Wrong Number: A Forbidden Love Age-Gap Romance

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Wrong Number: A Forbidden Love Age-Gap Romance Page 20

by Iris Trovao

  She raised an eyebrow. “Those are two vastly different things. How is my face doing both of those things?”

  “Just spill, girl, you’re killing me.” He snatched up his coffee mug and leaned on the bar.

  She took a deep breath. “It went really well.”

  Janos drummed his fingers on the side of his mug. “But?”

  “But nothing,” she murmured, raising the cortado to her lips and taking a long, slow sip.

  “Ah, I see.” He nodded sagely. “So it went well but you didn’t get laid at the end.”

  Jolie snorted. “Am I that transparent?”

  “Well you don’t have goofy post-night-of-hot-sex afterglow.” He held up his wrist to mime looking at a watch even though he wasn’t wearing one. “And it’s early, so you probably would have been having some post-night-of-hot-sex morning sex right now.”

  She sighed. “That would have been nice.”

  “So, what happened?” He rested his chin on his fist. “Is he just too much of a gentleman to ravish you on a first date?”

  She took another sip of her drink and set the small cup back down on its saucer. “Something like that.” She rubbed her forehead. “And then Alicia texted me and I’m just…ugh. The guilt is setting in.”

  “Will you cut it out with that?” He rolled his eyes. “It’s your life, not hers.”

  Jolie shook her head. “But—”

  “You want me to tell her for you? Soften the blow?”

  “No!” she snapped. “No fucking way. I’ll do it.” She took a deep breath and let it out through loose lips. “Eventually.” Her phone buzzed and she glanced down at it, snatching it up immediately.

  “Ooooh, is that him?” Janos asked, leaning forward.

  She leaned back, shooting him a warning glare as she unlocked her phone.

  Carson: How was your night?

  She smirked at the screen and shoved the phone into her pocket, jumping down from her seat. “I’m gonna sit over there and torture a hot doctor for a while.” She scooped up her coat and cup as Janos chuckled, shaking his head.

  “I’d tell you to be gentle, but I know you’re not capable,” he drawled.

  “I resent that,” she quipped as she sauntered over to the comfy couches in the far corner. He wasn’t wrong, but she didn’t feel like this was the time to be gentle. Carson had told her the reason he’d bailed, and it had nothing to do with how forward she was—just his own insecurity. So I just have to make him horny enough to not care about his insecurities anymore.

  She sat down and curled her knees up, resting her phone hand against her thigh as she took another sip of her drink. She chewed over her response, unsure of how to dive in.

  She finally settled on, Lonely :(, and hit send. I did have this awesome birthday date with a super hot guy first, though.

  Carson: Oh, that sounds promising. Did you have a good time?

  Jolie snorted. “Oh, doc,” she muttered as she sent back, An amazing time. He was a perfect gentleman, even while I simped over him the whole time.

  Carson: Ah, he may have been a perfect gentleman, but I imagine beneath the facade he was ‘simping’ just as much.

  A grin erupted on her face, and her cheeks burned. I can’t imagine why a sexy doctor would simp over lil ol’ me, she sent back.

  Carson: Because you make him laugh. You don’t care what other people think of you.

  Carson: And because you’re beautiful.

  Jolie swallowed, her throat suddenly thick. She’d set out to create playful banter, but it had turned into something more, and though unexpected and terrifying, it made her chest swell with warmth.

  Except what did she say back to that? Dammit doc, so smooth, she thought with a sigh, sipping more of her drink to try to open her throat some more.

  Well then, he should definitely agree to let me take him out on a date today, she sent, drawing her lower lip between her teeth. She hadn’t known how long to wait, when would be acceptable for her to ask to see him again, but she just couldn’t put it off any longer. She knew what his voice sounded like now, knew what his laugh sounded like, the way his eyes smoldered when she flirted with him… All of these things swirled in her head as she read his texts and it just wasn’t enough anymore.

  She needed to see him again.

  Carson: He would be a moron not to.

  Jolie smirked at the screen. I mean, he was kind of a moron last night, she sent back. Leaving me all hot and bothered and alone in the cold when he didn’t even want to.

  Carson: Absolutely, only a moron would do that. It’s a miracle that you want to see him again.

  She shook her head. Well, revenge is in order.

  Carson: Revenge? That doesn’t sound terrifying at all.

  She raised an eyebrow, taking a long, satisfying sip of the warm cortado as her thumb flew over the keyboard. I’ll text you the address, be there at three. She grinned wickedly. Wear something comfortable.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Carson pulled over at the address Jolie had given him. She’d said she’d meet him outside, but he couldn’t tell where she would be coming out of. Most of the places within view were shops, and he didn’t think she’d be taking him shopping.

  His whole body vibrated with excitement. Their conversation that morning had set him aflame, and he couldn’t believe she’d wanted to see him again so soon. Especially after he’d run off on her with his tail between his legs.

  He had a delicious sinking feeling that he had no idea what he was getting into with this woman.

  His phone buzzed, and he pulled it out of his pocket.

  Jolie: You here?

  He looked around again, but he couldn’t see her. Yes, I’m parked outside of a sporting goods store, he sent back. Are we shopping?

  There were no little dots signifying that she was replying, and he assumed she would appear from somewhere. He pocketed his phone, turned off the car, and got out into the frigid January air. He skirted the hood and stepped up onto the sidewalk, head on a swivel as he watched for her.

  Jolie popped out of a nearby alleyway, walking up to him with her hands deep in the pockets of a puffy winter coat. Her nose was pink from the cold, eyes bright as soon as she spotted him, and his mouth fell into an easy grin as he took her in.

  “We’re not going shopping, ya goof,” she drawled with a smirk. “I told you to park here so you wouldn’t know where we were going. Come on.” She lifted her elbow, making a hole in her arm.

  Carson chuckled, slipping his hand into her arm like a damsel to a gentleman. “Sneaky.”

  She winked up at him as she led him into the alley she’d come out of. “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” She tilted her head, looking him up and down as if to appraise his attire. “That’ll do.”

  “Are you taking me to some underground fight club?” He raised an eyebrow, glancing down the brick walls as they walked. “You tell me to dress comfortably and then lead me into a back alley?”

  She snorted. “Oh yeah, dragging the prestigious doctor to an illegal boxing ring. That is totally how I want to spend my afternoon.”

  “Prestigious, huh?” He wrinkled his nose. “Why do I feel like that’s not a compliment?”

  She leaned her head against his shoulder. “Everything I say to you is a compliment.”

  “Even when you call me Dr. Dorky McNerdface?”

  Her laugh was sunshine cutting through a snowstorm. “Especially when I call you Dr. Dorky McNerdface.”

  They emerged from the alley on the other side of the block, and Jolie led him to the right and in through a door before he could pull back to look at any signage. It didn’t matter whether he looked or not, though, because as soon as they entered the lobby, he realized where they were.

  Past the front desk, the small waiting area opened up into a massive rock-climbing gym.

  “Wow,” Carson breathed. He hadn’t really known what he was expecting, but it surely wasn’t this.

  Jolie disengaged her arm fro
m his and shrugged out of her coat. He took it before she could drape it over her arm, and his mouth went dry. He’d been awestruck seeing her in that evening gown the night before, but this was something else. She wore a burgundy tank top and black leggings, and the fabric hugged her frame like a second skin.

  She turned and bent to unzip her boots, and he blinked rapidly, averting his eyes from the curve of her—

  “Welcome back. This must be your guy,” the woman behind the desk greeted, and approached with a clipboard. “Once you stash your outerwear, I have some forms for you to sign. And if you give me your shoe size I’ll bring out a few styles for you to try.”

  Carson cleared his throat and offered a smile, trying desperately to ignore Jolie’s languid form in his periphery. “Thank you.” He accepted the clipboard and pen. “I’m a twelve.”

  “Great, I’ll be right back.” She flashed him a thousand-watt customer service grin and headed to the shelves of shoes on the far wall.

  “Here,” Jolie offered, stepping up to relieve him of her coat. “Give me yours and I’ll hang ‘em while you fill that out.”

  He wormed his way out of his coat and handed it to her. “Thank you,” he said softly with a smile. He didn’t miss the way her eyes roved over his bare arms, and a thrill ran through him.

  He scanned the basic waiver, signing at the bottom, and traded it with the receptionist for a pair of climbing shoes.

  “So, doc,” Jolie said as she led him out to the gym floor, “what do you think?”

  Carson tilted his head back and forth. “It’s been a long time since I've been climbing,” he admitted. “I used to love it.”

  Her eyes lit up and a blush crept up her cheeks. “I’m glad it’s something you like.” She linked her fingers together and twisted them. “I had this whole thing where I was gonna pretend I was good at this to look cool, but I've actually never done it.”

  He laughed, shaking his head. “Thank you for telling me. Doing dangerous stunts to look cool always ends badly.”

  “I guess you would know, considering dumb asses like me keep you in business.” She reached up and gathered her hair into a ponytail, expertly wrapping an elastic around her thick locks. “So you a pro, or what?”

  He puffed out his chest with false bravado. “World champion rock climber.”

  She laughed, smacking him lightly on the shoulder, leaving his skin electric. “You are a horrible liar,” she declared.

  “It’s my best feature,” he joked.

  Her lips twisted into a devilish smirk. “I disagree.” Her voice carried a husk to it that knocked the wind out of him, but before he could dwell there, she bent over to snatch a harness from a rack. “So do I need to get somebody over here to help me, or can you get me into this thing?”

  His mouth went dry again, and he marvelled at how quickly this woman could disarm him. She put a delicate hand on her hip, and hung the complex weave of straps from the opposite arm, swinging it gently back and forth.

  He took it and knelt, holding open the leg and waist straps so she could step into them. Her warm hand braced on his shoulder as she did so, and he slowly brought the harness up her legs, struggling to control his racing heart as he got to his feet.

  That subtle scent of jasmine wafted over him, and her little gasp as his fingers grazed her thigh made his stomach clench. They were so close, and she gazed up at him with heat in her eyes.

  It took all of his willpower not to pin her against the wall and devour her mouth. Something stirred inside of him, something that had lain dormant for so long, awakened by her scent, her sweetness, her pliable body that was so trusting as he encased it in the harness.

  “Hold this,” he said hoarsely, tugging on the front loop.

  She swallowed hard, visibly trembling as she took hold of the harness to keep it up as he tugged on the tightening straps to make sure the fit was snug.

  “How does that feel?” he asked, resisting the urge to brush his fingertips down her soft-looking cheek.

  Her lips parted, but nothing came out. She licked them and took a short breath. “Good.”

  “Good,” he replied, his heart hammering so hard he thought it might punch its way right out of his chest. He took a step away from her to pick up his own harness, sliding it up over his pants and tightening it with nervous, fumbling fingers.

  “So,” Jolie said, and cleared her throat. “This is our wall.” She pointed up.

  “You both ready to climb?” One of the male employees sauntered over, giving them an easy smile. “I’m Brett. Can I just have a look at your harnesses before you start?”

  Carson finished adjusting his and turned just in time for Brett to give the loop a quick tug.

  “Excellent,” he drawled. “You gonna climb together, or one at a time? I can grab a second belayer.”

  Jolie smirked and raised her hand. “I want to go first.”

  Brett nodded. “Okay, let’s get you fastened here.”

  “So, any pointers?” she asked Carson as she faced the wall. It was flat until about halfway up, where there were protrusions at about forty-five degree angles. The screwed-in handholds were plentiful, which would be good for her shorter limbs.

  “Lead with your feet,” he replied. “Use your hand holds for balance, but keep in mind that you’re climbing with your legs.”

  She shook out her hands, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “Okay, I got this.” She flashed him a smile and placed her foot on the hold nearest to the floor.

  Carson wondered how they’d gotten here. The night before, and even this morning, she’d been essentially berating him for getting her worked up and not following through. Then her plan for a date was him teaching her how to climb a wall? This woman was an enigma.

  He backed up a step, watching her lift her other leg up onto another foothold, finding comfortable places for her hands. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her stretching form, the languid way she moved, the gentle gyration of muscles in her—

  It suddenly hit him like a freight train. She’d been worked up and annoyed, and now he was standing beneath her watching her stretch her body in skintight clothes. He drew his bottom lip between his teeth as she leaned, bringing one of her knees up in a flexible lunge.

  She wasn’t an enigma at all. She’s evil.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Jolie hooked a leg up, pressing into the foothold and launching her body up. She wanted to glance down to see if Carson was drooling over her, but she also didn’t want to go ass over teakettle.

  Halfway up the wall, she realized that this had been a stupid plan. Yes, she looked great, yes, this was probably dangling a sexy carrot in front of his face, but also…rock climbing was hard. She'd broken a sweat and her limbs weren’t used to hanging her entire body weight from the ends of them.

  “How am I doing, doc?” she grunted, hoping she was loud enough he could hear her.

  “You’re doing great!” he called up. “If you move a bit to the left then you won’t have to go over the outcropping.”

  “Thanks, I think I'll skip that,” Jolie huffed, and heaved her foot up. She took a deep breath and pushed her weight onto it, and she had a split second to think oh, shit before her calf exploded with pain.

  She hissed and froze, attempting to breathe through the pain, but her traitorous lungs simply pulsed and fire burst across her vision.

  Both men shouted something from below, but it sounded like she was underwater. Jolie finally managed to take in a ragged breath, then Carson’s voice cut through the fog.

  “Are you alright?” His normally smooth tone was higher pitched, worry evident.

  This is so fucking embarrassing, she thought bitterly before peeling her lips apart. “Leg cramp,” she croaked. “I’m good. It’ll pass.” She hissed again. It wasn’t passing. And it was as if her knee had locked itself. She wanted to pull her leg back down to the foothold beneath her to loosen the stretch, but she couldn’t bend it.

  “Come down,” Carson cal
led, moving directly underneath her. “Just ease back. Brett’ll lower you.”

  She gritted her teeth, trying to slip her foot down as her calf continued to scream, but her leg wouldn’t budge. “I can’t.” Her cheeks burned. “I’m…stuck.” She puffed out her cheeks, attempting to let her breath out slow as a new wave of seizure spiked through her muscles. “Just give me a sec.”

  “Sir! Let me get you a belayer—”

  “I’m coming to get you,” Carson cut Brett off, sounding closer than the ground, and Jolie looked down through her traitorous limbs to see the doctor climbing up towards her.

  “You should have a rope thing!” Her voice was shrill and piercing to her own ears. Everything was piercing.

  Carson didn’t respond, simply made his way up the wall with expert grace. He was beside her fucked-up leg in moments, barely even breaking a sweat, and he let go of his right handhold to wrap his fingers around her calf.

  Relief flooded through her, and she closed her eyes, moaning as he massaged the taut muscle.

  “Dude, if you fall it’s not covered,” Brett warned, but Carson ignored him.

  “Okay, I’m going to gently lift your ankle, so you can slip your leg down.” His voice was so calm and gentle, nothing like the worried noise that had come out of his mouth when he was on the ground.

  Jolie imagined this was his doctor voice. And as embarrassed as she was…she liked the doctor voice.

  “Ready?” he asked, and she nodded jerkily.

  He curled his hand beneath her ankle and lifted the slightest bit. Jolie winced as she lowered it, the leg hanging uselessly as she struggled to keep herself balanced with her other limbs.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  She nodded again, attempting to flex her foot a bit and failing miserably. “How do I get down now?”

  “Just lean back and hold on to the rope,” he explained with a reassuring smile. “Brett will rappel you down.” He glanced over his shoulder, down at the frowning employee below, who had been joined by the receptionist and a second man in full climbing gear.


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