Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas

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Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas Page 22

by Bartlett, Gerry

  I had him mesmerized and he could only nod.

  “Leave me and my dog alone, Sid. Now help me get that net off my dog.” I released him and made sure he got up and did what I told him to do. When Valdez was free, I grabbed Sid by the throat again. My fangs were down. I was so furious, I didn’t bother to control them.

  “Look at me, Sid. I could tear open your throat and watch you bleed out. Or drain you dry.” I saw him pale and his legs start shaking. “That’s right. Be scared.”

  I shook my head. “Now listen and obey. You are going to leave this place and never come back. You will not visit Misty or call her or talk to her. You will forget you ever knew Misty. Do you understand me?”

  “Forget Misty.” He repeated it in the monotone that meant he was hearing and would do what I said.

  “You will also forget Misty’s roommate, Gloria, and her dog Valdez. You don’t know how you got hurt. You must have been bitten when playing with a stray dog. You will never bother Glory or her dog again. Understand?”

  “Will not bother Glory or her dog.” His eyes were glassy but his face was turning blue. It was time to give him some oxygen so I released a little of the pressure on his throat.

  Did I want to drink his blood? No way. His very smell, a combo of cheap beer and that strong cologne he thought covered a lack of bathing, made my stomach turn. I shoved him away.

  “Now get out of here.”

  Valdez had waited patiently while I’d finished with Sid, but now he lunged and tore a hole in his pants. V’s teeth gleamed in the pale moonlight and for a moment I was tempted to let him take his own revenge. But then we’d have explaining to do—blood on the ground and a wounded Sid to transport to the hospital. No. I was so ready to see the last of him.

  “Valdez, leave him alone. I’m done.” Valdez and I waited until Sid’s truck was out of sight before we walked up the stairs to the apartment.

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” Valdez walked to the cabinet where I kept his snacks and nosed it open. He found a big bag of Cheetos and ripped it open, scattering them everywhere.

  “You made a mess.” I was feeling that weight from sunrise being close. I got a bottle of NRG out of the fridge and twisted off the cap. A deep drink and I felt better. I couldn’t believe what I’d done tonight. Beating Sid was just part of it.

  Valdez was busy eating Cheetos off the floor. “I’m going to clean up my mess, one Cheeto at a time. You were awesome tonight, Glory. Saved my butt.”

  “If he’d shot you, would you heal, like I do?” I took another drink.

  “Depends on where he hit me. Some wounds, sure. Hit me in the head, the heart? Then I’d be a goner.” He used his tongue to capture a Cheeto that had landed under the edge of the counter.

  “That’s what I thought.” I collapsed on the couch.

  “Seriously, Glory, you’re showing powers I didn’t know you had.”

  “I’m showing powers I didn’t know I had.” I leaned back and stared at the ceiling. “I don’t think even Jerry can shoot electricity out of his fingertips. That was freaking awesome.”

  “Sure was.” He glanced up. “Misty’s coming. We have to get her away from Davenport or she’ll end up one of the Devil’s minions.”

  “I know. I feel so guilty about that.”

  “Don’t. He was really after you. Misty is what you call collateral damage.” He sniffed. “Jeez. She reeks of him.”

  The door was flung open and a grinning Misty walked in, her hands full of cash. “Glory! Can you believe it? Davenport is amazing. He’s my new lucky charm. After you left, I took your ten thousand and doubled it!”

  I stared at her and inhaled. Valdez was right. My roommate reeked of that demon. Had she slept with him? I was scared to ask as she danced around the room.

  She stopped at her bedroom door. “Oh, I was a bad, bad girl tonight. But what the hell? He’s hot and I was celebrating. Davenport said to tell you that the Devil made me do it. Isn’t that hilarious?” She pulled cash out of a Caesar’s Palace sack. “Let me give you your money back. It’s only fair.”

  “No, thank you.” I could smell the taint of evil on her and the money. “Use it to pay your debt. I want no part of it.”

  “But you’re saving for your business.” She stuffed the pack of bills back in the sack.

  “I’ll manage. I’m off of gambling. I wish you would be too.”

  “Are you kidding? Look what it did for me tonight!” She laughed and twirled again. “Money and a hot new man. Woohoo!” She disappeared into her room and closed the door.

  I was speechless. She thought this was one big joke. But I knew better. Nothing like laying it all out there. The Devil indeed. What did he want in exchange for Misty’s soul? I was afraid I knew. I sure didn’t want to give it to him. Obviously, I needed a plan and I needed it now.


  M isty had the bright idea of having me go with her to pay Lee what she owed. Of course, her winnings were just a down payment. I really didn’t want to go and was glad I had an excuse to tell her no. Dom was expecting me at his house. Admitting that got me a speculative look. But then Misty’s phone rang and she was planning a date with, you know, the Devil’s sidekick. Oh, how I hated the way she lit up when Davenport arranged to pick her up.

  “He has a surprise for me.” Misty was busy deciding what to wear. “He said he’ll take me back to the casino after we meet Lee. I’m so glad I don’t have to see Lee alone.” She glanced at me. “I know, I know, you have a date with Dom. Go, girl. I’ll be fine.”

  I knew I couldn’t dissuade her from going with Davenport but I tried one more time. “You promised me you wouldn’t gamble if I gave you my money and then you bet it anyway. I’m really disappointed, Misty. Please attend a GA meeting instead of going on this date.”

  Misty threw down the dress she’d settled on. “Are you kidding me? My luck has finally turned and you’re throwing a wet blanket on it?” She looked me up and down. I’d put on a low-cut hot pink sweater and tight jeans that were guaranteed man pleasers.

  “I don’t see you sitting at home with nothing to do. Hell, no. You’ve got a hot date with the rich man who owns our club. Everything’s biscuits and gravy for you, girl. Now quit trying to bring me down. I like Davenport and he might just be someone who could take me out of this dump.” She waved her hand around what was a really dreary bedroom. She hadn’t bothered to put up a single picture and her bedspread had been washed so many times it was no color at all.

  “What do you know about him? Where does he come from? What does he do for a living? Has he shown you a driver’s license? How old is he anyway?” I could feel Valdez watching me. Yes, those were good questions. Had I asked any of them when I’d met Jerry? Of course not. I’d been starving, just thrilled that he’d been clean and eager to bed me. I was such a hypocrite.

  “I know enough. He’s a few years older than I am but I like that. He’s stable. He has plenty of money and doesn’t mind spreading it around. When I told him I needed to go by Donna’s hotel and pay Lee tonight, he swore he’d make sure no one threatened me again.” Misty picked up her hairbrush and pointed it at me. “How do you like that?”

  “You admitted how much trouble you’re in? I’m surprised he didn’t take off after that.” I knew a human might, but a demon? He’d have been delighted to learn how desperate Misty was. She was ripe for a bargain with the Devil.

  “Glory, you should have heard him. He was amazing. I swear he made me a little scared, the way he swore to defend me. Lee had better watch himself in front of Davenport.”

  That shut me up. Yes, the demon could sure do a number on a mobster. But then again, he’d probably like Lee. Donna’s boyfriend had probably already secured his spot in Hell by doing any number of bad things. Smacking around his girlfriend was probably on the demon’s top ten list on the fast track to Hell.

  “Misty, I want you to have a new man in your life.” I certainly wasn’t going to tell her Sid had made one
more attempt to cause problems. “Just be careful, please. You’re always quoting your grandma. She was a good person, right?”

  “She’s not dead, Glory. She’s still a good person. Lives out there on that farm struggling to make things grow. She could use my help if I ever hit it big.” Misty attacked her hair. “She’s one reason I’m so determined to meet a rich man or finally hit a jackpot. I would love to buy Gran a place in California, acreage with lots of water.” Her eyes were glistening. “Maybe one of those avocado groves or someplace with an irrigation system like she’s dreamed of having out there on the edge of town.”

  “That’s a nice fantasy, Misty. Something to work for. Just don’t count on luck to do it.” I picked up Valdez’s leash. “I’ve got to go. For your information, I’m not having an affair with Dom, we’re just friends.” I smiled. “Though I admit, he did lure me out there with a promise that I’d get to sit in his hot tub under the stars.”

  Misty sighed and picked up her hairspray. “Good for you. Sounds like a date to me. Friends? Maybe more? See what happens, Glory. Your regular guy isn’t coming to town very often, is he? I’d say he’s taking you for granted. You don’t owe him loyalty.”

  “We have a lot of history, Misty. I owe Jerry a lot, but he’s told me I’m free to look around. I do get lonely and I am attracted to Dom.” I’d said it out loud. Valdez managed to raise his eyebrows. Hmm. What about the fact that Jerry paid for my bodyguard? I shook my head. Jerry had always insisted on that, no strings attached.

  “Have fun.” Misty started spraying and I knew that was my signal to get out of there. Valdez sneezed and I stopped breathing. Misty believed you couldn’t use too much hair spray.

  I was not happy leaving her with Davenport turning into her hero. She was getting too tangled in his web. The truth was I had no choice but to go on with my own life. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs when I saw a black limo pull into the parking lot. The demon was making sure Misty was impressed by his wealth, which seemed to have no limit. I waited for him to emerge from the back seat, a uniformed chauffer holding the door for him.

  “Really? All this for Misty?” I admired the fit of Davenport’s black tuxedo. It was obviously a designer number and had dark satin lapels that matched his bow tie. His white shirt was crisp with a wing collar.

  “I want to show her what she can have if she chooses my side.” He grinned and produced a dozen red roses from behind his back. “I’m not doubting the outcome. Are you?”

  “Please leave her alone. She has a good heart.” I blinked back tears. Begging? I thought about frying his flowers or maybe him with my new electric finger, but he suddenly emanated a surge of power that rocked me back. I hesitated to start a faceoff with Misty right upstairs.

  “A good heart and a great body.” He chuckled. “Are you going to let me up those stairs? Or shall we play games here?”

  “What do I have to do to get you to back off?” There, I’d said it. The way his eyes lit up, going red, I knew my question was what Davenport had been waiting for. He had suddenly hit the demon jackpot.

  “Ah, you want to bargain with the Devil. How interesting.” He gently drew me closer, ignoring Valdez who growled and showed his teeth. “Down, boy. You know better than to try to take me. I could blister you where you stand.”

  Valdez lifted his head. “Bring it, demon.”

  “Why bother? You have too much to lose, remember?” Davenport held up his hand and Valdez stopped fighting, hanging his head before trotting toward my car with his leash dragging behind him.

  I couldn’t believe Valdez had backed off like that. “I don’t know what you have on him, but don’t you dare hurt him.”

  “Forget him. We were about to negotiate for your roomie’s soul, weren’t we?” He looked past me, up the steps. “She must have heard my car arrive and is about to open the door. You’d better hurry, Glory. What can you offer me to back off? Because Misty has a very tasty little soul.” He leaned closer, his eyes boring into mine.

  I could smell him, his dark power that made me think of blast furnaces and a dry desert wind.

  “I warn you now, Glory, give me something big. The woman is already mine. One more jackpot and she will do the Master’s bidding eagerly, no questions asked.” He smiled, his eyes flickering in the moonlight when the lone working streetlight nearby suddenly blew out with a tinkle of broken glass.

  “You make me sick.” I shoved him back. Thank the gods he didn’t resist. He just laughed and looked down to make sure I hadn’t wrinkled his suit.

  I took a breath and almost choked before I could say it. “A favor. Is that what you want? Name it. I won’t kill, but I might be willing to do a favor for you or your,” I shuddered, “master.” I could almost feel the heat licking my toes in my pretty gold sandals.

  “Favors are nice.” Davenport looked past me and grinned. “My, don’t you look lovely, my dear. I was just telling Glory how I was looking forward to our night out.” He pushed me aside and walked up to meet Misty. She gushed over the roses and ran to put them in water.

  “Hurry. She will only take a moment.” He stood on the step above me, looming.

  “I need for you to help her pay off her debt then make an excuse and disappear. I’m sure you can do that.” I clutched my tote which held my bikini and my laptop. I planned to ask Dom to help me with my business plan tonight. Now I was in no mood to think about business. I was quivering inside, sure this demon was going to ask me to do something horrible. What could it be? Steal something? Deceive a friend or hurt them? I wouldn’t put anything past a minion from Hell. He didn’t say a word, just turned to help Misty down the stairs when she reappeared.

  “Glory, I thought you’d be gone by now.” She held her evening bag and a tote of her own. I was sure the tote held her cash for Lee. It might hold a nightie too. She had a collection that would make Victoria’s Secret blush.

  “I was on my way to my car when the limo pulled up.”

  Davenport took Misty’s arm. “You really do look beautiful.” He kissed Misty’s cheek. “Red is one of my favorite colors. How did you know?” He winked at me.

  “I’m glad. And a limo!” Misty hugged him, then gave me a knowing look as they walked past me. Davenport helped her into the back seat. He’d already told the chauffer to wait in the driver’s seat, out of earshot.

  “I’ve poured some champagne, Misty. Help yourself. I’ll be there in a moment.” Then he turned to me and lowered his voice.

  “A favor to be named later, Glory. She will be all yours again by tomorrow night. Her debt will be paid and she will lose her taste for gaming. How does that sound?” He looked over at Valdez, staring at us from beside my car.

  “Too good to be true.” I waved when Misty leaned out of the limo and toasted me with her glass of champagne. “That also sounds like a very expensive favor.”

  “You’ll see. It won’t require murder, but you may come to regret our deal. Is Misty’s well-being worth it to you?” Davenport stepped over to the limo. “Misty, my pretty one, what would you say if I paid off your debt tonight? Every cent you owed?”

  Misty squealed then leaped out of the car and threw her arms around him. “Are you serious? Glory, did you hear that? I can’t believe it.” She burst into tears.

  Davenport pulled a snowy handkerchief from his inside jacket pocket and handed it to her. She sobbed and finally collapsed into the back seat again.

  “That certainly was fun. I love it when I can make a dream come true. Do we have a deal? Or do I make her dreams crash and burn, Gloriana?” His smile was pure evil. “Yes, I know your name and more about you than you do. Where do you think your power comes from? Those sparks flying last night? The shock of electricity you managed to deal when you were furious? Oh, the thrill when you blew up that slot machine!” He chuckled. “Fantastic!”

  “Thrill? I was horrified. I’d never done anything like that before.” I swayed and had to hold onto the bannister next to me. “Are you sure I did it
? It wasn’t one of your tricks?” Then I remembered what I’d done to Sid. Where did it come from?

  “That was all you. You’ve been squandering your power. Letting it lie dormant. What a shame.” He reached out as if to touch me again but I backed away. “Power like that isn’t from your sire, my dear. No, it is otherworldly. It draws creatures like me. I want it, need it. The only thing that will keep me away is to satisfy me in some other way.”

  “By doing you a favor.” I put a hand to my mouth, sickened. Misty climbed out of the limo again, blowing her nose. She wobbled on her high heels then hugged Davenport again before insisting she needed to go upstairs and redo her makeup.

  “Glory, this is what happens when you find a kind, generous man of your own who appreciates you.” She sniffled and dabbed at her eyes again. “I will never forget this, Davenport.” She smiled at him then ran a fingertip down his shirt front. “If only there was something I could do for you. Say the word.” She fluttered her damp eyelashes. “Later.” Then she rushed upstairs.

  “You’re going to break her heart when you disappear.” I knew I’d been truly trapped.

  “That means we have a deal.” He was gleeful. “No, her heart will be fine. I’ll erase her memory. She will forget me and my generosity. Maybe I’ll even find her someone new. I told you, she’ll also lose all urge to gamble. This is a big, big favor you’re trading. Be ready, Ms. St. Clair. I’ll be calling it in soon.” He headed up the stairs. “Run along now. I believe you have a date with Dominic. We know him well.” His laugh sent chills through me.

  I hurried to my car and opened the door to let Valdez jump inside. “You were some bodyguard.”

  “He wasn’t interested in hurting you. He was all about negotiation.” Valdez sat patiently while I drove us away from there.

  “True. But what does he have over you?” I glanced at him.

  “I’m not telling. It should be obvious that he knows plenty about both of us. I heard him call you by your real name. And he threw out hints about the source of your power. What’s that about?” He laid down, head on his paws.


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