A Tale of Two Horns (Corent City Tales Book 1)

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A Tale of Two Horns (Corent City Tales Book 1) Page 21

by Hannah Walker


  “No, if you don’t behave, we stop. As much as I want this, I refuse to hurt you.”

  Knox’s good hand curled into a fist, but he didn’t say anything.

  Charlie cautiously licked the tip, ready to hold Knox down if needed, but for once, Knox did precisely as he was asked. The taste of Knox burst onto his tongue. It reminded him of a snow-covered forest and fresh pine needles. Crisp, clean, and vibrant, he wanted more. Sliding his lips slowly down Knox’s shaft, he sucked, desperate to taste more of him. With the fingers of one hand, he gently caressed the skin around the root of his cock, while the other hand drifted lower to cradle Knox’s balls, giving a gentle squeeze.

  A guttural moan rippled through the room, and Charlie looked up to see Knox’s gaze trained on him. Keeping his eyes locked onto Knox, he sucked, licked, and tasted. Letting everything he felt shine from his eyes, he wondered exactly what Knox saw in them, when his own widened and then heated even more. With his good hand, Knox reached out and cupped his cheek. No doubt he could feel his own cock under the skin he touched. His thumb traced the edges of Charlie’s lips, and he could feel the tremble in it. Knox may be silent, but his body was telling Charlie just how affected he was.

  Taking his time, Charlie curled his tongue in on itself and sucked, creating a vacuum as he dragged it up Knox’s cock. Underneath his hand, he could tell Knox was having a tough time not moving, his muscles tensing and releasing, again and again. He chuckled around Knox’s cock, and a burst of precum flooded his mouth.

  “Charlie…” Knox’s ragged voice reached his ears. “Please…”

  Charlie hummed and was rewarded with more precum. When he pulled off, he grinned at the look of disbelief on Knox’s face.

  “Why did you stop?” Knox’s eyes were pleading.

  “I’m not stopping.” Charlie crawled up the bed, lying next to Knox. Grabbing some lube from beside the bed, he coated his fingers and dropped the tube on the bed. He slid his fingers between his own ass cheeks and pushed one into his hole.

  “What are you doing?” Knox grabbed the lube with his good hand, coating his fingers and grabbing hold of Charlie’s cock.

  “What does it look like?” Charlie moaned as he brushed up against his prostate. “I’m getting myself ready to ride your cock.”

  “You’re going to…”

  “Ride you. I’m going to straddle you, and I’m going to slowly sink down, driving your cock deep into my ass. I’m going to take you all in, keep you there, feel you deep inside me. You know we need to make a decision.”

  “You want me to what?” Knox maintained a steady stroke on Charlie’s cock.

  “We need to decide. Condoms or not.”

  The hand on Charlie’s cock froze. “Do you want to use them?”

  “No,” Charlie answered honestly. “I want to feel you come deep inside me.”

  “Yes, I want that.”

  “Then no condoms. I’m safe. I have no doubt you are.” Charlie maintained the gentle pumping in his own ass.

  “I’m clean. It’s not as if shifters can get most diseases, since we burn them off. But there are some.” Knox resumed his stroke over Charlie’s cock until Charlie reached out a hand and stopped him.

  “Lube yourself up.”

  Knox squirted some lube over his shaft and stroked.

  “Oh, fuck me, that’s hot.” Charlie nibbled on his lips, his fingers picking up speed in his ass. “I could come like this, watching you do that, but I want you inside me more.” He pulled his fingers free and moved so he was straddling Knox, reaching underneath his own ass to take Knox in hand. He gave Knox’s cock a few lazy pumps, twisting as he went, before he guided him to his hole. Nudging Knox’s cock inside him, he slowly sank down, whimpering as his mate’s cock filled him.

  “You feel good.”

  Charlie was past the point of being able to talk. When he finally had Knox buried inside him to the root, he hung his head, simply breathing, becoming accustomed to the feel of having him inside him. What he hadn’t told Knox was that it had been a while since he’d last been with anyone.


  “Give me a second to get used to you.”

  “I’m that big, huh?” Knox grinned up at him.

  A surprised laugh burst free from Charlie. “Only you could take that from what I said.”

  “What?” Knox asked innocently.

  “Nothing. Now, lay still and let me have my wicked way with you.” Charlie grinned as he lifted up and then slowly sank back down onto Knox’s cock. Up and down, rolling his hips, Charlie kept a momentum going. Slow and steady, full of sensuality.

  “Fuck, you feel good.” Knox’s voice broke at the end.

  “You feel incredible.” Charlie tipped his head back, bracing his arms on the bed, refusing to put any weight on Knox. Even as he lost himself to the sensations, he wouldn’t do anything to set Knox’s recovery back. “When you’re better, the next time I ride you, I’m going to be teasing those nipples of yours. Squeezing them, biting them.” As he spoke, he squeezed Knox’s cock inside him. “I’m going to stand in the shower, braced against the wall, the same way Teaks was when you dictated that scene. I’m going to stand there, with my legs wide, my ass pushed back, and give you free rein to do as you want.”

  “Oh, fuck.” Knox thrust forward.

  “We may be going slow now, out of necessity, but soon enough I want you to take me hard and fast. I want to be on all fours as you ram your cock into me. I want you to make me scream your name. I want you to bite me, mark me. You know, I was thinking, maybe I should get a copy of your paw, get it tattooed on my skin, so it’s always visible on my shoulder.”

  “Fuck!” Knox jerked beneath him and warmth flooded his ass. The shock of it set his own orgasm off, and he jerked forward, only just managing to brace his hands on either side of Knox before he collapsed onto his bruised chest.

  Charlie trembled as aftershocks raced through him. His cock spurted a little, adding more cum to the pooling mess on Knox’s stomach. Climbing off Knox, he staggered to the bathroom, wetting a cloth, and moving back to the bed. Quickly cleaning up Knox, then himself, he clambered back into bed beside his man, smiling when Knox lifted his arm. He oh-so-gently laid his head down on Knox’s good shoulder, rolled his neck and kissed the skin he could reach. Before he could say a word about how good it had been, he fell asleep.

  When he woke up, he realized someone must have been in the room. The curtains were drawn and there was a fresh bottle of water by the side of the bed with some pills and a note.

  Make sure he takes these when he wakes up. You’d better not have killed my brother with your wicked ways. Carter.

  At the bottom of the note, he’d drawn a stupid face sticking its tongue out at him. Charlie quietly chuckled to himself, not sure if it was because it was funny or out of sheer embarrassment of Carter having been in the room, and no doubt having seen the mess they’d made of the bed.

  “What’s funny?” Knox mumbled as he pulled Charlie back against him, giving him a kiss.

  “Your brother.”

  “Which one?”

  Instead of answering, Charlie handed over the note.

  “Oh, fuck me, he’s as bad as the rest of them.”

  “Take your pills.” Charlie held them out.

  Taking them from his palm, Knox grumbled, “Yes, dear.”

  “Hush, you know they’re for your own good.”

  “I know, it doesn’t make it any easier though, having to rely on them, or having you all order me about. It’s a good thing I love you.”

  Charlie froze, staring at Knox as he swallowed his pills with a large gulp of water.

  “Uh, why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost or something?”

  “Or something, that’s for sure.” Staring at Knox, Charlie realized the man had no idea what he’d just said.

  “What?” Knox focused on him. “You’re being weird.”

  “You, uh, just said
you loved me.”

  Eyes sliding shut, Knox swore. “Oh, fuck me, things just keep slipping out.”

  Charlie coughed out a laugh. “Are you saying you didn’t mean it?”

  Knox gingerly rolled onto his side so he was facing Charlie. “I meant it. I just planned to tell you properly, take you out to dinner, pamper you properly, show you how much I adore you, how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, then tell you that I love you.”

  “Knox, I don’t need flashy declarations, I don’t need your thanks, as much as they are appreciated. I’ve done what I have because of how I feel about you. If you didn’t realize it already, I am completely and irrevocably in love with you, Knox Vaughn.”

  Charlie couldn’t say anything else. Knox surged forward, wrapping his good hand around the back of Charlie’s neck and kissing him senseless.

  “Am I going to have to keep walking in with my eyes closed now, so I don’t see something else that’s going to scar me for life?” Nate drawled, forcing the two men to draw slightly apart.

  “I’m busy,” Knox grumbled against Charlie’s lips.

  “Well, I’m trying to be nice and give you a heads up. Evie and Mama Alice are on their way. I thought you might want to get dressed… and air out the room.” Nate walked to the window and opened it wide. “It smells like someone had far too good a time in here for being injured.”

  Charlie fought the rising blush, but refused to apologize. He’d made love to his man; there was nothing wrong with that.

  “I love how easily you blush. It’s going to be a failsafe way of knowing if you’re guilty of something.” Nate cackled as he walked into Knox’s closet and grabbed sweats for him. “You’d better grab your own clothes, Charlie. I don’t think my brother would appreciate me helping you get dressed, although the offer is there…” Nate waggled his eyebrows before leering at Charlie.

  “Do I need to get one of the others in here to beat you up?”

  “Oh, hush, big brother, you know I’m teasing you both.” Nate shook out the sweats and threw two pairs of boxers at them both. “Charlie, help him into those, and I’ll help him into his sweats.”

  Charlie dived under the covers, sliding the boxers up Knox’s legs and under his ass. Being cheeky, he placed a quick kiss to the top of Knox’s cock, smirking to himself when Knox’s hand fisted in his hair. As soon as he was done, he came up for air, his expression deliberately blank, valiantly trying to ignore the evil look that promised retribution on Knox’s face.

  Nate looked at them as if trying to work out what was going on, shrugged, and gestured for Charlie to hurry up.

  Sliding his own boxers on, Charlie jumped out of bed, grabbed his cartoon unicorn lounge pants and a plain green tee, and blitzed around tidying up the room, making sure the lube was safely back in the drawer. Five minutes later, he and Knox were both propped up on the bed, Knox under the covers, him on top. It wasn’t a moment too soon as Mama Alice and Evie came in, followed by Lane and Cora carrying the babies.

  “My poor, sweet boy.” Mama Alice didn’t go directly to Charlie. Instead, she went to Knox’s side of the bed, leaned down, and kissed him on the forehead before smoothing back his hair.

  “Uh…” Knox looked around wildly, as if begging someone to save him. No such luck. There was no being saved from Mama Alice if she wanted to dote on you.

  “Are they feeding you properly? I brought stews, casseroles, and my secret chocolate pudding, just in case.”

  “Mama Alice!” Charlie protested. “I can cook, you know.”

  “Yes, dear.” She carefully leaned over Knox and patted his hand.

  “I put everything in the kitchen.” Matt breezed in as well. “Looks like the gang is all here.”

  Jasper was making gimmie hands at Charlie, so he held out his arms, only just catching him as he took a leap from Lane’s arms.

  “I missed you too, buddy.” Charlie looked at the other kiddos. “I missed all of you.”

  “Hot choc man!” Danny cried as he raced to stand beside Mama Alice.

  “Hey, Danny. I don’t have any hot chocolate here. Sorry.” Knox ruffled his hair.

  “Coz hot choc man poorly.” Danny nodded sagely.

  “Yes, he is, but remember Carter?” Lane gestured to his PAF teammate. Danny nodded. “That’s his brother, and he and Charlie are helping to look after him and make him better.”

  “Good. Bed boring. Hot choc man will want to play,” Danny announced to the room.

  Charlie hid his face in his hands, smirking at the muffled laughter coming from various parts of the room.

  “That’s right, Danny.” Mama Alice lifted Danny onto her lap as she perched on the edge of the chair by Knox’s bed.

  “I tell you what, Danny, when I’m all better, I can come and visit, and we can play something together then. How about that.” Knox looked around, grabbing a pen off the bedside table. “How about until then, you draw me a picture so I have something to smile about?” He gestured to the blank cast on his arm.

  Charlie’s heart melted. Knox must have been an incredible big brother/father figure when his siblings were growing up. Who knew, maybe one day they would be able to adopt some shifters who needed a home? When Charlie looked up, he saw Mama Alice looking at him, a knowing grin on her face. He merely smiled sweetly and said nothing, simply enjoying the time surrounded by family and friends.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Charlie saved the document, turning to grin at Knox. “How does it feel?”

  “Amazing. I didn’t think I was going to be able to get it done. Seriously, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but I can’t wait to get this damn cast off.” Knox tapped the cast still wrapped around his wrist.

  “Tomorrow.” Charlie tipped his head to one side and Knox took advantage, kissing a trail along his skin.

  As much as he wanted to stay and enjoy the experience, Charlie had something else arranged. “Come on, we’re going out.”

  “You mean my jailor has given the okay?” Knox pumped his fist.

  “Yes, as long as you take it easy, he’s letting me take you out. Your rib has healed and the splenic laceration is well on its way to repairing itself. You might struggle to walk great distances until all the bruising has gone, but a short walk will do you some good.”

  “You have something planned?” Knox was no doubt picking up on the excitement emanating from Charlie.

  “I do.”

  “Do I get to know what?”



  Charlie rolled his eyes. “Because if I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise now, would it? Now get ready, and I’ll meet you downstairs, I need to get something from Max.”

  “What’s my brother got to do with this?”

  “You’ll find out later. Be patient.” Charlie shook his head, exasperated. Honestly, Knox was worse than the kiddos. He left his man to it, and joined Max in the kitchen. “Did you find it?”

  “Yes. I always knew there had to be a reason Knox kept everything as we were growing up.” Max slid a piece of paper across the table, already in a protective sleeve.

  “Thank you. Without it, I couldn’t get this done today.”

  “He’s going to freak, you know that?”

  “I hope you mean in a nice way?” Charlie toyed with a coaster on the kitchen table.

  “I mean in the best way. Relax.” Max patted his hand.

  “Stop trying to move in on my territory,” Knox called from the door.

  Charlie grabbed the paper and slipped it into a bag at his feet.

  “What was that?”

  Knox tried to peer over Charlie’s shoulder, but Charlie hunched over, stopping him seeing. “Later,” Charlie insisted.

  Knox’s growl had no effect on Charlie; he was too accustomed to it now. “You should be scared of my tiger. He’s a lean, mean, fighting machine.”

  “He’s a pussycat that wants to cuddle,” Charlie retaliated.

  Max sprayed ju
ice everywhere as he choked.

  “You, clean that up and shut up,” Knox ordered.

  Max wheezed, his hands fluttering around his throat.

  “Carter! Knox has killed Max!” Charlie roared, now entirely used to the way things were done in the Vaughn household.

  The thunder of running feet echoed around them as Carter, Nate, and Tyler all raced into the room. “What happened?” Carter demanded as he whacked Max on the back, forcing him to take a massive gulp of air.

  Knox stayed stubbornly silent.

  “He…” Max wheezed, “Called… Knox’s tiger…. a pussycat… who loves to cuddle.”

  There was a beat of silence before roars of laughter filled the kitchen. Charlie turned to Knox and shrugged apologetically. “Sorry,” he mouthed. “I’ll make it up to you.”

  “Oh, man…” Carter fought to gain his own breath. “That’s fantastic. Nice one, Charlie!”

  “I hate you all.” Knox crossed his arms and glared at everyone.

  “Come on, let’s go and sort out your surprise.” Charlie grabbed Knox by the hand and started to walk out.

  “Clean that shit up before we get back,” Knox demanded.

  “Yes, Dad!” Max was laughing as they left.

  Charlie was pleased to get out the house, even if they were traveling by tram. Typically, he walked everywhere, but he didn’t want to tax Knox any more than needed.

  When they got off on Dermont Parade, Knox looked around. “What are we doing here?”

  Charlie didn’t say anything, just walked towards a shop. Then Knox suddenly stopped, looking up at the sign that read ‘Inkarium.’

  “This is the magical tattoo parlor.” Knox spun Charlie around. “What are we doing here?”

  Charlie grinned and walked in. “Hi, Dran. I’m here for our appointment.”

  A man stepped out from behind the counter, hand extended to Knox. “I’m Dran, I’ll be doing Charlie’s tattoo today.”


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