Galataea Crystallim Core 2

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Galataea Crystallim Core 2 Page 8

by Scottie Futch

  Alexis smiled brightly. “Of course, I do. Won’t we be able to spend a little time together this way?”

  “I admit there is a certain appeal to going on an actual mission with you,” said Scott.

  Alexis grinned at him. “I know, right? The Abados Illusion Dungeon is the only dungeon nearby that noobs like us can legally enter.”

  Illusion dungeons were terrifying places, from what Scott knew. Each provided its own sort of inherent reality. Some forcefully returned entrants to level one and left them naked. Some sapped vital force and stamina with every step. They all changed their interior design on a frequent basis.

  “If I recall correctly, the Nightmares are usually level twenty or less in that area?” asked the man.

  “Oh yeah, but that’s just the deepest parts I think. The ones on the first few floors are much weaker,” she said.

  She glanced at him. “How strong are your Crystallim, Scott?”

  “They are all above level six now. Seems like steady growth from normal training methods has reached the first major plateau, though." Scott smiled at her raised his arm to show her his bracer.

  “So, you have three too? I would have thought that you would want four as soon as possible,” said the curious hunter. She wrapped her lips around the straw leading into her milk shake and looked at him in a strangely sensual manner.

  Scott knew that she was not giving him an invitation. Mannerisms such as the one she'd just shared were personality quirks of being born as part Succubus. “Quality over quantity. Besides that, what if I run across someone awesome in the wilds? I would have to switch the girls out since I only have three free slots.”

  Alexis pulled back from her drinking straw and her lips spread into a beautiful smile seemingly crafted solely to break a man's heart. “Well, get a bigger bracer or a glove.”

  “Ah, no. That’s not what I meant,” said Scott with a laugh.

  “Hmm? What then?” asked Alexis.

  “Oh. I haven’t told you yet! Sorry, but after meeting with my sponsor they provided me with a powerful Crystallim. However, there was a restriction that I never store her in my MISS,” said Scott

  “That’s... a strange requirement,” said the girl in an even tone.

  “Well, Pirouette is worth it,” replied Scott. "I'd easily give up two slots for her, to be honest."

  Alexis looked at him flatly for a moment. Slowly, her left eyebrow rose into the air. Her normally warm and friendly expression became darker and slightly menacing. “I see.”

  Scott leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Alexis’ hateful expression lightened a little. A slight pout formed for a moment, then she sighed and kissed him softly on the chin.

  “So, what kind of girl is this... Pirouette?” Alexis spoke the name in a tone that made it sound vaguely like an obscenity. She chose to take another sip of her milkshake immediately afterward, but never took her eyes off of her boyfriend.

  “She’s a veteran Dark Elf, A-Rank,” replied Scott.

  Alexis' eyes widened and without realizing what she was doing, she spit her recently sipped milkshake outward with explosive force. Scott caught a face full of her disbelief, and cried out in shock.

  “Ah! Sorry! Sorry!” exclaimed Alexis. She grabbed a napkin and started to pat at his legs.

  “Why are you trying to dry my pants off?” he asked, after he cleaned his face with another napkin.

  Alexis blinked and then looked up. She was currently patting his groin. Her face turned bright red and she shook her head. “I have no idea.”

  An awkward moment passed. Scott asked, “Why are you still patting me there?”

  She looked down at her busy hands then looked back up. “Well, I'm pretty sure it’s dirty...”

  Scott looked at his contracted girlfriend and smiled. He casually placed his hand to her groin and started to pat her gently. “Is it, really?”

  Alexis squealed a little then pulled her hand back like it was on fire. “No. No. It’s clean. It’s clean.”

  He did not stop patting, and despite removal of her own hand she did not tell him to stop what he was doing. However, after a few minutes passed a waiter came over and coughed politely.

  Scott looked up and several patrons were staring at them. Part of him wanted to crawl off somewhere and die, but that part was in the minority. “We hope you liked the show folks. Please enjoy your meal. We’ll be here all week.”

  Alexis shook her head rapidly and said. “No. No. No...”

  Strangely, she became even more vocal in the way she said, “No. No. No.” when Scott stopped patting her precious. She was quite conflicted.


  Since ancient times humanity has often considered mountains to be sacred objects of worship. They tower above the land and rose ever skyward in an attempt to reach the heavens above. In the relaxation area of the Ophun Institute four different sets of heavenly peaks, a veritable sacred mountain range, also strained toward the welcoming sky.

  “So hot in here. I’ll wilt if I stay too much longer,” said Flora. The Alraune made no effort to leave the sauna despite her complaints. Beads of water slid gently down her face and along her soft breasts in a tantalizing manner that caught the light. She practically sparkled in the mist, and the flower portion of her did enjoy a lovely misting.

  “Maybe if you trained harder and lost some of that baby fat, you would not sweat so much,” said Eina.

  Flora casually glanced over to the twin-tailed girl then smiled sweetly. “Master seems to like it.”

  Eina’s eye-lid twitched a little then she snorted and looked away. “Why would I care what that weak bastard likes?”

  Pirouette laughed softly. “You want it so bad it hurts, little girl,” said the Dark Elf.

  The amazon battle mistress glared hotly at Pirouette. “Who would want that guy for anything?”

  Three hands rose into the air simultaneously. Scott’s battle harem was quite willing to defend the social status of their master as someone desirable.

  Shaia flapped her tail up and down. Not long after, she stretched her body luxuriously before she arched her back a little. Her breasts wobbled sensually for a moment as they adjusted to the new status quo. A contented sigh escaped her lips, as thoughts of her master rose within her mind, “He’s a little scary... but I like it.”

  The twin-tailed powerhouse snorted at the mermaid. “Slut... You three are just a bunch of whores who’d have sex with anyone who claimed you...”

  Shaia pouted cutely, but did not bother to get up. Fighting would be difficult for her on land anyway. Instead she rolled over and used her arms as pillows. It took a moment to adjust herself so that her breasts felt comfortable as they pressed against the warmth of her chosen bench.

  A soft sigh escaped her lips as she became content in her new position. She flapped her tail a little before quietly settling in for proper relaxation. Her eyes closed gently, as she felt the mist caressing her body. It was a true luxury to feel both the comfort of water and to be on land.

  Pirouette, however, did not care for Eina’s tone. “Just give it a rest, already. You know you want him to make you squeal like an Orkette in heat.”

  “Are you calling me a pig-slut?” Eina jumped to her feet. Her breasts bounced and swayed to showcase her feminine fury even as she pressed her fists to her hips.

  “No, I am saying that you’re so horny it hurts to look at you,” replied Pirouette. She yawned delicately then acquired a casual expression, "You need to consider your vitamin intake carefully in the future when it comes to Scott."

  "Oh, you want to start something with me?" asked Eina with a snort. She stretched a little then flexed her muscles. "And what vitamins do you think I lack when it comes to your weak fatty of a master?"

  Pirouette eyed her side-long for a moment then smirked, "Vitamin D, of course."

  "V-Vitamin... D?" Eina’s powerful body rippled in agitation. She did not deny what the slutty elf whore said, but she did not want her to say it aga
in. “You bitches might let him dive between your legs with a few pretty words, but he hasn’t shown me that he is worthy of what lies between mine.”

  “Well, keep training your would-be master and he’ll be strong enough someday,” said Pirouette.

  Eina glared at the Dark Elf then looked away. The heat of the sauna room caused her temperature to rise. Her face was bright red now. Yes, it was red because of the sauna...

  The Dark Elf sighed. “Being a virgin is overrated, you know. Just let the man massage your pussy a little. You’ll thank yourself in the morning.”

  Eina rapidly shook her head. “No! He... He can’t do that...”

  “I’m pretty sure he can. He’s quite good at it,” replied Pirouette. The Dark Elf yawned gently then closed her eyes in a way that seemed entirely casual.

  Flora nodded gently in agreement. She remembered just how good her master was at massaging a lonely pussy in need of proper care and concern. Shaia's face reddened slightly and she closed her eyes even tighter. Her tail began to fan the air nervously. Happy memories could still be scary at times.

  “S-shut up... I don’t care if he’s good at that sort of thing... No man can touch me in such a way!”

  “Fine, come here and I’ll help you then,” replied the elf.

  Eina snorted loudly. “Why would I let a whore like you do that?”

  “I’m good at it, and you’re irritating me with your constant bitchiness,” said Pirouette casually.

  “So what if I irritate you...” replied Eina petulantly. She crossed her arms over her chest and spread her legs outward till they were shoulder width apart. It would have looked far more impressive and intimidating if she were not naked. Not that anyone in the room would complain about the view.

  “If you keep irritating me, I’ll tell Jack to summon you home,” said Pirouette.

  Eina frowned but did not say anything. It was something she could not deny. If Pirouette wanted her gone, she would have to go home. Scott would never receive proper training if that happened, and it would be wrong to deny him the chance to stop being such a useless fatty.

  “Fine... But, where is he anyway?” asked Eina. She would try her best to behave better for a little while. If she was sent home, she’d spend all day training fat sluts instead of training the fat idiot.

  Flora spoke up, casually. “He went out on a date with his girlfriend.”

  “Girlfriend!” cried Eina. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open. "What are you talking about?"

  She looked around at the other girls in the hopes that they'd reveal it to be a joke. No one laughed, nor did they claim Flora's statement to be a jest. Eina's entire body began to tremble and soon she sunk down to her knees. Warring sensations of heat and cold skittered along her body as she tried to recover from that bit of news.

  “Yes... Seems so. Her name’s Alexis. She’s a hunter,” said Flora while she attempted to withhold a smile. She had taken a moment to adjust to the news when she heard it for the first time as well, but Eina’s reaction was priceless.

  The twin-tailed powerhouse blinked then looked down at the floor. She blinked again and started to pant a little. Her eyes started to glaze over and tears began to slide down her cheeks.

  The other girls each stared at the strange scene. They could not believe that they were seeing what they were seeing. What had originally been a humorous moment became heart-wrenching.

  Eina silently looked up once, her beauty ruined by a heart-stricken expression. She shook her head slowly from one side to the other then cried out once loudly, her face framed in an agonized expression of loss and pain.

  The Amazon sniffled and sobbed twice then turned away from them. She worked her way back to her feet then slowly walked toward the door. Eina's boundless energy had seemingly run out.

  Once she was out of the sauna, and the door closed behind her, she leaned heavily against the wall and cried. Her body bucked and spasmed due to her still unspent emotions.

  “Girlfriend...?” she asked the uncaring wall during a powerful sob. Her idiot had one of those? He had someone like that? When did it happen? How?

  She repeatedly slammed her fist against the wall and cried once more. An opponent she could not simply beat with her fists had arisen. She could have ignored another Crystallim. It was likely that he would become involved with many Crystallim in his life, and that was as it should be. But a human girl, one who already owned such a precious status in his life and the right to be by his side? That was a nearly impossible foe to defeat. There were many things a human girl could do with the idiot that Eina would never be able to match.

  How had they met? Why were they together? When did it happen? Eina wanted to know, and hated that she wanted to know. Since Scott became a hunter, her greatest threat to properly training him had been removed. Seventy-Two was a nice girl, and the few times that they'd met were fun and memorable for Eina. However, the sweet and slutty Avatar was reclaimed by the ADF. There were no more obstacles to the idiot's full-time training, now.

  Surely having constantly been around each other for the better part of two years bred familiarity? She was obviously the only one who cared enough about that weak, fat, asshole to actually train him. He would be nothing but a pile of useless fat and general stupidity without her constant training and motivational efforts.

  The Amazon hiccupped once loudly then sniffled. It was a hard thing for her to accept. She was right there by his side for nearly two years. She motivated him in all the right ways. Yet, he lazed about and never trained more than three or four hours per day, six at most, until recently. He would even balk at simple exercise regimens such as a twenty mile daily run, or ten thousand continuous double gravity enhanced squat thrusts. What was so bad about doing squat thrusts in an area designed to deliver twice old Earth's gravity anyway? How did one handle a fat fool who couldn't even perform a proper warm-up routine?

  “A girlfriend... Why? Why her...?” asked Eina. She sniffled once more and closed her eyes. Her face burned hotly. It was hard to remain standing. She spoke those words once more, quietly, while her chin quivered. However, left unspoken were the words, 'Why not me?'


  Alone and uncertain, time passed slowly for Eina. While only a few hours marched by during her desolate solitude, it felt like an eternity. A demotivated amazon stared blankly at the wall while she clutched at a pillow like a small child in need of comfort. Occasionally, a tear would trickle down her cheeks, or she would lightly sniffle.

  Eina leaned her head back and looked up at the ceiling before she unleashed a tiny little sigh. What was she doing? Why didn’t she have any energy right now?

  "What's wrong with me?" she softly asked the uncaring ceiling. No answer came, nor did she expect one.

  “I should just take a shower and get changed for bed.” Eina opted to try to remain active as much as possible while she was at the research center. Sleeping while manifested was possible, but difficult without experience. Training, even something as simple as sleep while being manifest, was still training.

  The demotivated battle terror swung her legs to the side then let her feet drop down toward the floor. She bit her lower lip and fought back another sniffle. What was wrong with her? She did not understand the problem that she faced. Since the moment that she learned about that bastard and his human whore, nothing seemed right.

  “Why does my body hurt...?” Her chest felt tight and a throbbing headache threatened to overwhelm her sense of reason. She rarely experienced a headache, but it was something she could understand. The pressure and tightness in her chest was different. It was both surprising and terrifying.

  She breathed in then slowly breathed out once more. “Get a grip on yourself, girl...”

  So what if that fat bastard had a girlfr— a whore. He had other whores. He would probably have a lot of whores, and they would all want to do disgustingly lewd and whorish things with him.

  Eina curled her hands into fists and tried to fight back. S
he tried to find the energy to cast off the strangeness in her sorrowful maiden breast. However, her opponent was something she had no experience facing. She fought her own heart.

  Slowly she stood up and let the sheet fall away entirely. She stood in her full and upright glory, naked before the truth of her own overwhelming emotions.

  “I don’t give a damn...” she said at last. Determined to move past the tightness within her chest, and the ache within her heart, Eina told herself that it did not matter. It was nothing worthy of her notice.

  At that moment her door opened of its own accord. A certain cake eating bastard was revealed to be standing on the other side. His hand raised like he intended to knock on her door, all he did was stand at the entrance while staring at the view. She had forgotten to set her door to privacy mode. It opened automatically since someone on the authorized list walked up to the entry plate.

  “Eina...” said Scott. He stared at the glory before him. The battle mistress breed was renowned for their toned physiques and overwhelming physical power. They were also known for their supreme and fierce beauty.

  The girl stared at him in shock, her mouth hanging open. She was frozen in place, pinned by his casual masculine gaze.

  “Sorry...” he said then turned away.

  The girl glared hatefully at him. “What is it with you and walking in on me naked? Are you some sort of sex pervert?”

  “Probably, but this was an accident,” said Scott while continuing to look away from the glory that was a naked Eina.

  “Right, like last time was an accident,” pressed the girl. Her fists tightened in annoyance.

  "Sure, why not," said Scott sincerely.

  She placed her hands on her hips then thrusted her chest forward. “Take a good look! Maybe you’ll stop peeping at me all the time.”


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