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Filled! Page 148

by Lexi Hots

  Indeed, it was a wise choice to begin her travels this far out, despite the initial inconvenience. Yet, good lord! What a pretty day it was! Nobody could have asked for a more perfect afternoon.

  And so, the cheerful woman, with her enticing, perky breasts, had stared out the windows at the passing scenery. In some places consisting of elegant terrain or colorful mountains, and in others, sweeping by cozy little towns as they continued on their scheduled journey. It was to be a three day adventure of the best kind!

  No work, no stress, no responsibilities...

  But, of course, things rarely go as planned – especially when you're in the presence of a handsome stranger -- one equipped with a body to die for and a smile to lose yourself in... Not to mention a package large enough to fill an airplane hangar...



  Brenda grinned, sinking back into her chair, letting out a sigh of relief. The dull, quiet hum of the heavy wheels sliding along the track was both relaxing and liberating – a constant reminder that she had actually done it! That this wonderful, pleasant girl, equipped with a shy demeanor, and her virgin eyes, coupled with that coy smile, had really said enough was enough! As she handed in her notice for the vacation, having left her hateful boss, Mr. Spiggletoe, in complete and utter disbelief. There was no way he imagined the dutiful, reserved woman to dare cross him with this sudden departure. Not in a million years! Where would he get his daily dose of eye-candy from now, with her absence? The fool!

  Yet, here she sat. And it was this thought which put a smile upon her lips as she glanced out the window yet again – peeping into the vast wilderness all around. Brilliant green trees, endless mountains, a few streams and some cute animals scurrying along at the sound of the train. She had even begun to forget about the way her breasts bounced and jiggled with each new motion and turn of the track (resulting in another pair of debauched eyes staring at her chest). Those shy arms unfolded themselves, lowering down to the rests on either side – resulting in a very pleasing display of cleavage from the pretty lass.

  Brenda was a fortunate girl, for she was born with a splendid amount of beauty and sex appeal – something which had garnered her more attention than she cared to mention. The vile, watering mouths of countless men, gawking and perving on her untouched body. Only those true scoundrels, such as Mr. Spiggletoe, would even think to shake their head in disgust as such a perfect woman. Though his hatred came from being unable to possess the girl... With a body so desirable and comely, the attractive figure proved irresistible to all those with even half a brain!

  But, it seemed most men didn't have half a brain at that rate. As Brenda had never been able, not until this point anyway, to secure herself a man. Though this may have been more in part to her nervous, self-conscious behavior than any extra wrinkle or slight blemish here or there. Why such a pretty girl would ever look down on herself was a mystery. A terrible and painful riddle. With that soft, tempting figure and boundless seduction dripping from every pore... No one could be certain why she felt so insecure.

  However, just at that moment, when all seemed to be going so well and cheerful – as if often the case, trouble struck in even the most peaceful of scenarios.



  A loud, high-pitched cackling could be heard from across the aisle. Just a few seats over, in fact. A kind of hissing laugh. Not too attractive in the least, and all the more repulsive. The sort you would imagine belonging to some filthy hobo or some other such disreputable character.

  And, as Brenda Bumfree peered around the corner cushion of the chair in front of her, she could indeed see that the two men cackling away were of a despicable nature. Dressed in fairly fashionable clothing, yet there remained a kind of unpleasant quality to the men. A pair of mutts so smelly and abhorrent that not even the most expensive of attires could mask their rotten personalities. This is what the pair of men appeared to be. And judging by their pointing fingers, the ones aimed directly at Brenda, she could tell that no complimentary talk was leaving their mouths. In fact, it seemed to be quite the opposite.

  The scrawnier of the two fellows leaned over, whispering something into his friend's ear – and then stretched his hands out far in front of him, one of them made into a fist, as if he were simulating a questionable sexual act...

  This brought about even more of the nasty cackles. Loud, barking noises with a bit of wheezing mixed in. An entirely off-putting sound, to say it lightly. More pointing and laughing, if you can call it that, ensued. The men were obviously enjoying themselves at the expense of someone else – quite easily the high point in their meager little lives, never happier. In this case, it seemed to be that dear sweet virgin Brenda was their target of ridicule.

  She simply spun her body toward the window once again, attempting to block out their horrid guffaws. And here, it seemed that she could begin to hear a few of the hateful words being bantered about. Something along the lines of, “Whore,” “Titty,” and “Suck 'em good.” Each one being punctuated by the terrible cackling immediately afterward.

  It wasn't the first time poor Brenda had been the butt of someone's joke – she did work for Mr. Spiggletoe, after all. But nonetheless, it still hurt every time it happened. And though the well-mannered girl did her best to block out the noise, and instead focus on the beautiful scenery, there wasn't much to be done. The pair of mutts were relentless in their quest for humor – failing greatly, but pressing on with an ever increasing intensity, regardless.

  You could hear several other passengers begin whispering, their eyes craning around to see what the commotion was about. A few shook their head in disgust at the young, spiteful men. While others looked over at Brenda with contemptuous eyes, nodding in agreement with the two barking fellows. This sent an immediate rush of embarrassment straight down to the sensitive girl's insides. As if there were a dozen Mr. Spiggletoes riding just beside her – casting those disdainful stares straight down on the self-conscious woman.

  Brenda squirmed uncomfortably in her chair, doing anything she could to distance herself from the scenario. Though all seemed to be rather futile. She had nowhere to go, and no way in heck was she going to stand up and walk off. That would be far too humiliating to walk past the howling men and those mean eyes. No one dared to intervene on her part.

  And just when it seemed that no relief was in sight, that no one would come to her aid, she heard the conductor shouting out, “Final stop before the real journey begins! Tinder Town! Final stop!”

  And with that, the train slowly began coming to a halt – large gusts of steam flowing into the air as the sound of scraping metal filled the caboose.

  A thousand desperate thoughts raced through the woman's saddening mind. How could she possibly stay on a train like this? Being mocked and belittled for three endless days! It would be a far worse fate than simply having to see Mr. Spiggletoe looking on contemptuously. It was an easy choice in the end, she thought. Brenda simply didn't have it in her to remain on this train for a second longer! And with the train coming to a stop, she pulled herself upright, hopping free of the chair and scurrying down the aisle, fleeing with the greatest shame imaginable. All the while being heckled mercilessly by the cruel mutts and their wheezing cackles.

  “Run skankbag!” The scrawny one cried out, slapping his knee with a hoot.

  Brenda covered her sides with both arms, trying to hide the body she so intensely disliked in these moments. That heavenly, carved, supple and sensuous figure.

  And just then, as the train came to a rest – she reached out for the rear door, only moments from flinging herself from the car.

  But, wouldn't you know it... once again, things rarely go as planned.



  With her heart beating rapidly beneath that bosomy chest, young Brenda fought back the tears of sorrow as she lunged for the door – gripping the cold handle in her soft, warm hand, she gave it a steady yank. Such a pitiable attempt for escape it was. T
he dream vacation having turned into a nightmare of monumental proportions. The story of her life... one big disappointment. Never having a man, never having the peace of mind she craved... And what high hopes she had! All Brenda Bumfree wanted was a man to treat her as a lady, not as a slab of meat!

  And just like that, she felt the nip of cold air flowing in from the outside as the door slid ajar. A most welcome and wanted sensation, letting her know that the ruffians back in the train would soon be gone from her life. That was all she cared about in this moment of panic and shame.

  But as the woman charged forward...



  The beautiful girl ran smack-dab into a brick wall, or so it felt. A miraculously warm and large barrier of sorts. With such an impact that her soft body was flung backwards from the shock, her boobs swinging upward and outward. It seemed a fall was imminent at this point. Young Brenda had lost all semblance balance, all control. One mishap after another on this best of days, it seemed...

  And then, just as she had resigned herself to fall, to plummet as it were, in a horrid and humiliating fashion – right down to the feet of those dastardly cackling mutts... a large hand reached in from the train's open door, grabbing firmly onto her wrist and preventing the gorgeous, mocked gal from descending any farther.

  She had been saved!

  In one miraculous show of strength and fortitude, some person had possessed the power to stop her spiraling body, in mid fall without so much as a flinch or wavering movement. It was as if she had been tethered to a post, and had suddenly reached the end of her rope. An instant stop. And yet, the hand which grasped her wrist was one of the gentlest she had ever felt. There was no jarring motion or painful jerking – only an instantaneous life-saving maneuver.

  The startling act was so surprising that everyone in attendance stared on with mouth agape. None could believe the spectacle they had just witnessed – the saving of this inimitable beauty. And all with no effort!

  “Did you see that!” One of them passengers called out.

  But none were so shocked as young, virginal Brenda herself. She remained there, half bent over to the rear, just as the man pulled her forward to an erect position.

  “Oh my, I'm so sorry about that, miss,” the masculine voice intoned, with a marked degree of charm flowing out. “I didn't expect anyone to be rushing off the world-famed travel train.”

  A slight laugh left the lips of this mysterious, powerful stranger, still holding onto her wrist.

  And at last, Brenda had regained her senses. Slowly at first, but in time they did return. That is when she first took sight of the man... the rugged, handsome fellow with piercing eyes and broad shoulders. The one staring right into her own chocolatey orbs. A jolt of intense, and carnal emotions coursed throughout her body at once. From head to toe and everywhere in between, and especially a very specific place right between her thighs... as the untouched woman's naughty bits began to warm, tingling with an unknown excitement.

  For the man was a brilliant specimen of virility. Those rippling muscles were evident even through his outer clothing. There was little wonder that he possessed more than enough strength to twirl Brenda around like a tiny gymnast, let alone perform the laughable task of stopping her in mid-fall.

  The lusty girl's heart thumped like an antsy rabbit foot, banging away on a tree limb. Constant and growing beats of exhilaration. She had never beheld such a man before. The way his hair swept over to one side of his face, revealing the angular cheek bones and sturdy jaw structure. A gorgeous man, to say the least. She was smitten upon first sight, rendered speechless by his impressive physique – and not only that, but the gentle, yet seductive nature of his movements. A kind of relaxed ease which she found entirely irresistible. The clothes he wore signifying that this was a fellow of great importance.

  “I, I, I...” She sputtered, unsure how to form words at all.

  “Yes?” The mysterious man grinned, showing a row of white, straight teeth.

  And after a brief pause, where Brenda had remained silent, the stranger took it upon himself to assist the stunned girl.

  “Surely you're not getting off the travel train?” He questioned in a sultry tone.

  Mmm... the way he had said the words getting off sent a wave of dirty thoughts into the mind of the suddenly aroused Brenda.

  “I could get off,” she said coyly, almost unconsciously.


  “Oh could you?” He laughed, eyeing her tempting breasts with a furtive glance (though long enough to let Brenda know it had occurred). “Well, I'd rather a pretty girl like you stay on the train. I think you'd be missing out on the biggest thrill of your life, and not only that, but you'd be depriving me of your lovely company.”

  “You... you want me to stay on you? Err-- stay on the train!” She blurted, correcting herself, growing red in the cheeks.

  “Of course! Why did you want to leave in the first place?”

  And suddenly the two mutts in the rear sunk far into their seats, not wanting to rile the large fellow in the least.

  “Well...” Brenda began, struggling to find her words. “I, I, I just didn't feel comfortable...”

  “Oh? Why not?” The handsome man asked. “It's much too early for you to get off,” he winked.

  And here Brenda couldn't help but notice the overt sexual nature of the man's comment, or at least she thought it was. That wink which had descended down to her sculpted midsection and invitingly toned thighs. Not to mention the ample bosom.

  “It is?” She asked hesitantly. “And when can I get off?”

  “Well, you'll have to at least buy me a drink first,” he laughed – a warm and pleasant kind of guffaw. It instantly sent yet another rush of lust straight to Brenda's southern slit, already beginning to moisten at the thought of seeing this stranger strip down and ravage her body for the first time of the girl's life!

  “I think I could do that,” Brenda replied, smiling at last.

  “There we go,” the man grinned. “See, there's your sexy smile. I knew you had one hidden in those rosy cheeks.”

  Suddenly there came a hoarse voice from the rear.

  “Yeah,” the scrawny ruffian chimed in from his concealed location. “She's got enough loose holes to hide things alright...”

  That familiar repulsive cackling resumed at this comment. A sickening noise, just as it always had been, but even nastier now.

  “Hmm,” the big man nodded slowly, looking over in their direction. “Friends of yours?”

  Brenda Bumfree shook her head, letting it hang to the floor.

  “Ahh...” Her savior stroked his chin. “I see now. Well, why don't you and I sit down here together, miss? My name is Dr. Sebastian by the way. And you would be...?”

  A doctor! That explained his professional mannerisms.

  Here Sebastian extended his meaty hand toward the nervous girl. She had never held a man's hand like this before. Not one so gorgeous as him, anyway. And so it took a moment or two for her to regain enough courage and sense to grip the large fingers, stating her name.

  “Brenda,” she smiled weakly, as her eyes quickly darted toward the rear, angled at the ruffians.

  “Well Brenda,” Sebastian grinned. “Pleasure to see you here, now, shall we have a seat? You go ahead and plop down first. I won't take the comfy side.”

  This statement elicited a laugh from the flushed girl, causing her breasts to jiggle slightly in a rather provocative manner. It certainly didn't go unnoticed by Sebastian. He stared down at the supple funbags and then back into the eyes of Brenda, with his own piercing peepers, as if to say yes, I do like that.

  And here as Brenda sat down, Dr. Sebastian remained standing for a moment longer – although his reason was quite clear... to steal a glance of her delectable boobs. Those perky, plump things that were obviously stimulating the tall, imposing man. Brenda could feel the heat of his desire firing out from those beautiful eyes, transferring right over into her naughty
bits – still growing hotter and wetter by the second. Her breathing had quickened as a result of this close contact with the herculean figure.

  He had a strange, potent sense. Like that of a rugged and debonair man, yet mixed with something more natural and earthy. An animalistic smell. And as Sebastian stood above her, his wide body cast a large, hulking shadow onto the floor as if a giant (far larger than he) had just extended its hand to the sky for shade.


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