An Extra Spark (The Spark Brothers Book 5)

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An Extra Spark (The Spark Brothers Book 5) Page 7

by Liwen Y. Ho

  “That makes sense. But you’re okay with Evan kissing other girls?”

  Cassie’s tone was more of curiosity than accusation, which made Emma feel safe about answering her. “Not really. It’s his job though. I try not to think too much about it.” Which was impossible after what she just saw. Thoughts of Evan and Margot making out was all she could think about now.

  “You’re a really supportive girlfriend.”

  “I try to be.” Even as she said the words, she felt as if she were betraying her heart. There was no part of her that wanted to support Evan kissing other girls. She’d rather cover her eyes and ears instead. That’s why she didn’t watch the show or even ask Evan about the scenes he shot, unless he brought it up first. The saying was true: Ignorance was bliss. But was she truly showing him support if she kept her head buried in the sand?


  Emma looked up to see Evan running out of the auditorium straight toward their bench. He had his shirt back on, but his hair was tousled and his lips swollen from kissing. His expression was one of deep concern and a little bit of fear. She’d never seen him look so unsure of himself.

  When he reached them, Cassie immediately hopped up and waved. “I gotta run. Duty calls!” She smiled and made a zipping motion across her mouth before she turned to go.

  Evan barely acknowledged Cassie; his focus was completely on Emma. He sat down beside her and took her hand in his. “I’m so sorry you had to see that. I had no idea you’d be stopping by the set or I would’ve warned you. I know it looked bad, but like I said before, it’s not what it looks like. We were—”

  “I know,” Emma cut in before he could say more, partly because she didn’t want to dwell on the subject any longer, but also because she’d made up her mind. She was going to support Evan in his career no matter what. Working in Hollywood was hard enough already; he didn’t need any grief from her. Moreover, she trusted him. “I know, Evan, you don’t have to explain. You told me about the scene. I just wasn’t prepared to see it in person. But, here’s the weird thing—I think Margot wanted me to. Cassie, the PA who was just here, told me it was Margot’s idea to bring me by the set today.”

  “Margot planned this?” Evan’s face flushed red. His eyes registered understanding as he threw his hands up in the air. “So that’s why she was stalling earlier. She was waiting for you to show up before we ran through the scene again. So much for asking the guy from Primetime Beat to keep his mouth shut.”

  “It might not have been him.” Emma relayed what Cassie had told her about the photo she saw. “Either way, I’m pretty sure she knows about us.”

  Pretty sure was an understatement. Positively certain was more like it, according to the smug smile on Margot’s lips as she walked through the auditorium door. She strode toward them, dressed once again in her robe and heels. She crossed her arms against her chest and stared down her perfectly straight nose at them. The strong, musky smell of perfume wafted in the air as she neared. “So, inquiring minds want to know. Do all in-laws hold hands like the two of you do?”

  Emma tried to pull her hand out of Evan’s, but he held on tight. He rose to his full height of five foot eleven and faced Margot head on. In a calm, even voice, he stated, “I’ve had enough of your games, Margot, so I’m going to be very clear. Emma and I are dating. If you have any problems with that, you can take it up with me. But you are to leave Emma out of it.”

  Margot sneered. “You talk a big game, Evan, but know this. You may be the star of the show, but you’re only one sixth of the main cast. Edenvale would have no problems surviving without you.”

  “That’s good to know because I have half a mind to quit right now.” Evan pulled Emma to her feet. “Come on, Em, let’s go.”

  Emma followed him, in awe of Evan’s gutsy words and stride. If only she had half of his confidence because, she was sure, if Margot had any say in the matter, the road ahead of them was going to be a very bumpy one.

  Chapter Nine


  Evan placed his arm around Emma’s shoulders and settled back into the leather couch in his one-bedroom apartment. The large screen TV hanging on the wall across from them was turned to a cooking show. A flat box lay open on the coffee table at their feet, still half full of Hawaiian pizza. The evening he had planned for him and Emma had switched from romantic to somber as soon as they’d left the set a couple of hours ago. Thanks to Margot’s scheming, neither he nor Emma were in the mood to talk, much less kiss. The only consolation he had was that they were in this situation together.

  No one else besides Emma understood the pressures he faced at work, specifically where Margot was concerned. He was sure Emma felt as beat up as he did emotionally. Her head had fallen onto his shoulder as if she had no energy to hold it up. He rested his chin on her soft hair, breathing in the sweet floral scent of her shampoo. The warmth of her body against his gave him such a sense of comfort. It was so easy and simple being with Emma; they didn’t even need to say a word. After a few minutes of sitting like this, he wondered if she’d fallen asleep. That was until he heard her sniffle.

  “Emma, are you crying?” He lifted her chin up gently. Her emerald green eyes shone with unshed tears. “What’s wrong?”

  Her tears began to fall down her pink cheeks. “I know I shouldn’t take it personally, but I hate being on Margot’s bad side. I barely know her, but she acts like I’m her enemy.”

  “It’s not you; it’s her. She’s the one trying to control the situation. Unhappy people make those around them unhappy. She’s trying to make herself feel better by putting us down. But we need to remember who we are in God’s eyes. He’s the ultimate judge. He’ll make things right. Don’t worry, babe. We’ll figure it out.”

  “I hope so.” Emma’s expression turned thoughtful. She wiped away her tears as she regarded him. “Were you serious about what you said today? That you want to quit the show?”

  “I am. I’ve been thinking and praying about it a lot. Edenvale’s been great to me, but I want to do more than play a teenager. It’s going to take some effort for me to break out of being typecast in these kinds of roles, but I just need one shot, one break. I really think I could do more if given the chance.”

  “I know you could. You’re so talented.”

  Emma’s matter-of-fact tone overwhelmed him with gratitude. He brought her hand to his mouth and pressed a soft kiss on her palm. “Thank you for believing in me.”

  “It’s not hard to. You’re so passionate about acting. You get this extra spark in your eyes whenever you talk about it.”

  “It’s a huge part of my life. Other than God and the people I love, it’s what I feel the most excited about. Don’t you feel the same?”

  “Yes ... maybe,” she admitted hesitantly. “I love acting—the rush of getting into character and pouring your whole heart into a part—but I don’t love anything else about it. I’m starting to wonder if I’m supposed to work in Hollywood. What if it’s not what God meant for me to do?”

  Evan couldn’t believe his ears. He’d just been thinking about how similar he and Emma were with their dreams and passions, yet here she was, thinking about throwing it all away. “You can’t mean that. You’ve worked so hard to get to where you are. This is just one bump in the road.”

  “A really big bump.”

  “But you don’t have to face it alone. We’re in this together.”

  “We are. I’m in this with you. I’m here to support you, Evan, no matter what. I just don’t know about myself. Today’s run-in with Margot confirmed what I’ve been afraid of. My skin’s not thick enough for Hollywood.”

  “It’s just Edenvale, Em. Not every set has someone like Margot who likes to stir up drama. We can find another show to try out for—together.” His spirits started rising as he thought about the possibilities out there. His agent had already found two auditions for him, all playing characters in their twenties. “I’m sure there’s something better out there for both of us. Don�
�t give up yet, Em.”

  She sighed a little, but she acknowledged his words with a nod. Her green eyes weren’t as bright as usual. He could tell this issue was really weighing her down. Emma was about as anti-conflict as anyone he knew. He wished he could shield her from all these pressures, but there was only so much he could do. She needed to make up her own mind about her career. Perhaps if he reminded her of all the good things she loved about acting, she would find a reason to fight for it. “Tell me about your shoot today. How’d it go?”

  Her face brightened for a moment. “It was good, really good. Greg was pretty happy with how well I took his directions. He mainly wanted me to speak up more. It took me a few minutes to get comfortable and out of my head, but once I did, I had no problems getting into my role. It helped that everyone was really patient and encouraging.”

  “It’s a great cast,” Evan agreed. “Most of the actors got their break on Edenvale, just like I did. That’s why there are no egos on set. It’s like a big family. Everyone supports each other.”

  “You mean, almost everyone.”

  Emma didn’t have to name names for him to know who she was referring to. “Yeah, well, even the closest family has their share of problems.”

  “Not yours. I’ve never seen or heard you fight with your brothers. You all get along so well.”

  Evan scoffed. “My mom would roll her eyes if she heard you say that. You didn’t see us when we were kids. Aiden loved using his role as the oldest to boss us around. We teased Brandon like crazy about the chick flicks he watched. Colin was a goofball who’d make jokes at other people’s expenses. And Darren loved to beat us at wrestling matches. And there was me, always trying to get my parents’ attention. I did just about anything I could—from whining to getting straight A’s—so I could outshine my brothers. I was a pretty insecure kid.”

  “No way, you’re anything but insecure.”

  “Not anymore. Well, at least not as much now. I still have my moments of doubt.” He knew he’d grown up some since childhood, but the truth was, he wasn’t as strong as he made himself sound. He wondered how Emma would react if he admitted his weaknesses to her. Would she look down on him? But if he couldn’t be honest with her, who could he be himself with? He met her eyes hesitantly, then with much relief. Emma’s accepting smile was all he needed to feel at ease. “The truth is, there are times I care too much about what others think of me. I also put too much weight on things that hold temporary value, like my job or how many followers I have on social media. These things seem like easy markers to use to measure success, but I know I can’t hold onto them to feel good about myself. Not when I could lose them at any time. I try hard to remind myself to value what God values, but I don’t always succeed.”

  Emma nodded. “I get it. You’re talking to Ms. People-Pleaser herself. It’s a constant struggle to remember who we are in the Lord’s eyes. I never would’ve guessed you have a hard time with that too, but it makes sense. We’re both the youngest. I know what it’s like to feel like you’re not enough.”

  Evan gave her a grateful smile. She did understand. “I’m glad you don’t think less of me.”

  “No way, Evan. I’m so glad you shared this with me. It makes me feel better that I’m not the only one who struggles.” She pursed her lips, looking unsure. “Part of the reason I decided to go into acting was to do something totally different from Abby. It was like my way of rebelling and standing up for myself, to show her that I could survive in this business.” She released a bitter laugh. “But look at me now. Everything she told me about Hollywood is coming true. How no one can be trusted and how easy it is for people to push me around. I can just hear her telling me, ‘I told you so’, and giving me her big sister speech about how I should’ve listened to her in the first place and gotten an office job.”

  Evan smirked. He could only imagine how many lectures Emma had to listen to over the years. He’d had his fair share of well-intentioned talks as well. “It’s hard being the youngest. We have so much more to prove.”

  “We do.” She turned to face him. “I really shouldn’t be complaining though. Compared to you, I have it easy. Sure, Abby can be pretty overbearing, but there’s only one of her. You’ve got like four Abbys to deal with.”

  The genuine concern in Emma’s voice made Evan smile. She really was too sweet for words. “It is pretty bad,” he remarked with an exaggerated pout. He placed a hand over his heart as he continued lamenting. “My poor ego’s gotten quite a beating these past twenty-six years. I bet it’s black and blue by now. It’s gonna take a lot of TLC to nurse it back to health.”

  Emma’s eyes widened with concern. The corners of her mouth began to turn down, but she soon gasped. She studied him for a moment, then gave him a playful slap on the chest. “Evan Spark! You had me feeling all sorry for you! It’s not fair to mess with me like that. I can’t stand seeing you upset.”

  He took her hand in his and held it next to his heart. With a soft chuckle, he apologized with another kiss on her palm. “I’m sorry, Iove. I couldn’t help it. You’re so adorable with your big green eyes. I won’t mess with you again, I promise. But I wasn’t kidding about needing some TLC.”

  She pretended to be upset, but a smile immediately spread across her lips. “I would be more than happy to give you some tender loving care. I once played a doctor in a school play. I’m sure I could help soothe your bruised ego.”

  “Oh yeah?” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down. “Just how would you do that?”

  “I was thinking, maybe a kiss?”

  “That sounds perfect.” Evan was about to lean in when Emma suddenly turned her head to the left. After a moment, she glanced suspiciously to the right, then nodded in satisfaction. Her behavior prompted him to look around the room as well. Everything was in its place, from the framed photos of his family on the walls behind them to the video games on the floor in front of the TV. The only movement was that of the living room curtains blowing from the warm breeze coming through an open window. “What is it? What are you looking for?”

  “Any chance of an interruption,” Emma answered with a playful grin. “I’m just checking to see if there are any paparazzi or private investigators hiding in your apartment. I want to be sure we get to kiss this time.”

  Evan laughed, feeling completely at ease for the first time that day. The emotional release felt so good, he felt tears gather in the corners of his eyes. When he caught his breath, he shook his head in delight. “I’m positive no one’s going to get in the way of us kissing tonight.”

  “Good.” With one leg tucked under the other, Emma turned to face him. Their knees touched as she inched closer to him. The look in her eyes told him she’d only been half-kidding about checking the place out. There was a hunger there that he’d never seen before, in the vivid color of her irises and the flecks of gold around her pupils. She gave him a sweet, alluring smile. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this.”

  “Me, too, love.” Evan touched her cheek, caressing her soft skin with the pad of his thumb. A warm flush brightened her complexion when his gaze dropped to her mouth. He almost couldn’t believe the time had come. After the waiting of the past year, and especially after all the other girls he’d had to kiss for work, he was finally going to kiss the woman who made his heart race and soar at the same time.

  The one woman who mattered the most.

  Closing his eyes, Evan lowered his forehead to Emma’s and nudged her nose with his. She lifted her arms and clasped her hands behind his head, running her fingers through his hair. The simple touch sent a rush of heat through his body, from the nape of his neck to his toes. Tingles spread along his skin, exciting and encouraging him to follow through on his desires. He loved Emma, and there was nothing more he wanted than to show her how much he cherished her.

  Without a second thought, he bridged the space between them. He placed his mouth on hers with a feather-light touch, slowly and carefully at first. When she kissed him back, h
e let his lips explore hers. He took his time, yearning to memorize the feel and taste of them. He loved that there was no need to question or overanalyze the situation; this wasn’t a scene to be rehearsed and filmed. This was real life, with his real love. It was simply perfection, the best kiss he’d ever had.

  Evan moved his hands down Emma’s back, pulling her to himself. Head spinning, he continued kissing her with all the passion he’d bottled up over the past year. His lips moved to the corner of her mouth as he left a trail of kisses beginning there, then along her jaw, and down to her neck. He heard her gasp, the breathy sound urging him to continue … until she abruptly backed away.

  “I, uh, it’s getting late and I’m really tired,” Emma stated matter of factly as she started gathering her belongings. She grabbed her blue cardigan off the back of the couch and stood up. “Do you mind taking me home?”

  It took Evan a few seconds to orient himself to the situation. When he realized Emma was asking to leave, he nodded. He ran a hand through his hair as he considered Emma’s expression. She was usually easy to read, but in this moment, he wasn’t sure what was on her mind. Why had she ended the kiss? Was it something he’d done or hadn’t done? He’d never had this kind of reaction before, especially not on set. He considered himself an experienced kisser, and all the actresses he’d kissed before had never complained. So what had gone wrong?

  “Em, is everything okay?”

  She hardly batted an eye. “Yeah, of course. I just need to get home.” She paused before adding, “Sorry to cut the kiss short. It was nice.”

  Nice? Did Emma not sense the electricity flowing between them? Or the way her soft curves fit so well against his torso? The kiss had been beyond the word nice—way beyond. How about wonderful, amazing or spectacular? Any of those words, or all of them, would be ideal for describing their undeniable chemistry. Why did Emma not feel the same?


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