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Filled! Page 5

by Lexi Hots

  He watched my face, though, like he was waiting for my permission.

  I nodded to him, and tried to distract myself.

  I didn’t want it to hurt, but I also knew that I needed to let myself feel good.

  Marcus made it to the table, and I wanted to kiss him, but god it felt strange to even offer that after where my mouth had been. Instead, I let him come to the other side of the table, opposite Tony, and offer me his cock. I took it with eager fingers, tracing over the veins and wrinkles of it, the hot thin skin and bright red head.

  As I was about to take it into my mouth, Joseph pressed in.

  It didn’t hurt, not nearly as badly as popular media made me expect anyways, and as he pressed in further I spread my legs to allow him better access.

  Joseph’s hands found my hips, and held them firmly, as he pulled pack a little and pressed in again. I tried to keep my breath measured, my mind calm, but I felt like I was losing touch with the world as he thrust into me.

  It felt so new, so good and strange, a tinge of pain but mostly pleasure.

  My lungs couldn’t get enough air, my breath had been held in anticipation and now my mouth was desperate for air and for Marcus.

  Rolling closer to him, I took his cock into my mouth in one smooth motion.

  I couldn’t get his whole length, that was something I’d have to achieve through practice,

  I took as much of him as I could, though. Lavishing his length with my tongue and lips, I kept my hands on Tony’s cock instead to keep him in contact with me.

  Every part of me that could be used, was.

  They each moved at their own rhythm, none synchronizing, none matching pace. It kept my body, my senses, in a constant state of surprise and anticipation. No matter what they did I could guarantee that one of the other men hadn’t done it yet.

  It was all new.

  “I want her mouth too,” Tony said.

  “It looks busy,” Joseph reminded him. Marcus didn’t squabble, didn’t distract, he just kept his warm hand on my jawline as I worked his cock.

  “Everyone else gets something good,” Tony complained.

  Joseph sighed, pulling out of me.

  “Here,” he said flatly.

  Lifting me up again, moving me, he made it so that I was laying on my stomach, my thighs and my shoulders on opposite sides of the middle of the table. I was able to rest my knees on one bench, and if I reached over the edge of the table I could touch the other bench with my finger tips.

  “You can share,” Joseph said.

  There was a laugh in his voice, and I didn’t understand what he meant.

  Without pause, without warning, Joseph pressed into me again. This angle was different. His hands were tighter, his movements quicker. The angle had him going even deeper inside of me before, making a moan escape before I could stop it.

  Tony and Marcus quickly closed in on me.

  Their cocks were both presented before my face, like I’d have to choose, and I suddenly understood what Joseph meant.

  Taking a cock in each of my hands, I pressed the heads of them together and licked against it. Tony faltered for a moment, before relaxing under the pleasure. I ran my hands down and up their lengths, before licking them both again.

  They pressed closer, and I was able to take both of their cocks in my mouth at once. It was a tight fit, but Tony started shallowly thrusting, getting a little deeper into my mouth. My body, and head, were bobbing from Joseph rutting into me from behind.

  I moaned again, my mouth vibrating their cocks together, and Tony quickly murmured ‘fuck’ under his breath as he pulled back. Hot semen painted my cheeks and face, dripping down to my chin as Tony came. I gasped, freezing for a moment and deciding what to do.

  It’s not like we had towels with us, there was only one way to clean this up.

  As Joseph kept thrusting into me, I wiped my face with my hands, and licked my fingers clean. Tony groaned in arousal, even post orgasm, watching me work.

  “Oh my god,” he murmured.

  Marcus, still very turned on, didn’t give Tony much of a chance to revel in how good it felt.

  The moment I was done, Marcus’s cock was back in my mouth.

  It was assertive, forward, and I happily sucked on it as Joseph kept working me.

  Joseph’s movements were quicker now, hungrier and more desperate. He made me feel incredible, let me revel in every thrust and push. His hands strayed from my hips to my ass, massaging and squeezing it. The movement changed the angle, and I came hard and fast. My body locked down around him inside of me, and Joseph let out a deep, throaty moan. I felt him pull out of me quickly, and then suddenly hot liquid was falling across my back.

  “Sorry, forgot a condom, so,” he tried to explain.

  “I’m on the pill,” I shook my head and almost laughed.

  “Damn,” Joseph said. He groped my ass again, like he was mad he missed the opportunity to come inside of me. In the distance, we could hear the field shouting ‘59’.

  The three of us paused, completely silent, until we heard a following ‘58’.

  “Fuck, I’m going to miss the show,” Tony said. He and Joseph both rushed to get dressed.

  Tony ran off without much of a goodbye, but Joseph kissed my cheek before he went.

  “I enjoyed this,” he murmured as the crowd chanted ‘30’.

  After he left, it was just me and Marcus.


  Marcus climbed on top of the table with me.


  Pulling me into his arms.


  He brushed my hair away from my face.








  Marcus kissed me.

  The crowd roared as the new year came in.

  I didn’t expect him to want his lips on mine, not after where my mouth had been, but I was beyond happy. Kissing him back, I pulled him down to me. Marcus pressed in quickly, filling me with his cock, and I let my moan fill the open air around us.

  The people celebrating wouldn’t be able to hear me.

  The only person who mattered was there in my arms.

  His body felt like it was meant for mine, and as he filled me in every thrust, I was breathless and desperate for another taste. His speed was as starved as I was, his fingertips were tight and bruising on my hips, and we tangled in each other desperately. There were no set positions, no thinking, no anything. We wanted each other, all of each other, and we were going to have that.

  My last orgasm of the night hurtled towards me like a shooting star out of the night sky, and as it overtook me I was weightless. The night stars above me, his lips on mine, I felt him go still inside of me as he came as well. We stayed there, tangled and heaving with breath and pleasure, for countless moments.

  Slowly, softly, he kissed me again.

  I pressed my lips to his, and was suddenly overcome with hope for the new year.

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  Story 3

  Chapter One

  I loved school growing up.

  It’s not like I was some overly-sappy kiss up to the teacher, but I definitely worked hard to be the best in my classes. In almost every class I had, after maybe fifth grade, I’d picture how I’d teach the class.

  It was almost too distracting when someone wasn’t good at their job.

  My folders were clutched in my arms as I made my way through the school. The entire campus was quiet, save for the couple of teachers who were wondering the halls. It was nice, like the quiet before the storm.

  My mind was bubbling over with ideas.

  Eventually I wanted to be a middle school science teacher. I wanted to educate children on the world around us, and imbue them with a sense of wonder and joy. For now, though, I was going to have to work with college aged stude

  My stomach fluttered nervously as I let myself into the classroom I’d be working in that day. It was large, tall, room, with a wall of tall windows that were currently letting in the pale morning light. Instead of singular desks, there were rows of tables for the students to share, wide with black surfaces that glimmered as I turned on the light. Up front was Mrs. Jordan’s desk, I could see that she had already pulled up a chair for me to sit with her as I assist.

  I couldn’t fight the smile on my lips.

  My first day as a teacher’s assistant.

  I could feel my heartbeat a little quicker, and I set down my bag and coffee.

  I felt like I was on the edge of something great, and it left me feeling giddy and almost childish.

  A knock on the door surprised me.

  “Are you Miss Thomson?” a deep voice asked. There was a man at the door, he looked at least ten years older than me and was incredibly handsome. His thick jaw was stubbled, showing he hadn’t shaved that morning, and the shade of hair brought my gaze up to his bright green eyes settled above his sharp cheekbones.

  “I am, how can I help you?” I approached him, to talk, and couldn’t help but notice how fit his body looked under his button front shirt and slacks. There were ropes of muscle hiding under that fabric, and I almost wanted a glimpse of them.

  I felt my cheeks tinge with embarrassment when I realized he’d caught my gaze.

  It’s not like I’d even know what to do with a man like him, I’ve never done anything besides kiss before.

  I tried to focus on why he was there.

  “Mrs. Jordan’s daughter went into labor this morning, she won’t be able to come in,” he explained. His voice was deep and rumbly, and I couldn’t be too upset regardless of what he told me.

  It took my mind a moment to realize what he was saying.

  “Wait- she’s not coming in? Is there a substitute or stand-in planned?” I asked, shocked. “Or would you like me to email her students to let them know class is cancelled?” Disappointment was heavy in my stomach. I’d really wanted to help teach the class today.

  “No, it’s too late for that since her first class is in twenty minutes,” he shook his head. “I’m in the class next door, why don’t you stand in for her today, and if you have any questions you can come over and ask me,” he offered.

  “I’ve never-” I started, flustered. “I haven’t even aided a class yet, how am I supposed to lead one?” I wasn’t trying to argue with him, I just really didn’t know if what he wanted me to do was possible.

  “It’ll be okay, if you need anything I’ll be right here for you,” he explained, nodding to the door. “I’m Rick Crayton, by the way.” He held out his hand to me, and I took it, shaking it and hoping it would instill some kind of confidence in me.

  “Thank you, do you know if she has a syllabus, or?” I was almost shaking at this point.

  “I’m sure she does,” he nodded. Walking over to her desk, he pulled it open and pulled out a notebook marked with the year. We flipped through a few pages until we landed on one marked for today.

  It was a lab, basically a test, so it’s not like I’d have to do much besides let them work on their own.

  “You got an easy day,” he laughed. “I have a class coming up too, if you need anything I’m just on the other side of this whiteboard,” he motioned to the wall.

  “Thank you Mister Crayton,” I said. It was overwhelming, and I didn’t have much time to set up the stations, but I could see this was a big opportunity.

  “Call me Rick,” he smiled. I watched him walk out, and my stomach flipped and turned with butterflies and anxiety.

  This is a lot more than I expected to take on.

  Gathering my courage, and the notebook with the syllabus in it, I tried my best to get a move on. The lab was simple, they just needed a couple chemicals and a base. I printed out dozens of copies of the instructions so they could each have their own, and made sure to set goggles and gloves at every table.

  This was going to be fun!

  I could feel it in my bones.

  As the first students began to pour in, I felt like I was simmering with nervous energy.

  “Who are you?” one of the students asked. He looked like he was hardly out of high school, still only just a couple years younger than me.

  “I’m standing in for Mrs. Jordan today, her daughter’s in labor,” I explain, smiling.

  “Oh, sweet, so I don’t have to be here,” he said.

  At first I thought he was joking- but then I had to watch as he walked right out of the classroom.

  “- what?” I was confused and embarrassed.

  He didn’t stop, he didn’t look like he was joking, the boy just walked right out of class just because I wasn’t their usual teacher. I frowned, hurt and annoyed, but tried to keep my demeanor pleasant. A few more students left as soon as they came in, and I tried to tell myself that they just thought they’d come into the wrong class. By the time class was set to start, less than half of the students on the roster were even there.

  I pushed forward, though.

  I couldn’t let them get the best of me.

  As we went through the lesson, I could tell more of the students were sizing me up. One of them was a middle aged woman who seemed to grimace at me regardless of what I did. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was because I looked so young.

  I’m 20, not the youngest in the room by far, but I could see why someone might have trouble seeing me as an authority figure. I couldn’t take anything they were saying or doing personally. I knew better than that. The lab was slow going, several students refused to wear their goggles until I said I’d write it down for Mrs. Jordan to know about, and others walked out halfway through the class. I felt stupid, weak.

  At one point, I looked up and saw that Rick was checking in on my class.

  He was standing in the doorway, his eyes slid over my mostly-empty class, and then back to me and I could swear i saw a frown at the corner of his lips. That killed me, I wanted nothing more than to please him.

  I wanted to prove my worth here.

  School had always been a breeze for me, I was a great student with a perfect grade in every class I’ve ever taken, it shouldn’t be this hard for me to connect with students.

  Shattering glass pulled me out of my thoughts, and I realized a girl had dropped a beaker.

  Ugh, fine.


  “Everyone can leave, I’m ending this early,” I directed. Glancing at the clock it stung to realize I’d only made it two thirds of the way into a three hour lab. I couldn’t even finish one course. The class moved quicker and happier than I’d seen them in the last two hours, emptying the room within a minute.

  Grabbing a broom from the corner of the classroom, I slowly swept up the glass and mess from the floor. It wasn’t the best way to start a teaching career, but I didn’t want to let this dishearten me. I had one other three hour lab to attempt my hand at, and then I was done.

  Gathering the beakers and vials, I rinsed them and then set them in the small dishwasher she had in the corner. This isn't’ what I pictured classes to be like.

  I mean, sure, I’ll eventually be teaching middle school, but being able to stand in and hold my own is still an important skill. I couldn’t hold back on that.

  After I was done cleaning, there were still ten minutes left before the next class would come in.

  I worked to set everything back up for them, the gloves and goggles, the beakers and vials, the papers. It was my second chance and I was going to do my best at it. Feeling eyes on me, I glanced to the doorway.

  Rick was standing there.

  “How are things?” he asked, even though he obviously already knew.

  “They’re awful,” I admitted. “How long have you been teaching?”

  “For around fifteen or so years,” he stepped into the room towards me. Exhausted, I sat down in the chair behind Mrs. Jordan’s desk.

as it hard for you in the beginning?”

  “No,” he answered immediately. I wanted to laugh at this, at how terrible I was at this job, but Instead I just shook my head and smiled sadly.

  “Why am I so bad at this?” I asked, not entirely wanting an answer.

  “It might be a confidence problem,” he offered.

  “Yeah?” I wasn’t completely sold on that. It is easier to just think there was something wrong with me that the kids could see. Maybe teaching wasn’t the right job for me after all.

  “Look,” he moved closer to me, “I can see you want to do well at this job, but you need to show that you’re capable.” The words stung, and I averted my eyes. His hand cupped my chin, moving my face to look up at him, and the touch was electric. “You need to be more confident, if they can question you, they will,” he explained. There was something in his eyes that left me feeling lost and wanting.

  He moved his hand from my face, and my skin was cold in missing him.

  A student walked in for the next class, and Rick stepped another step back from me.

  “If you need anything, I’ll be in the next room,” he repeated that he’d offered me earlier.

  “I know,” I nodded.

  This was awful.


  I wanted him to stay, though. I wanted him in the room with me, to guide me through all the things I was doing wrong, all the things I still needed to understand. My heart trusted him immediately, like some kind of fate, but I couldn’t be sure why. I’d never been in a serious relationship, but I could see myself trying that with him.

  I could see myself trying a lot of things with him.

  My face went hot with embarrassment again, and I tried to remind myself that my students were coming in. I didn’t need to have those kinds of thoughts about him! He was at least fifteen years older than me, a coworker at this point, and way, way, way too mature. There’s no way he’d go for someone who looks like she just got out of high school yesterday.

  Biting the inside of my cheek, I stood up behind the desk, and waited for the rest of the second class to file in.

  This class was going to be different.


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