Collected Fiction Volume 2 (1926-1930): A Variorum Edition

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Collected Fiction Volume 2 (1926-1930): A Variorum Edition Page 41

by H. P. Lovecraft

  60. stately . . . shady,] shady . . . stately, C, D

  61. homes] houses C, D

  62. colonial] Colonial C, D

  63. of] on D

  64. is] was D

  65. fevered,] fevered D

  66. nurse,] nurse C, D

  67. bank] back D

  68. colonial] Colonial C, D

  69. “Town Street”] “town street” A, B [revised by HPL]

  70. founders] founder C

  71. and] and, D

  72. out] out to be D

  73. colonial] Colonial D

  74. Sign] sign D

  75. west,] west; A, B, C, D

  76. many-gabled] many-peaked A, B [revised by HPL], C, D

  77. wharves,] wharves A, B, C, D

  78. ship-chandleries, with] ship-chandleries and A, B [revised by HPL], C, D

  79. Doubloon,] Dubloon, C

  80. Dime,] Dime A, D; Dim B [revised by HPL to Dime,]; Dim, C

  81. Sometimes,] Sometimes C

  82. its] the C, D

  83. two] om. D

  84. Stampers’] Stampers A, B [revised by HPL], C, D

  85. negro] Negro D

  86. stage coach] stagecoach C, D

  87. southerly] southernly D

  88. illustrate] illustrated D

  89. Capt.] Captain C, D

  90. Tillinghast”,] Tillinghast,” C, D

  91. ‘that . . . Doubting’.] ‘that . . . Doubting.’ C; “that . . . Doubting.” D

  92. person;] person D

  93. a] om. D

  94. forget;] forget, A, B [revised by HPL], C, D

  95. expectations;] expectations, A, B [revised by HPL], C, D

  96. diaries,] diaries A, B, C, D

  97. worth their while] worthwhile D

  98. and] om. C, D

  99. panic;] panic, D

  100. Providence;] Providence, D

  101. Stampers’] Stampers A, B [not revised by HPL], C, D

  102. practiced] practised C, D

  103. gleaming] gleamings C, D

  104. Boston,] Boston A, B, C, D

  105. Rehoboth] Behoboth C

  106. half way] half-way D

  107. shewn.] shown. D

  108. aged] om. D

  109. negro] Negro D

  110. bags,] bags A, B, C, D

  111. low] low, D

  112. alchemist] alchemist C

  113. likewise] om. D

  114. sides,] sides D

  115. for] for, D

  116. by education] om. D

  117. Corwins] Carwens C, D

  118. Checkley . . . wit] Checkley, . . . wit, C, D

  119. 1738] 1783 C, D

  120. soon] had D

  121. mathematical,] mathematical A, B, D

  122. cabbalists,] cabalists, C, D

  123. daemonologists,] demonologists, A, B, C, D

  124. Trismegistus] Trismogistus C

  125. “Turba Philosophorum”,] Turba Philosophorum, A, B; Turba Philosopharum, C, D

  126. “Liber Investigationis”,] Liber Investigationis A; Liber Investiagionis, B; Liber Investigationis; C, D

  127. Artephius’ “Key of Wisdom”] Artephius’ Key of Wisdom A, B; Artephous’ Key of Wisdom; C; Artephous’ Key of Wisdom, D

  128. there;] here; D

  129. cabbalistic “Zohar”,] cabalistic Zohar, A, B, C, D

  130. Jammy’s . . . Albertus Magnus,] Jamm’s . . . Albertus Magnus, D

  131. “Ars Magna et Ultima”] Ars Magna et Ultima A, B, C, D

  132. Zetzner’s] Zetsner’s C, D

  133. “Thesaurus Chemicus”,] Thesaurus Chemicus, A, B, C, D

  134. “Clavis Alchimiae”,] Clavis Alchimiae, A, B, C, D

  135. “De Lapide Philosophico”] De Lapide Philosophico A, B, C, D

  136. when,] when D

  137. “Qanoon-e-Islam”,] Qanoon-e-Islam, A, B; Qanoon-é-Islam, C, D

  138. “Necronomicon”] Necronomicon A, B, C, D

  139. at] to D

  140. black-letter] black-letters D

  141. whole] Whole C

  142. Pleasure;] Pleasure, D

  143. by] of C

  144. “The . . . incinerated.”] The . . . incinerated. C, D

  145. slave,] slave A, B, C, D

  146. privateers,] privateers A, B, C, D

  147. stoop] stoop, D

  148. supercargoes] supercargos C, D

  149. replaced] replaced, A, B, C, D

  150. daemoniac] demoniac D

  151. paper,] paper A, B, C, D

  152. horse-breeders,] horse breeders, C

  153. Colony House] Colony-house A

  154. brick footwalk] foot-walk C, D

  155. still] om. D

  156. aspect] aspect, C, D

  157. practice] practise D

  158. manoeuvres] maneuvers D

  159. constraint] restraint C, D

  160. shewed] showed D

  161. marriage;] marriage, D

  162. discover;] discover, D

  163. Dutee] Dutie C, D

  164. Capt.] Captain C, D

  165. Court-House Parade;] Court House Parade C, D

  166. smallpox] small-pox C, D

  167. in] on C

  168. rooms] room C

  169. Rhode Island] Rhode-Island A

  170. seventh] 7th A, B

  171. Winsor.] Winson. C, D

  172. Capt. Dutee] Captain Dutie C, D

  173. Lady] lady C, D

  174. “Monday . . . Felicity.”] Monday . . . Felicity. C, D

  175. letters,] letters A

  176. Peters, Esq., of George St.,] Peters of George Street, C, D

  177. utter] end of B

  178. vengeance; and] vengeance and, D

  179. ordinarily] originally C

  180. hate-bred,] hate-bred D

  181. Rev.] Reverend C, D

  182. marriage,] marriages D

  183. great-great-grandmother . . . Potter] great-great-grandmother, . . . Potter, D

  184. shewed] showed D

  185. if] om. A [text originally read as if on this; if on this crossed out and expecting written over it—the omission of if being an apparent error]

  186. customer;] customer, D

  187. Hacker’s] Hacher’s C, D

  188. traffick] traffic D

  189. gained] gained a D

  190. traffick.] traffic. D

  191. night] night, D

  192. or] of C

  193. negroes,] Negroes, D

  194. black,] black C, D

  195. Namquit] Nanquit C, D

  196. negroes.] Negroes. D

  197. assiduity;] assiduity, C, D

  198. river] river, C, D

  199. yet] but C; yet, D

  200. negro whimperings] Negro whisperings D

  201. pain or] om. D

  202. threatening.] threatening. ¶ C, D

  203. parts,] ports, C, D

  204. Cathedral,] cathedral, C, D

  205. spoken] spoke D

  206. were] was C

  207. Hacker’s] Hacher’s C, D

  208. river-bank] riverbank D

  209. river-bank] riverbank D

  210. Naturally] Naturally, C, D

  211. burying-grounds] burying grounds D

  212. January] January, D

  213. Capt. Charles Leslie,] Captain Charles Leshe, C; Captain Harry Leshe, D

  214. captured . . . morning] captured, . . . morning, D

  215. snow] scow C, D

  216. Capt.] Captain C, D

  217. Namquit] Nanquit C, D

  218. Capt.] Captain C, D

  219. Providence,] Providence A, C, D

  220. connexion] connection A, D

  221. suspicion;] suspicion, C

  222. landlocked] land-locked C

  223. fishing-smacks] fishing smacks D

  224. out] out, D

  225. Capt.] Captain C, D

  226. Capt.] Captain C, D

  227. town,] town C, D

  228. with;] w
ith, D

  229. Rev.] Reverend C, D

  230. College] College, D

  231. Presbyterian-Lane;] Presbyterian Lane; D

  232. perceptions;] perception; C

  233. Nicholas,] Nicholas A, C, D

  234. purchases;] purchases, A, D

  235. Capt.] Captain C, D

  236. Capt.] Captain C, D

  237. ghastly] ghostly C, D

  238. coördinated] co-ordinated D

  239. 1770] 1770, C, D

  240. Capt.] Captain C, D

  241. Capt.] Captain C, D

  242. and] and, D

  243. and] and the D

  244. raiding party] raiding-party A, C, D

  245. shrieks] shrieked C, D

  246. appeared,] appeared D

  247. loosely knit] loosely-knit A, C, D

  248. coöperating] co-operating D

  249. Smith] om. D

  250. ye Gett’g] ye getting C, D [All instances of ye and yr printed as ye and yr in C and D]

  251. Mr.] Mr, D

  252. What he] what he C; what we D

  253. sente,] sente D

  254. of] om. C, D

  255. Copy’g. I alone] copy’g. Alone C, D

  256. Necronomicon] Necronomicon C, D

  257. tolde] told D

  258. Magnalia] Magnolia C

  259. truely] truly D

  260. up] upp C, D

  261. Greater] greater C, D

  262. Zariatnatmik] Zaristnatmik C, D

  263. ebony] Ebony C, D

  264. Wall,] wall, C, D

  265. Lend’g] lend’g A

  266. “I . . . of.”] I . . . of. C, D

  267. onlie] only C, D

  268. i.e.] i. e., C; i.e., D

  269. I] om. C, D

  270. imploy] employ D

  271. “I . . . Wharf.”] I . . . Wharf. C, D

  272. shewed] showed D

  273. Road,] road, C

  274. high,] high C

  275. certain;] certain, C, D

  276. 100] one hundred D

  277. 10 p.m.] ten P.M. C; ten p.m. D

  278. 12th,] twelfth, C, D

  279. Bridge.] bridge. D

  280. leader John Brown] leader, John Brown, C, D

  281. Bowen,] Brown, C

  282. Esek,] Eseh C; Eseh, D

  283. Capt.] Captain C, D

  284. Capt.] Captain C, D

  285. Capt.] Captain C, D

  286. Eleazar] Eleazer D

  287. 10:30] ten-thirty C, D

  288. Capt.] Captain C, D

  289. Capt. Esek] Captain Eseh C, D

  290. Capt.] Captain C, D

  291. hill, . . . side,] hill . . . side D

  292. farmhouse;] farmhouse, D

  293. sky. There] sky but there D

  294. windows, but this] windows. This D

  295. Capt.] Captain C, D

  296. twenty] 20 A

  297. landing-place] landing place D

  298. Curwen] Curwen, D

  299. service,] service; C, D

  300. twenty] 20 A

  301. Capt. Esek] Captain Eseh C, D

  302. bank,] bank; C, D

  303. last] om. D

  304. Capt.] Captain C, D

  305. Capt.] Captain C, D

  306. then] om. C, D

  307. whistle-blasts] whistle blasts A, C, D

  308. its] the C

  309. Capt.] Captain C, D

  310. shrillness,] shrillness C, D

  311. missing] mistaking C; upsetting D

  312. range;] range, D

  313. Capt.] Captain C, D

  314. river-bank,] river bank, A; riverbank, C

  315. Pres.] President C, D

  316. Capt.] Captain C, D

  317. Capt.] Captain C, D

  318. Capt.] Captain C, D

  319. Capt.] Captain C, D

  320. 1 a.m.] one A.M. C; one a.m. D

  321. and] om. C, D

  322. well] om. D

  323. for evermore] for-/evermore D

  324. stars.] Stars. C, D

  325. This] The first D [first repeated from line above]

  326. correspondent Luke Fenner] correspondent, Luke Fenner, D

  327. “Waaaahrrrrr—R’waaahrrr”.] “Waaaarrr—R’waaahrr.” C; “Waaaarrrr—R’waaahrrr”. D

  328. bark] bay C

  329. origin] crying D

  330. ‘a red fog’] “a red fog” D

  331. daemoniac] demoniac D


  333. recognised] recognized D

  334. farm,] farm D

  335. out,] out C

  336. appeared] appeared, C, D

  337. rum,] rum C, D

  338. each scrap] such scraps D

  339. matter.] matter. ¶ C, D

  340. Capt.] Captain C, D

  341. Capt.] Captain C, D

  342. as] om. C, D

  343. call] calle C

  344. can not] cannot C, D

  345. Which] which A, C, D

  346. Turne] turn A, C, D

  347. call] calle A

  348. Powerfullest] powerfullest A, C, D

  349. “I . . . you.”] I . . . you. C, D

  350. In] ¶ In C, D

  351. Capt.] Captain C, D

  352. Capt.] Captain C, D

  353. Runazar] Runagur C, D

  354. Gods] gods C, D

  355. river-bank] river bank A, C, D

  356. Capt.] Captain C, D

  357. damn’d] damned D

  358. some’at] some ’at C

  359. connexions] connextions D

  360. eighteenth] 18th A

  361. (O.S.)] (O. S.) C

  362. Rev.] Reverend C, D

  363. characters] matters C, D

  364. Deeds,] Deeds, and it took Ward but a short time to prove from identity of penmanship a theory he had already considered established from the text of the Curwen letter; namely, that Simon Orne and his supposed son Jedediah were one and the same person. As the man had said to his correspondent, it was hardly safe to live too long in Salem, hence he resorted to a period abroad and did not return except as a representative of a new generation. A [excised]

  365. 16,] sixteenth, C; tenth, D

  366. Terminer] Terminen C, D

  367. meete] meet D

  368. ‘fortie . . . house’,] ‘fortie . . . house,’ C; “fortie . . . house”, D

  369. 8th] eighth C, D

  370. Rev.] om. C, D

  371. ye] the C, D

  372. ‘Mr. . . . Deborah B.’] “Mr. . . . Deborah B.” D

  373. Orne] Orne, C, D

  374. Prouidence, . . . vulgo)] Providence, I May C; Providence, 1 May D

  375. ffriende,] friende, C, D

  376. eternall] Eternall C

  377. That which] That Which C; that which D

  378. Matter] matter D

  379. what] What C

  380. regard’g] regard’ C, D

  381. Yeares,] yeares, C, D

  382. Prouidence] Providence C, D

  383. ye] yet C

  384. Whiche] Which C; whiche D

  385. ffarme at Patuxet] Farme, at Patuxet C; farme at Pawtuxet D

  386. What] That D

  387. Knowe,] knowe, D

  388. wou’d not waite] Wou’d not Waite C

  389. ffortunes,] fortunes, C, D

  390. haue . . . haue] have . . . have C, D

  391. longe . . . Way] lone . . . Way C; long . . . way D

  392. Laste.] Loste. C, D

  393. Night] Nighte D

  394. Wordes] Words D

  395. fface] face C, D

  396. Clauicle.] Clavicle. C, D

  397. Uerse . . . Uerse] Verse . . . Verse C, D

  398. Eue,] Eve, C, D

  399. Thing] thing C, D

  400. of] o C

  401. Saltes,] Saltes D

  402. Hande; and] Hande. And C; Hands. And D

  403. founde] found D

  404. plaguy] plagney C; plaguey D

  405. neare;] neare, C, D

  406. ye] the C, D

  407. curious,] Curious, C

  408. Gentry] gentry C, D

  409. ye] the D

  410. Sam:] Sam C, D

  411. I] In C

  412. haue] have C, D

  413. haue.] have. C, D

  414. haue here giuen.] have here given. C, D

  415. haue] have C, D

  416. ———] ———, D

  417. Uerses] Verses C, D

  418. Roodmas] Roodemas C, D

  419. Eue;] Eve; C, D

  420. shal] shall D

  421. leaue] leave C, D

  422. Prouidence already,] Providence already, C; Providence alreadie, D

  423. Travel,] travel, C, D

  424. Post] Poste D

  425. Cooke] cooke C, D

  426. Prou.] Prov. C; Providence D

  427. ffalls,] falls, C, D

  428. Stone] Store D

  429. Miles.] miles. C

  430. ffriend] friende C; friend D

  431. Almousin-Metraton.] Almonsin-Metraton. C, D

  432. indicated,] indicated D

  433. house] house, D

  434. Court] Curt D

  435. Stampers’] Stampers A, C, D

  436. negro] Negro D

  437. housecleaning,] house-/cleaning, C; house-cleaning, D

  438. in] of D

  439. story] storey D

  440. colonial] Colonial A, C, D

  441. chimney,] chimney D

  442. negro] Negro D

  443. shewn] shown C, D

  444. wall-paper.] wall paper. C, D

  445. by July] om. D

  446. wall-paper.] wall paper. D

  447. when . . . room] when, . . . room, D

  448. restraint] restraint, D

  449. C.] om. D

  450. concurred; and] concurred;— C

  451. house—a] house and a C, D

  452. an electric] an electric or C; electric or D

  453. or] om. C, D

  454. twenty-eighth] 28th A

  455. crude,] crude C, D

  456. “Journall] “Journal D

  457. Jos:] Jos. C, D

  458. shewed] showed D

  459. & . . . &] and . . . and C, D

  460. “Edw:] “Edw. C

  461. Esq.”,] Esq.,” D

  462. ‘or . . . Them’.] ‘or . . . Them.’ C; “or . . . Them.” D

  463. Of] of C, D

  464. Learnt.”] learnt.” C, D

  465. shewing] showing D

  466. shew] show D

  467. cipher”,] cipher,” C, D

  468. shewn] shown D

  469. mantelpiece] mantlepiece D

  470. shewn] shewed C; shown D

  471. the] its C, D

  472. year-adding and] year-adding, C, D

  473. mirror. ¶] mirror. C, D

  474. parents,] parents C

  475. practiced.] practised. D

  476. After etc.”] After, etc.” D

  477. ideographs (. . .),] ideographs, (. . .) A; ideographs (. . .) D

  478. shew] show D

  479. daemonology,] demonology, D

  480. queer and] queer, D

  481. State House,] State-House, A, C, D


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