The Thief’s Angel

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The Thief’s Angel Page 21

by Lee, Caroline

  “If ye left me, my love,” the Fraser laird said seriously, “I would never look at another woman again for as long as I lived.”

  Mellie’s smile turned mischievous. “Ye’d better no’ do that anyhow,” she quipped, right before she leaned over and brushed a kiss against his lips.

  Court made a noise somewhere between a snort and a laugh. When all eyes turned to her, she frowned, as if startled. “Isla admitted to sending Gillepatric, her advisor, to offer the remnants of the Red Hand gold in exchange for Mellie’s death.”

  “And Gillepatric’s death?” the Queen prompted.

  Court answered promptly. “At Isla’s hand. She intimated they were lovers—”

  “They were,” Lachlan cut in.

  “And that concurs with the evidence discovered when we found his body.”

  “That’s right,” Charlotte murmured. “Ye said ‘twas as if he’d been awaiting an assignation.”

  Rosa nodded. “ ’Twas likely he was. But Isla, kenning all would be lost if he ever told the truth about who ordered Mellie’s death, stabbed him instead.”

  Queen Elizabeth hummed, still eyeing Cam speculatively as her sharp mind whirled.

  Finally, she said, “And the letter? The one which Lady Fraser believed would support this young man’s claim to the throne?”

  Cam stiffened, but Rosa doubted anyone noticed. “Cam stole it from his—from Lady Fraser without her kenning. The letter was fairly damning, Yer Majesty. Cam gave it to Charlotte, who burned it while waiting for ye to join us.”

  With the Queen glanced at Charlotte, her friend nodded, confirming the story.

  “ ’Tis destroyed, Elizabeth.”

  “How fairly damning, would you say?” the Queen asked.

  Rosa tilted her head back, closed her eyes, and began to recite the relevant parts of the missive.

  “I can tell by the lad’s build that he is mine. He bears a remarkable resemblance to my heir, John. Raise him well, my lady, for one day he may be powerful indeed. Now that the pretender king has surrendered to the English and fled, ‘tis only a matter of time before Scotland produces a strong leader. I have every intention of being that man, and I will not rest until a Comyn sits upon the throne. Never let young Cameron forget he is a Comyn.”

  Silence stretched.

  Liam broke it with a long whistle, which caused his son to jerk in surprise. The man was grinning wryly as he soothed the lad and shook his head. “Toom Tabard was stripped of his crown almost twenty-five years ago, when Edward of England stole the stone, aye? So Lady Fraser has been hanging on to that letter for decades.”

  “She was waiting for it to be useful,” Charlotte replied to her husband. “Even six years after defeating the English, there are still many in Scotland who bear grudges against the Bruce.”

  But the Queen was staring at Rosa critically. “How did you manage to remember those words, Rosalind?”

  Rosa flushed, understanding what her monarch was asking. She wasn’t questioning her memory, but Charlotte must’ve told the Queen about Rosa’s eyesight.

  For the first time, Rosa shifted away from Cam. But only enough to pull their joined hands from her skirts to show the Queen that they were a team, a pair.

  “Cam read it to me, Yer Majesty.”

  Cam understood my problem right away, she wanted to say. He didnae shame me. He didnae question why I needed to ken such things, or why I wanted to learn. He just read to me.

  Mayhap Queen Elizabeth heard the unspoken words.

  Humming, she sat back in her chair, her gaze sweeping over those gathered.

  “So the only question remaining is, who else is involved in this plot against my husband?” she stated.

  Liam spoke, patting his son’s wee bottom comfortingly. “Dinnae fash, Yer Majesty. Yer guards are alerted to the danger, and as soon as Robert returns, his men will be made aware. Between us, we’ll ken all the traitors ere long.”

  “And ye’ll have my Angels, don’ forget,” Charlotte reminded him.

  When the bodyguard inclined his head in acknowledgement, his wife smiled at him.

  “I willnae be here long, remember?” Mellie reminded them, a flash of something akin to sorrow in her eyes. “My place is at An Torr, with my husband.”

  Court nodded. “Aye, but ye’ll always be an Angel, even if we’re no’ always working together.”

  “Mayhap ye should find another to take my place?” Mellie offered.

  “And have to get used to someone else’s naughty stories?” Court quipped in return.

  Mellie gasped theatrically. “Rosa! Did ye hear that? She made a jest.”

  “Aye,” Rosa drawled. “I kenned falling in love would change her.”

  When the Queen rose to her feet, all eyes immediately went to her, and all jests ceased.

  “Mellie and Lachlan have agreed to be wed here in Scone, now that the danger is passed, and their daughter is present.”

  When the couple nodded their agreement, she turned to Court and Ross, who still stood at attention. “And the two of you have stated your intentions to remain here at my side in whatever capacity I will accept?”

  “Aye, Yer Majesty,” the two warriors murmured in tandem.

  Queen Elizabeth’s gaze fell on Rosa and Cam. “So now we are left with the question of you two.”

  Cam released her hand, but not for long. A heartbeat later, his arm was around Rosa’s waist, pulling her against him. When she glanced up at him, she saw the resolved set of his jaw, but also the worry in his beautiful gray eyes.

  The Queen eyed the place where they were joined, one brow rising delicately. “Are you letting me know you do not wish to be parted?”

  “Aye, Yer Majesty,” Cam ground out. Then he cleared his throat and tried again. “I ken who I am, what I’ve done. But loving Rosa…”

  When he trailed off, obviously unsure how to finish, Rosa rested her head against his shoulder, willing him to feel her love.

  “And you, Rosalind?” Queen Elizabeth asked mildly. “Do you love this man?”

  “With all my heart, Yer Majesty,” came her quick reply. “I would give all my days, all my futures, to be with him.”

  The Queen hummed, one corner of her lips curving upward. “Then I would hear the question from the thief’s own lips.”

  Immediately, Cam turned to Rosa, both arms wrapping her snuggly in his embrace. “Marry me, Rosalind Forbes. I ken I’m no’ worthy to even hold ye, but I love ye more than life. Marry me and let me spend the rest of my days trying to be worthy of yer love.”

  Deus in caelo.

  It was the most perfect proposal of marriage Rosa had ever heard.

  With a soft sigh, she pushed herself up on her toes to brush her lips against his. “Aye,” she whispered. “Aye, Cam. I love ye, and will adore being yers, and only yers.”

  With a relieved sound, Cam pulled her against him, his lips claiming hers in a joyful dance.

  Mayhap it wasn’t proper to kiss so soundly before the Queen, but neither could seem to make themselves care. It wasn’t until the laughter penetrated the fierce tempo of her pulse pounding in her ears that Rosa pulled away.

  Mellie was still chuckling, and Charlotte was staring at the ceiling in exasperation.

  “God’s Blood, brother” Lachlan sighed. “Again?”

  “Like ye two are any better?” Court drawled.

  “Aye,” Ross quipped, the twinkle in his eyes belying his serious expression, “ye should all be like us: Totally impervious to any desire whatsoever.”

  More chuckles sounded at that, and the Queen rolled her eyes. “You Angels make me long for my own husband.”

  Which, of course, led to more jests about the royal succession and kisses. Finally, Queen Elizabeth raised her hands to cease the chatter.

  “It seems to me our futures are set, except Rosalind’s. My dear, I should give you the choice of a future away from Scone, but I confess I am greedy. I’m allowed to be, you know, being Queen and all.”

  Rosa’s heart began to slam against her ribs, and she exchanged a worried glance with Cam. “Aye, Yer Majesty?”

  “As such, I am unwilling to allow you to retire from your duties here with me. You are still a Queen’s Angel, until such a time we both decide otherwise.”

  Rosa’s tongue flicked out over her lower lip. “And…and Cam, Yer Majesty?”

  Queen Elizabeth lifted her chin imperiously. “I could order him punished for crimes against the Crown—surely we could come up with something—but instead, I will put him to work. It has been clearly demonstrated to me today that there are benefits to having a trained thief on hand. Mayhap Cameron is not a woman, but as far as I am concerned, he is now an Angel.” Her gaze swept those gathered. “Does anyone object?”

  As the others—even Charlotte—agreed, Rosa felt the tension in her love’s body slowly flow from him. When he took a deep breath, she felt his hope flowing through her now.

  “And you, Cameron Fraser?” the Queen asked, piercing him with her sharp gaze?

  He smiled.

  “I would be honored, Yer Majesty, and will give all I can to yer cause.”

  Then he released Rosa, and placing his fist over his heart, bowed.

  Rosa lifted her skirts and curtsied

  Court and Ross both placed their fists over their hearts and bowed, and Mellie came to her feet to curtsy.

  The Queen nodded regally.

  “I am eternally grateful to all my Angels,” she said softly.

  Just then, a soft knock came from the direction of the door. Before she—or anyone—could bid the knocker to enter, the door opened.

  Ross’s sword was halfway removed from his scabbard before the figures in the door were recognized, and he relaxed.

  Rosa frowned.

  What were they doing here?

  And entering such an intimate gathering with such ease?

  The three women slipped into the room, looking as if they belonged there.

  Rosa recognized Lady Avaline as the dark-haired woman who inclined her head to the Queen. And the one with the wild curls who curtsied cheekily was Brigit, the lady’s maid who’d accompanied Mellie to An Torr.

  Wasn’t she also one of the Queen’s maids?

  Or maid to Lady Isabel?

  Because Isabel de Strathbogie was the third woman. The beautiful, regal woman smiled and bobbed a greeting to her friend the Queen. The twinkle in her eyes told Rosa she had good news.

  “Aye, Isabel?” Queen Elizabeth prompted.

  The beautiful noble woman’s smile grew. “Yer husband has returned. Robert’s ordered a bath and awaits ye in yer chambers.”

  It was almost funny the way the Queen’s eyes lit with excitement, and how hard she tried to hide it. But those who knew her best could see how badly her regal expression wanted to pull into a smile when she swept her gaze around the room.

  “We are finished here then, Angels?”

  There was a chorus of ayes.

  Including, Rosa noted, from the three newcomers.


  Without another word, the Queen swept from the room. Ross and Liam exchanged a glance, and when Liam gestured to the infant in his arms, Ross nodded quickly and followed Elizabeth from the chambers. She would be guarded, even for the walk to her own bedchamber.

  A moment of awkward silence reigned after her departure.

  Court was glaring at Isabel, Avaline and Brigit, as if wondering why they were there. Mellie was watching Rosa and Lachlan, and Charlotte’s lips were pursed.

  Finally, she pushed herself away from her desk. “Aright, ye three!” When Court, Mellie and Rosa turned to her, she sighed. “Go away. Ye have until the wedding to get yer affairs in order, but then I’m sending ye all to An Torr.”

  “Why?” Court growled, confused.

  “Because ye need a break. Oh, don’ look so worried, Courtney. I’m sending Ross too. The six of ye’d better enjoy some rest and relaxation—and I donae need to hear about what kind of relaxation, Mellie,” she cautioned, when the Angel began to giggle.

  Exhaling, Cam was already in motion, tugging Rosa toward the door, mayhap hoping for an escape. But Court wasn’t done arguing.

  “Ye want us to just leave?”

  “Aye. Start practicing now,” Charlotte snapped, making little shooing motions with her hands. “And I want ye—all of ye—married afore ye even think about coming back.” She sent her husband a wink. “Two fortnights, at least. Go. Enjoy yerselves.”

  “Ye heard the lady,” Cam whispered in Rosa’s ear. “We’ve been commanded to marry. And enjoy ourselves.”

  Smiling, Rosa exchanged glances with Mellie, who had helped Lachlan stand and was already halfway across the solar.

  Only Court seemed to object. Her expression was incredulous, her bow gripped tightly in her hand. “Charlotte. Ye cannae expect us—me—to leave the Queen unguarded. We are her Angels.”

  The others were near the door when Charlotte sighed. “She will be guarded. Surely ye donae think ye three are my only Angels?”

  At that moment, Rosa’s gaze met and held Lady Isabel’s. The regal blonde woman’s lips were curled into a slight smile, and suddenly, Rosa understood the truth.

  Her team had been put together five years ago, right after the Queen’s return to Scotland.

  But ‘twas hubris to think she wouldn’t have replicated their success.

  There were other teams of Angels here in the palace…and she was looking at one right now.

  She inclined her head briefly to Lady Isabel, whose smile grew. And then Cam was tugging her out the door.

  In the corridor, he swung her into his arms and pulled her into a niche, away from any watching eyes. Rosa was happy to let him, even curling her arms around his neck to allow her to stretch closer to him.

  “Well, my Angel?” he murmured, his lips inches from hers and his gaze intense. “How does it feel?”

  “To be so thoroughly dismissed? Told to marry and relax?”

  His lips twitched. “Aye. But I meant, how does it feel to be betrothed? To someone like me?”

  Stretching on her toes, she brushed a kiss against his mouth. “I will spend the rest of my life proving to ye what a wonderful man ye are, Cam Fraser. Have I told ye how handsome ye look in that plaid?”

  “No’ nearly often enough.”

  “Well, remind me to do it at least once a day.” Another light kiss. “Around the same time I tell ye how worthy ye are.”

  He hummed. “Worthy? Of ye? Never, my love.”

  Her heart swelled. “Ye read to me, Cam. Ye are my other half. I cannae be without ye, and I’ll tell ye such every day until we’re auld and gray.”

  His hold on her tightened. “And I’ll tell ye each and every day how much I love ye, my wee flower.”

  “Decet. Because every day I plan on telling ye how much I love ye.”

  They were both smiling when their lips met.


  It was fitting she spend her wedding night at An Torr.

  If only it hadn’t taken so long to reach this night!

  Mellie and Lachlan had been married a sennight before at Scone, where the King and Queen themselves had blessed the union happily.

  Simone had been an ecstatic part of the ceremony, and Rosa suspected it was likely the lassie had had plans to be a part of her parents’ evening as well, had Cam not interfered.

  While Mellie and Lachlan had been able to retreat to their chambers at the palace in private—and undue haste, likely having to do with the heated glances they kept sending one another—Cam and Rosa had played with Simone.

  And then, on the trip north to Loch Ness, the lassie had been attached to her Uncle Cam like some sort of ocean bivalve.

  Cam didn’t seem to mind, but he had sent a few heated glances of his own Rosa’s way, in between his niece’s attempts to get him to run footraces, go fishing, tell her about horse genitalia, explain the current political situation with England, and compare their accuracy throwing roc

  Rosa found herself giggling more on that journey north than she ever had in the past. Simone was such a delightful, exasperating, curious, exhausting child, and Cam seemed to have infinite patience. She remembered what he’d said about wanting to help others, and knew he was right where he needed to be.

  He’d also said he wanted bairns of his own.

  Sitting atop her horse, Rosa’s hand strayed to her abdomen.

  Was it possible she was even now carrying Cam’s longed-for bairn?

  For years she’d counseled Mellie on carefully counting days to ensure she didn’t conceive, but now she herself was in love, she realized counting didn’t matter so much. When the opportunities arrived to find joy in Cam’s arms, she never stopped to count.

  And gratias Deo for that!

  Over the last fortnight, the two of them had been blessed with much time alone, away from her duties. At the palace, they’d made love in her room, in secluded nooks in the garden, and once, in a niche along the corridor when they couldn’t make it someplace private in time.

  It was glorious.

  Of course, there was less privacy here on the road, but Mellie and Lachlan seemed to find opportunities to sneak off often enough, now Lachlan’s shoulder had healed.

  Their arrival at An Torr was met with much celebrating and joy, especially once Lachlan announced Mellie was now his wife—and not just by the Queen’s decree.

  That eve at supper, he stood in front of his gathered clan and told of their wedding ceremony, which prompted many toasts. But when he had Cam stand, and he told the Frasers of his brother’s return from the dead, his words were met with silence.

  Rosa had stood beside him, with Simone holding his other hand, and had beamed with pride at the way he met those stares with acceptance. He knew who he was, and what he’d done…and now he was ready to build a better future.

  It was Martin, the old seneschal, who stepped out of the crowd first. On creaking knees, he stopped near the dais and met Cam’s gaze. “I remember ye, lad, and I am overjoyed to ken ye are safe and happy. Welcome home.”

  When he bowed, it seemed to trigger an eruption of cheers from the clan, each member anxious to greet Cam, to assure him of his welcome to An Torr.


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