Big Baller : A Hero Club Novel

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Big Baller : A Hero Club Novel Page 15

by Katrina Marie

  Sounds come from the kitchen. Dishes clattering together and water running from the sink. Relieved he didn’t bail on me; I sink further into my bed and pull the blanket over my head to block the sunlight. Last night was perfect. From the dinner to the sex. All of it. I’ve had amazing dates before, but this one…it puts all others to shame. This is the first time, despite knowing how badly he wanted me, I had someone truly show their appreciation of me in their life. He treated me like a goddess and if the noise in the apartment is any indication, he plans to continue that.

  I have no clue what he’s putting together, though. I haven’t had a chance to get groceries. I wasn’t playing when I told Lana I was coming home to clean like crazy. My refrigerator is almost never stocked. The food would go bad before I have a chance to eat it, and it’s just easier to grab take out when I’m home.

  “Are you awake?” From the sound of his voice, he’s standing at the doorway.

  “If I said no, would it make a difference?” I slide the blanket down from my face and glance over at him. Holy shit. Bentley with his shirt off, in nothing but his boxers and his hair messy from sleep, is a glorious thing to wake up to. Let’s not forget the two plates he’s holding. I wouldn’t mind waking up to this more often.

  “Not really,” he shrugs and steps toward the bed. He sets the plate down at the foot of the bed before gently climbing in beside me. “I was going to make you breakfast, but your fridge is stocked about as well as mine. It’s a good thing you had frozen breakfast burritos.”

  “Frozen food is about the only thing I keep on hand.” I attempt to shrug but get tangled in the blanket. “I can’t even cook very well.”

  “I guess we’ll starve then,” he grins. “I can’t cook either. But I have a secret weapon.”

  It’s good to know I’m not the only one who struggles with cooking, but I need to know what this secret weapon is. “And, what’s that?”

  “My mom lives less than twenty minutes from me. All I have to do is show up at her house for dinner.”

  “That’s wrong on so many levels. How are you going to make your mom cook for you?”

  “I don’t make her do anything. She’s stubborn as hell, but I’m not going to turn down the offer to go over there for good food.” He grabs the plates before pulling me close to him. “Now, eat. I have a surprise for you.”

  “Unless it’s a repeat of last night…I don’t want it.” I snuggle into his side and bask in the feel of being next to him. Of being with a man that doesn’t try to tell me what to do, or how to act. Of a man that has done all he can to prove that I’m the only one he has eyes for.

  “That can be arranged.” He mutters into my hair and pokes me playfully in the side. “But no, that’s not it.”

  “It’s not nice to poke people,” I grumble. “Why can’t you just tell me now?”

  “Because I’m hungry, and if you want a repeat, you’re going to need your strength.”

  “Fine.” I may be pouting but so what. I don’t understand what’s so secretive that he can’t spill the beans while we eat. I grab the plate off his lap and take a bite of the burrito. It’s already lost some of its heat and the eggs are rubbery, but if he wants me to eat, then I will. After swallowing, I put the burrito down. “There, I ate. Now, tell me.”

  “Fine. Since you’re so impatient.” That last part is barely audible, but I still make it out. “I got you, and Lana, front row tickets to the game tonight. You said you’ve never been to a game, and I want you there.”

  Holy crap. That had to have been insanely expensive. I’m sure he has perks when they are playing in their home stadium, but I’m not sure how that works when they travel. “Bentley, that’s too much.”

  “You don’t need to worry about that,” he taps me on the nose. “All that matters to me is that you get to experience the game up close and personal. Just be on the lookout because there are times the ball, or players, will end up in that area.”

  “Soooo, you’re putting me in harm's way.” I side-eye him. Unsure if that’s the best decision. Maybe we would be better higher up.

  “It doesn’t happen often. I only wanted to give you a heads up to not freak out. Most of the players try their best to avoid it at all costs.”

  “That’s good to know,” I mutter. “What does one wear to a basketball game?”

  “Clothes, usually.” He narrowly dodges my elbow to his ribs. “Just jeans and a t-shirt. Nothing fancy. Well, except I also have a jersey for you.”

  My heart flutters in my chest. It might not mean anything, but in my mind it’s him showing the world that he’s with me. I know that’s ridiculous because other people will undoubtedly be wearing one with his name on it, but it doesn’t stop me from hoping that’s the case. It’s safe to say that I’ve one hundred percent fallen off the deep end with him. “Where is it?”

  “It’s at the hotel,” he chuckles. “Lana will pick you up and then meet Jordan’s wife there before heading to the game.”

  “Do I get a say in any of this?”

  “Not really.” He picks up the plates of nearly untouched frozen burritos and puts them on the nightstand. “I already cleared it with Lana. I didn’t want you to go alone and feel out of your element.”

  He may be a badass on the court and in bed, but he really does have a sweet side. Not many men would think about that stuff. Yep, I’m totally a goner. “Since the plan was already made without my input, I know a way you can make it up to me…”

  I let the sentence trail off, hoping he gets the hint. An eyebrow raise is the only response. Fine, it looks like I’ll have to take matters into my own hands. I push the blanket off and straddle him...I can seduce him just as much as he does me.



  As happy as I thought I was flitting from woman to woman, nothing compares to being with Jolene. Well…almost. Seeing her in the front row, wearing my jersey, is pretty damn amazing.

  She looks like she’s having a good time. At least, from what I can tell when I glance over. I wish I could be on the sideline with her, explaining the game as the plays happen. But I’m right here, on the court, where I belong. Hell, I’m not even sure what I would do if I wasn’t playing ball. I only know it would revolve around sports somehow.

  “Yo, Bentley,” Jordan smacks my arm. The sounds of the game come flooding back in. The people in the stands yelling and cheering for their teams. “Get your head in the game. We aren’t ahead enough for you to be giving puppy dog eyes to your girl.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I huff. “I don’t give that look to anyone.” Except I am. And now I feel like a hypocrite after giving Derrick hell while I was still at Hilltown U.

  “Dude, I know that look,” he glances over at the woman who has made me want to give relationships an actual shot. “It’s the look I still give my wife.”

  He’s not lying. I’ve caught them staring at each other like they’ve just started dating. It’s gross and hopeful at the same time. What has happened to me? I'm not that guy. The one who settles down with a nice girl and wants to wake up to the same person every morning. Except, I am. Jolene makes me want more than casual relationships and hookups. It’s like this whole new version of me is opening up. I’m not sure what to do about it.

  Nope, right now isn't the time to think about that. I need to get my head on straight and focus. We have a game to win. I can’t do that if I let the beautiful brunette steal my attention every single time we call a timeout, or I’m on the bench. My team needs me to help them snag this game. Each win brings us closer and closer to the champion round. It doesn’t matter what it takes, I’ll make sure we get there.

  The final buzzer goes off signaling our victory. The other team fought us all the way to the end, but we came out on top. Instead of going to the guys like I normally would, I head straight toward the stands. Jolene is on her feet next to Jordan's wife and Lana. The smile she is wearing is huge, and I'm happy to know that she wa
s here cheering for me. I want this to be more than a onetime thing. I want her at all of my games, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. Not unless she changes her career. I may be a selfish asshole sometimes. But…I'm not the sort of person to force another to quit their job or change the entire life direction based on what I want. In my opinion, that would make me no better than my father, and that is the last person I want to emulate.

  The moment she sees me, she stops cheering and walks toward me. I meet her halfway, sweeping her off the floor and twirling her around. "So how was your first game experience?"

  She's laughing, and the sound fills me with joy. Knowing I’m the one that caused it. "It was great. And even better, you won.” I feel her gaze shift as she looks over my shoulder. “Um, Bentley. There are cameras pointed directly at us.”

  I set her down, and she buries her face into my sweaty jersey. That has got to be disgusting, but she's obviously not ready for any sort of attention from the media. "Go back over there with Lana, and I'll deal with this."

  "Just don't put my name out there. I'm not with you to become famous or anything, and I'd rather not have that focus." I didn’t even think about that when I came over here. All that was on my mind was getting to her.

  "Okay. I won't say who you are." As soon as her back is to me, I turn around to face the reporters.

  "Bentley, Bentley." My name is shouted from four different directions, and I'm not sure who to address first. Most of the fans have cleared the stands and all that’s left are the reporters and players. Some of my own teammates are pulled into interviews all around the court. One reporter from a smaller sports network stands out because she's not fighting for my attention. I don’t know much about her, but I’ve seen her around here and there. I walk toward her, and she grins, knowing she played her cards right. By being patient and not loud or obnoxious has led me to her camera.

  "Hi, Bentley. I’m Savannah with Sports Network. As the only rookie this year for the Austin Rattlers, you're garnering a lot of attention. What does it feel like gaining popularity so quickly?"

  "I'm not sure how I feel, honestly. I didn't get drafted to the team because I wanted to be famous. I worked my ass off to make sure this team picked me up because I love the sport. I love playing for my home city. I do the same thing I've done since I was a kid." None of this is a lie. I’ve given so many variations of this response, it comes out of my mouth without much thought.

  She leans closer to me with her microphone. As if she’s conspiring with me. “And what's that?"

  "I go out there and play. I give it my everything and do the best I can to support my teammates."

  "Pretty soon you'll be surpassing your teammates." She winks at me like it’s a secret. I will outperform some of the other players. But it’s not my intention to brag about it. They are still my teammates, and we’re a unit. Being a dick, on camera, isn’t going to win me any favors with Coach, or the guys.

  Shaking my head, I answer, "That's not what I'm after. You can't get on that court and win a game without the other players."

  Her smile widens, and I'm a little nervous about the sudden gleam in her eye. Maybe it was a bad decision to pick her to talk to out of all the reporters, but it's too late to worry about that now. "Well, I can't wait to see what you do with your career."

  "Thanks, I'm excited to see what the Rattlers can do this season."

  "If it's anything like what you all have done, I know you'll be headed to the Championships.” She raises an eyebrow, and I'm the only one that can see it because she is off-camera. I have a feeling I’m not going to like what comes out of her mouth next. "Maybe that pretty young lady over there will join you on your journey."

  Yup, she's just like the gossip magazines. Rather than focusing on the game, she's doing all she can to pry into my life. I'm not going to give her the satisfaction of getting a peek into my personal life. That's nobody's business but my own. "Well, the Championship is what we're working toward.”

  Rather than give her a chance to dig a little more, I turn my back toward her and head to the locker rooms. This is what Jordan has been trying to prepare me for. Why he's tried to be such a parent-like figure and lead me toward better choices.

  Speak of the devil, he's waiting for me at the end of the hallway leading toward the locker room. "You did good out there."

  "Is that what it was like when you first started playing? They did everything they can to delve into your personal life?" I’ve done plenty of after game interviews, and that’s the most personal it’s ever gotten.

  "Some of them, yes. But most of the reporters want to know about the game." He nods to the one who was just talking to me, and who is still staring at me. "You have to watch out for that one, though. She likes to act like she's following your career, but all she does is stir up drama."

  "How do you know that?" Not that I'm arguing. I saw the look in her eye right before she decided to ask me about Jolene.

  "She hasn't done anything to me personally, but some of the guys on the other teams say she's a problem."

  "That's good to know. Now let's go get cleaned up and take our ladies out for a night on the town." It’s a well-deserved reward after the way we played tonight.

  He slaps me on the back and chuckles. "Look at you. All serious in your relationship."

  "Shut up, man." We both turn and walk down the hallway. I'm definitely going to keep my eye on this new reporter chick because I smell trouble. I’m not afraid to deal with whatever comes my way, but I don’t want Jolene pulled into it.

  I barely have my shirt over my head when my phone rings against the metal locker. I know it's not Jolene because she's waiting with Lana and Jordan's wife, but I have no idea who else it could be. Unless Derrick needs another pick me up, of course. I don't bother glancing at the screen when I finally answer, "Hello?" It’s probably him, calling to talk shop about the game that just ended.

  "Who is this girl you were with all over TV?" Shit, I completely forgot Mom watches all the games. I didn't think about the cameras or where they would shift their attention when I wasn't doing what I normally do. I probably should have brought up Jolene a long time ago. I wanted to make sure things were going to work out before I brought her into my family.

  "Hi, Mom," I try to sound more cheerful than I do, but I'm pretty sure it's not working. "That was my, um, girlfriend."

  I hear her gasp on the other end of the phone. Holy shit, I think I just gave my mom a heart attack. "You mean to tell me you have a girlfriend and you haven't told us about her?"

  "I never told you about my other girlfriends." I use the term girlfriend loosely. I haven't had one since high school.

  "Don't be smart with me," she admonishes. "I know good and well those other girls are not your girlfriend. I'm not stupid. So, who is this new girl?"

  I don't like the way she says “new girl”. I know that's my own fault because I go through them so quickly, but it sounds dirty now that I'm in a relationship. "Her name is Jolene. I was going to tell you about her when I came over for dinner, but surprise."

  I hear snickers from behind me, and I turn to see who exactly is enjoying the show. Freaking Jordan and Ross. Of course, they are here to witness this. Because that's the luck I have. They will no doubt give me shit about this for weeks to come. Jordan knows just how well my mom is at putting me in my place and wanting to know all the details.

  Gabby is in the background, and I know my mom just put it on speakerphone. "So, you finally found someone who will last more than one night?"

  "Gabby," Mom chastises, "that wasn't very nice."

  "Well, it's not like it's not true."

  This, ladies and gentlemen, is why I don't call them all the time. And why I don’t tell them anything that’s going on until I know it’s a sure thing. I love my sister. She has been my rock, but she also knows how to press my buttons. "Actually, for your information. We have been dating for over a month?"

  "Woah, look at you go."

p; Should I tell them now that I am planning to bring her down? Or should I leave it a surprise? Fuck it, I will tell them now. "As soon as her schedule allows, I plan on bringing her to meet you all."

  "What is it that she does?" My mom sounds cautious. As if Jolene may be in some wayward business. And she's digging. It's nothing that I didn't expect because she's nosy as hell and tries to be in my business all the time.

  "She's a flight attendant. Her schedule doesn't always match up with when I have a game or when I have to travel. But we will figure something out."

  My sister snorts, and I don't want to know what she's thinking. Unfortunately for me, she tells me anyway. "Sounds like the perfect woman for you, Bentley. You get to see her when you want and still be able to have all the fun you want on the side. Isn't that what life is all about now that you’ve become a famous basketball player?"

  I don't know what crawled up her ass, but this definitely isn’t a conversation to be having in front of our mother. "For your information I haven't seen anyone besides her in a long time. She has her own issues to work through, and I'm not adding to them. If you can't stop being a bitch, then I'm not going to bring her around at all.”

  “Aye dios mio,” Mom sighs. “What am I gonna do with the two of you? You are both adults, and it's time to act like it. I can’t believe I still have to break up your fights at this age.”

  She's right, and I know that. But Gabby needs to get off my case. It's not like I flaunted my past discretions in front of her. Hell, that was the whole reason I never took them around family. I didn't want to introduce them to somebody that wasn't going to be around long. "I'm sorry, Mom." I rub my hand across my forehand, frustrated with the way this conversation has ended up. Even though I'm not the one who started. "I need to go. We have to be out of the locker room soon."


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