Roll the Dice: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 2

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Roll the Dice: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 2 Page 3

by Brair Lake

  “Yep.” The hint of laughter in his voice has me glancing at him.



  “No.” I lie. “Okay, maybe a little.” I admit as we start up the gangplank.

  “Come on. Let’s go find Papa.”

  From the doorway of the casino I glance into the room. It is brightly lit, and several tables are already occupied. There are also several empty large cages. “What are the cages for?” My curiosity got the best of me.

  “The Dancers.”


  “Yep. We’ll be on the river for several hours. So, we put on a little entertainment for our guests.”

  “You don’t stay docked.”

  “Not tonight.”

  Bastian’s chuckle deepens and now that he has removed his sunglasses I watch the yellow of his irises glow and the flesh around his eyes crinkle. A pulse throbs through my body, igniting my pussy as it comes to life. I draw in a deep breath as I turn to look at the door we just came through. I am trapped and know there’s no going back. “Occasionally – But most nights we ride the river.”

  “Aren’t you going to introduce us.” The deep honeyed voice warms my blood and I turn around and find myself immersed into two sets of the warmest brown eyes I have ever seen and a set of amber laughing eyes which put me at ease.

  “Leon, Firebird, TJ. This is Eve.” Bastian’s fingers tighten as he nods at our new company.

  One of the men steps forward and lifts my hand to his mouth and places a warm kiss on the flesh. As beautiful as he is and although my heart gives a small skip there is no answering throb in my pussy. “I think I’ll change my name to Adam.”

  I bite back my groan as the other man slaps him on the back. The woman with the red hair giggles as she rolls her eyes. “You’ll have to forgive TJ. He doesn’t have an original bone in his body.”

  “Hey, Firebird. If you weren’t Leon’s Old Lady, I’d be offended.”

  Firebird chuckles as she shakes her head. “If it was that easy to offend you. You and I wouldn’t be friends.”

  TJ turns to me and as I watch the biker, my body relaxes as the tension leaves me. A tension which began when Bastian pulled into the parking lot and I hadn’t realized I’d been feeling until now.

  “Don’t listen to Firebird. She’s just upset because she picked the inferior brother.”

  “Are they always like this?” As I wait for the redhead to answer, I notice her gaze is on the hand linked with Bastian’s. Her smile slips to be replaced with a slight frown, which disappears as she shakes her head and her smile deepens.

  “They can be. Especially with someone new. Have you known Bastian long?”

  “I’m a big boy, Mama. I know what I’m doing.” Bastian’s chuckle warms me, and I turn to look at him. I watch as he leans over and kisses Firebird on the cheek.

  “She swapped one family for another. Don’t listen to her or Bastian.” The one called Leon slips his arm around Firebird and she moves closer into his body. “We’re getting a drink, won’t one?”

  I nod as Bastian’s squeezes my hand once more as he leads me to a table where another man is sitting. His clear blue eyes watch as we approach him. Although he is smiling, the smile fails to reach his eyes and a shiver runs through me as I sit in the chair beside Bastian. Glad he is between the other man and me. Leon passes me my drink, which I accept, grateful for something to do as I take a large swallow of the cold beer. When Bastian asked me out, I thought it would just be him and me. Just as it has been on the previous dinner dates we’ve had. As the beer slides down my throat, I relax into my seat. Bastian’s fingers brush the back of my neck. “Is that Papa?” Bastian’s chuckle gives me the reassurance I need as I welcome his touch.

  “Papa?” Day’s frown deepens, then he releases a chuckle as his gaze sweeps over Bastian. “More like his big brother.” The biker turns his gaze back to me. His smile fixed in place and a shiver runs through me. Watching Day, reminds me, that as affable as Bastian is with me, he could be just as ruthless and once more, I wonder if I’m doing the right thing in having a fling with the biker. I’ve never done anything bad or wild before. I knew from a young age what I wanted, and I went out and got it. Now I was risking everything for a fuck I could get from anyone.

  “That wasn’t so bad was it.”

  The table has long been deserted and I shake my head at Bastian. “Just not what I expected for our first date.”

  Bastian’s fingers tease the loose tendrils of hair at the base of my neck. All evening he has touched me, stroked my flesh and teased me. Preparing me for what is to come. I am more than prepared for what Bastian is offering me. His eyebrows rise as he watches me, and my gaze flickers to his lips. As I watch them move, my body tingles as I think of his lips against my skin as they warm my flesh. “What did you expect?”

  I shrug as I watch Bastian raise his fingers to the woman behind the bar, then she’s coming over to us with two more bottles. As she approaches the table, she smiles at Bastian then her gaze flashes over me before she turns back to Bastian. Her eyebrow arches, although it is slight, I watch as he gives a small shake of his head. The blonde’s smile slips as she glances at me once more before she returns to the bar. As I watch the blonde, my gaze drifts around the room. The women are beautiful, and as I watch one of the dancers in a cage, I fight and bank down the sudden rise of bile in my throat. Bastian isn’t a saint. There will have been women before me, and they’ll be more women after me. I was only here for the weekend.

  “Let’s go for a walk.”

  My stomach clenches. Am I as ready for Bastian as I have been telling myself all evening.

  Chapter 3

  Eve – Demon’s Lair, Noir Valley

  “We have our beers.” I reach for the bottle and take a healthy swallow of the chilled liquid. The sharp fizz teases the back of my throat and my eyes water as I hold onto my cough. Bastian tilts his head as he watches me. The slight tilt of his lips fails to ease the buzz in my blood, which has nothing to do with the alcohol I just drank.

  “We can take them with us.” Bastian rises from his seat with both bottles in one hand. His other held out to me, and with one last look around the room, I accept the proffered hand and follow him as he leads us both outside. The decks are empty, and the night breeze brushes against my jacket.

  “Won’t you be missed?” Bastian shakes his head as he steps to the side and points to a set of metal steps. With one last look around, I climb them until I reach the deck above. “When you said let’s go for a walk. I thought you meant to your cabin.”

  Bastian’s brushes the flesh of my cheek and a chill flickers through me. “You’re made for the Stars.”

  “Won’t we be seen here?” Bastian places the beer bottles onto a table and from a rucksack hidden beneath the table, he pulls out a blanket, gives it a shake, then spreads it out on the floor. “No, we’re alone.” His eyebrows wiggle and a chuckle slips from me as I settle onto the blanket. Apart from the soft lap of the water splashing against the side of the riverboat and the steady hum of the engine, everywhere is silent. Bastian hands me my bottle, then he sits beside me. His gaze on me as he drinks his beer and I glance towards the sky. “They are pretty.”

  “Are they?”

  My tongue swipes my bottom lip. “Do you come here often?” Bastian places his empty bottle back on the table. Then he reaches over for mine. With nothing to occupy my hands, I go to hook them around my knees. Yet before I have time to clasp my fingers, Bastian pushes me back until my head is on the blanket. “They really are pretty.”

  “Are they?”

  I nod as I watch the stars. The way they twinkle teases me. Then they disappear as Bastian leans over me. His body brushes against the curve of my hip and thigh. Using one hand to rest his head on as his other hand strokes my hair. I lick my lips. This was it. I was about to have sex with this big bad biker and the throb in my blood gains speed. I’m unsure if my growing excitement is the noti
on of having sex outside. Knowing anyone could interrupt us anytime, or that I was about to have sex with one of Noir Valley’s bad Bikers, or the actual man himself. Bastian emits a confidence that screams self-control and self-indulgence. Yet, I know this isn’t what attracts me to him. Neither was it his size or physic. As I watch him lower his head, I know it is his eyes. The way he watches me makes me feel all woman. His lips touch mine and all my thoughts fade, and I lose myself to his touch. To his taste. The kiss is warm, and it curls my toes. The thrust of his tongue teases my inner mouth. The soft, sweet kiss changes as our tongues tangle. His grip firm but gentle as he holds my head and my fingers entwine in his hair. A low hum of appreciation escapes me as his mouth slides lower. His lips trace the edge of my chin and jawbone as it glides to my throat. The air leaves me on a gush as he suckles on the flesh at the base of my throat. His tongue flicking over my flesh as he sucks, and my hips thrust against him. My pussy answers with an aching throb, and I rub my denim clad thighs against him as I arch my throat into his kiss. The scent of his shampoo teases me, and another murmur escapes me. I want more. I want his flesh against mine. My search for the hem of his tee-shirt is frantic. It doesn’t help that I’m hampered by his jacket and cut. Or that his arms tangle in the sleeves as I push at the soft leather. His lips never leave my clavicle as he peppers the flesh with long sucking kisses. Only when he’s free of his tee-shirt do I spin him onto his back. My gaze lingers as I inspect every inch of his bare flesh. It was just how I expect him to be. Bastian is a large man. Yet, there isn’t an ounce of fat on him. My fingers trace the outline of his biceps and I lick my lips as his nipples pucker, growing rigid as they beg to be tasted. Not wanting to deny his invite I lower my head and flick my tongue over the tip of the puckering bud. Beneath my hand, his stomach constricts and his warm breath brushes against my hair. As I flick the hard nub once more, I take a deep breath and his aroma goes straight to my pussy and I clench my thighs to suppress the tingle. The tiny shudder has me wetting my panties. As I suckle, lick, tease, suck and pull on his nipple, Bastian’s tremors of pleasure increase beneath my fingers as I trace his flesh. My fingers trace the lines of the muscles etched against his flesh. He is a big man and he doesn’t frighten me. My fingers drift lower catching against the waistband of his jeans. They linger over the buckle of his belt. Then I pull away as I look down at the man lying beneath me. Air catches in my throat. I want this man. I’ve wanted him for a long time and tonight he is mine. There is no fumbling with his belt as I unbuckle it and pull it through the loops of his jeans. My fingers are steady as I pull the zipper down. Bastian isn’t idle either. As I loosen his pants, he lifts his hips and pushes his jeans down to his knees. Then my gaze drifts to the most personal part of him.

  His cock, like the rest of him, is large and I grasp the hard-throbbing member in my hand. My fingers don’t quite meet around the girth. There’s perhaps a gap of a centimeter or two between my thumb and index finger. This, however, doesn’t stop me from pumping his shaft. Slow at first. Beneath my touch his flesh burns and throbs as he grows rigid. As I slide my hand up and down his shaft, I watch the blood pulses in the knobby veins. My mouth opens and I lick my lips as I watch pre-cum leak from the tiny opening at the end of his cock. Bastian arches his hips into my torch and when I look at him, his eyes are closed. His chest is heaving, and his breathing is deep. He is enjoying himself. I want to up our game a notch. With one last lick of my lips, I shuffle between his legs and trace the veins of his cock with my finger. He draws in a deep raw rasp which wraps around my ears. I slip the bulbous head of his cock into my mouth. Bastian shudders beneath me as my tongue slides over the smooth satin skin of his cock. I take him in a little further and his fingers find their way into my hair. He pushes my head down, slipping more of his cock into my mouth. I resist his hold, freeing part of his cock. Then I draw his cock in a little further. My hand prevents Bastion going in too deep, too soon. Drops of precum tease my taste buds as I suck him in and draw him out. Each suck is slow, lingering as I savor his flesh.

  “Harder. Deeper.” Bastian’s raw groan plays with my pussy and as he thrust against me, I take him in a little deeper. With each thrust of his hips, Bastian sinks deeper, and as I suck his shaft, rubbing my tongue over his cock, my fingers cup and stroke his balls. “Fuck.” Beneath my touch, Bastian clenches his ass. It’s then I squeeze my hands. His breathing ragged and raw as I take him in deeper. His grip in my hair tightens. “This is it, Eve. If you don’t want me to come in your mouth. You’d best pull away.”

  I continue to suck. There’s a shudder beneath me and with one last thrust, Bastian comes in my mouth as his roar echoes into the night air. No sooner has he come; Bastian pulls me up to him. Our lips meet in a hungry kiss. Bastian thrust his tongue into my mouth, not bothered he can taste himself. Then he is gone. His lips have left mine and I find myself on my back once more.

  “It’s your turn.”

  Amongst the rasp of his voice there is amusement, and a giggle escapes me as I push a lock of his hair behind his ear. “And ready.”

  “So sure of yourself. Aren’t you?” Bastian’s eyebrow arches as I nod. My body aches and my pussy is on fire. I need to come. To explode around Bastian and have a memory which will last me until the day I die. Bastion watches me. There is a calculating gleam in his gaze which has me clenching my thighs. I’m not sure I want to know what is going to happen next. Bastion leans away supporting his head on his hand.

  “Remove your tee-shirt.” I blink, disappointed at the loss of his touch. With one last look at Bastian, I slip my top over my head. “Now your jeans.”

  My fingers shake as I free the catch on my denims and push them down my legs, freeing myself of my boots. As I lay back on the blanket, I notice Bastian has freed himself of his jeans and boots and I lick my lips as I watch him lean over me. The kiss is slow. Teasing me as it hugs at the coils in my stomach. Just as I think it will never end, Bastian leaves my mouth. Tracing my flesh, leaving small nibbling kisses on my skin until he reaches my tits. His touch is soft as he wraps his hands around the flesh of my other tit. His thumb flickers over the blood engorged bud, and it tightens as he plays with the nub. His mouth latches onto my other nipple. The warmth of his tongue as it licks the growing bud has the blood roaring through my body. As I grip my thighs together to ease the growing ache a moan escapes me as his hand leaves my tit. My stomach contracts as the tips of his fingers dance over my flesh as he continues to suckle on my other tit. His fingers slip between my pussy lips and air escapes my mouth as I arch my throat back, thrusting my hips into his touch. I have waited a long time for this moment, and I don’t want it to end. His finger stroke and tease the sensitive skin. The pulse in my pussy increases, and I arch into his touch just as he presses my clit. I want to come. My body is pulsing as blood races through me.


  Bastian gives one last suck on my tits. Nipping the end as he lets go. Then he is over me. His mouth on mine. His legs between my thighs. The tip of his cock teases my pussy, pushing against my opening. His first thrust is slow as he pushes into me. Opening me, stretching me. He is in me, but he doesn’t move. The kiss deepens, and as he thrust his tongue into my mouth, he pulls his cock out of my pussy. The battle has begun. He thrust his tongue. He withdraws his cock. With each parry of his tongue, he plunges his cock into me. This is no easy getting to know you, first-time fuck. It is hard and demanding and I meet him thrust for a thrust. Plunge for plunge. My heart races. The throb of each beat pounds against my chest. There’s no air. I can’t breathe. I don’t care. I clench my thighs as Bastian roars in my ears. My body shudders as I let go. Still holding onto Bastian, I close my eyes and draw in the night air as I steady my breathing.

  “Are we going to stay here all night.” My body is cooling down but the heat coming from Baston keeps me warm. My heartbeat is steady. As Bastian continues to stroke the flesh between my tits the odd shudder runs through me. The rumble of his chuckle vibrates again
st the flesh of my arm and tiny hairs spike as they chase each other. My pussy gives an answering throb and I take a surreptitious glance at Bastian’s cock. It lies spent on his thigh. He’s had two orgasms already and I’ve only had the one.

  “No one will disturb us.” His hand strokes my back and I shuffle in closer to his body.

  My smile slips to be replaced with a frown. “We will be returning to Noir Valley. “

  Bastian nods, I feel it against my head. “Around dawn.” Then he is rolling onto his side and although he no longer cuddles me, his hand continues to stroke my stomach. Brushing against the flesh until it reaches my tits. Then his finger circle around my belly button. He does this several times. Not stopping as he watches me. “You’re not in a rush to go anywhere you.”

  The shake of my head is slow. I thought we would return to my place at the end of our date. Never thinking Bastian would bring me to Demon’s Lair. Every other time we met he had never brought me here. “No.” It is the truth. I’ve cleared my calendar and plan to spend my sudden break with Bastian. My frown returns, deepening as I watch the biker. “What about you?”

  “I’ve a free weekend until Monday.”

  “I never thought about you working.”

  “Food and lodgings don’t come free.”

  “Do you live on the boat?”

  “Only while Poppy is at the house.”

  “Who’s Poppy.” My heart twinges. I don’t want to think about his other women.

  “Firebird’s sister.”

  “Oh.” The redhead is beautiful. “Is Poppy as pretty as Firebird?”

  Bastian’s chuckle deepens as he pulls away, then my tee-shirts hits me in the chest. I watch Bastian pull his tee-shirt on followed by his jeans. As he stands, he picks up his boots not bothering to put them on.

  “Leon and Firebird would kill me if I looked at Poppy. She’s barely legal.”

  “That doesn’t answer if she’s pretty.”


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