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Filled! Page 99

by Lexi Hots

  Therefore, by the time the pod landed on the planet, that was supposed to be strange to her, she did not feel foreign at all. She had done enough research to know what she should expect, in addition to talking to Xavier about the planet and therefore, for the first time in longer than she could ever remember, Hailey felt like she was home.

  When the door to the pod opened, the first face she saw was familiar to her and she smiled.

  “Xavier?” She asked, even though she was sure, by the expression and the depth of his eyes, besides the almost perfect likeness he had to the pictures and holograms she had received of him, that she was only speaking in question because it made sense to her.

  “Yes…” He answered and put his hand out to help her out of the pod, “You are even more beautiful in person than in all of the pictures that you sent.” His yellow eyes flashed while his lips coiled back into a toothy smile as she took his hand.

  Xavier was dark, almost purple, with smooth skin and eyes that glowed. He wore very little, which allowed Hailey to immediately take note of his perfectly toned muscles. There were certain aspects of him that looked human, such as his hair, his torso and his expression, but other than that, there was no universe where he would ever be taken for anything other than an extra-terrestrial on Earth.

  However, Hailey supposed that it was she who was the alien here. That was alright though. She could get used to that. After all, the people from this planet were the ones who had reached out to Earth, so surely there are more of them who agree that having an interconnection with the humans is a good idea.

  Also, she knew that it would be interesting to her to see what it was like to actually be the alien.

  “I could say the same for you,” She answered, smiling back at him. It was then that she realized the two of them were not alone.

  There were three different aliens standing in the room where she had landed. There was one who looked like a scientist, or a doctor, complete with the white lab coat, which looked even brighter against his bright red skin, a man who looked a lot like an assistant, jotting notes down eagerly on something that resembled a computer tablet and another alien who looked the most like Xavier, but if she had to guess, she would say he was a bit younger.

  Turning around, Xavier replied, “This is Dr. Ziller Tillette, Edward Frera, his assistant and my cousin, Willander. He came along to help retrieve your things,” He smiled and Hailey looked around at the men.

  She nodded and answered, with a timid expression, “It is very nice to meet you.”

  Normally, Hailey didn’t have a bashful bone in her body, but being that she was on another planet, she figured she would give herself a little leeway when it came to interacting.

  Even though she was used to seeing Xavier, she had never been the only human in the room before and that struck her more strangely than she would have imagined.

  Thankfully, her hopeful husband to be was excited to take her home and therefore, he told them that if it was alright, he would like to take her to a less stimulating environment.

  Although the doctor said it was fine and thus, she was able to follow Xavier out of the room and soon enough, out of the building where the pods landed and onto the town where another pod took them back to the house that she supposed she would live in, if everything worked out between the two of them she quickly realized that as long as she was with Xavier, it would be very difficult not to be stimulated.

  There was something about not only the way he looked, but his personality and aura that not only intrigued Hailey, but also ignited a fire inside of her that she hoped would never extinguish.

  Over the next couple of days, Xavier showed her around the town and the two of them seemed to pick up right where they had left off in their messages to one another.

  She explained what had happened with her mother and Xavier comforted her.

  To Hailey, she felt as though she had known Xavier forever. It was hard for her to believe that they had only known one another for a few months and now that she was here, in his world, with him, having the time of her life, feeling more alive than she had ever felt, she couldn’t imagine how she had lived her life without him in it.

  However, even though the tension grew between them and they even set a date to be wed, knowing now that the feelings they had for one another were real, the two of them wanted to wait for the right moment to consummate their relationship.

  Xavier wanted Hailey to tell him, since he knew that she had never been with a human man, let alone an alien before and he wanted the experience to be wonderful, but he was sure that wouldn’t be able to happen if she was nervous.

  Therefore they waited until one night, when the moment just struck, exactly as Xavier said it would.

  The two were sitting out on Xavier’s back deck, enjoying the feel of the breeze that was uncommon for the usually hot climate of his planet. The stars here were bright and encompassing, much more impressive than any night she had ever remembered on earth.

  The two had talked about many things that night as they held one another close under the stars but one of the conversations that continued to play in Hailey’s head was the one where she had told Xavier that she had finally sent a message to her mother, informing her of the wedding and her invitation.

  Hailey was nervous, because she had not heard from her mother since she arrived on this planet and she didn’t want her mother to ruin her happiness, either by not responding at all, or doing something to hurt her during the preparation, or during the wedding.

  After all, the last she had heard, her mother was still furious at her for leaving, despite all that she and Xavier had done for her and her sisters.

  Xavier explained to her that no matter what happened, she would have him and while that made her content, she still hoped that her mother not only attended the wedding, but did so with a happy heart.

  Therefore, the conversation had ended up dying off.

  Yet, wanting to get back to something more lighthearted, after sitting in silence for a while, Hailey thought of yet another question she had wondered about.

  “Xavier?” She asked and he rested his gleaming yellow eyes on her.


  “I have been here a few weeks now…and I haven’t seen any women…of your kind.”

  He smiled, which caused his lips to carefully curl up, around his ears as he answered, “Why…Yes…I know. Women for our race are possible, but very rare.” He took her hand and answered, “As we believe all females should be, our race cherishes those who are born female more so because of how rare the gender is to our species. Every female is treated like royalty…in a way, they are royalty due to their rarity and therefore, every male wants her for his wife. However, when we found out that mating with human females, although it is a mixed species, can carry out our bloodline, we contacted earth and began the exchange program…” He shrugged and answered, “Much like in your world, the mail-order-bride system was brought to our planet for the same reason that we understand the practice originally started; a lack of suitable wives in a specific area.”

  After listening to his explanation and deeming that it made sense to her, she answered, “Okay, so why did you join the program?”

  “I could ask you the same thing? You might have a more colorful answer,” he observed.

  Hailey smiled before she answered, “I was really just looking for adventure. I was tired of my old life. My mother wasn’t very useful when it came to truly getting her family what they needed and I was tired of living life her way.” She shrugged, “I never agreed with the way my mother handled anything. I was always the one who tried to make everything right when really, there was nothing that was going to make her see the truth. She was just stuck in her old ways…It isn’t her fault. That is just the way she is.”

  His eyes glistened as he answered, “Well, I suppose the reason that I joined the program was because I was tired of doing things the old way as well. I have always been curious about humans and while s
ome of the old-world elders of our kind insist that it is blasphemy to intertwine our genes, I believe it is something more of an evolution,” he shrugged and put his arm around her before he added, “Plus, this life is lonely without someone to share it with.”

  It was then that it happened. Even though she was still nervous, she realized at that moment exactly what she wanted. Finally, Hailey was ready.


  Feeling the intense racing of her heart, she looked over at him with a sense of excitement. For obvious reasons, she had never met anyone like Xavier before, but there was something else; a sense of depth in their connection that she could not ignore. There was something there. She wasn’t sure what it was, exactly, but it was definitely a deeper connection that she felt, bursting through the two of them with an intensity and excitement that was throbbing through her body, causing it to ache with need.

  Hailey had always been too busy trying to survive to give into any temptation, but even still, there was nothing that she had ever felt which had this kind of effect on her. She was happy to have such a strong sensation.

  Part of Hailey thought that it was just because he was so new to her, but there was another, stronger urge inside of Hailey that was sure it had far more to do with a deep, instinctive connection that only the two of them could truly understood.

  Before she could even really comprehended what she was doing, she locked eyes with Xavier and bent her head in towards him. The gleam in his eyes was intriguing. He carefully placed his arm around her and the two of them began to reach in.

  She smiled at him as she thought seriously about what they were about to do. She knew that she wanted him, but that want also came with a slight sense of fear.

  After all, this was the first time that she was in such a serious situation. Still, as their lips moved closer to one another and then, eventually, she felt herself become entranced within him as their mouths touched, she felt a shock of excitement rocket through her body.

  She smiled behind his lips as she felt his strong hands and long fingers curl around her, pulling her closer. The taste of him was like nothing she had ever experienced before. His tongue was almost cool to the touch, while his core was burning hot. He expelled a sense of allure that kept her guessing. She wanted him intensely now as everything that he was poured over her.

  Hailey felt a shiver run down her spine.

  Xavier then flicked his tongue inside of her mouth in a way that caused her to grasp ahold of him tightly and lean heavily into him, so that she might enjoy the very essence of everything that he was giving her.

  Xavier continued to indulge her in his essence as he stroked her mouth with his kisses and her bodice with his delightful hands.

  She groaned as she arched her back so that he could pull her towards him.

  The night air cooed and lulled the two of them. Even though she was sure that no one would see them, the thought of being exposed, out in the opened, with the possibility of being caught was apparent in her mind and caused her to feel an even deeper level of excitement and contentment.

  Feeling inspired by the way that he was touching her and what Xavier was awakening inside of her, she began to pull away from him slightly, allowing his lips to fall away from her own, while her hands coursed down his already naked torso. His body was smooth to the touch, but rippled perfectly under her fingers as she lowered her hands down to his waist.

  “Are you sure?” He asked her with a smile playing at his lips.

  Instead of answering him though, she simply began to fondle with his pants, unbuttoning them to expose his massive rod to her.

  With one glance, it didn’t take experience to tell that he was already growing hard and that caused her to feel a sense of contentment shoot through her bones, which encouraged her to continue with what she had already started.

  Without breaking eye contact, Hailey lowered herself off of the chair that they were enjoying together and slid onto her knees.

  Then, using large motions, she peeled Xavier’s pants down until she could observe the perfection of his thighs and the taut muscles that wound down his legs. Feeling slightly overwhelmed for a moment, instead of reaching for the pulsing man member that was standing erect between those perfect legs of his, she decided that she should heat herself up a little bit more before delving in by running her hands up and down his smooth, yet virile skin.

  As she touched him, growing closer to his protruding rod, she felt her heartrate continue to speed up and when she finally wrapped her hands around him, they both shared a groan that seemed to have just burst out of the both of them at the same time.

  Xavier’s breath was heavy when he exhaled after initially feeling her bare skin against him, while his head moved backwards and his golden eyes closed, allowing himself to cast before her now as one complete, majestic, yet entirely masculine shadow.

  However, holding his hot, throbbing sex in his hands, she knew that he was far more than just a shadow; he was everything she had ever dreamed of and so much more.

  Almost as though he was telling her exactly what it was he wanted her to do, her hands moved on instinct, coursing up and down and causing him to sink lower in the chair, so that she could fulfill him more completely.

  Once she felt she needed to progress from just touching him though, instinctively, she felt the urge to take him solidly into her mouth.

  However, she first paused to stare at it for a moment. She was sure of what she wanted to do, but it was strange that it came natural to her.

  “Go on…” He urged as Hailey felt his staff of life wriggle back and forth in her hand. She glanced up at him and smiled before she moved in slowly and carefully pressed her lips against the tip.

  The warmth of it caused her lips to tingle carefully, which excited her down to her depths. She had not removed an inch of clothing and yet, the intimacy she felt with him now caused her own womanliness to squirt excitedly, while she felt the depths of her essence begin to become intensely aroused.

  After a moment and with an encouraging groan from Xavier, she pressed him through her lips and then opened her mouth, so that she could take his fiery brand into her mouth completely.

  Once her lips were surrounding him, she eased herself down and then pulled back up, before thrusting him into her and down her throat again.

  Easily, she made her way back up, before her hands played with the rest of his manliness, which caused him to moan with excitement again. This, once again was encouraging to Hailey and so when she moved her mouth up this time, she carefully coiled her tongue around his tip, before she submerged him deeply into her mouth again.

  This caused an even more intense reaction. Hailey liked where this was going, not just because of how she was making Xavier feel, but also because of the change she felt in her own sensual satisfaction.

  After a few more times, she felt herself get into a careful rhythm which helped her to grow into a deeper sense of anticipation of what exactly was in store for her.

  Hailey groaned as she took him deep into her throat and felt his flesh quiver, rocking her whole body and causing her to writhe as well. The feeling caused her to want to speed up, but when she did, she felt Xavier grasp her and pull her up, before she released him long enough to get lost in his glorious eyes.

  “Not so fast…” He answered and motioned for Hailey to come back up towards him.

  Hailey did as she was instructed.

  Xavier then stood up, walked the short distance between them and then took no time in beginning to disrobe her.

  Due to the heat, she wasn’t wearing much, but even still, the quick, encompassing motion she felt in him pulling all of her clothes all at once, was sleek and sexy, but also extremely revealing.

  Instinctively, she covered herself, but Xavier pulled her arms away from her bodice commanding, “No. You’re beautiful. You have no reason to hide,” then, when his eyes raised back to hers, he added, “You never have to hide from me.”

  His hands then quickly a
nd eagerly grasped around her neck. He then hastily brought her towards him and pressed his lips against her own, while that cool, yet heated to the core tongue moved swiftly into her mouth, penetrating almost as deeply as she had gotten his heat a few moments before.

  Feeling the tingling now enticing her entire body, she groaned and grasped onto him, before he spun her around.

  She laughed behind his lips, feeling a rush overcome her, but once they had made it completely around, Xavier released her with such a random motion that she wondered if she had done something wrong.

  However, without missing a beat, Xavier sat back down and turned around on the large chair, willing her to sit between his legs, with her back facing him.

  Even though Hailey was confused about what exactly was going on, she did what he told her to do and when she was settled, she felt his legs wrap around her naked body instantly.


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