Notorious (Rock Bottom #2)

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Notorious (Rock Bottom #2) Page 17

by Jennifer Ann

  Brooke lifts one shoulder. “I took some intensive psychology courses in college, and I was a social worker for a few years. Now Rook and I work at a women’s shelter in Stamford. We see a lot of women like Zoe who have been through traumatizing events.”

  “Speaking of,” I say, eyeing Rook as I scratch the back of my head. “The last couple days I’ve been trying to come up with the best ways to honor my uncle’s memory. I doubt many people knew he was into charity work, but it was important to him. I’m sure he would’ve been especially pleased if I opened a women’s shelter on the South Side. Sometime I’d like to bounce ideas off you guys, if you’re up for it. I could fly out to see you in a couple weeks so we can hash them out.”

  “You serious?” Rook asks with a deep grin. “That’s noble of you, man.”

  Brooke nods adamantly, matching her husband's grin. “We’d love to help in any way we can, but you won’t have to get on a plane to see us. We’re moving back.”

  “What?” Stone, and I ask.

  Rook appears just as baffled when he turns to his wife, eyes wide. “Babe, you said you’d consider it.”

  “I did.” She’s beaming as she reaches for his hand. “And I know you have a lot of healing to do with your crew. I also know you’re excited to see where this thing with Roman’s producer goes. We moved to Connecticut primarily so you could go to college. You could put your degree to good use running Ryker’s new shelter. We can find a quiet neighborhood in Chanhassen or Edina to raise the baby.”

  Rook kisses her hand, bouncing on the edge of his seat with a smile too big for his face. Have to say it’s the first time I’ve seen him bursting with pure excitement. Admittedly, I’m thrilled as shit too. Guess I’ll actually get a second chance to renew my friendship with Rook.

  Then his smile begins to falter. “What about Brylee?”

  Brooke rolls her eyes dramatically. “You know how much I love spending time with my daughter, but she’s a teenager now. We hardly see her anymore, and her life is about to get even crazier. We can fly her out for a weekend every month, and arrange holiday visits with the Hillers. Heck, once the band starts touring, we can fly her all over the country to catch your shows. She won’t even care that her ‘other mommy’ moved away. She’ll think it’s wicked cool that her ‘other daddy’ is a rockstar.” Seemingly overjoyed beyond words, Rook leans down to kiss her big stomach. She runs her hands through his hair, bending to whisper, “I don’t want you to give up on your dream.”

  Taking a swig of his beer, Stone grunts at them. “You seem convinced we’re gonna get a deal.”

  “You totally are,” Brooke responds, narrowing her eyes his way. “So start thinking positive thoughts to make it happen.”

  Stone lifts his bottle, saluting her with a straight face. “Yes ma’am.”

  “What about Terrance?” I ask.

  Using his wife’s belly as a pillow, Rook’s eyes land on mine as his wife continues to play with his hair. “What about ‘im?”

  “We’re not gonna have much time to devote to the band if we’re busy tracking him down.”

  “What’re you going to do once you find him?” Brooke asks, her beautiful face all at once twisting with a dark scowl. “If you kill him, you’ll wind up in prison, spending the rest of your life locked away from Zoe and her sister. Your uncle wouldn’t want that, Ryker, and I’m confident you don’t either. I know you guys don’t trust the cops, and with good reason, but you need to let them run their investigation on your uncle’s death, and hope they come up with enough to nail him for everything he’s done.”

  I huff, even though she’s right. No way I’m doing anything to risk losing Zoe again. But knowing Terrance is responsible for both Trask’s death and my uncle’s makes it hard to sit with my hands tied.

  “We could always sit back and watch karma do its thing,” Bender suggests. When the majority of us throw him a confused look, he shrugs. “Angel knows Terrance killed his business partner. The cartel will be out for his blood. Just wait and see.”

  “He has a point,” Stone decides. “They’re in the business of getting away with murder. Let them take care of the spineless bastard.”

  “I suppose you’re right,” I mumble. Standing, I’m hit with a heavy wave of exhaustion. My parents’ funerals weren’t anywhere near as exhausting as Uncle Marty’s. “I told Zo I’d be in right behind her. Catch you guys in the morning?”

  Rook nods, rising to his feet beside me. “We’ll be here for breakfast.” He throws an arm around my back, slapping it several times. “Sorry again, brother. For everything. Wish I wouldn’t have wasted so many years hating your uncle when he turned out to be one of the good guys.”

  “You had good reason,” I remind him, backing away to look between him and Bender. “We need to stop beating ourselves up over shit that happened in the past, and focus on what we need to do in order to make the band successful.”

  Bender flashes a genuine smile. “Agreed.”

  Each of the guys leaves me with a hug and their sympathies. I kiss the two women on their cheeks before heading inside. On the way to our room, I unbutton my dress shirt and let it fall to the floor, glad to shed the last reminder of what I had to do today.

  I nearly jump out of my skin when I realize Zoe’s sitting in the dark room on the edge of our bed. Still wearing the black dress, staring straight ahead. Jesus, she really is broken.

  “Thought you were going to draw a bath,” I say, sinking onto the mattress beside her. I push her blond hair over her shoulder, kissing her collarbone while massaging her neck. “Tell me what you need, gorgeous. How can I make it better?”

  “There’s something I haven’t told you,” she whispers. She turns to me, eyes glistening with tears in the faint moonlight. “Something that’s really going to sting when you hear it.”

  Flexing my jaw, I sit taller. “Does it have to do with Terrance?” She nods, and a snarl passes over my lips. “I swear to fuck, if that man touched you—”

  “It’s nothing like that.” She swings her leg up between us on the bed, holding my gaze while taking my hand. “Terrance told your uncle some things about your parents, but it could’ve been a lie. Your uncle certainly didn’t want to believe it was true.”

  “Babe, my parents weren’t good people. I promise whatever Terrance said about them won’t surprise me one fuckin’ bit.”

  “It will…it’ll change everything.” Her eyes close, sending a set of tears streaking down her cheeks. “I really don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Listen to me, Zoe. Whatever he said won’t alter anything between you and me.” I nudge her chin up with my finger, waiting for her eyes to open. “If it’s upsetting you this much, you need to tell me before it wrecks you.”

  “Terrance thinks he’s your father!” she blurts with an anguished cry.

  Suddenly the room feels ten times smaller. My lungs expand with a painful burn. “What?”

  “He said when your dad was dying, he admitted that he was sterile! He claims he was in love with your mom, and he gave her drugs so she would stay with him! When she said she was leaving him for another man, he killed her! He gave her a lethal dose so she wouldn’t leave!”

  Recoiling with every last lash of her brutal words, I let my finger drop from her chin. “No. No fuckin’ way.”

  No goddamn way Terrance Fisher is my father.

  “He told your uncle it would only take a blood test to prove he’s telling the truth!” She throws herself into my arms, wet face pressed against my bare chest. “I’m so, so sorry, Ryker! I wish I wasn’t the one who had to tell you!”

  My arms remain flat at my sides as the revelation sinks in.

  Terrance killed my mother.

  If Terrance is my father, that means I wasn’t related by blood to Uncle Marty.

  It means I’m not a Blackwood.

  I’m offspring to the animal behind Trask’s death.

  After a few minutes, Zoe’s cries fade away. Whiskey-colored eyes lock
with mine as she leans back and sniffles. “If any of this is true, it doesn’t change who you are, or the fact that King Marty never knew you to be anything else other than his nephew.”

  I blindly nod in response, my fucking head still reeling with the revelation.

  “Say something, baby,” she pleads. “Tell me I didn’t break you.”

  Running a hand through her soft blond hair, I slowly shake my head. “Only way I’d break is if I lost you.”

  Taking my face in her hands, she joins our lips together, tangling her tongue with mine until I snap out of it with the realization that things could be a helluva lot worse. I could’ve lost her, or never found her to begin with.

  There’s a massive knot of unease churning in my gut as I continue kissing her, nudging her down to her back. Only one thing will quiet the angry voices in my head. I need to bury myself balls-deep in this gorgeous woman.

  In no time she’s helping me out of my jeans, and I’m pulling her thong down far enough that I can sink into her warm, welcoming flesh. I enter her hard and fast, wanting to forget everything, and simply be joined with my girl. I’m comforted by the familiar feeling of her warmth clutching me, welcoming me home.

  She releases a sharp cry that fades into a sexy moan. “I love you so much, Ryker,” she pants, clutching me to her with all her strength. “We’ll get through this together.”

  I undoubtedly love her too, but the words get lost with the intensity of my thrusts as I think about all the ways my life is about to change.


  (three months later)


  “Oh my god!” Charlize squeals into the phone, the pitch of her voice grating against my eardrum. Before she ruptures something, I hit the speaker button and hold my phone out in front of me. “Are you serious? Holy shit! Does this mean we’ll get to go to AMAs with the guys?”

  Ryker chuckles behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing the top of my head. From behind thin boxer briefs, his warm, rock-hard cock teases my butt crack, tempting me with another glorious round.

  “Maybe,” he tells her. “But only if you get that science grade up. There’s still a new car waiting for you if you make the A honor roll this quarter.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” she answers with far less enthusiasm. “I’m working on it.”

  I lean back against Ryker’s hard chest with a bright smile pressed to my lips. “Let me talk to Raven quick.”

  She huffs with a little noise of protest. “For the record, I still think it’s dumb she’s staying with me. I haven’t gotten into trouble since we moved in with Ryker, have I?”

  “I don’t know, have you?” I answer mockingly. “Besides, I told you it has nothing to do with whether or not we trust you. I don’t want to worry about you spacing out while you’re studying or something, and forgetting to eat.”

  What I don’t tell her is I’m still scared shitless that Terrance will come back for one of us. Rumor has it Freddie left the South Side around the time I was kidnapped, leaving the debt he owes on our shoulders. He’s lucky he split before I was able to get my hands on his drunk ass.

  Charlize hollers my friend’s name. A minute later, Raven’s on the phone. “What’re you doin’ callin’ here? You’re supposed to be out exploring the Big Apple with your sexy rocker.”

  A dark chuckle vibrates in Ryker’s throat as he drags his lips along my neck.

  “Is Char monitoring her levels?” I ask Raven.

  “Yeah, she’s on top of it. I promise. I’m not going to let the little shit mess up on my watch. What’s goin’ on that got her all wound up?”

  “The band just signed with a major record label.” I spin around to stare in the eyes of my “sexy rocker,” resting my free hand on his hard chest. A prideful smile takes over my face as I think ahead to his bright future. I can’t remember ever feeling this happy about anything. “It’s big, Rae. Like, colossal. The guys won’t have to worry about money anymore.”

  “Color me impressed!” she sings. “Guess Mr. Dirty Sex Eyes really is good for something other than drilling my girl with his massive cock!”

  Giggling, my cheeks warm with a blush. “Rae, you’re on speaker phone. Ryker’s right here with me.”

  “Dirty Sex Eyes?” Ryker whispers, one eyebrow quirked.

  Raven releases a nasally laugh. “Well in that case, congratulations to you both. Make sure you get your freak on tonight in that five-star penthouse with a thousand dollar bottle of champagne.”

  “I’m hanging up now,” I warn. “Call me if you need anything.”

  She’s still chirping about something when I press the end button. Tossing my phone on the luxurious hotel bed, I throw my arms around Ryker’s neck and kiss him deeply. He lifts me up into his arms, allowing me to wrap my legs around his waist. I growl against his lips, more wet and achy than I’ve been in ages.

  “I’m so proud of my rockstar,” I mutter against his lips. “Told you this day would come.”

  “Speaking of come…” He throws me down on the bed and I squeal as he starts for me, eyes as dark as night.

  Though we’ve already made love twice since returning from the studio, only throwing on our underwear when room service delivered champagne and caviar courtesy of the band’s new producer, I’m ravenous for more of my beautiful man.

  “Wait…I have…something…for you,” I tell Ryker between breathless kisses.

  With a reluctant grunt he crawls off me. “Better be something good.” Though there’s a playfulness to the tilt of his mouth, his eyes burn with need as he fists his beautiful cock. “I’m ready to ‘drill my girl’ with this ‘massive’ beast.”

  As much as I want to laugh, I can’t strangle any sounds from my throat with the sight of him touching himself. On any given day he does a number to my ovaries even when fully dressed, but this visual is beyond exquisite.

  “Wait for me in the sitting room,” I order before starting for the walk-in closet. I stop to glance back at him over my shoulder. “And don’t you dare get off without me.”

  His eyebrows lift. “Then I’d suggest you hurry that sweet ass, gorgeous.”

  Heart fluttering, I race to our suitcases, reluctantly leaving him there naked and horny while I gather everything I’ll need for his surprise.

  Being in love with a rockstar is hotter than anything I’ve ever experienced. Not just because he’s gorgeous and wickedly talented, but because I’m proud of all he’s accomplished in the time since his uncle died.

  In addition to writing songs and tirelessly rehearsing with the band, he’s been overseeing renovations on the women’s shelter. They’re nearly complete, and Rook has everything in place for its grand opening after the New Year. Brooke has been busy with their sweet little boy Linkin, but helps with whatever she can from home, or while hanging at our place whenever I’m not away at dance classes. I’m stoked they decided to move back, because Brooke and I have become as closely knit as sisters, and she’s a great mentor for Charlize.

  As if Ryker didn’t have enough going on already, he’s been working with the sheriff to clean up the South Side. He’s determined to use the millions he inherited and what’s left of the cash he made from stolen cars for something good. At least he put Bender in charge of the auto shop, giving him one less thing to manage.

  I’m convinced Ryker thinks by becoming a good samaritan he’ll negate the fact that he could be Terrance’s son, which is fine by me. We generally don’t talk about the things Terrance said, as if they’re taboo. The dark tone of the half dozen songs Ryker wrote soon after his uncle’s funeral say enough all on their own. Consequently, those are the songs that grabbed the label’s attention, leading to the epic offer the band couldn’t refuse.

  Everything would be perfect if the cartel could get their hands on Terrance, and wipe him off the earth. Unfortunately, they haven’t been able to find a trace of the bastard.

  There are days I still can’t believe how much my life has changed since he wal
tzed into Pinky’s that night. And the way things are going, those changes are only the beginning.


  The moment I hear “our song,” I know what’s up. It’s the same Nirvana cover she played the night I brought her home from Pinky’s. The moment my gorgeous girl dances into the hotel’s living area, modeling a new sparkling bra and matching thong, set of handcuffs dangling from one hand, is a moment that’s long overdue. Between the kidnapping and my uncle’s death, our little agreement got lost along the way. So fucking glad she finally decided to honor it.

  Mouth dry, tongue in danger of slipping up and ruining the surprise I’ve been planning for months, I silently devour every savory inch of her perfect body as she slinks closer. Deep breaths bring her breasts to rise and fall against my bare chest as she’s in my lap, somehow managing to avoid my rigid cock as she secures the cuffs behind my back.

  “Wouldn’t want you getting handsy,” she whispers before giggling and licking a path from the base of my neck up to my jaw. I grunt with a garbled sound when she locks her hands behind my back on the chair, flexing her hips in sync with the music.

  Fuck this, I’m gonna choke.

  She stops moving when her eyes discover the 3-carat diamond emerging between my lips. I had no idea what she’d like since she’s not much into jewelry aside from bellybutton rings, so I took Charlize shopping several weeks back. I was going to ask her permission to marry her sister anyway since she’s the only family of Zoe’s that counts. Charlize was stoked, and apparently she thought bigger was better. Based on her sister’s wide-eyed expression, I’m not so sure it was the right way to go.

  “Oh god! Ryker!” Tears fill her eyes as she plucks the ring from my mouth, examining it closer. “Is this…are you…?”

  “I love you so fucking much, Zo,” I tell her with a slow smile pulling at my lips. “These past few days have been like some kind of crazy-ass dream. You’re one of a select few who knows what the band means to me…how much I wanted something like this to happen. And without you, it wouldn’t have happened. But all the fame and success in the world still couldn’t make me anything close to happy unless you’re by my side. And I want you there for everything. As more than just my girl.”


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