The Evolution of Money

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The Evolution of Money Page 39

by David Orrell

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  Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.

  Abokor, Adan, 193

  absolute wealth, 167

  Accenture, 192

  accounting, 9, 16–18, 19

  Act Against Usury, 78

  Adoration of the Magi (Botticelli), 71

  advertisers, 166

  Aerts, Diederik, 174

  Africa, 77

  agent-based models, 163

  age of mercantilism, 82–84

  Age of Uncertainty, The (Galbraith), 31

  Airbnb, 232, 233–34

  Air Miles, 190–91

  airtime, 192–93

  Alaska, 90

  Alberta, Canada, 185–86, 187

  Aldred, Jonathan, 156, 157

  Alexander the Great, 22, 24, 77

  Alexandria, Egypt, 24

  Algeria, 57

  Alibaba, 193

  Alighieri, Dante, 63

  AliPay, 193

  Alkhater, Khalid, 136

  all-seeing eye, 121

  Alpeyev, Pavel, 264n5

  altcoins, 201, 205, 208–9, 218, 228

  alternative currencies, 236

  Alvarez, Lawrence, 232

  Amadeus, Victor, 98

  Amazon Coins, 192

  American Dream, 225

  American Express, 109

  American Revolutionary War, 101, 103

  Amsterdam Exchange Bank, 84, 248n25

  Amsterdam Stock Exchange, 83

  Anaximander, 34

  Anaximenes, 34

  Anderson, Benedict, 134

  Andreessen, Marc, 210

  Android, 214

  Angas, Lawrence, 249n28


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