Mage Throne Prophecy

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Mage Throne Prophecy Page 24

by James Haddock

  We did the same thing in Midwick. Mother suggested one of the Royals she trusted for Governor and we installed him there. We paid our debts and started putting people to work. I made sure the treasury was fully funded. Calm was returning to the kingdoms, as lives got back to normal.

  I went to see Dov-ees, ”I need Master Shipwrights, and Shipwrights. We have the correct types trees, what I don’t have is the expertise."

  “The only ones I know of are the ones in Dunwich, and their King will not let them leave.”

  I smiled, “We’ll see.”

  I TELEPORTED TO DUNWICH, under my warehouse. It seemed like a business as usual day. I came up out of sight and went into the office.

  The office manager rose, “Sire,” He bowed.

  I nodded, “All is Well?”

  “Yes, Sire. No problems.”

  “Good. I’m looking for a Master Shipwright. Have you had any dealings with any?”

  “I have not, but the shipyards are across the harbor, they should be easy to find.”

  I smiled, “thank you.” I went outside and around the corner. I dropped underground and went over to the shipyard. I went under a few offices listening to conversations. There were several projects ongoing, employing a lot of shipwrights. Inside one office three men were arguing.

  “You have to pay guild dues. And your shipwrights must pay guild dues. They have no choice. if they don’t belong to the guild, they don’t work. If you don’t belong to the guild, you are out of business. That’s as plain as I can make it.”

  “So, we buy our work now do we? Then we buy our Jobs?”

  “Call it what you want, but them’s the rules.” The two men left, leaving the third alone in the office.

  I came up out of sight and went in through the door; He looked up. “The guild bothering you too?” I asked.

  “They bother everyone, it must be part of the job.”

  I nodded. “I have a proposition for you. One where You won’t have to bother with the guild.”

  “It must be in another country because here, you have to deal with them.” I didn’t answer. He looked at me for a moment. “Another country?” He asked frowning.

  I nodded. He sat down, staring at me. “Just for conversation’s sake, what do you need built?”

  “Several ships. Some cargo, some fishing, and some Navy. I have forests of ship’s wood, I need Master Shipwrights, and shipwrights to build my ships. We have no Shipwright’s Guild.”

  “How many people are you thinking of hiring?”

  “How many do you need, and how many can you get?”

  “Again, just for conversation’s sake you understand, I’d like to have 50 Shipwrights and 50 apprentices. Another couple of masters wouldn’t hurt.”

  “If you were starting a yard from scratch, and could have anything, what would you want?”

  “People and facilities?” I nodded. “Four dry docks, six Master shipwrights, 50 shipwrights and 100 apprentices.”

  I nodded thinking, “I will hire that many, provide housing, and transportation, to the shipyards. If you can get them, you can run the shipyards.”


  “You tell me, but more than they make here.”

  “How soon do you need them?”

  “Well, I could take them right now, but... This will cause a fuss in the shipyard and Dunwich. So, let’s say I wanted to hire you to build a ship here. You have a business; you just need to hire people. People who will leave the country willingly in an instant. That will be the tricky part, I don’t want you in trouble here in your Kingdom.”

  Staring at me, ”you’re a Mage” I nodded. “Can you take me to this shipyard now?”

  “I can take you to the place I will build it.”

  He harrumphed. “Come back in ten years, when you have it built.”

  I smiled, “I could have it finished in a week, but I’d like your input on the design.” I raised a table up from the floor with a relief model of the area where I would build. “I will use this river as one side of my harbor.” A harbor appeared. “A fort will go here, the town here. The shipyards will go over here. You said you wanted four dry-docks." Four drydock rose on the model. “What else do you need?”

  He looked at the model. “Warehouses.” They appeared. “A lumber yard.” one appeared. “Housing for the workers.” They appeared. He nodded his head. For the next hour we talked logistics, and support until it satisfied him. “Take me to the site.”

  I teleported us to the site where we would build it all. I had to steady him until the dizziness passed. “Thanks.”

  I nodded, “it gets easier."

  He looked around, “show me the trees.” I teleported us to the forest, where the large trees grew. He looked around, nodding. "Yes, this will do nicely. I’ll need gold to start. The men will want to see that we can pay them.” I nodded. ”Come back in two weeks, and I’ll give you an update on how many men I have, and what trouble we are having."

  Nodding, “I’ll leave you finances, and check back in two weeks.”

  I teleported us back to Dunwich and left him a small chest of gold. I walked back to my merchant’s office and sent a message to my local muscle to come see me. They arrived in less than an hour.

  “Sir Mage,” he bowed. I nodded handing him a large purse of gold.

  “I’m going to be doing business with Master Shipwright Guy. I don’t want him to have any labor troubles.”

  “We may need more bribe money for the guild and officials.” I gave him two more purses of gold. “He will have no troubles.”

  I nodded, He bowed and left.

  Chapter 25

  The General was ready to move his troops and supplies to our new western location. All I needed to give him was three days’ notice and we could go. I gave him his notice, and the Navy their notice, and went to Westport.

  I lowered the seabed making an actual deep-water harbor. I deepened the approach for ship traffic. I made the whole harbor stone lined, with stone docks and wharfs. I raised the castle-fort that would protect the harbor and the city. I put a guard chain across the harbor mouth. I raised the shipyard, warehouses, and workers housing. I raised a wall around the whole area. I raised a wall between the wharf and the city. I would raise the actual city later. When I had finished the first phase, I rested in the earth to restore my powers, and strength.

  I OPENED A PORTAL, and the General moved his troops and support trains through. They moved straight into the castle and assumed duties. I stayed there a few days insuring we had everything we needed. The Navy ships arrived before I left. I raised a trade road from Westport through the forest to the mountain pass, then joined it to our trade road east of the mountains.

  Reggie announced that we were opening farmsteads on shares to any who wanted to go to Westport. We made the same offer to shop owners and merchants but would give them the buildings for their shops on shares. We were already getting inquiries about them. We also hired loggers to cut trees for the shipyards, they took the trade road west to get started on their contract.

  The Kingdoms now had many moving parts, and it was taking more time to manage. I expanded my office to include the map room, and map table. I kept changes noted on the maps.

  We received a message from our trading house in Dunwich. It had been two weeks since I talked to Master Shipwright Guy. The message said, “trouble, danger waiting.” Anymore my normal dress was my armor, so I was ready to go see what trouble we had.

  I teleported outside the harbor city, underground. I moved slowly toward my trading house. I saw nothing out of the ordinary. I moved under to Guy’s office, Nothing out of the ordinary there either. My gut, which I always trust, said something was off, I was missing something.

  I went to my local muscles bar, nothing unusual there. I came up in a back room and went out and sat down at a table. The serving girl came over, “Ale.” I told her.

  Her boss brought an ale back to me with one for himself and sat down.” An unexpected
twist has come up. A Mage from court has been sniffing about. He’s not after money, he’s after information. Your Trading house, and Master shipwright are being watched.”

  “What kind of information?”

  “He suspects that you are connected to the trading house, but he’s not sure. They are watching both places. He wants to catch you to see what’s going on with the shipbuilder. I’m guessing they want to know who is paying to have the ship built. Your builder has been hiring men but not putting them to work. That made the Crown suspicious.”

  “Anything else?”

  He shook his head, “As far as I can find out he just wants to talk at this point.”

  I nodded, put a small bag of gold on the table and left through the back room. I toned my aura down and went under. I moved away from the bar and came up in an alley in the market district.

  I bought a sweet roll and walked toward the shipyard. I had my senses open to see who, if anyone, was following me. I picked up a tail when I entered the shipyard.

  I walked like I didn’t have a care in the world straight to Guy’s office. I opened the door and walked in. He seemed nervous.” Master Shipwright, I have brought another payment for the purchasing of supplies and instructions to lay the keel for my lords cargo ship.”

  I saw him relax, "Excellent, I have hired men for the job as you asked. We are ready to start anytime."

  I felt the approach of a Mage. I turned slightly toward the door. “Once you start," the Mage opened the door and stepped inside. “How long until completion?”

  “If all goes well, about a year give or take a few months.”

  I nodded. “That will be satisfactory.” I looked at the Mage. He was dressed in nice clothes but not flashy. “Sir Mage.” I nodded in greeting. He returned the nod.

  “Sir Mage,” Guy said, “This is the Mage I was telling you about. He represents those who want the ship built.”

  The Mage nodded. “I represent the Crown, and we wish to know who you represent, and what type of ship you want built.”

  “Ah, I see my ploy did not work.”

  “What ploy?” he said frowning.

  “I came straight to the shipbuilders, rather than the Crown. I thought to save some cost of the ship by doing so.”

  He smiled, “and those savings would go into your pockets.”

  “Of course,” I said smiling.

  He nodded. “What type ship?”

  “A medium-sized cargo ship. And as to who I represent, that would be Merchant Master Dov-ees in Port City.”

  “A Royal working for a merchant?”

  “Sadly yes, I’m a fourth son. My father, and my brothers for that matter, think I should work. They allow me little in the way of family income.”

  “You dress like a fighter.”

  I laughed, “hopefully I’II never be tested. I bought it for the look, and the protection of course,”

  He nodded, “ten golds.” He held out his hand. “What you charge the merchant is your affair.”

  I nodded giving him ten golds.

  He pocketed the golds and left. I fit in his pigeonhole. I was no threat to him. Guy started to speak. I put my finger to my lips. He nodded.

  “So, you can start when?”

  “Once supplies arrive, we can start, I’d say in a fortnight.”

  “Good, order the supplies, I’ll return in a fortnight.” I said nodding, making sure he understood what I wanted.

  He nodded in return, “I’ll do so straight away.”

  I gave him a large purse of gold and left. I walked back toward the market district. I found a nice place to eat and had a meal. I hadn’t been followed, as far as I could tell. I’d let Guy start on a cargo ship. I’d come back later to talk to him, then we’d make our move.

  I went by the trading house and told the master merchant their what our cover story was. “If they question you, just say your master does not share all information with you. Let them make up their own minds about the rest.”

  He nodded, ”Simple stories, are the best.”

  I KEPT HARVESTING MY gold, and silver traps. I deposited the proceeds into the respective treasuries. I returned the gold I had liberated from the wagons to Amos’ treasury. To keep peace in the family I changed the chests they were originally sent in.

  I harvested the iron from the mountain traps and formed them into ingots. I put them into a crystal and took them to Dov-ees. “These are to be sold to blacksmiths, and artisans in the city. If they don’t have gold, put them on an account.’’

  “And if they default?”

  “We’ll work something out. They may have to work for the Crown.” He nodded. “Any new news not in your report.”

  He shook his head, “All is quiet at the moment,”

  “That’s worrisome,” I said laughing.

  He smiled, nodding. “You’ve been busy.”

  “Yeah, like juggling... Torches.” I almost said chainsaws. “But we’re making money.”

  “Yes, we are, we are doing quite well, I’d like to, with your permission, move into a larger house.”

  “Sure, find one you like, and buy it. If you can’t find one you like, draw some plans and I’ll raise it.”

  “Thank you Sire. I think I have found a place. It backs up to the wall separating the wharfs from the city, right behind our warehouse. Once we buy it, I’d like to make modifications, including a tunnel to this warehouse.”

  “Sounds like fun. Let me know when you are ready.”

  I TELEPORTED UNDER Guy’s shipbuilder’s office. Nothing seemed amiss. I went a few blocks away and came up. I walked back to Guy’s office. “Sir Mage.” He greeted me.

  “Master Guy, our supplies are in?”

  “They are we started laying the keel two days ago.”

  “Excellent, perhaps you could show me around?”

  We talked as we walked, “I thought it best to start work. I’m sure we are still being watched.”

  “A wise choice. I want you to continue your work. Use this time to choose who you want to take with you. Get rid of troublemakers, and those who will not want to leave their homes. I can always use a cargo ship, so plan on finishing it. We’ll move after it’s completed.”

  “I was going to suggest that.” He nodded.

  “When you need more gold, go to my trading house, he will pay you. Keep good accounts, the Crown may check you at some point. If you have any other problems let them know, they can help. I’II check in every few months.” I gave him a large purse of gold. “For expenses.”

  He bowed, “thank you, Sir Mage.”

  I nodded. I headed toward my trading house. No one followed me, I guess they knew where I was going now that I had told them I worked for the Merchant Dov-ees. As I approached, I felt there was a Mage waiting inside, but not the same one from before.

  I glanced his way when I entered; he carried two daggers strapped long way along his back. “Sir Mage, you have a visitor who would like a moment of your time.”

  I turned to the Mage. “Sir Mage, how may I help you.” I could tell he was not used to being called “Sir Mage” but covered it well.

  “I wish to offer my services to you as you do for your master. I know you have hired muscle, and I have done some work for them in the past. I’m seeking more steady work.”

  I nodded, “have you eaten?”

  “I have not.”

  “Master Merchant, have two lunches brought into the office.”

  “Yes, Sir Mage.”

  “Let’s talk inside,” he followed me into the office. There was a sitting area with a coffee table, we sat there. He was dressed in sturdy, decent clothes and boots. “What services can you offer us?”

  “I’m an earth Mage, like yourself, though not as powerful. So, you know some things I can do.”

  “Let’s pretend I don’t, and you tell me what you can do.”

  “I can manipulate earth, and stone. I can move through earth, I can hear through earth, and I can move through walls.
To name a few.”

  “Have you tried moving through water?”

  He thought a moment, “honestly it never occurred to me. I can’t swim, but now that I think about it, the concept is the same. I should be able to.”

  “What kind of work did you do for muscle?” He didn’t answer. “Have you been following me?”

  “Not really, I was the one that told your muscle that the Royal Mage was asking about you though.”

  I nodded, “I guess not all the non-Royal Mages work for the Assassin’s Guild.”

  “Not all of us, hard life that.”

  “Are you looking for contract work, or full time ‘in my service’ employment?” Before he answered lunch was brought in. We started eating, I waited for his answer. I could tell he was weighing his options.

  “I want to be more than a ‘Gutter Mage’.”

  “Is that what they call you?”

  He shrugged, “among other things.” He said smiling. “What would you advise?”

  “If you work on a contract, you’ll make good money while working, but how often you work is not known. If you come into my service, you’ll be paid all the time, and have support, equipment and other benefits. Can you read and write?”

  “Some. I’m self-taught, and what I have been able to pick up on the streets.”

  “One benefit would be a tutor to teach you to read and write. We’ll build on that, including Magic. Can you use those daggers?”

  “When I have to.”

  “Another thing to consider, if you come into my service, you must be loyal to me, and me alone. Not this country, not this King, only me. In return for your loyalty you will have mine. When you have a need, I’ll be there for you.”

  “Will I be going to your Kingdom?”

  “You would stay here for a time. But you would start your training right away. I will hire a tutor, and you will start improving yourself.” We finished our meal while he considered. He had manners and kept himself manicured and clean.


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