An Extra Spark (The Spark Brothers Book 5)

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An Extra Spark (The Spark Brothers Book 5) Page 5

by Liwen Y. Ho

  “You’re humble, too,” he added. His whole mood seemed to lighten. Even though his posture relaxed, there was still a seriousness to his tone. “To answer your question, I’m not looking forward to it. But I knew when Jaxson’s story arc started changing this season that there was a possibility I’d have to shoot a bedroom scene. I mean, the other characters have already been talking about him sleeping around. It was only a matter of time before we started seeing him play it out on screen.”

  Emma blinked, not quite comprehending Evan’s answer. He talked about his character as if he were a separate entity from himself. Which, Emma supposed, he was, but it was still Evan manifesting the teenage character. “It’s funny to hear you talk about Jaxon like that. I mean, I know you’re not him, but that’s who people see when they think of him. It’s your face and voice.” Not to mention, his body, too, which would be required to be in the same bed as Margot. She shuddered as that image popped into her mind.

  “I may play him, but I’m not him. I’m all for getting into character, but I’m not a method actor. What I do on screen doesn’t change who I am or what I believe in. It’s just like you acting as Faith. You don’t become her. You’re playing out her emotions and behavior.”

  For a second, Emma wanted to hide behind her hands. The way Evan was talking made her feel like she didn’t know the basics of acting. Of course she logically knew there was a difference between acting and real life, but it seemed like the line between the two was becoming more and more fuzzy. After taking a moment to gather her thoughts, she finally realized why. “It’s just that the character I play is so like me. I don’t have to try too hard to understand her motivations or to become her. But the character you play isn’t who you are. Isn’t it strange for you to be acting out things you’d never do?”

  Evan cocked his head to one side and frowned. He was silent for so long, Emma wondered if he was going to answer her. When he did, his eyes were somber. “I’m not sure what you think of me, Emma, but I’m far from perfect. I may not have done the things my character has done, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have the propensity to. I’m sinful, just like anyone else. I get tempted, too. There are plenty of times when I look out for myself more than other people. And far too many times when I’d rather please myself than God. He’s been so gracious to me though and kept me from doing a lot of things I’d regret. But I struggle as much as the next person. If the circumstances were different—if my life fell apart like my character’s did—I could very well react like him. So, it’s really not that far of a stretch for me to imagine his mindset and emotional state.”

  Emma was struck speechless. She didn’t know how Evan did it, but he had managed to preach a mini-sermon with his answer. Here he was schooling her on basic theology—of man’s sinful nature and God’s grace—and reminding her of her own humanity. Her chest tightened as she realized how judgmental she had sounded. “I hadn’t thought of it that way. But you’re absolutely right. No one’s better than anyone else in God’s eyes. We all need His forgiveness and grace.”

  Evan scoffed. “Me, probably more than most people. God knows how hard-headed I can be. That’s probably why He made me the youngest. He knew someone as stubborn as me would need four older brothers to watch out for him.” Sighing, he added, “I’m pretty sure they’d flip if they knew about this upcoming scene. None of them really understand what acting is about. That’s why it’s so great that we share the same career. You totally get what this business is all about.”

  Emma had no choice but to nod. She really did appreciate better than anyone else in both of their families what a sacrifice it was to become an actor. Abby had never understood why she’d wanted to move down to So Cal to pursue acting. Only Evan had the same passion and desire she did, and for that, she was thankful. Yet there was so much she couldn’t relate to when it came to the types of characters they played.

  “You’ve been doing this a lot longer than I have though. And you’re a much more skilled actor than I am,” she added without hesitation. “I haven’t taken on a role yet that’s really stretched me. I admire you for putting yourself out there.”

  Once again, Evan’s eyes brightened. He took her hand and brought it to his mouth. Holding her gaze, he planted a soft kiss on her palm. “You know just what to say to encourage me. I can’t thank you enough for your support, Em. I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without you.”

  The heat from his lips lingered on her skin, sending a rush of tingles up her arm. Her stomach dipped as she noticed his gaze dropping to her mouth. She was certain he was one heartbeat away from kissing her. Her assumption became reality as Evan leaned down to rest his forehead against hers. A hint of spices filled the small space between them as their breathing picked up speed, inhaling and exhaling in quick bursts. The moment was intense, more intense than any she’d ever experienced with Evan.

  He gave her a questioning glance, as if asking for permission to proceed. She nodded almost immediately. She appreciated his efforts at being a gentleman, but she was done waiting. She wanted to kiss her boyfriend, and she preferred to kiss him now.

  Evan’s eyes twinkled with mischief as if he understood her impatience. He chuckled under his breath and tilted her chin up gently. In a husky voice that made her stomach drop, he murmured, “I love you, Emma Dearan. You’re it for me.”

  The sincerity of his words enveloped her like a blanket, offering her more security than she’d ever known. She opened her mouth to return his sentiments, but felt Evan’s index finger against her lips, stopping her.

  “You don’t have to say it yet, Em, if you’re not ready. I just wanted to say it first. I don’t want you to have any doubt where I stand.”

  Emma laughed softly. He was really pulling out all the stops. She kissed his finger before he pulled it away. “You’re so good for me, Evan. I don’t know how you do it, but you know exactly what to say.”

  “Didn’t I tell you I can read minds?” He winked, before his expression grew serious. “I make it a priority to help you feel safe. I know you went through a lot with your family that made you lose trust in men. I never want to add to those doubts.”

  “You don’t. I have no doubts about where you stand. And I have no doubts about where I stand.” She took a deep breath and smiled shyly. It was time to bare her heart, too, and for the first time in this way. “I love you, too.”

  Upon hearing her words, Evan reacted like he had just won an Oscar. His mouth fell open first, then his eyes teared up in the most tender way. An expression of pure gratitude lit up his face. “Thank you, Emma. I’d like to kiss you now, if that’s okay?”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” Emma responded playfully, then closed her eyes.

  The sound of crickets chirping filled the air around them. All they needed was the addition of some popular love song playing in the background to set the stage for a romantic scene. Except that this wasn’t a scripted show; it was real life. She and Evan were living out a real relationship, and he was the most real embodiment of love she’d ever known. She couldn’t wait to experience kissing him. She was sure this was it, the moment she’d been waiting more than a year for.

  Emma felt his breath caress her cheek, but before he could claim her mouth, a rustling sound came from behind them. Her eyes flew open and she turned around. Her shoulders tensed as soon as she noticed the glint of the moonlight reflecting off a camera lens. “Evan, over there!”

  Evan sprang to his feet and charged toward a row of bushes at the edge of the garden. With arms crossed firmly against his chest, he commanded, “Come on out. We know you’re in there.”

  A young guy in his late twenties emerged with a smirk quirking one corner of his mouth. His tousled black hair, five o’clock shadow, and wrinkled T-shirt and jeans made him look like he’d just rolled out of bed, but Emma knew better. This man, like the other paparazzi she’d crossed paths with on occasion, lived life on the go. They didn’t care much about appearances when it was their job to
capture other people on film. As she expected, the man carried a camera with him. His SLR, however, was a little different from the ones she saw the paparazzi carry; its telephoto zoom lens was much smaller and shorter.

  Emma watched as Evan exchanged words with the man whose voice was unexpectedly low and gruff for his age. The two guys were about the same height, but Evan stood with more confidence and authority. He spoke in a calm, friendly manner, as if he were chatting with a fan. Emma had seen him in his element plenty of times when he appeared on talk shows. He had no problem chatting with people, regardless if they were strangers or celebrities. She was sure he’d be able to get on this photographer’s good side and figure out if the guy had gotten any pictures of them. And if he had, Evan would be able to convince him not to sell them. He had to.

  Minutes passed, and the tension in Emma’s shoulders increased. Evan seemed to grow more and more frustrated with each passing moment, as he pointed to the camera and gestured for the man to hand it over. His effort was fruitless though because the man kept shaking his head. That was when Emma decided to say a quick prayer, asking God to help Evan out with the situation. He was the only One capable of changing hearts.

  Emma wondered how long it would take for the man to relent. His expression remained determined, unchanging. Evan shoved his hands into his pockets and stepped back. After a few more words and a brief handshake, the man walked away and Evan returned to her side.

  “What happened? Did he get any pictures of us?” she asked hesitantly, not sure if she wanted to know the answer.

  “He did. But he’s not who we thought he was.” He grimaced, then announced, “He’s a private investigator hired to check on us. His job was to find out about our relationship status.”

  “What—why? Who would do that?” The words were barely out of her mouth when Emma realized just who would do such a thing.


  And now Margot had the undeniable proof of who Evan was dating.

  Chapter Seven


  Evan tapped his foot incessantly as he sat in front of a well-lit mirror in the makeup trailer. The muscles in his shoulders tensed, creating a dull ache that traveled along his jawline up to his temples. The moist face wipe his makeup artist was using to clean his face barely stayed cool against his hot skin. The anger and frustration building up within him was like a boiling pot of water, ready to spill over. He released a deep breath, hoping to ease some of the tension in his body, but all he ended up doing was grunting.

  Billy Bob, the makeup artist he had come to know as a good friend during his time on Edenvale, gave him a curious look. He cocked his head to the side, the tips of his blue spiked hair barely moving. Not one to mince words, he frowned and asked, “Bad weekend?”

  “Bad doesn’t even begin to describe it.” One look in the mirror confirmed how much of a toll his trip home had taken on him. There were dark circles under his eyes, as well as a couple of red bumps along his chin. He was supposed to be playing a teenager on TV, not looking like one in real life. That’s what he got for eating chips late at night when he couldn’t sleep. “Sorry to make your job harder today.”

  “Don’t worry about it. That’s what concealer’s for. What happened? The last time you broke out like this was your first day on the job.”

  Evan filled him in on the drama that had occurred two days ago at Aiden and Abby’s wedding. Billy Bob was the only person on the show who knew about him and Emma dating, so Evan felt free to confide in him. “I can’t believe she sent a P.I. to spy on Emma and me. At least the guy was decent enough to agree to wait until tonight to give Margot his report. I wanted to buy Emma some time. She’ll get to shoot her scenes today and hopefully make a good enough impression on Greg that he won’t let her get fired.”

  Billy Bob shook his head in disbelief. He threw away the face wipe, then picked up an electric shaver to clean up the stubble along Evan’s jawline. “That’s crazy, man. Margot’s got you cornered. She’s not one to play fair either.”

  “Well, I’m tired of her games. She’s not just making things difficult for Emma, she’s wreaking havoc for me, too. I’m sure you saw the script for today. You know Margot had that new scene added in, right?”

  “Margot did that? Ouch.” Billy Bob finished shaving one half of Evan’s face, then moved to the other. “This is your first bedroom scene, isn’t it? Are you stressed about that, too?”

  “Honestly, it’s a combination of everything. Worrying about Emma losing her job. Hating the fact that I have to kiss Margot again. And most of all, not feeling like I have any control or say in this situation. Lately, I have more days where I dread coming to work than look forward to it. This isn’t what I signed up for.”

  Billy Bob set down the shaver, then began applying moisturizer to Evan’s face. As he gently rubbed the lotion in, he asked, “So what are you going to do about it?”

  Evan grimaced. What a loaded question. It was one he’d been contemplating all weekend. “There are only two ways to go about this. One, stick it out and go along with Margot’s antics and hope she moves on to someone else soon. Or two, find another job.”

  Billy Bob’s brows shot up. “What about talking to Greg or one of the other producers? You’re the star of the show. I’m sure that gives you some weight around here.”

  “Not as much as Margot.” Evan tilted his chin up as Billy Bob got to work applying a light coat of foundation on his face. “It is what it is. My current contract expires at the end of this season. I’ve had a good run on Edenvale, but I think I’ve got enough experience under my belt to go out there and try something new. I’ve already told my agent to start lining up some auditions for me.”

  “You’re really serious about leaving. I’m impressed,” Billy Bob remarked with a hint of pride in his voice. “I like how you’re stepping out in faith.”

  “I’d like to think it’s faith on my part, but it might just be desperation,” Evan joked half-heartedly. “Or maybe it’s foolishness. I know there are actors who’d give their right hand to have the job I have. They’d want to be pursued by someone like Margot. Can you imagine the job security you’d have if you were dating the executive producer’s daughter? Yet, here I am, thinking about giving it all up.” He closed his eyes as Billy Bob used a brush to dab some concealer under his eyes. “Do you think I’m crazy?”

  “Not in the least. You’re being true to yourself. Money can’t buy peace of mind.”

  “That’s for sure.” That’s the thought that had crossed Evan’s mind more than once while he had been praying about this change. Staying on at Edenvale might give him a temporary sense of peace, but he couldn’t rely on his job for security. This was a big step of faith though. He hoped he was ready to actually take the plunge, not only talk about it. “I want to trust that God will provide for me. He’s opened the right doors for me before; I know He’s more than able to do it again.”

  “Amen to that. Fair warning though, it’s not going to be easy.”

  Evan opened his eyes to see Billy Bob’s face a few inches from his own as he applied the last makeup product—a finishing powder—onto his face. “Finding a new job? Yeah, I know. It’ll take time and multiple rejections before I land something.”

  “That, and the mental and emotional toll you’ll go through to get there. But I have faith you’ll grow through this situation. You know the Bible says hard times produce perseverance, and perseverance leads to maturity.”

  “James chapter one, right? I just read that this morning.”

  “That’s the one. There are plenty of times when we can’t change the circumstances, and the circumstances end up changing us. But we can choose whether we end up changing for the better or for worse.”

  Evan marveled at the wisdom of his friend’s words. Not to mention, the perfect timing of God. In this uphill battle he was facing, he really appreciated the reminder to persevere. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks, man.”

  “Anytime.” Billy Bob nodde
d and stepped to the side. “You’re all set, Evan. Not a bad job if I do say so myself.”

  Evan saw his own reflection in the mirror before him, his face now clear of blemishes. While he appeared calm and collected on the outside, his insides were twisted with worry. Now that his makeup was done, he was one step closer to shooting his scenes. But also one step closer to getting them over with. “You’re a miracle worker.”

  “All in a day’s job.” He shook hands with Evan, then handed him a breath mint. “I’ll be praying for you. Now go break a leg.”

  “Thanks again. And thanks for your words of wisdom.” Evan tossed the mint into his mouth, a ritual he did before every kissing scene. He double-checked his hair in the mirror, and smoothed some stray locks into place before exiting the trailer.

  He ran through his lines again in his head as he headed to the high school’s auditorium that housed today’s set. As he walked, his phone buzzed in his back pocket. He pulled it out and saw a message from Emma.

  Evan, I had a great shoot! Thanks so much for running lines with me yesterday. She added a selfie taken at one of the indoor stages. Her red hair was pulled back in a braid and she wore a black and white baseball tee under a denim overall skirt. The grin on her face said it all. She was doing her dream job and having the time of her life.

  That’s awesome, Em. Way to go, he texted back. Are you done for the day?

  Almost. One of the production assistants is going to take me on a quick tour of the set for my scene tomorrow.

  Oh yeah? That’s cool. Evan quickly typed a final message as he reached the set. Tell me more later, okay? I gotta go, but I’ll see you tonight for our special date.

  I can’t wait! See you later.

  The kissy face emoji Emma added at the end of her text sent a surge of heat rushing through Evan’s body.


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