Falling For You

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Falling For You Page 7

by Lily Haycraft

  We pull away after a few short seconds and she smile sheepishly at me.

  "Damn elevators" She whispers pecking my lips once more, before reaching forward and pushing the button to open the doors.

  She leads me to my front door, and she stands there as I pull out my keys and unlock the door.

  "When can I see you again" Dani asks softly. "Whenever you want" I smile.

  "So tomorrow" She grins shyly.

  "If you wish, Harmony and I normally spend the day in our pjs, but you're more than welcome to come over" I say softly.

  "If you tell me that, you'll never get rid of me" "What makes you think I want to" I cock my head to one side.

  Dani blushes softly and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, it's normally her making me blush. "What have you done to me" She says so quietly I almost missed it.

  "Whatever it is, you're doing it to me too" I whisper just as quietly taking a hold of her leather jacket, pulling her closer and kissing her lips softly. "I'm already addicted" I whisper against her lips. "Me too"

  "I'll see you tomorrow" I say it as more of a question. "If Harmony is okay with it" She responds and my heart swells once more, at her being considerate of my daughters feelings.

  "I'm sure she won't have a problem with it, but I'll make sure to ask her tomorrow" I smile.

  "If she agrees, I'll be here"

  "Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow Miss Freeman" I smile.

  "I guess so" She smiles back and I can't help but kiss her one more time.

  "We could stand out here all night and do this" She chuckles softly.

  "I'm going, I'm going" I grin and kiss her one last time, but before I have the chance to pull away, she wraps her arms around my waist, pulling me in closer, trapping my bottom lip between her own, causing the kiss the last longer.

  She releases me and takes a step back.

  "Okay now you can go in" She grins.

  "I have a feeling you're going to be the death of me" "Ditto"

  With that I give her a small smile and enter my apartment, closing the door behind me and leaning against it, closing my eyes and biting my lip, trying and failing to stop a huge smile from breaking out across my face.

  "Fun night" I jumped and my eyes flew open to see Diana standing in the living room doorway with a smirk on her face.

  "You scared the crap out of me" I walked towards her and swatted at her arm.

  "Well if you weren't in your own little world, acting like a love sick teenager floating on cloud nine, you wouldn't have been scared" She grins.

  "Whatever" I grumble and push her out of the way, crashing down onto the sofa.

  "You look happy" Diana smiles sitting down beside me.

  "It was a good night" I smile back, biting my lip to stop it from growing wider.

  "So is she a good kisser?" Diana smirks and I whip my head around to look at her.

  "What makes you think we kissed?" I arch my brow. "Girl please, no one smiles like that after a date unless they got some sort of action" I rolled my eyes and hit her arm again, to which she complained. "You're so crude"

  "You love me though"

  "Not at the moment"

  "Whatever, I better get home, seeing as it is nearly midnight, For a moment there I thought you were gonna be a dirty stop out" Diana smirks.

  "What do you take me for?"

  "Someone who hasn't been laid in a while" She chuckles and quickly jumps up off the sofa, to stop me from hitting her again.

  "I question why we're friends"

  "Because I look after your child for free"

  "Hmm good point, thank you, how was she tonight?" I smile.

  "Little angel as always, I should really get going though"

  "Diana, you live on the floor below me, it's not like it takes you an hour to get home" I roll my eyes softly. "Well girl I need my beauty sleep" She flips her hair and pouts.

  "Yeah that's true" I smirk and chuckle as she gasps. "I'm leaving your rude ass" Diana shakes her head. I just laugh and close my eyes, listening as she puts her shoes on and exits my apartment.

  I lay down on the sofa and feel myself drifting off, knowing I should get up and go to bed, but not being bothered to, one night on the sofa won't kill me.

  Chapter Eight.


  I enter my home throwing my keys and helmet on the table by the door, before kicking off my shoes and making my way into my living room, I crash down on my sofa looking up at the ceiling, a huge smile breaking out onto my face, tonight seriously could not have gone any better.

  From the moment Harmony opened the front door, everything just all happened perfectly, and I honestly didn't want the night to end, but more importantly, I didn't want to get off of the bike, having Chloe so close to me, her arms wrapped so tight around my waist, her head against my back, it was perfect, I just wanted to drive for hours, just so I could have her so close to me, but of course, all good things have to come to an end.

  Things ended very well with that perfect kiss we shared, god I could kiss her for hours, her lips fit perfectly between my own, and I could get so lost in kissing her, she honestly makes me feel high, that drowsy sleepy feeling, I get high off of her kisses, and no other substance could ever make me feel the way that her kisses do.

  I yawn and sit up stripping off my leather jacket and making my way into my bedroom, I strip out of my clothes, leaving myself in nothing but my panties, just as I am about to climb in bed, my phone goes off in the other room.

  I can't help but smile as I know that there is only one person that would be texting me at this hour, I quickly skip into the living room, holding my arm across my chest to stop my boobs from wobbling, I pick up my phone and open my messages as I make my way back towards my bed.

  -Would it be too soon to say that I didn't want you to leave? C x-

  -I didn't want to leave either, but it's only one date beautiful, don't worry, I'll make sure to take you on loads more L x-

  I send the message and crawl into bed, snuggling in and relishing in the feeling of my cool crisp sheets against my naked skin.

  -How many are we talking here? x-

  -As many as you will allow me to take you on, but it doesn't just have to be us on the dates, I am totally down with zoo dates, and sea life dates, picnic in the park dates x-

  I smile as I send the message, knowing how much it'll mean to her that I want to include her daughter in on our dates.

  -The best part about this is, that I know you actually mean that, and are not just saying it C x-

  -Of course I mean it, I love your daughter, she can come on every date with us from now on, as long as I get to hold your hand, I really don't mind x- I smile and close my eyes briefly, feeling sleep starting to take over, but my eyes quickly snap back open as my phone vibrates in my hand.

  -You really need to stop being so sweet and cute, I'm not sure my heart can handle much more of it C x-

  -I would, but that is simply impossible, I can't help that I am such a sweetheart ;) x-

  -Cocky much? C x-

  -I believe you spelt awesome wrong babes D x-

  -I wasn't spelling awesome, so nope, didn't spell it wrong x-

  -All I can hear is the lies babe x-

  -Is someone else talking to you in person then? Because I'm pretty sure you can't hear my texts C x-

  -You're such a smartass aren't you D x-

  I roll my eyes softly as I send the message.

  -I have my moments, and as much as I would love to continue this conversation with you, I think I am going to have to bid you goodnight as my eyes are struggling to stay open, I blame it on the brunette I was with earlier, we went on a wild ride ;) C x-

  -Brunette? So after our date, you proceeded to have fun with someone else? I'm quite disappointed, I thought I was going to be the only one to touch your body x-

  -Sorry babes, I thought you knew I was playing the field, all the ladies want me :P C x-

  -My heart is broken D x-

>   -Aww baby I'm sorry, I promise from now on, only your hands will touch me x-

  -Is that a promise? *Wiggles eyebrows* D x-

  -Don't be such a perv! Now stop messaging me woman, I am trying to get my beauty sleep C x-

  -Yeah you have to look pretty for me tomorrow when I come over ;) x-

  -Girl I'm going to be looking like a hobo, lower your expectations x-

  -You'll still look beautiful, sweet dreams pretty girl D x-

  -Goodnight Cutie. C x-


  I groan as my ringing phone wakes me up, and I contemplate ignoring it, and sigh happily snuggling further into my bed as it stops ringing, but huffing and throwing the quilt off of my head as my phone starts ringing again, I sit up leaning against my headboard and pick up my phone seeing that it was my sister calling.

  "Taylor" I answer slightly grumpy.

  "Did I wake you?" She asks and I can tell that she is smirking.

  "You know that you did" I grit my teeth.

  "Well it's nearly eleven anyway, so stop bitching, I was just calling to tell you that the family is hanging out at the beach today, and mum wants you there" "What's the occasion?" I ask dragging my hand down my face.

  "I have no idea, all she said is that her and dad have an announcement, and want us all to go to the beach"

  "What time?" I sigh instantly thinking about Chloe, and knowing I won't get to see her until later. "Two" She says simply.

  "Who else is going to be there?" I ask climbing out of bed making my way towards the bathroom having the urge to pee.

  "I have no Idea, she just told me to call you and Chris"

  "So I can't bring anyone with me then?" I ask as I sit down on the toilet relieving my bladder.

  "Are you telling me that you're in a relationship?" "There's potential" I smile at the thought of being with the brunette and introducing her to my family. "Well mum has been waiting for you to bring a girl home for years, so I don't see why it would be a problem" I can picture Taylor shrugging while looking at her nails as she says this.

  "Right well, I don't know if she is going to come, but anyway, I'll see you at two"

  "Bye sis" Taylor says into the phone and I say bye before hanging up the phone and finishing my business on the toilet.

  I yawn and turn the shower on, kicking my panties to the side, before stepping under the heat of the shower.

  Once I am done in the shower, I slowly get dressed and make myself a quick bagel before grabbing my helmet and keys, I leave the house and make the familiar journey to Chloe's apartment.

  I grin as a small curly haired brunette opens the front door and practically drags me into the kitchen where Chloe is standing with her back to me, she has shorts and a tank top on, her hair tied up in a messy bun, I haven't even see the front of her and I already know she looks flawless.

  "Mama Dani is here" Harmony announces my presence.

  Chloe spins around on the spot, her eyes widening for a split second before smiling at me and taking in my appearance.

  "I thought you were coming over in pyjamas" She grins.

  "I was going to, but I've had a change of plans" "Oh" I watch as her face drops and instantly feel guilty.

  "I'm sorry but my sister woke me up, and told me that my mum wants the family to meet at the beach and that she has something to tell us, cryptic I know" I roll my eyes softly.

  "Oh well that's okay" Chloe smiles.

  "I was actually kind of wondering if you'd like to come with me"

  I smile sheepishly, chewing on the inside of my cheek.

  "Are you serious?"

  "I wanna go to the beach" Harmony pipes up and I grin down at her before looking back up at Chloe. "So what do you say?" I ask.

  "We can't all ride on your motorcycle" I arch my brow. "I know that" I smile. "I'll go pick up my car from my parents place and then come back and get you guys" "But then you'll be making the trip too many times when you don't need to" Chloe furrows her eyebrows. "No but I want to, if it means you'll come with me, but you don't have to, I don't want you to feel like I'm pressuring you, I know we only had our first date last night, I just thought maybe I don't know, I know that it's too soon for you to be meeting my family, this just feels right you know, it feels good"

  "Dani, You're rambling" Chloe interrupts me and a blush creeps onto my cheeks, I look at her shyly. "Sorry" I mumble and chew on the inside of my cheek once more.

  "We'd love to come" She answers for her and her daughter.

  "Really?" I grin looking up at her.

  "Yes, right baby?" Chloe looks over at Harmony who is nodding her head and grinning.

  "Okay well I'll go and pick up my car, and come back and get you guys" I smile.

  "I'll walk you out" Chloe offers and I have a feeling it's because she wants to kiss me or hug me and not have Harmony see and start questioning things. "See you in an hour princess" I smile over at Harmony who grins at me.

  "Go pick out some clothes to wear baby, I'll be with you in a minute okay" Chloe smiles running her hands through her daughters locks.

  "Okay mama" Harmony darts off to her bedroom and Chloe steps closer to me, grabbing me by my shirt and pressing her lips to my own.

  I snake the hand that isn't holding my helmet around her waist, holding her tighter to me as I kiss her back, she pulls back and looks at me, her eyes slightly dilated, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

  "Sorry I've just been craving that since last night" She chews on her bottom lip nervously.

  I pull her back into another short and sweet kiss, letting her know that it was okay.

  "Never apologise for kissing me" I smile and kiss her nose softly.

  Chloe just smiles and walks me to her front door, she opens it for me and waits for me to step over the threshold.

  "I'll see you soon" I smile lifting my hand to her cheek caressing her softly.

  "Can't wait" She smiles leaning into my palm. I kiss her quickly one last time before making my way towards the elevator and back down to my bike.


  I smile to myself as I knock on Chloe's door for the second time today, this time being greeted by the beautiful brunette herself, I can't help the face splitting grin that spreads across my face as her eyes lock onto mine, and a smile breaks out across her own face, she grins and leans in pecking my lips softly before allowing me into the house.

  "We'll be two minutes" She smiles and disappears leaving me standing in her hallway.

  I take this time to look at all of the pictures on the wall in her hallway, I've never really had the chance to look at them before, there's a picture of Harmony, completely naked, laying on a hospital bed sleeping, her hospital band still attached to her ankle, it must have been taken the first day that she was born, she looks completely adorable, laying on her stomach, her hand tucked under her chin, and her knees bent. The picture below that is one of her when she is a little bit older, probably about a year old with ice cream all around her mouth, grinning happily after eating her sugary treat and getting it all over her, she was such an adorable baby.

  There's multiple of her and Chloe together, and a recent picture I'm guessing, of the two of them as well as Diana, Harmony between the two with their cheeks all squashed up together, I can't help but picture my face in replacement of Diana's one day. "That's me" I look down to my side and see Harmony standing there.

  "Yes it is" I grin and pick her up sitting her on my hip. "I was a cute right?" She smiles pointing at the hospital picture.

  "You still are" I tell her.

  "Am I pretty like my mummy?" Harmony asks looking at me.

  "You're even prettier, but ssh don't tell her I said that" I grinned and nudged my nose against hers causing her to giggle.


  "Uh oh, busted" I whisper glancing at Chloe over my shoulder, she just rolls her eyes softly, but the smile doesn't leave her face.

  "Let's go you goons"

  "Do you need to pee?" I ask Harmony.

"No I'm good" She smiles.

  "You sure?" Chloe asks.

  "Mmhmm, let's go"

  "Okay" I shrug softly and walk out of the apartment with Harmony still in my arms.

  "Oh just going to leave without me?" Chloe arches her brow as I'm about to step into the elevator and she is still locking her front door.

  "Yes, I told you that I was going to steal your daughter" I grin.

  "You know, I'm actually starting to think that you're telling the truth" She rolls her eyes as she walks towards me.

  "If I ever steal her, I'd be stealing you too" I smile softly as we step into the elevator and a blush tints her cheeks.

  We step outside of the apartment building and I walk straight over to my car.

  "A mustang?" Chloe arches her brow.

  "1960's Classic" I grin opening up my car.

  "Oh my god you've got a booster seat" Chloe smiles as she notices it in the backseat.

  "Yeah I uh asked my mum if she had one, it used to be my sisters, I figured we would need it" I say sheepishly as I sit Harmony in the seat and begin strapping her in.

  "Did she not ask you what it was for?" Chloe arches her brow as I close the back door and then open the passenger side for her.

  "She did" I nod and smile as she thanks me and climbs in.

  "Did you tell her?"

  "I told her that she would find out soon enough" I smile.

  "Do you need help with your seatbelt too?" I smirk. "I think I can handle it" She shakes her head softly. I grin and close to door before walking around to the drivers side and climbing in.

  "Okay, are we ready to go?" I look in the rearview mirror at Harmony who quickly nods and then over at Chloe who gives me a small smile, saying yes also. "Then let's go meet the family" I smile and put the car in drive making my way towards my family's private beach.

  Chapter Nine.



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