The Mic Sean Collection

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by De’Sean Anderson

  The Mic Sean Collection

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  The Mic Sean Collection

  About the Author


  It’s Wild Where I live


  Bad Decisions

  When I feel Like Giving Up

  Break The Cycle

  Only The Strong Survive (Part 1)

  For My Mother

  You Only Live Once

  Am I Black Enough For You?

  When I Go


  The Truth

  Corrupted Minds

  Get Right With God

  Consequences From Actions

  Survival Of The Fittest

  The “Man”

  Moral Decay

  Only The Strong Survive (Part 2)

  The Victim

  Lost And Confused

  Keeping The Faith

  The Truth Can Hurt

  Real Talk

  After My Death

  The Past & The Future

  About the Author

  De’Sean Anderson received his undergraduate degree from Alabama A&M University and an MBA from Strayer University. His passion for writing started at a very young age. He began writing songs and recording while at Alabama A&M University going by the name of Mic Sean. He lives in Huntsville, AL with his wife Jamelia Anderson and three children.

  “If you can control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his action. When you determine what a man shall think you do not have to concern yourself about what he will do. If you make a man feel that he is inferior, you do not have to compel him to accept an inferior status, for he will seek it himself. If you make a man think that he is justly an outcast, you do not have to order him to the back door. He will go without being told; and if there is no back door, his very nature will demand one.”

  Carter G. Woodson


  A special thanks to those of you who have taken the time to read my work. Your purchase is appreciated. Hopefully this collection of poems will inspire and uplift you, your friends and family members that you share them with.

  It’s Wild Where I live

  It’s wild where I live, most of the males have been to jail and done bids, a lot of teenage girls already have multiple kids. It’s wild where I live, Dominoes won’t deliver if you order a pizza and witnesses to crimes always seem to get amnesia. It’s wild where I live, multiple daily shootings at times, a child’s only access to the Internet is the public library and it closes at 5. They charge and hourly rate and you can lose book check out privileges for a month if you’re one day late. It’s wild where I live, Police are always around but nowhere to be found when the shooting goes down. It’s wild where I live, nobody that looks like me owns any businesses, and outsiders take their sacks of money back to their communities once the day finishes. It’s wild where I live, my grandma’s Church is across from a crack house and the Pastor is a fraud paying parishioners to pass out. He doesn’t even live in this zip code. ATM machine in the Church, I call him Reverend Do Wrong. It’s wild where I live, violence is at an all time high and the drug dealers seem to have an unlimited supply. It’s wild where I live, that’s why I’m joining the military. My mother is upset with my decision. Even though she had decades to get us out of this condition. There may come a time when I’ll have to stand and fight. I’ll be ready because I’ve been ducking and dodging bullets my whole life. It’s wild where I live.


  Darky, Charcoal, Midnight, Blackie & Smoke

  Are derogatory names used to tear down Black Folk

  Coon, Sambo, Moonshine, and many others

  Were White Supremacist words now used by Sistas & Brothas

  We have adopted the role of the evil aggressor

  Taking on the same characteristics of the so-called oppressor

  We’ve evolved into our own worst enemy indirectly

  Accusing each other of sounding “White” when speaking correctly

  The way we behave sometimes resembles savages

  The only ethnic group to take a racist word, and repackage it

  Claim that it’s a badge of honor but Whites better not say it

  What if a person is half-white, can they partially getaway with it?

  Some are called sell-outs for enjoying life’s rewards

  The ones that exhibit true Self-Hate receive Image Awards

  Illogical, comical, hilarious, straight insanity

  A mother filming her son encouraging the use of profanity

  We think its funny, she does it for the views and likes

  Who taught us to hate ourselves? How long can we blame Whites?

  Bad Decisions

  I remember my high school days and how I used to joke and clown

  Acting out to release frustration, my dad never came around

  My two younger brothers and I, with our grandparents we stayed

  Mom was still trying to kick it, wanting to do her own thang

  But she loved us I can never say that she didn’t

  When it came to discipline, grandpa new how to pick switches

  Thanks to grandparents we had a good upbringing, no struggling

  Both younger brothers finished college; I got a degree in hustling

  My crew was the wild bunch, full of tattoos and gold fronts

  We lived by the street code, never rat when you get in a crunch

  Now I’m sitting in this cell, for killing one of my own

  I’m doing 30 years to life, it doesn’t look like I’ll ever see home

  All those nights I used to cruise down the block, on 26’s no stock

  I thought I was intelligent, but I never connected the dots

  I’m responsible for my choices; I didn’t make them for survival

  Mom was in the courtroom crying, Grandma clutching her Bible

  This is the new reality for me, so I’m giving you the preview

  I got plenty of time to let you into my world…to be continued

  When I feel Like Giving Up

  When I feel like giving up I look to Christ

  Praying for a better life every day and night

  Giving thanks to the Lord for every move

  A man once complained that he didn’t have shoes

  Until he met a man who didn’t have any feet

  These words come from my heart every time I speak

  I have to hold it down I have to represent

  I’m going to hold it down, I’m going to represent

  For the people who fall through the cracks

  I dedicated this message for those who lack

  The spiritual guidance that one must need

  In this cold hearted world if they want to succeed

  Look at me? I’m not exactly Mr. Perfect

  He sacrificed his life so I’m going to
show him I was worth it

  My main purpose in this life is to live it up

  I’m going to always look to the Bible when I feel like Giving Up

  Break The Cycle

  The ones that act "hard" because they aim and squeeze the snub

  Are the same ones who cry like punks when they see the Judge

  20 years to life in the penitentiary behind cold bars

  Will do a lot of damage and leave negative generational scars

  Too many black men are locked away from their daughters & sons

  If a boy sees no positive role model, how can he become one?

  Our girls are surrounded everyday by ratchet behavior

  How would be if they were exposed to our Lord & Savior?

  We have to set the example and spend time with our youth

  The Bible states, "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit"

  Let's break the cycle and change the mind state that we have

  Women should strive to be better mothers and the men better dads

  We have to admit that there's a problem, move towards a solution

  Come together with a well thought out plan to eliminate confusion

  It's a tough road leading to a towering hill to climb

  The impossible can become possible with God on our Side

  Only The Strong Survive (Part 1)

  Life is hard only the strong survive

  Weak ones try to get by and the cowards they die

  They lose their lives way before head stones

  Sell their souls to Satan for a couple of Popeye bones

  I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees

  I'd rather work to death, than die over ‘keys’

  Support your kids by any means, get yours then get out

  We’ve seen too many brothers go down for the count

  I know its hard out there but you have to maintain

  People waste their whole lives chasing fortune and fame

  Life is hard and only the strong survive

  Sometimes you to do what you have to do, swallow your pride

  For My Mother

  I can't tell you enough how much I love you as we put you to rest

  So a loss like this makes it so much harder to accept

  Daughters should be blessed with a mother that loves them

  Especially when they place no one above them

  As I look at my children I see you in their eyes

  So I know your kind spirit is with them as they live out their lives

  Since the beginning of my time you were with me from the start

  And your presence will forever consume a large part of my heart

  Love Tina

  You Only Live Once

  A wise man told me that we’re living to die

  When I looked in his eyes I seen no lie

  I didn’t even try disputing the notion

  The knowledge he spoke forced my mind to be opened

  I realized that dying was apart of life

  I only have a short time to get things right

  So while I’m here, I have to give my best

  Because there's no way that I can cheat death

  No time to be stressed, I'm so blessed

  Have to keep grinding until there's no time left

  Until my last breath I will keep flowing

  Until my heart gives out I will keep going

  Love for my people I will keep showing

  As a child of God I will keep growing

  Live everyday like the last of your life

  And one of these days you'll be right

  Am I Black Enough For You?

  Are you ready for mind stimulation?

  By a man with a college education?

  I may not act as ‘hood’ as you do

  But I know more about our history than you do

  You’re the type to buy a new set of rims

  Before you get braces for your own kids

  You're just another ignorant ‘nigga’

  Who thinks they’ve made it because they make six figures

  I'm culturally richer, what have you done lately?

  Besides dissing women and neglecting your babies

  You ‘men’ are crazy, plus you’re lazy

  All that ‘hood’ talk doesn’t even faze me

  You want to get my attention? Then put down your toys

  Read Soul's of Black Folks by W.E.B Dubois

  Don’t hate because I'm driven and confident

  Trying to make sure that we get black monuments

  It’s not about acting black or white

  It’s about doing what’s right

  When I Go

  I hope that when I go my family is straight

  Won’t have to worry about money everything will be great

  My wife won’t have to work and bust her ass

  And my kid's school tuition all paid in cash

  Don't have to stress over a house or a car note

  No bumps on the road of life they can just coast

  That’s why while I'm here I get my pray up

  Because I know that one-day I won’t wake up


  Life can be depressing, can have us all stressing

  So I count my blessings, God sent me a message

  He told me to keep my head up, even though I’ve messed up

  Pride won’t let me give up, spent my last ten bucks

  What am I going to do? Picture you in my shoes?

  What would you do if you’re baby doesn’t have food?

  What should I do?

  Should I get on my grind?

  Or take the chance of getting caught then doing some time?

  Options, I don’t have many, family I don’t have any

  Craving for a glass of Remy, victims, I see plenty

  McDonald’s isn’t hiring and Wendy’s started firing

  Plotting can be tiring I’m starting to hear sirens

  Please, Lord give me a sign

  God, I don’t want to do time

  I’ll swallow my pride before I go out there and commit a crime

  The Truth

  Those who claim to keep it real can't handle the truth

  Feelings at the end of this poem might be the living proof

  Violence in the community, we should all want it to stop

  Our lives seem to only have value when taken by cops

  So many black on black murders with no vigils

  When whites kill blacks we're so hypocritical

  Locking arms, swaying side-to-side, singing we shall overcome

  Using these old school tactics will never get things done

  Much of the issues are because of us not because of racists

  Black women lead the nation in new HIV cases

  Can we blame that on slavery? Or is it self-inflicted?

  We have to take responsibility the blame can no longer be shifted

  From it’s conception American slavery was founded on economics

  The transatlantic slave trade gave Africans huge profits

  One of the major problems we have is our lack of respect

  In order for us to progress there are inconvenient truths to accept

  Corrupted Minds

  They have everybody fooled

  All these kids are dropping out of high school

  Thinking life is sweet but it’s such a shame

  Simple and Plain we have parents to blame

  Society is messed up, its time to step up

  If you want to live foul then I wish you best of luck

  It’s only a matter of time after you get on your grind

  Get caught for a crime and you’ll be doing some time

  Behind bars or in a grave yard

  Life is hard so I keep my head to the stars

  Praying for myself and praying for the people

  This is only the beginning far from the sequel

  Get Right With God

  Even thoug
h I don’t attend like I should

  Some church folks wouldn’t love God like I do if they could

  See it’s all about what you do outside of those church walls

  People want to do right all of sudden when death calls

  But it’s too late, didn’t have faith and you showed it

  Sold your soul to Satan and you didn’t even know it

  Lord knows that Hell isn’t the place for me

  So I go through life living righteously

  I would like to see more positive things done

  Greed brings violence, and violence means guns

  Poverty bring drugs and drugs brings thugs

  Some thugs commit murders and we lose more sons

  Consequences From Actions

  Brothers point the finger when they should be blaming themselves

  It was you that squeezed that trigger, now you’re sitting in jail

  How are you going to take a man from his family?

  Because you were scared to fight and acted cowardly

  And you Brothers pushing poison, that’s just as bad

  Keep on grinding for your kids and they won’t have dads

  Everybody doesn’t have to go to school to make it

  You have to crawl before you walk, so be patient

  Wasting time? No, you’re just being smart

  A man doing the right thing shows a lot of heart

  Brothers trying to be Tony Montana with their lives

  Get the same treatment as him when they die

  If you got a gun Brother what are you going to do?

  If you live by the gun you will die by it too

  Survival Of The Fittest

  Its Survival of the fittest, the toughest the roughest

  I want to drive a Mercedes Benz and not an 85 cutlass

  So I budget right now stack my chips

  Forget rent I want a house with a picket fence


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