Just Like Heaven

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Just Like Heaven Page 10

by T L Bradford

  I call the realtor back to see what can be done or if there is anything else available. She humors me by saying she will be on the lookout and keep in touch, but I know I’ll probably never hear from her again. Feeling a headache coming on, I go back to the dressing room to lay down for a while until I get called to set. I nearly doze off when I feel someone standing over me. I open my eyes and see Noah.

  “Hey, what’s up, man? Are you feeling okay? You look like shit.”

  “Thanks, asshole.”

  “You’re welcome.” He sits in the couch across from me.

  “I grabbed a couple of subs, want one? I figured we could eat while running our lines.”

  I’ve all but lost my appetite at this point, but hey, subs. We run lines for a while, but it is clear that I am not retaining a damn thing. Seeing that I’m distracted, Noah says, “Aliens from the planet Zoltan come down and annihilate the human race.” This catches my attention.


  “You haven’t been paying attention since we started. What’s going on, man? Did it have to do with that text earlier?” I didn’t realize he saw me.

  Reluctantly I answer. He’s going to find out, anyway. “Yeah, the apartment fell through. I need to find another place.”

  “Not the one with the pool?”

  “Yep, that one.”

  “Sorry, that blows.”

  I sit up and run my hands through my hair. Frustrated, I grab my cell and scroll down, looking for the next realtor on my phone. He perks up then as if getting a brilliant idea. “You know…” he starts slowly, “I know a place you could crash for a while until your situation sorts out.”

  “I called skid row. They said they’re already booked.”

  “Nah man, it’s a nice place, small but clean, it’s not too far from the set, and it has a pool you can use.”

  “Are you shitting me? Because I have no time to be shat upon.”

  “It’s my guest house. It has everything you’d need and is separate from the main house. You’d have complete privacy, and it’s in a good neighborhood.” I stare over at him, shocked he would even consider having me live on his property.

  “You sure that’s a good idea?”

  “Why not? It’s not like I don’t know you. And it wouldn’t be forever, just until you can get back on your feet. You can save money and carpool with me, so you don’t have to ride that death-mobile to work every day.”

  “Um, she has a name already, I call her Loretta, and we’ve been through hell and back together. She’s the longest relationship I’ve ever had.”

  “I believe it. How about it? Why don’t you come by later and at least check it out? I hardly use it.”

  “You mean the rumors of all the raging pool party’s at Noah Sinclair’s house were all a lie? Say it isn’t so!?!”

  “Keep it up jock boy, and you may be losing out on a golden opportunity,” He is grinning from ear to ear, dimple popping.

  “Alright, you’ve got my attention.”

  Around dusk, Noah drives us out to his house which is in a housing development down a curvy canyon lane. He refuses to take my car for fear it may spontaneously implode. Smart guy.

  We pull into the drive, and I see a beautiful two-story white house, landscaped to perfection. It has clay roof tiles, birds of paradise around the front door, and an assortment of small bushes and shrubs around the edges. He parks his Jeep, and we head inside.

  The house isn’t large, but it has an open floor plan which makes it extra roomy. Given Noah’s sometimes austere personality, it’s not cold or formal at all; his place is surprisingly comfortable and homey with several small detail touches. He has chosen a Southwestern décor theme. I wonder if it’s from Gemma’s doing and have a flash of jealousy. Then it’s gone.

  The kitchen sits off from the living room where crown molding lines the walls. The marble countertops gleam with their clean, uncluttered surfaces. Pots and pans dangle from a pot rack, and exotic spices are aligned on the counter. Unlike any spice I have, they’ve been used. It looks like a photoshoot from Country Living magazine. All this, and the guy didn’t even know someone would be coming over to his place. My guess is he doesn’t even have maid service. The crazy bastard enjoys cleaning.

  The kick in the pants is the entire backward facing part of the house. It has ceiling to floor glass windows letting in bright sunlight and giving an overhead view of the canyon. As I move towards the windows, I see a glistening infinity pool. Noah walks to the French doors, and we enter his back patio. It has amazing views of LA and is isolated just enough for privacy where no other house is in the position to view inside the house. Having gotten to know Noah, privacy is very important to him.

  We walk around the pool and through a small garden section (he gardens too?), which leads a path through a dense grouping of trees. Beyond the trees is a small guest house. It is in the same style as the larger house with similar tropical plants surrounding the periphery. There is a cobblestone path to the house that leads to the entryway.

  Two large glass French doors adorn the front of the small house. Noah fishes out a key from his pocket to open the doors. It is an open space layout with a bedroom off the back side. There is a small kitchen with stainless steel appliances to the left which has a window facing into the vegetable garden and the lush trees. The kitchen has an island with two stools for visitors and a drop-leaf table in a nook by the far wall. Across from the kitchen is the cozy living room which has an overstuffed blue couch facing what looks like a 50-inch flat screen TV.

  “As I said, it’s not much, but it has the essentials.” Noah is nervously jangling his keys and furrowing his brow. He looks over to me to see my reaction. I am overwhelmed by the generosity being offered to me and am unable to speak for a minute.

  “Noah, this place is fantastic. I can’t even begin to thank you. It’s perfect.” I see the furrow disappear and relaxation cross his features again.

  “I haven’t done much with it. It’s all yours if you want it.”

  “Oh, I want it, alright.” My eyes glaze over.

  One step forward.

  A couple of weeks later, I’ve moved into the guest house and am getting settled. Noah has been a great host making sure I have everything I need to get set up. I only bring my clothes and small personal items. The few larger things I wanted to keep I put into storage.

  In the mornings, I am greeted with the sweet smells from the foliage and the sound of hummingbirds from the feeder outside. It’s a far cry from the backfiring hoopdies I’m used to hearing outside the Shangri-La.

  It’s Saturday, and we have the day off. I hear a knock on my door and Noah stands there with fresh juice and what looks like a bag of bagels. I let him in, and we sit at the kitchen island and eat. We chat, and he asks me where I work out. I tell him I don’t have a gym. I leave out the part where I can’t pay gym fees. I like to go hiking and rock climbing to keep in shape. Nee, free. He says that he is an avid runner, and if I was interested, we could work out a schedule to go running in the evenings. I say I like that idea. It’s the least I could do to repay his kindness.

  The feedback from the show has been amazingly positive with people already catching onto the possible relationship between Jace and Max. Their speculation was finally put to rest yesterday as the characters first kiss scene aired. I haven’t gone online to read anything or heard from anyone yet. I wonder if Noah has.

  The reason he came over this morning was to run lines. The arrangement has benefitted us both, Noah’s performance has improved, and I’ve noticed the writers giving him meatier dialog. We are developing a natural routine and comfort level with each other, and it is showing on the screen.

  As we are laying by the pool reciting lines, I hear Noah’s cell ring. He answers, and I can tell from his replies that it must be Steph and Genie. Jesus, are those two ever apart? I see his surprised look over something they say, then he looks over at me and gives me the strangest look. He has a small smile on his lip
s, and I’m curious about what it is they are discussing. He stands up and begins pacing around the pool. He looks up at me again and continues staring while talking to them on the phone. Then he hangs up.

  “That was Steph and Genie. The numbers were a hit. Not even 24 hours and our scenes have gone viral. The studio is losing its mind and wants to jump on the crazy train. We have an appointment with both Interview and The Advocate magazines.”

  “No way. You’re shitting me.”

  “I shit, you not.”

  “Damn, that was so fast.”

  By Monday we are a household name.


  I owe Chloe $20.

  Chapter 16


  The makeup girl is trying to put foundation on me, and I’m not having it. She can take her makeup brushes and shove them where the sun don’t shine. Josh and I are at the photo shoot for Interview magazine. I’ve never gotten comfortable with these press type events. I know they are important to the show, but I could do without it. We are in a large warehouse with bright lights. It’s scorching today and being under these lights is the last place I want to be.

  We are dressed similarly, me in dark khaki pants, him in a lighter beige khaki. Josh has on a white dress shirt that is unbuttoned down to his navel. His hair is windswept, and he looks like the quintessential California poster boy. His highlights are extra contrasty today, making his hazel eyes pop. I sneak glances his way as makeup girl does her job on him. He’s the better patient.

  Having never done a photoshoot with a man before, I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m putting my full faith in this photographer not to make us look like idiots.

  We’ve been under more scrutiny this week. Some are confused, others are ecstatic, but the response has been nothing short of insane. Along with the magazine interviews, we are scheduled to be on several talk shows and morning news programs over the next couple of weeks. This was to be expected when Jace was with the character Gracie, but the level of interest is so much more intense this time.

  Our photographer is Kaye. She seems very warm and professional. Steph and Gracie told us that she had photographed same-sex couples before and showed us some of her work. It was important to me that we both keep our own style and not change it for the shoot.

  She approaches me first and gets a few quick, easy shots to break the ice. We are in a simple setting with only a few couches covered in white sheets with a ladder against the wall. Then she brings Josh over to get his shots. I feel my heart thumping a little faster. He’s a natural. He said he did some modeling back home in Colorado before coming to LA. He’s very casual and laid-back on camera.

  She discusses with us the types of images she would like to get with the two of us. Most involve one of us looking off in the distance while the other faces the direction of the camera. She uses harsher lighting to accent the angularity in our faces. We do not touch, but our proximity and body language imply a more than familiar relationship. We both feel comfortable with this level of intimacy in the shoot. She shows us several pictures, and I’m swept away by how awesome they came out.

  The interview goes just as smoothly, mostly questions about our reactions to the changes in direction for the show, our friendship, and how we are adjusting to the newfound attention. Overall, we are happy with the experience and feel geared up to deal with the other press events.

  Back on set, our character’s relationship is beginning to heat up. Jace and Max are in the early stages of their secret relationship. Jace is confused but realizes he has an undeniable attraction to Max. We are building up to our next intimate scene as Jace comes to terms with his newfound sexual orientation. I sometimes wonder how this is going to affect me and Josh’s relationship. I don’t want things to change or get too weird. So far, we have been able to separate the two parts of our lives.

  We are, however, starting to get teased on the set a lot more recently. It’s all in good fun, and we mostly roll with it. Before knowing Josh, the idea of others teasing me about my sexuality may have set me off. But now, in all honesty, I do not mind it. I don’t know what that says about me.

  I’m shooting with Ash today, so we are running lines quickly. We are getting the scripts later and later as they keep adjusting the storyline to allow more time for Jace and Max. Ash has been under the radar for what feels like weeks now.

  “Love… exciting and new… come aboard…we’re expecting you…” Ash starts singing the theme song to The Love Boat.

  “Dude, I’m gonna kick you in the sack if you don’t get serious.”

  “Come on. I’m only playing. You’ve been so cooped up in your bromance with Josh that I’ve hardly seen you.”

  “Not entirely my fault, and I’ve been on set filming. Where have you been?” He gets a little quiet.

  “I never kiss and tell. Well, okay, I do, but this time I have legit reasons to be MIA. And by the way, don’t think I missed the non-denial of your bromance.”

  “So, you’ve met someone? How sweet! What time does she need to be returned to the mental ward?”

  “Very funny. I’ll have you know she is in complete control of her faculties.”

  “I need to meet this scientific anomaly.”

  “Noah, I…” Ash starts, then Josh comes over, and he hushes up right away.

  “Hey, dudes, what’s going on?” he says. He looks between the two of us sensing he has interrupted something. “Uh, sorry I can…”

  “Nah, man, it’s okay.” Ash looks relieved that he does not need to continue. “Gotta jet anyway. You guys going to Traxxx later?” Josh and I look at each other and shrug. Why not?

  “Sure, man, see you there.” Ash fist bumps, then leaves.

  Josh says, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  “It’s no problem.”

  “Thai or Sushi?”


  “For dinner, Thai or Sushi. It’s my night to pick up, right?” I’m confused for a minute then catch on.


  “Awesome.” He grins and gets up to leave.

  My biggest surprise was how well our living arrangements have worked out so far. We usually eat breakfast over at my house then carpool in the morning to the set. We shoot throughout the day, then either I will cook, or he picks up takeout. We carpool home, do an evening run, and pick an old classic movie to watch at his guesthouse. We just kind of fell into this pattern. Are we an old married couple now? This also does not bother me for some reason. Which reminds me, I have to go to the store to get fixings for Taco Tuesday.

  “Be yourselves, that’s what the people want to see, anyway. They can spot a hack a mile away.” Josh and I are sitting next to each other in my living room, and Karl Weathers (no relation to the Rocky franchise), of The Advocate, sits on the couch across from us, notes in hand. The cameraman is behind him, pointing his lens directly at us. I’m much more nervous this time as this is a video interview. I’m self-conscious about how I hold my hands, cross my legs and whether I’m sitting too close to Josh. People can read so much into nothing.

  “Let’s get this part out of the way first. I’m going to ask you some softball questions, then some more personal ones. Are you guys good with that?” He asks. We turn to look at each other. Josh has concern in his eyes and dips his head to talk so only I can hear. He asks me if I’m okay. I know what he’s referring to. He’s wondering if I’m going to flip out and have a panic attack in the middle of this interview.

  Although I am already feeling a little woozy, I assure him that I am fine and can make it through. He continues to stare into my face and puts his right hand behind my neck. He rubs me gently, putting his thumb in the soft sensitive spot at the base of my neck and putting his forehead to mine. “You just say the word, and we stop okay?” I take a deep breath and feel better with his words.

  Karl continues to look on at us and smiles while looking down at his notes. Then he asks us if we are ready. True to his word, his first set of questions are a
bout our backgrounds and how we came to be on the show. Then he delves a little deeper asking us how we feel about portraying a same-sex couple and our reactions to receiving the news the first time. We answer openly and honestly. I find out that Josh did not know the characters sexual orientation which throws me for a loop. It clicks in my head about our test and his reaction. This makes for a great moment in our segment, and we all laugh. Tensions ease, and we are more forthcoming with our answers.

  Karl asks the inevitable question about our relationship and how do we identify ourselves. We have been coached by the studio on our responses beforehand. We both identify as straight. We have a close friendship and nothing more. We are supporters of the LGBTQ community. After fulfilling our obligations for the sit-down portion of the segment, we move on to touring the house and filming bits of us being ourselves like cooking together, running and lazing by the pool.

  We make dinner with them recording and loosen up with a couple glasses of wine. We are joking and teasing each other as we usually do. Josh tries to help with the dish, but I move him to chopping duties. We all sit and have a comfortable conversation around the table. I am astounded by how easy this was to get through with him. I gaze at him while he recounts a story of how he almost hurled eating brussel sprouts while trying to annoy me and about how we clashed initially. It feels good that we have our own story. It feels good that he is here to experience this with me. It feels so good…

  I look up and remember the cameraman is still filming us, specifically me. I must have looked like I was totally mooning over him, and I pull back, catching myself. We end the interview by taking some casual pictures by the pool. We both take a few laps then jump up on the edge of the pool and sit close to one another.

  Josh looks up at me, with tiny water droplets clinging to his thick lashes. His body is perfection in the black swim trunks with white drawstrings. His abs are glistening from the water. He looks into my eyes like he is searching for something. Some kind of clue as to the next step. I fixate on his face and bring my head down to his. I touch my forehead to his and cup his face in my hands. The spell is only broken by the sound of the camera shutter going off.


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