Ruined: Tobias

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Ruined: Tobias Page 11

by Hildie McQueen

  They weren’t talking about dinner. She wanted to get any physical intimacy between them over. The awkward first time would be enjoyable, of that she was sure, but afterward, they could move on and learn more about each other.

  Alec responded with enthusiasm when she pulled him down for a deep kiss that soon became heated. His hands traveled down her back to cup her butt.

  It was midnight by the time Tori parked at her house. She pulled into her driveway and almost made it to her door when her neighbors called out.

  “Hey there, Tori. Are you okay? It’s very late.”

  She took a deep breath. The older neighbor meant well, but he was terribly nosy.

  “I’m fine, Mr. Walter. Just went out with friends.”

  “That’s what I told that Hamilton fella. He sat out here in his truck for an hour waiting on ya.”

  Her heart thudded until it echoed in her ears. “Who?”

  “One of the twins. The one that just had that car wreck.” The old man was animated now that he had her attention. “I know it was him since he’s got a leg brace. Otherwise, you can’t tell them apart. They sure are identical.”

  Tori let out a long, shaky breath. This could not be happening. “What was he doing here? He say anything?”

  “We talked for about a minute.” Mr. Walter gave her a cheeky smile. “He said he’s been doing physical therapy twice a week and still limps.”

  It was best to back away from Mr. Walter. He would continue to talk for hours if given the chance. Tori took a step back. “I’ll give him a call. Thank you, Mr. Walter.”

  “He and his brother, they’re both war heroes ya know?”

  “Good night, Mr. Walter.”

  “Went to war myself. I was much younger…”

  Tori escaped into her dark house and leaned against the door.

  She raced to her bedroom and fell face first onto the bed. Tori fought to keep from reaching for her cell. Whatever was Tobias doing back in town? And more importantly, why had he been waiting for her? It made no sense whatsoever.

  The moon was full. Its light shined through the thin curtains on her bedroom window casting beautiful shadows across her bed.

  As much as she wanted to revel in the wonderful night she’d had with Alec, a part of her was angry. Why couldn’t she have a bit of peace? If anything, after all this time, she’d finally moved on and enjoyed a wonderful night of lovemaking and a good meal.

  That damned Tobias, he ruined everything. Her heart was shattered and he refused to allow it to heal and move on.

  Tori punched the pillow, rolling to her side in an attempt to get comfortable. Finally, as slumber edged in, her cell phone dinged.

  It was a text from Allison.

  Call me in the morning. I have some good juicy gossip.

  Tori blew out a breath. The nosy part of her really wanted to call and find out what happened. But for a few hours, she preferred to bask in the afterglow of finally having sex. The first time in years that she’d had sex with someone other than Tobias.

  Then she noticed a big bright number one next to the message icon. A part of her knew it was a mistake to listen to it, but her fingers moved independently.

  “Tori. It’s Tobias. We should talk.”

  By the hollowness in his voice, she wondered if he was still having a hard time processing their son’s death. Perhaps he’d returned from the wedding sooner because he had questions and wanted to probe deeper, ask more questions and such.

  Tomorrow would be soon enough to find out. Did everyone have so much drama after a date with a new guy?

  Tori didn’t allow the continuing thoughts to linger. Instead, she allowed sleep to take over.

  Chapter Sixteen

  It was obvious by ten in the morning it was going to be another busy day and Mindy didn’t mind it one bit. Already, she’d run out of muffins and there were second and third batches of them in the oven. The air smelled wonderful, the aroma of the baking wafting out the door bringing even more customers inside.

  When the bell over the door dinged, she didn’t bother looking up. Her lips curved at hearing a woman telling her friend how hard it was to pick a favorite.

  “Good morning, ladies,” Mindy said, smiling. Upon noting they both studied the baked items, she added, “How about I start you with a beverage while you decide what you want?”

  It was then she caught sight of Eric. In full uniform, he stood just inside the door. A younger woman was asking him directions, her eyes wandering over him when he pointed out directions on a map she’d produced.

  The woman didn’t need directions. Any moment now, she’d give him her number or come up with some sort of ploy to get more of his time. Seeming to sense her regard, he looked toward the counter and winked. The man knew what the woman was doing.

  Upon noticing what he did, the young woman said something and he replied. Unfortunately, Mindy couldn’t attempt at lip reading because the two women had finally decided to buy one of each muffin. She packaged up the golden raisin, triple chocolate, banana nut and blueberry muffins in a pastry box.

  The women scurried to a table with their muffins and Mindy’s employee followed them with their lattes.

  She had a hard time taking orders with Eric there. After not coming in to the coffee shop for days, he’d made an appearance only after they’d made love. If he was going to let her know he was leaving, she wasn’t sure it would be possible to keep from crying. It was best to stop him before he did.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he greeted her while placing his travel mug on the counter. “I was hoping to grab you for a few minutes, but it looks as if you’re slammed today.”

  Heat surfaced on her cheeks. “Yes, it’s been busy since yesterday. It will probably continue through the weekend.” Mindy turned around to pour his coffee.

  “Can I take you out for dinner then?”

  At least he was being decent enough to tell her in person. Mindy released a shaky breath. “Dinner sounds great. Where?”

  He shrugged. “How about if I pick you up at six? We can decide then.”

  There were only two restaurants in Laurel Creek, three if you counted Shooters. Which she didn’t.

  She was pretty sure Victoria’s was out of the question. It would be hard enough to be told a relationship is over without it being around people she was good friends with. Mindy realized he waited for a response.

  “We can choose then,” she replied with a smile. “See you at six.

  Once he walked out, the young woman who’d been flirting with him walked up and looked up at the menu. “I’ll take a banana nut and a tall coffee, black, no sugar or creamer,” she rattled off. “The policeman said he was your boyfriend.”

  Mindy was caught off guard. “Umm-yes.”

  The woman looked down her nose at Mindy and seemed to find her lacking. “Impressive.”

  What the hell did that mean? Mindy frowned at the woman. “What is it you find impressive?”

  Mindy’s helper slid her a glance and rang up the woman’s order while Mindy narrowed her eyes at the woman.

  The annoying woman gave her a one-shoulder shrug. “Just that he’s very attractive and you…well you didn’t seem overly friendly to him. If he were my…”

  “But he isn’t,” Mindy interrupted and turned away to an older couple. Thank God for them. Otherwise, she would have said something horrible. Mindy decided they’d get a free pastry for their presence alone.

  At six o’clock that night, Eric was at Mindy’s door. She’d decided they’d not have dinner out. If the man was going to break up with her, it was best not to have it done in a public place.

  “Please, come in,” she said as she stepped back to allow him room. Eric gave her a puzzling look for a moment then walked inside.

  When she motioned for him to sit, he removed his jacket. “Is something wrong?”

  Mindy almost laughed out loud. “If you don’t mind, I’d rather we talk here before going anywhere. You didn’t make reservations d
id you?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. Just planned to go to Victoria’s.”

  Just as she thought. A public dumping. “Would you like a glass of wine?”

  Once again he studied her. “Okay.” He said the word slowly almost as a question and Mindy walked off before he did ask one.

  “Won’t be but a minute.”

  When Mindy returned to the living room, her stomach was in knots, her knees barely kept her upright. That she was fighting back tears before the man even started his “since I’m moving, we should just end it” speech, Mindy waterworks were a huge possibility.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?” Eric stood and took the wine glasses from her, placed them on the coffee table and pulled her against him for a hug.

  Whatever expensive cologne he wore made her take a deep breath. She loved the way he smelled. Eric’s finger combed through her hair and he cupped her chin and kissed her. The warmth of his lips soothed every part of her. When he suckled at her bottom lip, a soft moan escaped and Mindy relaxed against him.

  “I can never get enough of you,” Eric mumbled against her mouth. “You’re the reason I can’t leave.”

  Mindy pushed back, suddenly aware of what he’d just said. “What do you mean?”

  “I turned the job down. I have too much going on here. If Tobias moves to Billings, my uncle asked if I want to take over at the ranch.”

  So he wasn’t going to repeat what he’d said at first. “What about what you want? What makes you happy?” Mindy’s brain was screaming for her to shut up. Less than five minutes earlier, she was about to dissolve into hysterics over him leaving and now, for some stupid reason, she wanted to argue that he’d chosen to stay.

  “Mindy.” Eric kissed her again. It was hard to kiss him and not wish for it to linger. “Look at me,” he persisted. “What’s wrong with you? You don’t want me to stay?”

  Tugging at his hands, she bit her bottom lip before speaking. “Sit down, let’s toast.”

  Her eyes locked on his, she held up her glass. “I celebrate your decision. The reason I’ve been a bit off today is that I was expecting you to dump me, to end things.”

  The corners of his lips curved up. “If anything, I was trying to figure out how to convince you to come with me. With our relationship being so new, I figured you’d turn me down.”

  “Seriously?” Mindy blinked back tears. “I would have said yes. I am in love with you, Eric.”

  He looked down and Mindy wanted to kick herself. Had she really just blurted out that she loved him? Now he was probably figuring out how to respond and not hurt her feelings.

  Eric blew out a breath and stood up. Mindy wasn’t sure what to do, so she stood, too. “You don’t have to leave. I understand if you feel differently. I mean we’ve just started dating. Only slept together once…”

  “Shut up,” Eric said, bringing his mouth over hers. Pulling her against him, she was instantly aware that he was fully aroused as his erection pressed into her stomach. Mindy wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him tighter against her.

  Eric pulled back and lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes. Then taking a step back, he reached for his jacket.

  Mindy wasn’t sure whether to stare at his face or the huge bulge in his pants. Why was he getting his jacket? Did he just tell her to shut up? This was the most confusing evening.

  “Every relationship moves at a different pace. I’ve been in love with you for years, Mindy. I was a coward who didn’t trust myself to say the right thing. I hate how long I prolonged finally asking you out.” He took out a small velvet box from his jacket. “Marry me.”

  If her eyes could’ve fallen out of their sockets they would have. But thankfully, they were tethered.

  “Yes!” Mindy threw herself against him with so much force they tumbled onto the couch.

  Within minutes, there was a trail of clothing from the living room to her bedroom and Mindy could not contain what she felt. So much so that she began to cry, making Eric immediately pull away and look down at her.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head, embarrassed by the outburst of emotion. “No. I’m happy.”

  His lips quivered at the corners just a bit. “You’ll have to tell me what to do in instances like this.”

  “Kiss me.”

  His mouth was instantly over hers, the taste of him mingling with the saltiness of her tears. He felt so very good, the weight of him atop her, the anchor she’d been missing for so long.

  “I want to make love until morning,” he mumbled in her ear. Mindy sighed, sliding her hands down his back to cup his firm butt.

  “My sentiments exactly.”

  She’d never tire of his kisses, his touch and the wonderful way they fit together.

  “You feel so perfect,” she whispered as he thrust into her.

  Chapter Seventeen

  When Luke galloped toward him, Tobias immediately concentrated on his brother. The lingering sadness that had enveloped him was instantly replaced with concern for Luke.

  The tension in Tobias’ shoulders went away at Luke’s relaxed expression. It was gratifying to see the way marriage to Leah had changed Luke, the calming effect that allowed his brother to keep the storms in his mind at bay.

  Tobias wasn’t fool enough to think Luke was miraculously cured. Luke would always have PTSD, but that it was managed to a point where there was normality in his life was good enough.

  “Heard what happened,” Luke said as he studied his brother for a beat. In those few seconds, it was as if his twin read every thought and shared his emotions. Sometimes, it sucked being a twin.

  “Yep, suppose I dodged that bullet,” Tobias replied with a hollow chuckle.

  Luke didn’t even crack a smile. “You okay?”

  Why did he have to ask that? Tobias urged his horse to move. “Yeah. You?”

  “Leah’s gone for a couple days to help her dad with some company stuff. So I’m hanging with the dogs. Eating pizza and drinking beer for dinner.”

  Being that Luke loved to cook and was the main one to do so, Tobias figured it was a break from it for his brother.

  “So much for scoring a dinner invite,” Tobias muttered. “I can have shitty pizza and beer at home.”

  “Who says my pizza is shitty?”

  At the realization Luke made it from scratch, Tobias’ ears perked. “You making some tonight?”

  “I might.”

  A wave of what felt like cement hit Tobias. He could barely breathe. Not sure how, he managed to dismount and stalk in a circle, his lungs screaming for air.

  “What the fuck?” he gasped out. “Shit. I. Can’t. Br…”

  Luke came up beside him, not freaking out, but quite the opposite. He put a hand on Tobias’ shoulder. “Look at me. Now huff out air a couple times.”

  At first, it was ridiculous to huff when he couldn’t get any oxygen in, but he tried and after a couple times, he gulped in air. His brother guided him to bend over and put his hands on his knees.

  “What the hell?” Tobias said. “Am I having a heart attack?”

  “Nah. Panic attack. Anxiety.”

  “Shit. Right. Nope, I think I better go to the doctor. I’m not in a good place mentally, but that doesn’t mean I want to die.”

  Gingerly, Tobias straightened and took a deep breath. His chest didn’t feel tight. It had been his lungs that had been burning.

  He glared at Luke. “Why would I be panicking? Or freaking out?”

  “You tell me.” His brother was ever so eloquent. Then again, Luke didn’t have to say much to get a point across.

  Tobias stared at his twin for a long time. “I have…had a son.”

  Luke didn’t react. Instead, he watched him, guarding him, protecting him.

  Although Luke already knew the details, Tobias repeated them. “Tori was pregnant and he died, right after being born. A boy.” The words came out stilted, as if told by someone who didn’t quite understand
the subject. “She didn’t tell me. I fucking hate her for that. If I would have stayed, maybe he wouldn’t have died. Shit. I don’t know.”

  He didn’t realize he was crying until a tear rolled into his mouth, the salty taste taking Tobias by surprise.

  “I can’t ever forgive her for that, Luke. Do you have any idea? Shit I don’t know what to feel. What to think.”

  “Why didn’t she tell you?”

  Tobias looked up at the sky. “I guess because she didn’t want me to stay just because she was pregnant. Man, I know she was a kid. But that kind of shit, you don’t keep to yourself and then dump it on someone twenty years later.”

  When Luke came closer and pressed his forehead to his brother’s, Tobias realized he was sobbing uncontrollably. He was grieving for the little boy, his son.

  “I don’t know what to fucking feel.” He allowed his head to fall onto Luke’s shoulder and his brother remained still as a statue. “What am I supposed to feel?”

  “Pained. Angry. Betrayed.” Luke summed up exactly what he felt.

  Tobias jerked away and swiped away the tears with the back of his hand.

  “Did you know?” Tobias directed his anger toward Luke. “Did Mom tell you? She knew. I’m pissed at her, too.”

  “Nah, I didn’t. Mom probably felt it wasn’t her place to tell you. This was something Tori had to do. Explain it. Did she?”

  Tobias nodded. “She feels guilty about it. Shit, I guess it wasn’t her fault. I suppose not really mine either.”

  They walked for a few minutes. The time allowed Tobias to get his shit together. Admittedly, he felt a bit embarrassed about crying. However, if he were to be honest, he and Luke had always been open with emotions.

  “It’s not too late, you know?” Luke said, his gaze forward. “You and Tori. She’s young enough.”

  Tobias stopped abruptly and gave his brother an incredulous look. “What are you talking about? She and I are barely on speaking terms.”

  “That doesn’t mean you’re not in love.”

  “Since when are you a romantic?” Tobias attempted at humor, but it came out dry.


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