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Filled! Page 10

by Lexi Hots

  “Oh, I see.” Katrina felt suddenly very awkward, wondering about the rest of the people who would soon be her colleagues on the space station orbiting Jupiter. Did any of them as equally deserve their post as she or did they all have highly placed sources to make it happen for them?

  “Don’t worry about it.” Celia smiled, walking away. “I just hate the sound of that thing, you can wear it as much as you like. I’m going down to get a bite, join me if you want.”

  “No, I’m fine, Cel.” The brunette looked out at space, at the tiny dots moving all around, the fleeting asteroids. “I just want to watch the stars some more.”

  Another week and she would be on the Space Station, with the massive bulk of Jupiter looming overhead. She shivered slightly at the prospect.

  “Body temperature declination detected. Drop by 0.33 per cent.” Ava beeped in her usual monotone.

  “Thank you, Ava.” Katrina sighed, running her hands through her dark luxuriant hair.


  Katrina stood outside the docking bay. The little transport had docked almost an hour ago and she wasn’t sure where to go. The space station was massive, almost the size of Texas, maybe more. Several corridors stretched away from the arrivals lobby area and even though she had the name of her sector, she didn’t for the life of her know where it was. There was no one else about and the air began to feel lighter around her. Celia had left almost instantly after they arrived, having an escort from her posting sector whisk her away. It must be great to have an uncle or two in high places, Katrina mused.

  “Heart rate lowered by 0.12 percent.” Ava informed her.


  “Katrina Zoltan, medical intern, class AAA?” A sleek feminine voice made her jump.

  She whirled around to face the tall, bald headed woman staring at her. Her accent was a bit thick and edgy, almost eastern European. She had a uniform with a rank insignia on it. Her broad shoulders indicated she worked out, as did her flat stomach and dense thighs. Her lovely face and hooped earrings were in stark contrast to her almost manly physique.

  “Yes, that’s me.” Katrina acknowledged nervously.

  “Good. I am Chief Security Officer Lena Kolovos,” She smiled briefly. “I will escort you to sector Gamma 33. Please follow me.”

  “Yes, of course,” Katrina nodded. “But how did you suddenly appear without a sound?”

  “Like this.” Lena shrugged, tapping her heels together. She hovered up an inch into the air and her boots began to emit short bursts of vapor.

  “Jet shoes?” Katrina’s eyes widened.

  “Yes, you have them too.” The bald woman pointed at her feet. “Just click your heels together.”

  Katrina did, and almost fell as her boots came alive, pushing her up into the air.

  “Heart rate escalated by 1.91 percent. Breathing abnormal.” Ava went off.

  “Tha… thank you.” Katrina gasped, steadying herself with some effort. She didn’t know her standard issue uniform had enhancements such as these.

  “You will get used to it in time. Like roller blades.” Lena advised. “The space station is too large for walking, and vehicles inside are too cumbersome. This is the best way to travel fast.”

  “It’s a good idea…” Katrina nodded, and then grabbed Lena’s muscular arm with a soft shriek as her feet shot out in opposite directions.

  “Maybe you can hold my hand till we reach the sector.” Lena laughed, almost mechanically.

  As they zipped past sterile metallic walls and doorways, Lena informed Katrina about the space station, the basic rules, the dos and don’ts, as well as the importance of their collective mission. Jupiter’s moons were a great source of raw materials and minerals necessary for keeping Earth’s economy alive. After the failed endeavor on Mars, this operation had to be maintained under supervision at all times.

  Almost a hundred thousand personnel served on the Space Station, and there were three more like it orbiting Jupiter’s enormous circumference. More than five hundred thousand people were involved in the operation. It was not just a job; it was a career and paid more in a month than a similar position would pay in a year back on Earth. Katrina began to feel her nerves calming down. Lena’s rich, droning voice had a soothing effect on her.

  When she had looked up at Jupiter’s massive bulk looming over the Space Station upon arrival, Katrina couldn’t help feeling traumatized. It felt like she would fall at anytime onto the planet’s inhospitable surface. The fact that the Station was in orbit almost a hundred miles away was negated by the planet’s imposing size. This would take some getting used to, she understood.

  “We have arrived.” Lena announced, expertly zipping in with Katrina in tow through the sliding panels of sector Gamma 33. “You will now report to Captain Gordon and he will assign you to your post.”

  “I must thank you, Lena.” Katrina smiled at the larger woman. “For making me feel welcome.”

  “It’s just my duty.” She smiled back. “I only wish you do the same, we have need of good medics here… all the time.”

  “I’ll do my best.” Katrina nodded her head enthusiastically.

  “Good. Come in.” Lena tapped her boots, switching off the jets and briskly walking into command center.

  Katrina followed her example, finally glad to be feeling the firm steel floor under her feet again. She looked around the large command center as they walked in. Several men and women in uniform were busy at their stations, before monitors and switchboards of various shapes and sizes.

  “Captain Gordon.” Lena saluted to the short, middle aged man sitting on what looked like a Captain’s command console. “This is the new medic intern assigned to our sector.”

  “Thank you, Lena.” The captain acknowledged and entered a series of commands into his console.

  Katrina waved a silent bye at Lena as the Chief Security Officer walked away and stepped up before Gordon. Another woman sauntered up, a squat blonde with a freckled face. She smiled at Katrina, a gap toothed grin, her grey eyes appraisingly roaming all over her.

  “Ah, Miss Katrina Zoltan, medical intern, class AAA, top of your class, global topper for 2095.” Gordon read off her profile on the screen, and then turned to look at her. His eyes rested on her face and then took a leisurely tour of her from top to bottom. “And we here at Gamma 33 do consider ourselves fortunate to have you. Our well being is in good hands, not that we don’t have faith in Doctor Haydon.”

  “Doctor… Haydon?” The young intern said apprehensively.

  “Yes, Doctor Thor Haydon.” The blonde chipped in. “You’ll be reporting to him. You’re going to enjoy working here. Oh, and I’m Selene Manson, first officer, Gamma 33.”

  “Oh, I… I’m pleased to meet you, Officer Manson, and... and you too, Captain Gordon.”

  “No need to be so formal, Katrina.” Gordon smiled. “We’re more like friends and family here, and not stuffy little colleagues.”

  “Yeah, take it easy.” Selene winked. “It’s a long, long way from home to keep up appearances.”

  “This is your home now.” Gordon added.

  “Pulse rate above normal. Rise by 1.23 percent detected.” Ava beeped.

  “Oh!” Katrina jumped and placed her palm over the device on her wrist.

  “Ah, you have one of those; we don’t really use them much around here.” Selene laughed, taking her by the elbow and leading her away from the command console. “Come let’s get a bite to eat, and then I’ll escort you to your quarters and work station. Thor must be waiting impatiently to meet you.”

  “Oh, I see.” Katrina looked uncertain, she didn’t expect a near military operation to be so informal, but they were in a hostile environment hundreds of miles away from Earth.

  They entered the little cafeteria; it was self service, mostly canned and dried food. Katrina got herself a small sandwich and a tiny packet of water. Selene opened a can of beef and beans and a beer.

  Katrina raised an eyebrow at her choice of beve
rage on duty and the short woman smiled.

  “Don’t worry about it, it’s all good here.” The first officer sipped her drink. “Beer’s cheaper and easily available than water.”

  “Do we pay for this then?” Katrina eyed her water sachet with concern.

  “Yeah, it’s docked out of your pay. But don’t worry; you get paid way more than you can dream of here.”

  “Yes, I know.” Katrina nodded, biting into her synthesized peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

  After a while Selene showed her where she would be bunking and then led her down a corridor to her work station. Katrina had been informed that she would be working closely with a team of nurses and doctors, taking care of ailments and causalities that came with the heavy mining industry. She prepared herself for a less than welcoming workplace, but was pleasantly surprised when she entered the spotlessly clean sick bay.

  “I can see that you already like the place.” Selene laughed. “And you’ll enjoy working here, that I can promise you.”

  “I think I will,” She nodded, looking around the neat and tidy medical bay with appreciation.

  “0.02 percent elevation in pheromone level detected.” Ava beeped softly.

  Katrina had lowered the volume of her sensor program. But it was right, she did feel a bit exhilarated, a little turned on even. Something about the squeaky clean and sterile environment was making her senses go to another level of awareness.

  “And you’ll love working with Thor.” Selene continued. “He’s such a doll. Why half the women here pretend to be sick so they can get to be with him.”

  “Oh, really.” Katrina felt suddenly very vulnerable.

  Strong, intimidating men in power made her feel weak in their presence. It was her only failing; she had an unexplainable desire to be dominated. She had kept it mostly a secret. And if this Doctor Haydon was anything of what she had heard before, she felt like she would have to be on her guard at all times.

  “Yes, he’s absolutely dreamy. Why, if I weren’t the first officer here but just an intern like you, I’d throw myself at him too.”

  “He sounds like fun.” Katrina laughed nervously as they walked up to the door with his name on it.

  “Well, I’ll be leaving you now. Got to look up on other things.” Selene nodded. “Wish you all the best and a long, happy stay here with Gamma 33.”

  “Thank you, Selene.” Katrina smiled, “For making my first day easier.”

  “You’re welcome, dear,” The short woman smiled back and gestured her to knock on the Doctor’s door.

  Katrina took a deep breath and raised her hand to knock. Just then the door swung open and the most breathtaking vision she had ever had stood before her. Her mouth dropped open and her hand listlessly fell by her side.

  “You’re late, Miss Zoltan.” A deep voice bore into her senses, jarring her out of her stupor.

  “Huh, what?” She blurted.

  “I said ‘you are late’.” The most electrifying sapphire blue eyes she had ever seen stared down at her.

  She couldn’t speak. Her mouth was open and her eyes were still wide with awe. He towered over her by at least a foot. His entire frame filled the doorway, blocking out the view to his office.

  “So what have you to say?” His tone softened and he stepped back inviting her inside.

  “I… um… I mean, I just got here… I didn’t know.” Katrina stammered, not looking at him and nervously wringing her slender hands. “I waited for someone… Lena came an hour late… then Selene took me to lunch… and I… you… Doctor.”

  “Whoa, calm down,” he laughed. “Take a seat, drink some water.”

  She nodded dumbly and found a plush seat before her knees gave in. He sauntered up and handed her a cup of water.

  “Heart rate elevated by 2.19 percent, blood pressure up by 3.22 percent, pulse rate…bzzt.” Katrina quickly jammed her sensor under her thigh as she accepted the drink.

  “Ah, a little personal sensor.” Haydon laughed again. “Haven’t seen those in a while. Fresh out of the academy, I see.”

  “Yes, sir… Doctor.” She mumbled, between sips.

  “Relax, Katrina.” He looked at her profile on his wall monitor. “Hm, impressive scores. And call me Thor… I’m sure you’ve been briefed on our level of formality here on Gamma 33.”

  “Yes, Doc… er… Thor, I have.”

  “Excellent!” He looked at her from head to foot. “Not bad looking either.”

  “I can say the same.” She thought and swallowed hard.

  She looked up at him even as he appraised her. He was tall, very tall, almost six foot eight, she guessed. He could have passed off for an Oak tree with those expansive shoulders. He wasn’t wearing his lab coat, instead he had on the standard issue uniform, the same as her, and it hugged every inch of his god-like muscular frame. He had the look of being carved out of a hunk of granite, rough and rugged, imposing and dominating. A shock of golden blonde hair fell over his brow and his chiseled features made her belly do a flip-flop.

  He resembled every bit his legendary namesake, the Norse god of thunder, and he was looking at her with as much intensity as she was at him. As she stared into his eyes for what seemed like eternity, she noticed that he was no dumb brute or pretty boy and a light of acute intelligence burned in those clear blue orbs. She tore her eyes away blushing furiously. She had to calm down, come to her senses. This was her first day and she didn’t want to ruin everything, especially with her immediate superior.

  “Katrina,” he broke the silence and the tension, “I think, no, I believe you’re the perfect person for the job here. I’m approving your internship as soon as you clear the pre-requisites and you’re going to be on the staff permanently.”

  “I… but… oh, thank you.” She looked at him with some uncertainty.

  “Don’t thank me yet…” He smiled. “The pre-requisites need to be met first.”

  “Sure, what do I have to do?” She arched an eyebrow.

  “Take off all your clothes and lie on this examination table.” He gestured at the large, padded elevation in the centre of his office.

  “What?” She was taken aback.

  “The first pre-requisite is a physical, thorough and detailed, for the record.”

  “Oh, er, sure.” She looked around nervously. “And who’s going to give me the physical.”

  “Well,” He smiled. “I am a doctor.”

  “Oh, okay.” She blushed furiously.

  “Heart rate elevating significantly, 0.25 percent per second. Pulse rate up by 3.22 percent. Breath intake…” Ava recited on cue and Katrina clamped down on her wrist in embarrassment.

  “Shall I take off my sensor too?” She asked, staring at it as it flashed out all her sensitive data readouts.

  “No, leave it on and let it do its job.” Haydon said. “Get yourself ready on the table while I arrange for the required tools I need.”

  Katrina felt a chill run down her spine and beads of perspiration popped over her brow. Ava dutifully informed her of the changes. She looked up; Haydon had turned away from her, seemingly preparing himself to oversee the physical. She quickly stripped off her uniform and draped a robe over herself, then nimbly sat on the edge of the examination table.

  “Ah, excellent.” Haydon smiled as he turned around.

  Katrina gave him a nervous laugh, watching his strange blue eyes admiring her. She felt a warm, elated sensation course through her. She enjoyed the looks she got from most men and some women, but when the object of her own admiration was enthralled by her as much as she as by him, it was a whole new ball of wax altogether.

  Ava spilled the beans on her bodily reactions, further adding to her embarrassment.

  “It’s natural to react the way you are.” Haydon laughed. “It’s not every day you strip naked in front of a total stranger.”

  “I… uh, yeah.” Katrina mumbled, trying to avoid eye contact.

  Haydon placed his hands on her shoulders to gently push
her down onto the table. She reacted with a jerk, a wave or electricity rippled though her like never before. She gasped and closed her eyes, exhaling in rapid bursts.

  “Pulse elevation up 6.28 percent.” Her sensor purred.

  “Hey, relax.” Haydon’s dreamy voice drifted over her. “Calm down, take it easy. We’re just getting started.”

  She opened her eyes to his handsome face looming over her. He had a small laser light in his hand and directed the warm beam over her brow. It was a device to pick up the condition of the skin and hair. She recognized it from her training. She sighed. He was a doctor after all, and just doing his job. Her heart rate began to ease, and she didn’t need Ava to let her know that, though the sensor dutifully did.


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