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Rule Breaker (Project ROOT Book 1)

Page 19

by Michele, Ryan

  The smirk dropped from the suit’s face and he cleared his throat. With a trembling hand, he reached up to adjust his tie.

  “Doctor Rae Kenzie,” the suit’s voice wobbled in fear.

  It was his turn to smirk at the man’s discomfort. No doubt about it, if he continued with his Billy Bad Ass act he’d have the dumbass pissing his pants.

  “Yes,” Rae replied, her voice clear as a bell.

  “You’ve been served.”

  Rae had class, instead of snatching it from the little pissant’s hand like he had, she reached out and gently removed it.

  “Thank you,” she said, holding up the folded paper in her hand.

  “Looks like your dinner plans have been ruined,” McNamara interjected.

  “Seems like it,” he replied, ignoring the suit.

  Giving up, the guy finally sulked back to his car.

  Those who had stopped to watch the drama unfold now whispered among themselves.

  “If I were you, I’d take the lady to a nice hotel and stay holed up a couple days,” his uncle advised.

  Unfolding the subpoena, he scanned legal jargon till he found the day and time he needed to report to testify. They didn’t waste any fucking time. “Seems like we’re not going home right now.” He tucked the subpoena into his coat jacket.

  Schoell approached them again, weaving slightly like he drank too much at an area bar. He tripped as he approached and started to fall toward their small group. Instead of walking around them this time, when he got close he stumbled into Asher. He went to reach for Alex to help right him, and his upper body bounced into his chest.

  Damn, he forgot how thick the big Texan really was. He knocked his breath from his lungs. He felt Alex’s hand slip into his jacket pocket. It all happened in a blink of an eye and anyone watching would have no clue Schoell just slipped him the keys to his truck.

  They’d ditch the sedan, find his truck, and drive to his uncle’s house to meet with the rest of the team.

  “Sorry, dude. I wasn’t paying attention where I was going,” Schoell slurred.

  “No problem. Hope you aren’t driving.”

  Schoell staggered and Asher reached out to steady him.

  “Not drunk,” he proclaimed as he staggered off.

  He turned his attention back to his uncle and Rae.

  “Please excuse us. We need to get going. We need to locate a hotel and contact our lawyers.”

  Senator McNamara nodded, then walked into the restaurant.

  Unwilling to keep Rae exposed, he placed his hand on her lower back and guided her down the street to where the sedan was parked. They walked right past it, strolling to the coffee shop. Rae played her part well. While they sipped at their coffee, she was on her phone, pretending to find a place for them to sleep. The feeling he had earlier dissipated as they continued to waste time.

  His phone dinged. Pulling it out of his pocket, he saw a message from O’Malley. His shadows had left. Callahan had booked them a room at some chain. They were clear to move to his truck, which was parked three blocks away.

  “You’re doing great, Rae,” he told her, giving her a smile.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Two days later, they walked down the steps of the Capitol. The congressional hearings were…interesting to say the least. The gala, on the other hand, had been an experience. Between the senators saying hello, to their wives questioning Rae’s job and how she could do it day in and day out, she’d needed several drinks.

  Some understood her. Some thought she was a saint for wanting to work in third-world countries. Unfortunately, those who thought she was a saint turned their nose up at her hard work and dedication. Others thought she’d been sent there to beg for money. Thankfully, Asher had been by her side helping her traverse the group of women.

  They danced. Drank wine worth more than ten years of her meager pay. She ate food that could have fed a small village for a month. It left a horrible taste in her mouth, just like sitting in front of the special intelligence committee to relive the nightmare her life had become. The only thing giving her comfort was the fact Asher sat in the audience, silently giving her strength.

  The questions had been circling at times. Statements she didn’t understand. What they wanted from her had become complete misdirection. Even oral quizzes in college weren’t this hard. She could see the calculation, the misgiving in those who listened to her as she spoke about her time in the village and what she experienced the day Lincoln and his men infiltrated the site.

  “It’s over,” Asher murmured as he held the SUV door open for her.

  “Yeah, something tells me it’s just the beginning.” A knot had formed in the pit of her stomach during the middle of her testimony. She thought it was due to nerves and figured it would ease up once she stepped outside. Instead, it got worse.

  “You’ve had to relive the worst day of your life.” He placed his hand in hers as they pulled away from the curb.

  If Lincoln thought he was going to pull some shitty stunt and say everything she’d said was inaccurate, or whatever bullshit lie a politician would say, he’d been sadly mistaken. At the last minute, Calvin, Wayne, and Paul were flown in to give testimony as well as Tinsman. With Asher’s help, they were also able to show how Lincoln isolated their companies, then dumped unsanctioned jobs in their laps. Morsels to keep the mice in play. Then, the committee treated Tinsman like a hostile witness.

  “I’ll be glad when we’re back at the base.” It would take a few days, though. Asher and his team still had to testify.

  “Soon, sweetheart.” He kissed her hand as they left the city behind and began to climb toward the mountainous region of Virginia.

  “I don’t think it went the way it was supposed to.” She couldn’t shake the feeling she missed something. Should have seen someone. It was irrational.

  “These things never do,” he answered. “It’s the outcome we’re here for. The senators who like Lincoln will throw softball leading questions for people helping him while hammering you. While others will help you. It’s how these things go. I hate it. Give me a gun and a mission, and I’m good to go.”

  “Give me an office and patients and I’m happy.” She gave a small smile. “What do we do after this?”

  She’d thought about getting on a ship and working out in the middle of the Indian Ocean, but the idea didn’t fit her life any longer. Heck, she didn’t think she could still work as a doctor. Too many people had seen her face. Too many people would question her ability to treat others.

  “Whatever you want. The selfish part of me hopes you’ll stay with us and work as the unit doctor. However, I know it’s your decision. What you do is up to you.” The vehicle pulled to a stop outside his uncle’s hunting cabin. “Right now, we’re going to grab some lunch and I’m going to assist in your unwinding.” He wiggled his brows.

  “Sure, unwinding.” She glanced up at the cabin and frowned. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. She was becoming a paranoid freak. Just relax. Nothing will get you out here. You’re safe. Everyone believes you’re hold up in some skeezy hotel.

  They walked into the cabin. Nothing was out of place. Nothing felt off. She laughed to herself as she headed for the kitchen. “Food.” Her stomach growled. As if on cue, her hunger returned with a vengeance.

  Asher came up behind her and wrapped her in his embrace. “I’m hungry, too.” He spun her around and placed her on the counter. “We don’t even have to cook.” He slid his hands up her thighs and skimmed her belly with his thumbs. His mouth covered hers in a demanding kiss, instantly heating her.

  She moaned his name as he nuzzled her neck, kissing and nibbling the sensitive skin. Rae scratched her nails down his back before dragging them back up. The way he attacked her, hinted at how much he desired her. He made a rumbling noise at the back of his throat and she swore she felt it in her clit. Her panties dampened with her arousal and she wiggled, needing more of his touch.

  “Hmm,” she
teased. “Sounds interesting.”

  He removed her blouse. The cool air of the cabin kissed her overheated skin. “It is.” After taking off her bra he removed her pants, then her panties, and threw them on the ground. He took a step back to remove his shirt. When he returned, he wrapped his mouth around her nipple and sucked. Sparks of pleasure went straight to her pussy. She clung to him, scraping his scalp as he moved to her neglected breast.

  “This isn’t eating.” She narrowed her eyes.

  “Oh, I’ll be feeding you shortly.” He ran his tongue over the hard bead. “Right now, I’m taking my fill of you.” He returned to teasing her. He sucked and nibbled, not fully biting down on her nipples.

  She rocked against him, desire flowing through her veins. She had to have him. She burned for him. He pulled the zipper down on his pants and fished his cock out. The thick, angry looking flesh made her mouth water, and lust pulsed through her. Asher stepped between her spread thighs and tugged her to the edge. With one stroke, he filled her. Oh yes, this was what she needed to take her mind off everything.

  “Hang onto me, sweetheart.” He retreated and filled her again. “Things are about to get wild.”

  “Bring it, Rainer.”

  * * * *

  Rae’s eyes fluttered open. The sun hung low in the sky. Behind her, Asher’s slow, steady breathing comforted her. They hadn’t eaten yet. Sex on the counter became sex on the stairs, then in the bed. His voracious appetite spurred her own and she’d been quite content to stay in bed the rest of the day.

  She replayed their conversation about him loving her. Deep down, she loved him, too. She could admit it. It was the timing, though. She’d only known him a few weeks. When she walked away from all this, what were the odds of it lasting? Greater than if she stuck with him and found their relationship waning without the continual action they seemed to thrive on. Yet, he said he wanted her to stick around. Be their doctor. Stay with him. Could she do it?

  The chances of her getting another job were slim to none. She’d most likely have to change her name and never be able to see her parents. However, if she stayed with Asher, seeing them wouldn’t be an issue. He wouldn’t keep her away from her family. What am I going to do?

  Telling him the truth seemed the easiest thing to do. Give him the opportunity to know how she felt about him. But it scared the shit out of her. Every big leap she made in her life had terrified her. It’d also been in those moments when she was the most scared that she’d found herself making the right decisions and finding her destiny. Perhaps this was another instance of the same.

  She rolled over in bed and studied his gruff features. Instead of the frown marring his brow, his features were soft with sleep. A day’s worth of scruff covered his cheeks, and his lashes lay against his cheeks. She pushed an errant lock of his hair from his forehead and grinned. Yes, she could enjoy loving Asher for the rest of her life, if he wanted her.

  A loud bang sounded downstairs, cutting her thoughts off. Asher’s eyes opened and his finger came to his mouth, signaling for her to not speak. With silent movements, he got out of bed and grabbed a pair of pants. He threw them on and motioned for her to stay put. Another sound came from downstairs, and she gripped the bedding tighter. He grabbed the shotgun from beside the door as he tiptoed out.

  Rae’s heart hammered. Her stomach soured. Her body had been screaming danger and she’d let her guard down. Unable to sit still and let Asher go on his own, she got out of bed and threw on her robe. She crept out of the room, hugging the wall to keep from being seen. From where she stood, she couldn’t see anything.

  Boom! The repeat of the shotgun startled her and she jumped. She covered her mouth to hold back the scream threatening to spill from her. Another loud boom echoed through the house before she could hear tussling. The grunts and shouts of men fighting grew closer to her. Two men were all over Asher. He wasn’t letting them get the best of him yet. He kicked and punched, pushing them away from the stairs. Rae inched closer to the steps, wanting to help, but afraid she’d only distract him.

  “Hello, Dr. Kenzie.” The cool press of metal dug into her side. “Rainer, stop. I’ve got your woman.”

  He stilled and turned toward where she stood. “Lincoln. I should have known you’d find us.”

  “Move.” He pushed her, urging her down the stairs to where the men had shoved Asher to the floor. Each man held one of his arms. “You couldn’t leave well enough alone, could you?”

  Fear tightened her throat. Her bottom lip trembled as she stood in front of the man who swore to protect her and who loved her. His face was bloody. His eye was swollen shut. He looked worse for the wear. How did Lincoln find them?

  “And let you get away with murder? Not on my watch.” Asher spat out a wad of blood.

  “All you had to do was turn your head. We’d have killed everyone.” He glanced at Rae. “Except you.”

  “Someone would have found out,” she muttered. “You’d still have been caught.”

  He fisted her hair and yanked her head back. “Shut up, bitch.”

  Pain bloomed along her scalp. Her eyes watered from the force. His wild, vicious stare met hers and she swore she saw pure evil. A man didn’t stand there. The devil did. She swallowed the whimper building at the back of her throat. Someone had to know Lincoln was there. Someone had to be coming for them. Where were the two guys who were supposed to be watching them?

  “If you hurt her, I swear to God, you will wish you never crossed my path,” Asher whispered.

  “You’re pathetic,” Lincoln snarled. “You can’t even hire good help.”

  Oh no. If the guards weren’t coming, it could only mean one thing. They were dead. She closed her eyes, unable to watch what was coming. Lincoln meant to kill them. “Why? What is this all for?”

  “Can’t you figure it out?” He chuckled. “Of course not. You’re only as smart as your gender can be.” The gun dug deeper into her side, causing her to wince.

  “You were close to getting caught.”

  “Of course, I was. Your damn uncle is a dog with a bone. He had questions about Barclay and about the missions our security firm were operating under. I had to get rid of all the evidence.”

  “What evidence?” There’d only be one reason he’d willingly tell them his plan. Well, if she was going to die, she wanted to know why. What made her village so important that his men killed one hundred thirty-six people and left scores of children orphaned?

  “Money laundering,” Asher answered. “Drugs. Uranium. What else?”

  Lincoln scoffed. “Drugs? Please. I had to make everything look like you and the cartel got into a firefight. I had to have a reason to pull my business out of Bogotá. After receiving the uranium shipment, I had a deal to settle up with. I couldn’t have anyone finding out the real reason I’d been there.”

  “So you killed everyone?” Rae stared at Lincoln with a horror-stricken expression on her face. “Why? What was the point? They did nothing to you. They were good, innocent people.”

  Lincoln laughed. “Innocent people? Come now, Dr. Kenzie. We both know the cartel would have eventually done the exact thing my team did. I expedited it.”


  Lincoln blew out a breath, appearing to grow weary of their questions. “Why not? It’s a great cover story. Village in Bogotá eliminated at the cartel’s hands. Giant corporation pulls out of the country over safety concerns. Meanwhile…” He sneered at her. Lincoln’s icy gaze only made Asher all the more determined to take him down. “The pieces of my plan would have fallen into place and no one’s the wiser. A sleight of hand, if you will.”

  “Who’d you sell it to?” Asher spat out more blood. “Russia? China? Iran?”

  Lincoln curled his lip as he stood. “No one. Seems your evidence made it to the committee, and I had to get rid of it.”

  Asher smirked. “We were too smart. But I’m thinking you’re still lying.”

  The guy standing beside Asher hit him again and L
incoln tsked.

  “You were. You shouldn’t have been out there. You all should have died in Bogotá.” He didn’t refute Asher’s statement. Instead, a sadistic smile twisted his lips. “Now, you will.”


  “In the kitchen is a thermobaric bomb, capable of wiping out an entire block. Way out here, no one will hear you. No one will be able to save you. Each window and door has a sensor. You trip it, it blows. You try to climb out, it blows. You’re stuck. You’ll die and the inquiry into Barclay will disappear. Then,” he glared at Asher, “I’ll deal with your uncle.”

  Her stomach dropped. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Everything she wanted to say would be for nothing. No more bucket list. No more sailing on some fucking ship to nowhere because she was afraid. She’d never get the chance to tell Asher she loved him. Never get to have anything meaningful with him.

  When it came down to the sum total of her life, she had nothing. Lincoln pushed her toward the men holding Asher and she fell into Asher’s body. His warm flesh couldn’t chase the chill that settled over her. They were going to die.

  “Tie them together,” Lincoln commanded. “Make sure no one can get in here then kill them.” He shrugged before he headed for the door. “By the time I take off, you’ll be a distant memory. Goodbye, Dr. Kenzie.”

  Lincoln strolled from the cabin while his goons did as he commanded. The cheerful tune he whistled on the way out grated against her nerves. How dare he fucking think they’d just roll over and die. As one of Lincoln’s men got closer to her, she kicked out, hitting him in the groin. He doubled over and she kicked him again in the side of the face. Pain and fire raced up her foot to her ankle then up her leg. She cried out as she fell to the floor.

  Asher left her side as he took on the other guard, snapping his neck within seconds. He stood before her, a bloody warrior ready and willing to continue his killing streak. He helped her up and she cried out. Her ankle wouldn’t hold weight, and already her toes were turning an ugly shade of blue.


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