Ivory White : A House of Misfits Standalone

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Ivory White : A House of Misfits Standalone Page 34

by Cambria Hebert

  She was warm and pliant in my lap, her lips giving and engaged.

  She gasped when I rolled, pinning her into the mattress, rising to slowly undo every button along her chest. When at last the buttons were undone, I parted the material around her, revealing all of her smooth skin.

  Night air brushed over her nipples, making them pucker. Dipping low, my tongue stroked up her abdomen, swirling around her small, perky globe before latching onto the hardened pebble and sucking lightly.

  Her groan tightened my cock, body arching up to push her flesh deeper into my mouth.

  “More.” She panted, and I was only too happy to oblige.

  Fingers dancing over her ribs and waist, I kissed and sucked until she squirmed beneath me.

  Parting her legs, I settled between them, coming back for another soft kiss, trailing down her neck to suck deeply just under her ear.

  Fingernails dug into my shoulder, and I rocked into her core, my hard length finding her softness.

  Reaching down, Ivory tugged at my waistband, whimpering with need.

  I loved watching her usually together exterior come undone. I loved playing with her until she was a begging mess beneath me.

  “What do you want, sweetheart?” I beckoned, teeth grazing over her collarbone.


  “You already have me.”

  She made a sound of irritation, hips reaching up for mine.

  Pulling away, I sat up between her thighs, making her startle with the sudden loss of body heat. Through half-closed eyes, she watched me, a beautiful pink blush spreading out all over her pale chest.

  “Tell me,” I commanded, reaching down to lightly pinch her nipple.

  “You.” She panted. “Inside me.”

  My boxers disappeared somewhere in the room, and I peeled the shirt off her arms, tossing it away too. Dipping my fingers between us, I found her slick heat nearly dripping with readiness and groaned out loud.

  When I swiped across her center, she quivered, and I used her natural lubrication to stroke my already throbbing cock.

  Leaning in, I latched onto the inside of her thigh, peppering kisses there, enjoying the way her throat vibrated with every little suck I performed.

  Pain prickled through my head when she pulled my hair, impatience getting the best of her.

  Chuckling hoarsely, I came over her, my swollen head nudging her entrance. Eyes rolling back in her head, she looked like a beautiful mess.

  One long stroke joined us, our groans mingling like the rest of us.

  When she reached for me, I went to her, not a single inch between our chests. Wrapping her up in my arms, I began to move, her tight, wet heat making me throb.

  Our bodies moved in tandem, rocking and sliding together, heavy breaths and deep moans filling the bedroom.

  “Neo,” she whimpered, body tightening under mine.

  Instead of plunging deeper, I pulled back, balancing my weight on my palms, staring down. “Look at me.”

  Her eyes fluttered, the blue barely visible because her pupils were blown wide. My arms shook with the effort to stay above her, to not move within her walls.

  “I won’t go anywhere without you ever again. I swear.”

  She pulled me back down, and my hips snapped forward, driving me so deep.

  Both of us let go at once, spiraling into pleasure together.

  Body spent, I rolled, carrying her with me so she was draped over my chest. I felt the tremble in her thighs and the thundering of her heart, making me smile smugly at the ceiling.

  “Bet Ethan never did that.”

  “What?” she murmured, her voice husky and deep.

  “Nothing,” I said, pushing her cheek back onto my chest.

  “Are you jealous of Ethan still?” She giggled.

  “No.” I scowled.

  “I never slept with Ethan.”

  My head left the pillow. “Seriously?”

  “Ethan isn’t interested in me.”

  “Every man is interested in you,” I rebuked, unable to get too salty because my body was so satisfied.

  “Not every prince wants a princess.” She giggled again.

  “Huh?” I grunted, staring up. When it clicked, shock made my head rise again. “Are you saying Ethan is gay?”

  “I’m saying you shouldn’t worry about other men because the only one I want is you.”

  Cupping the back of her head, I kissed her, possession rippling through my middle. “Good. Because you’re mine, and I’m never letting you go.”

  “Two people from two different worlds, but love doesn’t care,” she whispered, tracing small circles over my chest, her breath tickling my skin. “Love will bind us together forever.”

  Gathering her close, I peppered her face with gentle kisses until she curled into my neck and sighed with happiness. Happiness I thought I would never know again.

  This raven-haired beauty might have stepped from between the pages of a storybook, but I realized I didn’t have to be a prince to love her because we’re all stories in the end.

  And it’s up to us to give our stories a chance.


  A few months later…


  * * *

  Nerves buzzed around inside me like a bunch of bees, occasionally bumping into me, stinging and making me catch my breath.

  Today was a departure for me. I was stepping way outside of the box.

  Well… Okay, I’d been living outside the box for a while now. Maybe this was more of me dragging the box back into my world?


  Our world.

  This was me mixing our worlds to create something shared. Something better.

  “Are you ready?” Charles, my trusty right-hand man, asked, bustling up beside me with about three clipboards balanced in his arms. There was a headset over his head and a small mic reaching toward his lips.

  “Of course,” I said, putting on that air of confidence I always wore.

  In truth, I wanted to vomit, but never let them see you sweat.

  He ran off, shouting something to one of the models, and I pulled in a calming breath.

  Warm arms and a familiar scent enveloped me from behind. Leaning back, I soaked in some comfort before pulling free and turning to face him.

  Neo looked amazing in my new collection, which really wasn’t a surprise considering most of it was inspired by him.

  And today was the day I would reveal it to the world. I wasn’t sure if the Upper East Side was ready for street couture, but I was about to find out.

  The entire line was inspired by my adventures in the Grimms, by the people I’d met and things I’d seen. My goal was to bring some of that to the Upper East Side… with an upscale feel of course.

  The tailored jacket Neo wore was made of plaid, but the fabric was superior quality and the cut accentuated his broad shoulders and lean waist. His jeans were belted, accented with paint splatters, and the white button-down he wore beneath the jacket had my logo embroidered on the breast—a mirror.

  Across his chest (but under the jacket), he wore a black leather bum bag, the strap angling over his chest. The pocket of his jacket was filled with paintbrushes.

  Not even the harness strapped over his outfit could detract from the way he pulled the outfit off. He was exactly what I wanted to convey, street attitude with high style.

  “Be careful, okay?” I said, tipping back my chin to gaze up at him.

  Smiling, Neo tugged on my loose curls and pecked a kiss to the tip of my nose. “You too, princess. Those heels look dangerous.”

  I was wearing one of my original designs as well, a pair of pleated, high-waisted jade pants cuffed at the ankles. Tucked in was a silk print top with a modern, colorful paisley pattern. The sleeves belled around my elbows, the silk flowing whenever I moved. The boatneck accentuated my collarbones, and the hot-pink heels strapped to my feet were the perfect finishing touch. Nearby on a rack, I had a long hot-pink trench coat to pair with the ou

  The models began to line up, all of them wearing gorgeous street couture presented by Reflection. I was proud of this collection. It gave me a feeling of coming full circle.

  “Gotta go!” Neo said, rushing off before I could even yell good-bye.

  I’d come to realize I would never have the chance to say good-bye with Neo… because there would never be another good-bye.

  Behind the scenes, I watched everyone take their places, and then suddenly, the show was beginning.

  Music, heavy on the beat, started up, and lights flicked on, illuminating the white runway and stage. The only decoration was an oversized mirror with an ornate gold frame against the back wall.

  The music continued to vibrate through the space, creating energy and a bit of anticipation. The crowd that sat in the dark started to buzz and then hushed when a man in a harness dropped from overhead, scaling the back wall.

  I watched proudly as Neo pulled out a few cans of spray paint and started turning the white walls into incredible pieces of art right before everyone’s eyes.

  Another spotlight flicked on, and the strong hum of a violin cut through the music, mixing and mingling with passion to create a brand-new beat. Into the spotlight stepped Fletcher, also wearing one of my designs.

  He swayed and moved with the rhythm he played, the music coming from him and not the instrument in his hands.

  And then the models were walking. Moving down the runway like they were in fact on the street. Even though the rows of guests were in the shadows, I still watched their faces and reactions, the entire place humming with life and vibrancy.

  At first, I thought there was more shock than anything. The edgy, colorful designs were unexpected, but then everything began to shift. The painting Neo was creating before their eyes began to take shape, and the music Fletcher played began flowing through their veins.

  By the time I walked to the end of the catwalk, the applause was so deafening that tears blurred my vision.

  “May I introduce Fletcher.” I spoke into the mic, turning to point at Fletch. He beamed, cheeks all pink, and took a small bow. “And our resident artist who actually hand painted a few of our limited-edition pieces,” I said, turning to the other side of the stage. “Neo.”

  But he wasn’t there.

  The clapping began to fade, and people started to whisper.

  Peering backstage, I looked for my lover, but he was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, wild applause erupted, and I spun back toward the crowd.

  My ankle chose that moment to roll, and the hot-pink heel tilted underfoot.

  My life practically flashed before my eyes as horror filled me at the thought of busting my well-dressed behind on the stage in front of everyone who was everyone in fashion.

  But I didn’t fall.

  Neo dropped from the ceiling, harness still snug around him, scooping me up and placing me back on my own two feet.

  More applause erupted, and I laughed as he smiled alongside me.

  “Neo, everyone,” I said, a little breathless.

  Plucking the mic out of my hand, he put it against his lips, dark hair falling over his forehead and a charming smile, filled with dimples, on full display. “And your designer, Ivory White.”

  The dull roar of whistling and cheers rose around us as I gazed through the crowd to find Beau sitting in the audience right beside Virginia, who was beaming so brightly. It meant so much to me that they were here, that all the misfits came to my world.

  No… that they embraced our new world.

  Gazing toward the back into a dark corner near the door, I smiled, unable to see Earth but knowing absolutely he was there.

  He said he wouldn’t come, but family always showed up for family. Maybe you might ask how I could forgive someone who did something so bad?

  But you know what? He did good things too. Maybe he’s the villain in your eyes, but in mine, he was just a man who deserved a second chance.

  Neo pushed the mic back into my hands, and I smiled at the audience, making sure I ended the show as I always did.

  “Remember, the most beautiful reflection in the mirror is yours.”

  Neo’s lips brushed over my ear, his whisper creating small tingles all along my scalp. “No, princess, the most beautiful reflection in every mirror is most definitely yours.”

  “You’re biased,” I whispered back.

  “You’re damn right.” He confirmed, sweeping me off my feet, kissing me for all the world to see.

  You know what I’m going to say next, right?

  * * *

  We lived happily ever after.


  Once upon a time, there was an author…

  It’s me. I’m the author.

  And though I’ve written roughly fifty titles, the act of writing never gets any easier (for me). Mirror, mirror on the wall, can this girl even write at all? The past fifty projects don’t really feel like proof of anything because I often taunt myself with the “you’re only as good as your next book” thought.

  So I struggled. A lot. I can’t really describe it fully, and I won’t bother to bore you with a note trying to. But the fact remains that I have struggled this year with writing. Not really writer’s block, but confidence? Motivation? Inspiration? Validation? Maybe I struggled with those things.

  So here we are in late August, and this is my first complete novel of the year. Truth is I started this book back in January. I made it about 30k in and then stopped. I didn’t write for many months, but finally, I put my butt back in the chair and picked this book back up again.

  I won’t lie. This was a struggle. I doubted myself the entire way through, and I doubt myself even now that it’s finished. I will say that I tried my very best, and I tried to put emotion into this book in whatever the characters were experiencing in the moment. I really try to make the reader feel and not read. You know? I want you to experience the world, just not have me tell you about it.

  I don’t know if I was successful here, but I did try. I also worry that many of you waited so long for a new book and this will be a disappointment. If you are disappointed by this book, I am sincerely sorry.

  Also, this was a bit of a departure for me because I’ve never done a “modern fairy tale.” It wasn’t something I ever thought I would do, but then one day, I thought to myself, I want to write about a girl in a house full of boys. And here we are.

  Another odd thing… Snow White is actually my least favorite fairy tale. But that’s the one I chose to tell in my own way.

  What can I say? I do weird things.

  A few other fun facts about Ivory White: Originally, I titled it Ivory White in the Slammer. Ha-ha. This title still really amuses me. I love that she got thrown in jail and that she called a stranger she didn’t even like or know. Alas, I dropped the in the Slammer part because that was a lot of words to put on a cover. And if you haven’t noticed, I usually always only use one-word titles.

  Also, the cover for this book is not the original draft. I had a cover done back when I first started this. It was finalized and everything, but I doubted it too. When I picked this book up again and wrote more, I felt it didn’t fit the way I wanted it to. I felt it was a little too dark for the story, and I was worried readers would expect one thing and get something else. So I had a completely new cover designed. I hope you like it! I know I do!

  As for the characters… Well, I like Ivory’s duality. How she is sort of a spoiled princess on one hand but, deep down, kind and soft. I love how she can command a room but also have vulnerability within her.

  Neo is also an interesting character to me, and he actually surprised me a bit as I wrote. To be honest, I think of him as a cross between Flynn Ryder and Aladdin. Charming, roguish, and well… a criminal. LOL. But what surprised me about Neo was the fear buried deep in him. Sure, I knew he would be “damaged” because of his past, but he isn’t really. He is just very afraid. Afraid to love and lose. Afraid to let people in. When he loved and left
Ivory, I was kinda shook. I even thought about not writing it that way. I worried people would think he was just using her for sex. Or he was acting out of character. Maybe some of you do think that, LOL. It’s okay if you do. But I couldn’t change it because I feel like this is true to who he is. It was what he whispered in my ear. He wanted her so badly he couldn’t stay away, but at the same time, he was so afraid to reach out and grab her. It was kind of a surprise because really, he comes off as aloof and carefree in the beginning. But deep down, he really isn’t.

  Earth was also a surprise… I did not know in the beginning that he would be the huntsman. But then it came to me, and I was excited and also surprised. I do hope to write a book entirely for him. I hope you look forward to that. I actually plan to write a book for all of the misfits, but I’m not announcing anything officially because it’s too much pressure for my writer heart, ha.

  Anyway, this turned into a long author’s note, but I haven’t written one to you all for so long! I want to sincerely thank you for all the encouragement you have sent my way in the last few months, the patience and support you have shown me. Thank you so much for reading this book. If you enjoyed it, please consider leaving a review online.

  I know 2020 has been an epic year of chaos for everyone, and I hope you are well. I hope you have found some escape and entertainment between the pages of this book.

  See you on the next one!

  * * *




  Cambria Hebert is a bestselling novelist of more than fifty titles. She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair.

  Besides writing, Cambria loves a pumpkin spice latte, staying up late, sleeping in, and watching K drama until her eyes won’t stay open. She considers math human torture and has an irrational fear of chickens (yes, chickens). You can often find her running on the treadmill (she’d rather be eating a donut), painting her toenails (because she bites her fingernails), or walking her chihuahuas (the real bosses of the house).


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