breast peeked through, just the nipple. He spread his legs so I could see how I’d excited him.

  “You liked that, didn’t you?”

  “Hell, yes. Keep going.” He hit the bed with his fists. “Please.”

  “Begging. I like it.” I ripped again until both breasts were exposed. The moves I made were exciting me as much as they were him. I wanted to beg him to come taste me. He licked his lips, reading my mind, his fangs gleaming in the light. We’d left the overhead lights on, not interested in hiding a thing from each other. He gripped the silky bedspread, muscles straining in his arms where his sleeves were rolled up. Hmm. I needed to see more.

  “Take off your shirt, Lord Campbell.” I liked calling him that. It reminded me of ancient times when our love had been fresh. Not that it had faded, not at all. But time had shown me how different we were. How difficult loving a strong man could be.

  “You’re ordering me to do it?” He raised one eyebrow but began to unbutton that shirt, his fingers clumsy. “I’m doing what you say because it’s damned hot in here. Do we need to adjust the thermostat on the air conditioning? Or could it be that you are making my blood boil with your sexy moves?”

  “It’s all me, lover.” I licked my own lips, my fangs out so he could see how much I wanted him. I would drink from him tonight, savor his special taste. “Lie there, show me some skin, and I’ll reward you. Ah, there’s your chest. Definitely worth something.” He’d laid open that shirt. I’d always loved his glorious chest, so strong, broad and masculine. His reward? I slowly unzipped my shorts and let them drop to the floor to reveal my black thong. This time when I turned so he could see my backside, there was nothing hiding it except the string that slid between my buttocks.

  “Gloriana,” he groaned as he sat up. “You’re killing me.”

  “Stay where you are.” I swiveled my hips, coming closer. The beat was in me and I didn’t try to resist it. “I’m coming to you. But, first, lose your shirt entirely.”

  “I will. If you’ll lose yours.” He pulled his off and threw it across the room before he lay back again, his eyes never leaving my body.

  I untied my shirt and pulled it over my head. There wasn’t much of it left after I’d shredded it. Then I covered my breasts with my hands, teasing my nipples. “This is what I like, Jeremiah. And for you to take each one in your mouth.”

  “Come closer and I will do it.”

  I danced away when he reached for me. “Not yet.”

  “My God, Gloriana. What next?” He raised his hands over his head, grasping the fancy iron headboard. “This is torture.”

  I kept moving but I was being tortured as well. I so admired his body. He’d been tanned when he was turned and his skin had stayed that way forever. Such a strange and interesting phenomenon for a vampire. Because he hadn’t seen the sun since then. He had a few scars from his warrior days before becoming vampire. He’d led a long and dangerous life after being turned but all of those wounds had healed without scarring. I loved that he was so brave and willing to risk everything for what was right and honorable.

  “Next? I’m showing you mine and you show me yours. The pants have to go.” I grinned as I plucked at my thong. “You first.”

  “I don’t have on underwear.” He opened the button and unzipped, the sound sending an erotic thrill through me.

  “So much the better. Lose them. Now.” I danced my way closer. The song would be ending soon unless it was on repeat. The next song on the CD was a love song. Appropriate. I watched Jeremiah kick off his pants, exposing his erection, full and eager. I’d done that. Yay!

  “Your turn. That little scrap that’s covering you? Get rid of it.” He sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed to face me. “Come here, my lady.” His voice had deepened. “Do you know how much I’ve missed you?”

  “As much as I’v
e missed you?” I kicked away the thong and moved into his arms. He felt heavenly against me, skin to skin. Our mouths met and we held each other, tasting, smelling, reveling in revisiting all those sensations that were so dear and familiar.

  It didn’t take long for me to crawl on the bed and lie next to him, then pull him on top of me. I needed him inside me. It was as natural as breathing used to be for me when I’d been mortal. We moved as one, taking, giving and finding that release that always ended with my screaming his name. Jeremiah. Not the modern Jeremy or Jerry. No, he’d always be Jeremiah to me—the man who’d stolen my heart and given me immortality.

  “I must taste you.” He ran his mouth over all the places where he loved to linger then finally stopped at his favorite. I knew this. I could read his mind for once.

  “Here,” he said, his breath stirring me, a touch of his tongue making me arch and groan his name. I was open to him, eager for him, so very sensitive I trembled near completion again. “I would drink at this place where your vein is strong and near where you take me into your body. May I?” He looked up, wanting to be sure this would give me as much pleasure as it would give him.

  “Yes, please.” I held my breath crying out with pleasure/pain when his fangs sank into that vein on my inner thigh. I grabbed his hair, his head between my thighs as he drank. The pull, dear gods, the pull of his mouth drinking and taking my life force.

  “I love you. I’ve missed this. Don’t leave me again.” He sent me these messages in his mind as he drank, the tug against my skin sending an orgasmic quake through me.

  I couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe and found myself letting it go on too long. It was only when I realized the room had lost focus, the lights had dimmed, that I jerked away.

  “Stop, you’re about to kill me.” I held his hair in my hands and forced him to look at me.


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