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Filled! Page 7

by Lexi Hots

  “Greg, use her mouth,” Rick commanded. I let my head fall to the side and my mouth split open. I had no qualms in thanking Greg for the first orgasm I ever had. “Ashley, use your hands too,” he added. I was surprised, not sure why he’d want my hands when my mouth would definitely feel better.

  Waiting for him, I watched as he unzipped his pants and revealed himself.

  Greg’s cock was legendary.

  For all the girth that Rick had, Greg was as impressive in length.

  It looked like he could ruin me with it, and I found myself wanting him to. I told myself that if I relaxed enough I wouldn’t have to gag. I didn’t want to gag.

  As Greg stepped towards me, I greedily took him into my hands and started licking the head of his cock like candy. I had gone straight to sucking on Brian’s cock without any teasing, I wanted to take my time with Greg. He deserved that much.

  His length was almost too much, and although I could hardly stand how good Rick was making me feel, I couldn’t be distracted from Greg. As he slipped past my lips, further into my mouth, I worked my tongue like he was candy. He was salty, dripping precum already, and I wondered if he got this worked up just from going down on me.

  The thought gave me a heady feeling, and I relaxed my jaw as I started bobbing my head back and forth on his cock.

  Greg’s fingers ran along my jaw, sliding over my cheek before tangling loosely in my hair.

  It was different from what Brian had done, it was intimate.


  Upping my rhythm, I let a hum of content slip from my throat.

  Greg moaned, his fingers tightening just a little, and it egged me on. Humming again, trying my best to make it reverberate, trying to make sure it gets to the root of his cock, I wanted to make him feel good. Another moan poured from his lips, like thick sweet honey.

  It was all the praise I needed to keep this up.

  Rick’s grip was getting harder on my hips, fingertips pressing in for precious purchase. Distantly I hoped that this meant he’d leave bruises. Somewhere in the back of my primal mind I wanted him to mark me like that.

  I wanted something to remind me of this.

  I didn’t want to forget.

  Not that I could forget even if I tried.

  Rick changed our positions, pulling back from me. He lifted my hips so that my calves were sitting on his shoulders. At this angle he was able to swing harder and faster into me, using me like a rag doll. I sobbed around Greg’s cock, crying out in pleasure and surprise as Rick hit places deeper in me than before.

  He kissed my knee, his facial scruff scrubbed against my sensitive skin and left me littered with goosebumps. Never once did he change his pace or falter, he was steady and consistent.

  It felt incredible.

  I hoped to god that Rick felt as good as I did.

  I wanted him to have every bit of pleasure that I did.

  I needed it.

  Arching my back, changing the angle, made him strike something deep inside of me that we hadn’t hit before.

  It filled my vision with galaxies of constellations, left me spinning and waitless in the mere seconds of contact. The sounds that escaped my Greg-filled mouth weren’t human.

  “Oh,” I heard Rick murmur, a smile in his voice.

  Rocking back, he hit it again.

  Oh my god.

  Oh my god I couldn’t breathe, it felt so good. Greg pulled out of my mouth, realizing I’d stopped sucking on him, and watched as Rick started to hit that spot on at least every third thrust. Tears were in my eyes from how good it felt, I knew that I was flushed with color from the pleasure, but I wasn’t embarrassed.

  I couldn’t be embarrassed.

  It was too incredible.

  He was working my body as though he knew it better than I knew it myself.

  Greg pet my hair softly, leaning down he kissed me through it as another orgasm rocked me to my core. His lips were firm, taking, needing, and all I could do was melt against the two men. I could taste myself on Greg’s lips, and I know he could take himself on mine, but neither of us cared. It was carnal, animalistic. My second orgasm was strong, an echo of the first one, but even as it ended I knew there was another to steal.

  I wanted more.

  I wasn’t done yet.

  Rick thrust into me through my orgasm, never stopping until the exact moment his orgasm hit him. Holding my hips for dear life, he made one last hard thrust and buried himself deeply within me. I moaned and sobbed, disappointed that he was through, but thankful for how good he’d made me feel.

  I needed everything that he had to offer.

  And more.

  Rick pulled out slowly, spilling a small trickle of his orgasm in his wake. Greg kissed me once more, a furtive promise, and I was relieved to know that this wasn’t over.

  I didn’t need that disappointment.

  Greg sat down on the chair behind Rick’s desk, bare to the world besides his shirt, and pat his lap.

  I blushed, but understood.

  Rick helped me to my feet, and I made my way to Greg.

  There was a look in his eyes that said what he thought of me, that he was enjoying himself as much as I was. My heart beat faster, and suddenly I felt shy. He wanted me to ride him, I understood that, but tonight was my first night with anybody.

  I wasn’t sure I could make him feel good this way.

  I didn’t want him to be disappointed.

  “I’ll guide you,” Greg said, his voice was smooth and calm.

  “Okay,” I agree, admittedly shy.

  Climbing onto his lap, I calmed my breathing. Greg kissed my chest warmly, working from my clavicle down to my nipple, swirling it with his hot tongue. That tongue had brought me my first orgasm. Slowly, cautiously, I lowered myself down above his cock and then started to press onto it.

  It wasn’t as thick as Ricks, I could feel that, but the length of it started filling me further than Rick’s had before long. I gasped, screwing my eyes shut to concentrate on the sensation.

  It felt good.

  God why did it feel so good.

  “Just do what feels good, I promise it’ll make me feel good too,” Greg murmured in my ear. It was like he could read my mind. He knew my thoughts before even I did. Working my thighs, my arms around his shoulders, I lifted up a little and then lowered back down onto his cock.

  I could hardly breathe, concentrating carefully on every moment.

  As I lifted and lowered down again, I ground against him a little and it sent stars into my vision.

  Moving again, I was able to hit that spot that Rick found. I gasped, and then moaned and rotated my hips to hit it again. Behind me I could hear as Rick sat on the desk to watch.

  Did he like what he saw?

  Arching my back a little, putting on a show, I was amazed when I was able to hit that spot again with complete ease.


  He was perfect.

  Rotating my hips, trying to build a rhythm, I was able to start hitting that spot on every drop. My whole body was buzzing with anticipation, pleasure, I wasn’t sure how I went my life without trying this.

  I’ve missed out on so much.

  Leaning back, I sobbed out a moan as Greg’s fingers found my clit.

  Trembling, losing my pace, I was amazed as I felt him starting to rock up into me. He was so selfless, even in having me ride him he was happy to take over. Working me rough, hard, I could tell he was starting to get desperate for his own climax.

  “Come for me,” I demanded, using the voice that Rick had us try.

  Greg grunted, leaning forward so that his head was against my chest for the last few thrusts, and then came hard within me. How easily he did that, his fingers on my clit, my body full of him, it wasn’t hard for my orgasm to follow his.

  When I came it was harder than ever before.

  My body gripped him, seizing up and bowling me over with sensation and pleasure.

  I felt like I was dying.

; Endless and full of stars and pleasure, I lost any memory of how to breathe, how to feel, how to think. It was all white, and an eternity, before finally Greg’s kisses on my damp skin brought me back down to the office.

  To the classroom.

  I was panting to catch my breath, my arms around his neck as we both came down from it.

  “Beautiful,” Greg admired.

  We kissed, slowly and sweetly.

  A goodbye, because I wasn’t sure when we’d do this again. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to handle this much again. My body was going to be sore, and marked, the next day and I didn’t mind that.

  We parted, I stood slowly and he slipped out of me. Rick got a towel out of his gym bag, and helped wipe me down, kissing me.

  It felt right for this to begin and end with kissing rick.

  He was the best part of all of this, the one I really wanted.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, his deep voice soft and caring.

  “Confident,” I smiled, almost laughing.

  Story 4

  Joining the military was a bold move for Rhea. Her family, which consisted of all women, without a father figure in sight was loving, but severely lacking.

  Her mother bounced from dead-end job to dead-end job, while her grandmother remained in the house that she had shared with her husband before he passed away a few years before Rhea was born until the day that she too passed away.

  The house was then given to her mother and that was their only saving grace. Therefore, Rhea knew from an early age that she wanted to better her life. She wanted to do something great and had always admired those who served.

  She was an intelligent girl and despite her often lopsided family life, she did well in school.

  Rhea received scholarships even, but she knew enough about herself and the history of her situation that just because she was given an opportunity to succeed did not mean that she would be able to take that opportunity absolutely and completely.

  Therefore, she decided that before she could go off on her own, she needed to learn some discipline; something that was not readily available to her, or the least bit consistent growing up.

  In all fairness, her mother had tried and her grandmother did everything she could for Rhea as well. The women had always encouraged Rhea and provided the necessities, but the reason that she was a good person and stayed away from the majority of bad influences and situations was because she made herself promise that was not how she wanted her life to go.

  However, throughout the years, many would go as far as to say that Rhea had gone a little too tough on herself; having turned down the scholarships for a life with more discipline than she likely even needed.

  Although she was intrigued by men, she never pursued relationships and did not allow herself to become complacent. She didn’t want to be dependent on anyone.

  Her whole life she had to be cared for by her mother and grandmother. She saw how hard they worked to provide the life that she had and she didn’t want to be a burden on anyone any longer. She wanted to care for herself and have the freedom to do whatever it was that she wanted.

  Rhea wanted to be respected and thought of fondly, but most of all, she wanted to earn that respect; for herself and for her family.

  On top of that though, she wanted to have new experiences that she couldn’t otherwise have if she had followed the path that she was taking. She wanted to see the world while she introduced herself to it and worked her way into a life that she could be proud of.

  In that life, there was no room for commitment and there certainly was no room for being or having a dependent. Therefore, she was strict with herself and forwent many opportunities that even she could have had, in favor of having the kind of life that she imagined for herself.

  Therefore, the day she marched into the recruiting office, right after her high school graduation was a day that she had looked forward to for a very long time. She had done her research long ago and worked towards this goal every day of her life, all throughout high school.

  She was a part of the ROTC program and allowed school to be her stability.

  Joining the military was a way for her, she thought, to continue that stability that she had grown comfortable with, in addition to having the experiences that she sought.

  No longer was she about to make her life a series of uncertainty. She was going to have a basis and a foundation for her life that she could truly build from.

  After her tour was over, depending on how far she was able to take her opportunities, she did intend to return to the states and go to school. She probably wouldn’t go home, though, since her home wasn’t any place that she wanted to be. She figured she would build her life somewhere of her choosing and work from there. Perhaps, she thought, she would even take care of her mother, imploring her to sell her grandmother’s house and move in with her.

  However, none of that would be possible for her, since her dedication was an asset that the military liked. Her attitude was right for becoming a soldier and her thoughts very seldom wavered from anything other than her mission; even in her downtime and that helped her to rise through the ranks quickly.

  Eventually, Rhea ended up becoming a function of special operations unit that was based out of Sri Lanka, protecting the US Ambassador, as well as continuing to maintain the United States’ relations with the Republic of Maldives.

  The mission was copasetic, and exceedingly manageable, but it was also extremely important. If for nothing else, the United States didn’t need any more enemies, especially in this part of the world.

  Still, despite that, Rhea took her job very seriously.The feel of the island began to rub off on her and in her downtime, she actually began to enjoy herself.

  The islands that she was able to visit frequently were beautiful and the epitome of exotic. For a good portion of the time she was stationed there, Rhea had the ability to wake up and lookout her window to see glowing white sands and pale-blue, opaque waters which hardly ever looked distressed.

  With such a view and so much opportunity, it was actually difficult for her not to take time, even if it was only for a moment of breathlessness, for herself.

  No matter where she was, though, she knew that she was a long way from home and instead of missing her landlocked state, she was pleased to know how far she had come and how much experience she had put between herself and the point on the map where she had started.

  She began to feel as though, if she could make it here, she could literally make it anywhere and that was exactly what she planned.


  Her team, comprised of all men, supplied a very different atmosphere for Rhea. However, she really enjoyed it. They didn’t seem to treat her any different, once she proved herself, but they were far easier to deal with then her mother and grandmother were, so it seemed to work well.

  They were strapping men with coursing muscles that were built for tenacity, speed and results. At first, Rhea would have been lying if she had said she wasn’t a little bit intimidated by them.

  After all, her petite frame and short stature was strange when she thought of herself being paired with these strapping men, but they had definitely made it work to their advantage.

  This team was elite and therefore, they found a way to use everything they had at their disposal to be as accurate and as on-point as possible. Therefore, once they trusted Rhea, everything seemed to fall into place and they found plenty of jobs for her on the task force.

  Then, one day, while two of her teammates and herself were off for the day, one of them met the other three in the common room and exclaimed, “Who wants to learn how to SCUBA dive?”

  They stared at him at first, as though he had lost his mind. The last thing they wanted to do while they weren’t on patrol was learn something; especially today.

  While Rhea still managed to be mostly a loner in her downtime, she had heard that the men had decided to go hang out on the beach and pick up women later on that day, so she
didn’t believe they would be interested in doing anything besides that.

  Rhea on the other hand was also just looking forward to a relaxing beach day, separate though from her teammates.

  Every once in awhile, she agreed to accompany them somewhere, but that was only so that she could prove her worthiness to the team. It wasn’t actually because she had any interest in actually being a part of them. She liked the guys well enough, but years of being told that all men did was break women’s hearts had caused her to rethink any kind of friendship, never mind a relationship with them.

  Therefore, she continued to try to keep her distance. Rhea had always thought that it would be safer that way and therefore, she was happy when it ended up working well for her.

  She was friendly, but not overly so and the guys seemed to respect that; at least for the time being.

  However, even though the other guys immediately swatted their hands and told the first man, Jay, that they had other plans, he insisted, telling them, “Oh…Come on, guys! I know the instructor out here and he said that he could get us some exclusive access.”

  The other men looked at one another as though no one wanted to be the first and so, Jay looked at Rhea and said, “You are welcome…and encouraged to come too!”

  Flattered, she smiled sweetly, but answered, “No thank you. I don’t know how and besides, you don’t want me tagging along.”

  Jay, who was known for being something of a lady’s man, caused his eyes to glisten as he answered, “Actually, I think it would be an unforgettable experience, if you came. I think you would really enjoy it.”


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