Darkmore Penitentiary (Supernatural Prison for Dark Fae Book 1)

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Darkmore Penitentiary (Supernatural Prison for Dark Fae Book 1) Page 46

by Caroline Peckham

  I ran and ran until I reached the darkened floor where they kept the beast. Seven. The doors to this corridor were always left open, but no fucker was crazy enough to spend their free time hanging around outside the Belorian’s house aside from me. It was as cold as my mother’s heart down here and creepy as shit. A low light at the far end of the brick walled corridor illuminated the huge sun steel door that kept the Belorian contained. I stood back in the stairwell, lifting my hands and letting my air magic spread out into the room. I pushed my will into it to create a whip and slammed it into the top left corner of the ceiling beyond the archway. A satisfying crack sounded the camera there breaking and I smirked to myself.

  I walked forward with adrenaline charging my veins. Tension was building in my body like an orgasm waiting to unleash. And with every step I took toward that door, I drew closer and closer to release.

  I snapped my fingers so sparks flashed between them as I approached. As a double Elemental, I was the most powerful Fae in this prison. An overlord, if you will. And that was lucky for me. Because when this beasty was free, all hell would break loose and who knew what I’d be needing all my magic for in the chaos?

  I reached the door, placing my hand against the cold metal, the sensation lifting the hairs on the back of my neck.

  “Here kitty kitty.” I made kissing noises as I moved along the door, trailing my fingers across it. My gaze fell to an air vent that sat to one side of the door and I moved to crouch before it with a smirk. I ran my thumb across the bolts, pouring heat into my touch until the metal melted. I weakened each corner before tugging the grate free and tossing it on the ground with a clatter. A guttural groan sounded from somewhere beyond the door and shivers chased each other up and down my spine.

  “Come to daddy,” I purred as I dropped onto all fours and crawled into the narrow space.

  My shoulders pressed against the metal walls, but I could just about manage to move along. I’d been in a tighter space than this when I’d hid behind Lady Cherisse Needham’s bedpost butt ass naked when her husband had come home.

  A heavy scuttling sounded somewhere above me and I realised this vent must run under the room the Belorian was housed in. That meant I needed to pop up like a jack-in-the-box, scramble the collar on its neck so the Warden couldn’t control it and blow the doors off Italian Job style to set it free.


  A cold wind whistled through the vent and I shuddered as I reached a grate above me. I rolled onto my back awkwardly, reaching up and melting the bolts holding it in place as I hummed under my breath. A horrible shriek sounded out in the room and I stilled, my blood running cold at the sound. But I was Sin Wilder, I didn’t get scared by anything.

  I took a breath and broke the final bolt then reached down into my pocket, taking out the lemon and bringing it to my lips. I sank my teeth into it, taking a good old bite and swallowing it down rind and all while my face screwed up like a cat’s asshole. Fuck, this better work.

  The Belorian released another toe curling screech and I shoved the grate open at the same time to cover the sound. Low red lights lit the space above and I quickly willed three fireballs into existence, sending them flying out in different directions. The thunderous sound of the monster’s footfalls sounded as it chased after one of them, picking up the heat signature and racing to devour it.

  With my heart thrashing in my chest, I sat upright, getting myself half way through the hole and pressing my hands to the icy concrete either side of the vent. A shriek caught my ear and I heard it coming for me in the dark. My heart pounded like mad as I tried to pull myself out of the narrow gap.

  I raised a hand as a roar raked against my ears and released another wave of fireballs out around me, sending them toward the outer walls. I heard it change direction behind me and I scrambled out of the vent, sweat sticking my jumpsuit to my back.

  As fast as I could, I pushed the grate back into place and leapt to my feet with my fists raised and my breaths ragged. Where are you, you Jurassic Park bastard?

  I wheeled around as I hunted for it, my eyes falling on the huge fucker with its six legs and smooth, greyish body as it devoured the fireballs with its wide, fang filled mouth. It was a monster pure and simple. A creature made from nightmares and fear.

  I lifted my hands, forcing myself to focus on the large collar around its bulbous throat. I had to do this. Had to pull this off for my wild girl. My crazy ideas always landed me in trouble, but I may have just led myself to my death this time if I didn’t act fast.

  Just relax and keep to the plan. You’re Sin fucking Wilder.

  I released a shield of air and guided it toward the beast as it gnashed at the remaining fireball. I could cast with the gift of a god and I quickly wrapped that air bubble right around the collar until it blocked off all transmission and the green light on it turned red.

  “Gotcha.” I grinned, pivoting toward the door and spotting the manual override lever half way up the wall. I’d been called into Warden Pike’s office once and gotten a glimpse at the designs for this place proudly presented on her wall. No one would suspect an inmate would wanna let this creature out. But I’d tucked that nugget of information away for a rainy day. And it looked like today it was pouring.

  I sprinted towards it then jumped into the air, catching hold of the lever and hanging my full body weight from it. The whole thing dropped down with a heavy clunk and a loud buzzzzz sounded the doors opening, the noise setting my brain on fire. I fell to the ground on my feet, lifting my hands fast and casting a blazing line of fire out into the corridor beyond. My heart thumped madly as the Belorian twisted around and ran toward the open doors with a shriek of exhilaration. I guessed even creepy ass bio-monsters liked being free. And this one was about to attend a feast.

  The fucker’s eyeless face looked my way before heading out and my throat closed up.

  I scrambled for the half eaten lemon in my pocket and hoped to the fucking stars I knew what I was doing. I’d once heard the guards talking about the lemon sprays they wore to repel the beast if they ever accidently ran into it during their night shifts. But it could have been superstition as easily as fact…

  The Belorian bared its fangs at me and panic skittered under my skin as it took in a rattling breath which made its fleshy nostrils flare. It rushed towards me and real fear tore through me as I backed up until my spine hit the wall. Its clawed foot smashed into my side and I was thrown to the ground, tumbling across it as my bones bruised and broke.

  Fuck no no no.

  I raised the lemon as pain clutched hold of my insides, lifting my other hand to cast magic, but if I attacked this fucker it was never going to leave me alone. I held my breath, ripping into the lemon with my nails and praying I wasn’t as crazy as my reputation.

  The Belorian dove over me, its talons slamming into the concrete either side of my head and its acrid breath rushing over me. I was a hair’s breadth from death. The closest I’d ever come. And in the face of it, I realised the terrifying reality of never tasting freedom again. This was my life. I’d spent most of it alone. I’d clawed my way through it, tasting the darker flavours it had to offer, but barely any of the sweeter. And I’d never got to have the one thing I’d always craved. Love.

  The Belorian lunged for me and I squirted that lemon in its face, squeezing my full fist around it so it popped like a balloon. The monster reared backwards as the scent hit the air, spitting and hissing as it backed away from me.

  Hell to the fucking yes.

  “Off you go like a good beasty,” I begged.

  Miraculously, it turned its head towards the flames beyond its cell and I took in its towering height and the drool leaking from its pale lips. It didn’t spare me another look as it raced through the open doors and out into a prison full of fresh meat. I only killed bad motherfuckers with hearts made of coal, and this place was swarming with them. Who was I but a vigilante cleansing the world?

  I wet my dry mouth as I healed my body of my i
njuries and slowly got to my feet. That bastard had shown me something no other opponent ever had. It had pressed my face against the door to death and now I knew I had so much more life to live. So many more flavours to taste in the world. And I was going to make damn sure I sampled every last one of them before I went out of it.

  The hulking creature rounded onto the stairway at the far end of the corridor and I hurried out of the room. I kicked the vent grate upright on the floor so I could fix it back in place and no one could ever figure out that someone had let the beast out from the inside.

  A blood-curdling scream reached me from somewhere far above and a manic laugh tumbled from my throat.

  Run free beastykins. Kill like it’s your birthday.

  I hurried up the stairs in our cell block with Roary by my side and the thrill of the job racing through my veins. This was why I’d always been on the front line of every job I’d ever pulled for my family, not because I had to be but because I needed to be. I craved the rush of doing something I shouldn’t like a Killblaze addict craved a high.

  But I didn’t need drugs to get me off, hell I’d never even bothered with alcohol much. This was what pressed my buttons. Adrenaline, fear and danger. If I could live on a diet of that, I’d be one happy Wolf.

  We kept going all the way up to the third floor and headed straight for our cells. The cell block was pretty empty while everyone had free time, but there were always a few nosey fuckers hanging about. I kept an eye out for them, wondering if anyone might notice me going into my cell and not coming back out.

  As we approached my door, Roary suddenly caught hold of my waist and tugged me around to face him. He growled softly as he dragged me into his arms and I gasped as his mouth fell against my neck, brushing a line up to my ear.

  “Come on, Rosa, let the nice criminals know that we’re going to be busy in here for a while,” he purred as his hands pushed inside my open jumpsuit and caressed the inch of bare skin between my panties and my tank top.

  I gasped as his fingers chilled with water magic as he channelled ice into them, raising goosebumps all over my body.

  “Apart from the bit where you’ll leave again in a minute,” I murmured as I ran my hands up his sides, gripping the broad slope of his shoulders.

  “I’ll have to make out I got a bit too enthusiastic and finished quickly,” he teased, nipping my earlobe. “Although I’m sure I could keep you satisfied even in that situation.”

  A moan escaped my lips and I fisted my fingers through his long hair as I arched my back, my breasts pressing against his chest.

  “Or you could just be that fast for real and we could stop playing this stupid game,” I dared.

  Roary growled again, deeper this time as he damn near lifted me off of my feet and backed me into my cell, pushing the sheet I’d hung aside as we entered.

  He kept backing me up until we reached the rear wall and I gasped as my spine collided with the bricks.

  I drew back but he lingered close, eyeing me for a long moment which made my heart pound.

  “We should get going,” I breathed.


  Neither of us moved.

  I swallowed thickly and his gaze trailed to my mouth.

  Roary pulled back suddenly and I released a breath of frustration as I turned from him, ducking low so that I could remove the bricks from their hiding place beneath the sink.

  Roary moved back towards the door as he set up a strong repellent spell outside my cell. If anyone got it into their head to come and visit me, they’d find themselves in desperate need of a shit before they could cross my threshold and go scurrying off to relieve themselves instead.

  I made quick work of the bricks, revealing the tunnel beyond them. I shrugged my arms out of my jumpsuit and tied it around my waist. The lemon Sin had given me in his madness got in the way in my pocket and I took it out, tossing it onto my bunk before tying my long hair in a knot on the top of my head for good measure. It was hot in the walls and we needed to move fast.

  Roary finished his spell and started working on an illusion next.

  A false version of my voice filled the air as I cried out in pleasure and I snorted a laugh as he filled the room with fake sex noises, adding the sounds of the bunk crashing against the wall repeatedly a moment later.

  “Believe me, stronzo, you’d be shouting my name too,” I purred as I dropped down onto my hands and knees.

  “You think so, little pup?” he teased in a low voice and I growled right back at him.

  “You might find out if you choose to stop with your I’m-too-old-to-do-more-than-spoon-and-make-out-with-you bullshit.”

  Roary rolled his eyes as he dropped down beside me. “I would have made out with a sock that night, pup. You caught me in a bad moment and I wanted a distraction. Don’t go thinking I’ve suddenly got a thing for you now.”

  I swore at him in Faetalian and waited for him to crawl into the tunnel. I followed close behind him, pausing to replace the bricks and hide the hole in the wall.

  As soon as we made it into the maintenance gap, I threw a silencing bubble around us and quickly led the way through the walls to the pipes I’d discovered which led down to the lower levels. This next part of my plan was either genius or fucking insane, but I was willing to take a bet on it being the former.

  We stayed silent as we scrambled through the walls, the seriousness of our situation pressing in on us. If we were caught here, that would be the end of it. We’d be thrown in the hole for the stars knew how long and all of the work I’d done would be for nothing.

  When we finally reached the pipes which led to the lower level, Roary reached out and pressed his palm to the biggest one. It was the water waste pipe and it led down through every level and split off to run into Psych too. I could use it to get down there, but I’d have to come back through the vents and return to the corridor on level eight. Luckily I’d scouted a vent in the stairwell so I’d just have to exit from that one to avoid the CCTV then head back up to my cell. Simple. Not. But then what was the point in an easy existence?

  I waited in silence as Roary gritted his teeth, pushing Water magic into the pipe and freezing it solid in the space beyond his hand. Blue crystals began to form all over the metal pipe and my breath rose in a cloud of vapour before me as the temperature plummeted.

  A shiver raced along my spine and the constant rush of running water within the pipe was abruptly cut off.

  Roary continued to work at freezing the water within the pipe for another long minute as I watched his muscles bunch with energy.

  “There,” he panted, withdrawing his hand when it was finally done. “That will last half an hour tops. But don’t be in there when the water breaks through.”

  “I’ll be in and out just as soon as I’ve sealed the wall in my room behind you,” I swore to him.

  We hurried back through the maintenance gap as fast as we could, climbing up through the levels until we were back outside my cell.

  I quickly dismantled the wall and the sound of my pleasure filled screams flooded over us from Roary’s illusion.

  I rolled my eyes as he smirked at the sound of me begging for more. “You wish, stronzo.”

  Roary snorted a laugh as he squeezed back through the gap and I quickly replaced the bricks.

  When there was just one brick to go, he caught my gaze, his golden eyes glittering with concern. “Be careful, Rosa,” he growled. “And don’t linger in that pipe.”

  “Lo prometto,” I swore. I promise. I pulled the cuff key from my pocket and passed it to him. “You might need to cut your magic off again before I get back. Sin’s too. Don’t lose it.”

  “Cross my heart,” he swore, painting an X on his chest.

  Roary gave me a tight smile and I shoved the last brick into the wall, sealing the mortar again so that no one would be able to find it.

  The muffled sound of my voice thanking Roary for the best sex of my life reached me and I snarled irritably.

nbsp; Asshole.

  His voice followed a moment later as I guessed he stepped out of my cell and my scowl deepened at his words. “I think I wore her out.” He even fucking chuckled like a cocky bastardo. He’d be the one who was worn out after a night with me.

  Pudding’s deep laughter came in response and I scuttled away as a blush bit at my cheeks. One day, Roary Night would be pinned beneath me, begging for more while I toyed with him and I’d remind him of this shit as I let the torture stretch.

  I ran along the maintenance gap as fast as I could, dashing for the pipes again as my heart pounded adrenaline through my limbs.

  I practically fell down the holes which led to the lower levels and finally skidded to a halt beside the pipe once more. There was already less ice coating it than there had been when he’d cast it and panic bled through me as I wondered whether I was about to do something really fucking stupid.

  I reached out to a spot beneath the ice and used my earth magic to carve a hole in the pipe just big enough for me to fit through.

  I peeled the metal back with trembling fingers, relief spilling through me as no water appeared.

  I threw my hand out into the space, casting an orange Faelight into existence and letting it sink down the sheer drop by a few meters so that I could see.

  My heart hammered to the beat of a war drum in my chest as I leaned out over the space. That pipe led all the way to the bottom of Darkmore and beyond. It was a six floor drop which would kill me on impact if I fell and the smooth pipe had no handholds.

  I took a deep breath and lowered myself into the tight space, pressing my feet against the right side of the pipe and managing to wedge my back against the left.

  The wet walls were slippery and slick. This was a terrible fucking idea.

  I reached out carefully and bent the metal back across to seal the pipe up again with me inside it before pressing my hand to the edges of the cut I’d made.


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