Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas

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Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas Page 16

by Bartlett, Gerry

  “I get it. But you just admitted he hit you when you tried to leave.” I squeezed her shoulders. “Do you have a plan if you leave?”

  “Yes! Tiffany needs a roommate and I’ve been saving. I’ve got a bank account Lee doesn’t know about. You know I make good tips here.” She stood suddenly, almost knocking me down. “I’d even stop drinking if I could start over without that damned bully.”

  Tiffany came up behind us. “Men! I’m about to swear off them forever. Billy showing up like that is making me crazy. He’s out in the parking lot right now and won’t take off.”

  “Really.” I glanced at Valdez. This was my chance to test my powers. “Valdez and I can run him off. If that’s what you really want, Tiff.”

  “I never want to see that asshole again, Glory.” Tiffany was shaking. “If you can make him forget he ever knew me, I’d be so grateful.” She wiped a tear from her cheek. “But I know that’s not possible.”

  “Don’t worry. Valdez and I will convince him to forget you exist. Misty can tell you Valdez can be really scary when he’s mad.” I patted V’s head. “You guys stay inside. We’re going to take care of your Billy right now.” I marched to the exit, Valdez beside me, then looked out. “Is he the guy in the jeans next to a blue pickup?” Had to be, no one else was out there.

  “That’s him. He has pictures of me topless on his phone. Sneaked in here one night and took them.” Tiffany sobbed. “He says he’s going to show them to my mama and grandma.”

  “I’ll make sure that phone has an accident. He won’t leave here with photos. I promise he’ll be gone by the time you’re ready for the first dance.” I opened the door. “No peeking now. If he sees you, he’ll think he needs to act tough.” I slammed the door behind me.

  I walked up to the man who couldn’t be more than twenty-two. I kept forgetting that Tiffany was barely legal.


  “Who wants to know? You another one of those dancers?” He looked me over. “Guess so.” Of course, he’d zeroed in on my breasts.

  “No, just a friend of Tiffany’s.” I stepped up to him. “She’s tired of fooling with you.”

  “Then I guess I’ll have to send these pictures to her mama.” He pulled out his phone.

  Valdez jumped up and knocked it out of his hand.

  “What the hell?” Billy tried to push the dog out of the way. “Control your animal.” His face went pale when Valdez turned on his growl. “Honey, I don’t hurt no dogs, but seriously…” He backed up.

  I grabbed his shirt and slammed him against his truck’s door. That got his attention. Too bad. He liked animals. The kid had potential. He’d just picked the wrong girl.

  “What the fuck!” He struggled until I held his chin and looked into his eyes.

  “A dog lover. I’m glad to hear it. But you can’t have Tiffany.” I managed to put him into one of those trances Jerry made mortals fall into with ease. This one took all of my concentration. I hadn’t lied when I’d told Valdez I didn’t like mesmerizing mortals. I also wasn’t great at it. Now I stared into Billy’s eyes and thought about what I wanted to tell him to do.

  “Listen to me, Billy. Tiffany is not the girl for you. You are ready to move on. You will forget about her, starting tonight. When you saw her in Las Vegas she was waiting tables at the Pancake House and doing fine. She was mean to you and that was enough for you. Forget her. You are going back home and never thinking about Tiffany again. Nod if you understand me.” I waited until Billy nodded. I looked down at his phone. “You accidentally ran over your phone with your truck. Too bad but that wiped it clean. You need a new phone. Understand?”

  “Need new phone.” He said it like he was a computer, his voice expressionless.

  I put my foot on that phone and ground my heel on it. I still had on my tennis shoes and that wasn’t doing the job.

  “Let me.” Valdez took a paw and did an impressive stomp that obliterated the screen. “Now set it down behind his front tire. When he backs out of the parking lot, he’ll finish the job.”

  “Love it.” I grinned, took care of that, then turned back to zombie Billy.

  I took a moment to enjoy the thrill of having him in my control. He reeked of a nice O positive and it seemed like forever since I’d had blood from a living, breathing mortal. Billy might be a pain in Tiffany’s backside, but he was clean and healthy. I leaned in, breathing in what would be delicious. I was ready to sink my fangs into his wrist when a car’s headlights hit us. Valdez barked and jarred me.

  “Damn. I was so close.” I sighed when another car pulled into the lot. It was almost show time and customers were arriving. “Goodbye, Billy. Drive home and don’t come back here.” I touched his face and saw him relax before I turned and walked away, Valdez by my side again.

  “Is he getting in his truck? I’m afraid to look.” I murmured this to Valdez.

  “Yep. You did good. That was close, though.” Valdez bumped against my leg. “You actually remembered you were a vampire. Well done, Glory. You know we’re quite a team. Next, we take care of that asshole Lee.”

  I smiled and looked down at him. “You are so right!” I pushed open the door.

  After dealing with Tiffany’s gratitude, I realized the new dancer was waiting for me. She needed help learning the steps to the first song and I was happy to show her. Luckily, she had natural talent and didn’t seem shy when it was time for her to go topless. Liza had worked on the Strip before. When I looked at her more closely, I could see crow’s feet around her eyes. She whispered to me that she was in her thirties, too old for the best clubs anymore. Didn’t that suck lemons?

  I thought about the short shelf life these dancers had. It was so unfair. It reminded me how lucky I was to have been turned when I was still young and fresh-looking. Back in 1604, twenty-two wasn’t considered all that young. Some women already had half a dozen kids by then and looked worn out. When Michael St. Clair had found me with no memory, I didn’t look like I’d been used to hard living.

  It made me wonder, not for the first time, if I’d once been blessed with a luxurious lifestyle. My hands had been smooth, my skin unwrinkled. Clearly, I hadn’t been someone’s servant or ever scrubbed floors. I wasn’t a virgin either, but my body showed no signs of having borne children. The sad truth was that no one had come searching for me. Wherever I’d come from, my family and friends must have thought me dead or were glad I’d disappeared. What a lowering thought that was.

  “You’d better get out there and start earning money.” Valdez sent me the message when he realized I was just sitting in the break room while everyone else was getting ready to go on stage. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Depressed.” I waved at Liza who was getting some of the sparkly makeup expertly put on her boobs by Mae. “She’s too old for the Strip, can you believe it?”

  “And yet, compared to you, she’s a kid.” He gave Liza a thorough scan. “Beautiful. Not too old for me. Damn this dog body. Suck it up, Glory. She got hired here. When she’s out there, make sure she gets some tips for photos, help a girl.”

  I nodded and smiled. Yes, I could do that. I patted his head and headed for the bar. It turned out to be a busy night. Dom came out with Caroline trailing him. He was really enjoying using her as his bodyguard. Caro winked at me as they went past before they settled at a table near the stage. I was quick to serve them.

  “Bring me my special reserve, the one from Columbia.” Dom smiled. “You should try a shot of it yourself, Glory. It’s got a hit of cocaine in it.”

  “Not while I’m working.” I was glad to see he’d let Caro sit with him instead of making her stand behind his chair. “Anything for your bodyguard?”

  “Sure. What do you want, Caro?” He reached for her hand but she tucked hers out of sight, in her lap.

  “Just a Coke. I’m on duty.” She smiled at me. “I’m sitting because Dom doesn’t want me blocking someone’s view of the performance.” The lights dimmed. “Is this a new dance, Glo

  “No, a repeat from Saturday night. It’s the Western and seemed to go over big with the customers.” I scooted out of the way as the music started. The sound of cowboy boots slapping the stage floor made a lively beat. A couple of men who wore cowboy hats were in the audience and they whooped when they heard the song I’d selected. I hurried to the bar and gave Dom’s order, watching the crowd to see how they liked the dancers in their short skirts and skimpy vests, open to reveal their bare breasts. When the vests hit the stage, there was a howl, like a wolf had suddenly joined the group. I looked around. Werewolf? I noticed Caroline too was on the alert.

  I hustled to Dom’s table with their drinks on my tray. The dancers were two-stepping around the stage, then, with a flick of their wrists, flung their little skirts off and to the floor.

  “Ah-ooo!” There it was again, a wolf’s howl.

  “I swear that’s a—” Caro got up from the table. “Stay with Dom.” She began to prowl through the audience.

  “I’ll be damned if I’ll have one of those in my club.” Dom gulped his drink and motioned for me to sit. “They’re bound to make trouble. I won’t let this be hangout for them or have them bother my girls.”

  “What about other paranormals? You let vampires and shifters in here. Can you just ban one kind and not all of them? Wouldn’t that cause a problem?” I watched Caro approach a table and put her hand on a man’s shoulder. He looked up at her and grinned. Oh, boy, that was all we needed. He wasn’t about to leave when a dozen beautiful women in nothing but G-strings, cowboy hats and boots were just feet away.

  “Just the wolves. I can’t stand them.” Dom settled back in his chair.

  The song finished with a flourish and the audience went wild. The two men who wore cowboy hats tossed them in the air. Manny took the stage and did his spiel, explaining how the women would circulate through the audience and offer to get a drink with the men and have their picture taken. Tips were accepted but no touching. Hands went up with money in some of them. I’d been distracted long enough that, when I looked back to check on Caro, I realized she and the werewolf were no longer at his table.

  “Where did they go?” I held my empty tray, ignoring the men around me who clearly were trying to get my attention for drink orders.

  “We’re right behind you.” Caro tapped me on the shoulder. “Let me introduce Bob Johnson, pack leader of the local wolves. Bob, this is Glory Simpson and Dominic Mayer, the owner of this club.”

  “Great to meet you.” Bob held out his hand. “I enjoyed the show. Obviously. Sometimes I get carried away. Sorry about that.”

  I shook his hand, trying not to flinch when he held it too tight. I could smell him now and was sure I would remember that scent. Dom ignored Bob’s outstretched hand.

  “Sorry? You were a disgrace. I am not certain I wish lupii to frequent my club.” Dom suddenly had an accent, the “l” word sounding strange on his tongue. He drained his glass then stood. “Find another place to look at naked women, wolf.”

  “We are not welcome here?” The man, who had a mane of dark hair that bristled as I watched, growled and flung a chair away. He was tall, almost seven feet of muscle, and had a strong jaw. I didn’t doubt he could bite hard if he decided to dive in for a fight. “Do you truly wish to start a war, bloodsucker?”

  “I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. There’s a sign to that effect above the bar.” Dom looked him up and down with a sneer. “We kept out someone in torn jeans and flipflops just tonight. I will have to put my Caro on the door from now on. She can smell the stench of wolf from across a crowded room, can’t you, dragă? ” He picked up his own chair, as if ready to use it as a weapon.

  “If you wish it, Dom.” Caro kept her hand on Bob’s elbow. “Time to go, Bob. No charge for the drink. Get your crew and take off.”

  “I won’t forget this lack of hospitality, vampire.” Bob threw off her touch. “Meet me outside right now and we’ll see how tough you talk.” He looked at Caro. “A woman guards you. Are you a man? Or a—” He fell to the floor when Dom’s fist hit his jaw.

  “I told you to get the hell out of here.” Dom stood over him where he’d landed next to me.

  “Maybe I’m not ready to go.” Bob howled and his friends came running.

  I gasped when I felt the wolf’s hand on my ankle and used my tray to hit him on his head. “You’re causing a scene.” I waved at the bouncers who were coming to the rescue. They had no idea what they were dealing with. I heard a growl and kicked Bob when he reached for me again.

  “Don’t you dare show yourself as what you can be.” I knew if the werewolves decided to change when surrounded by mortals, we’d never be able to control the crowd.

  “Why not?” Bob jumped to his feet. His friends were near us, ready to take on Caro and Dom. “It would suit us fine if this club got shut down by the cops.” He looked around. Manny had started the music and the dancers were trying to distract the customers from what was a brewing problem. He said something to the two other wolves and they grinned, obviously happy to start something.

  “There are five of us, three of you. Get out before we throw you out.” Dom nodded toward the door. “If anyone is calling the cops, it would be me, charging you with trespassing.”

  Bob cursed then nodded to his pals. “This is a dump anyway. We’re out of here.” He stormed to the door, taking his friends with him.

  “Was that necessary?” I didn’t like thinking we’d just made enemies. Would they be waiting when it was time for me to walk to my car tonight after work? I’d have to warn Valdez.

  “I have a history with lupii . I cannot stand them in my club.” Dom settled back in his seat then looked up at me. “It is my club.”

  “Right, boss. I’ll get back to work.” I exchanged glances with Caro then went to take drink orders. A history. I could certainly understand that. I had quite a history myself. I tended to forgive and forget. Apparently, Dom held grudges. Now we were going to pay the price. Too bad I’d been introduced, though it wouldn’t have taken Bob long to sniff out that I was another vampire.

  I stayed busy until after the second show. Then I looked for Donna but she’d already taken off. I had worry piled on worry. Of course, Dom had noticed we had a new dancer. He was introducing himself to Liza when I got back from settling up at the bar. I wanted to throw myself between them. To my surprise, it wasn’t necessary.

  “Dominic, I really appreciate the offer. But my husband is waiting at home. He’s watching the kids.” She touched Dom’s Gucci tie. “You have a nice place here with great staff. I hope you know I will do a good job for you. Not everyone is willing to take on a dancer with my experience.”

  Dom caught her hand and took it to his lips. “I’m not interested in an affair, Liza. I just like to get to know my dancers.” He inhaled and I knew exactly what he was doing. I’d already noticed her blood type, a decent but ordinary type.

  He dropped her hand. “Another night, come visit me in my office and we’ll just talk. I want you to be comfortable here. As long as you can do the job, I don’t care how old you are.”

  “Thank you! You can’t imagine how that makes me feel!” Liza kissed his cheek and flushed. “I work out and eat right. I promise, I will always give you one hundred percent.”

  “Run along now. My bodyguard is outside making sure you will be safe walking to your car. I want to talk to Glory.” Dom shooed Liza out to the parking lot. We were the last two, except for Valdez, in the locker room.

  “Too ordinary for you?” I sat down to take off my heels and pulled on my tennis shoes. Then I slipped on a hoodie over my waitress costume. I’d need to wash the costume when I got home.

  “A healthy B negative. But she’ll be around a while. There’s no hurry.” Dom sat beside me. “You will be careful, won’t you? Bob has the typical short temper of a wolf. He’ll want revenge for getting thrown out of the club.”

  “Hold up. You had a werewolf in the club tonight?” Val
dez stood in front of us. “Was there trouble?”

  “We handled it. I probably should have let him stay but the idea of a lup in my club makes me want to get out the disinfectant. Know what I mean?” Dom picked up my hand.

  Valdez didn’t comment. As a shape-shifter, I was pretty sure he knew werewolves but I had no idea what he thought of them.

  “I don’t know, Dom.” I shook my head. “I hate to think we’re going to have trouble with them now. If you had just ignored them…”

  “You can’t tell me they didn’t know this club was owned by a vampire when they came here. Then you heard one of them, Glory, howling at the dancers.” Dom showed his fangs. “Animals! Carrying on like that in public.” He stared at Valdez. “I’m telling you, shifter, Johnson, their leader, knew what he was doing, bringing some of his pack here. He wants to start something. That’s why, like I said, Caro is walking the perimeter right now and making sure the parking lot is clear. Stay alert.” He squeezed my hand. “Hear from Blade recently?”

  It took me a moment to shift gears. Blade. He meant Jerry. “He texts me a couple of times a week. New Orleans is keeping him busy. He’s opening a hotel and casino there. Apparently there have been some snags.”

  “You two have an interesting relationship.” Dom looked into my eyes, trying to read my mind. No way would I let him. “An open relationship if what I hear from New Orleans is true.”

  “I don’t expect him to remain celibate if that’s what you’re hinting at. He’s free to see other women.” I made myself smile like that didn’t hurt like hell. I resisted the urge to probe for information. What had Dom heard? Who was she? Was it serious? Oh, God, I hated how my gut clenched just thinking about Jerry with another woman.

  “Of course, you’re free to see other men. Right? It’s only fair, Glory.” He pressed my hand to his lips, then turned it to lightly draw his fangs over my palm.

  That fang action made me shiver. “Yes, I’m free to do as I please.” I stared into Dom’s eyes. He wouldn’t let me see his thoughts either. But I knew enough about him now to know he was after only one thing. He wanted a good time. His own fling. That was what Jerry had when we were apart. One fling after another. Why couldn’t I enjoy the same carefree attitude? I admitted I was attracted to Dom. Not in love but maybe a little in lust.


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