Roll the Dice: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 2

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Roll the Dice: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 2 Page 5

by Brair Lake

  “Missing me.”

  My chuckle is low as I lean my head onto the back of the couch. As a breath of air leaves me. I release the tension in my shoulders. “I haven’t had time to miss you.”

  Bastian’s deep rumble teases the pulse in my pussy. “Sure, you have. It’s over forty-eight hours since our bodies were entwined as I thrust into you.”

  Not wanting to be caught in a trap. Not wanting him to think the weekend meant more than it did. I shrug. When there is no answer, I gaze at the ceiling holding my breath.

  “I missed you.”

  My heart does that crazy beat. “You did. With all those women around you. Didn’t you find one of them to play with?”

  “I’m on the road.” His words hit my heart like a sledgehammer to a brick.

  “And they were too busy to answer your calls.”

  “I wouldn’t know. I never tried them.” It did it again. My stomach dips and that stupid smile is back in place. “I didn’t interrupt anything did I.”

  I glance at the empty wine glass and the drawing board. Oliver’s voice echoes in my ears. Tormenting me about being a spinster. Tomorrow I have an appointment with the oncologist. Self-pity is gaining ground. “No, I was just about to go to bed.” The silence which greets me has my toes curling.

  “Wanna play a game?”

  “No. I’d rather have you here.” This time the silence echoes around me as I realize what I have admitted to myself. The man I want. The man I can have, is miles away. “I’m thinking of returning to Noir Valley in a couple of weeks.”

  “You are.”

  I rise from the couch and go to the window. There’s a nightclub a couple of blocks away. It wouldn’t take long to get ready. To find someone for the night. Pressing my head against the cold glass, I dismiss the idea. There is only one man I want. Have only wanted since I met him.



  “About returning to Noir Valley.”

  “Two weeks, Bastian. I’ll be back in two weeks.”

  The restaurant is busy, and I glance around until I find my dinner companions. Oliver and his wife, Sylvia, are sitting at a table near the window and I make my way over to them.

  “Well.” Sylvia is a blonde dynamite. She was one of Oliver’s clients long before I met Oliver and according to the man, they met and married before the contract on the house he was designing for her had dried.

  “Hi, Sylvia. You’re looking good.”

  “That’s the baby. Now tell me how the doctor’s appointment went.”

  My smile slips. Sylvia is growing new life and if I didn’t do something about mine, I would be ending one. “It’s there. The BRCA mutation.”

  “What are you going to do about it?”

  Before going to Noir Valley. Before meeting Bastian, I knew what I was going to do. Now, having had sex with him. Experiencing the satisfaction of his tongue and fingers on my breast, I was beginning to doubt myself. To doubt if I could mutilate my body. The red wine is crisp and dry as it slides down my throat. For the last couple of days Oliver’s tormenting word spinster has haunted me. Until then I was happy to be on my own. To live my life how I wanted it.

  “I’m going to Noir Valley.”

  Chapter 5

  Bastian – Demon’s Lair Noir Valley

  The slam of the door has me glancing towards the entrance of the club’s private domain which is situated on the deck below the casino and I watch Oyster he makes his way towards Day and myself. Day’s chuckle fades and his gaze turns cold as he watches the biker swagger across the room. This is our first day back from a four-day run, riding into Noir Valley early this morning. After the all-night ride and with bodies too wired to sleep, our game plan was to unwind in the only fashion The River Demons know, and that is to party. I take a sip of my whiskey and shake my head as I chuckle in self-mockery. I’d sauntered into the club with my blood pumping and given the room a quick sweep. Eyed up the women who were just coming out of the casino and not one of them sent the blood to my dick. As I stood at the bar, sipping my whiskey. Flash had strolled over. Her wares on display and she smiled as her fingers traced over the leather of my jacket. Two weeks ago, I would have accepted what was blatantly on offer. As I watched the whore’s hips sway across the room, silver devil eyes and lips as red as fresh blood tease me and with a shrug at the hand on my arm I had turned away and ordered a beer from Marie. That was several hours ago and now I was playing cards with Day and the others. My smile flickers briefly, then it drops. I was losing, but this didn’t bother me. I’ll rake it back tonight in the casino. “Oyster. We didn’t think you’d be in until tonight.”

  Oyster, his usual flamboyant smile missing, pulls up a chair, places it between Day and myself. Then he waves at Marie. “Fuck, Rickety-Lee is up to his old tricks.” Rickety-Lee is an ex-member of the River Demons and now a member of the Skull Collectors. Our new nemesis, formed by Jono, another ex-member of The River Demons. We watch Marie as she sets several bottles of beer on the table. Then we watch her ass sway as she returns to the bar. Only once she is gone do we return our attention back to the club’s General.

  Day returns his bottle to the table, wipes his mouth, then taps his finger on the table. “In what way?”

  “Hassling Mama. He’s moved back in with his own Mama.” Oyster’s over bright teeth are hidden as he swallows the beer straight from the bottle.

  I glance around the room and my gaze lands on two younger members at a table covered with several empty bottles. “I’ll send Pond and Data to stay with her.”

  Day shakes his head, then rolls his shoulders back as he stretches his arms out in front of him, linking his hands and cracking the bones in his knuckles. “We’ll make a personal visit.” His smile deepens as the blue of his eyes turn warm. “We haven’t had this kind of fun for a while.”

  TJ reaches into his pocket. “I’m up for this. I’ll call Leon. Tell him where to meet us.” His own smile wide as his deep brown eyes glint with mischief.

  I reach over for his cellphone, shaking my head as a chuckle rumbles in my chest. “Leave the man alone. He needs his sleep.”

  TJ flips his finger as he rises from his seat. Pats his pockets down and pulls his bike keys from one of them. “If I’m not sleeping.” He winks at the table. “Then Leon’s not sleeping.” Several deep sniggers float around the table as we stand.

  I arch my back to shake the kinks out of my bones. Blood, booze and lack of sleep throbs throughout my body. I need release and I wasn’t going to get it from one of the club whores’. I wink at TJ, the Club’s secretary and Leon’s brother through a different mother. “Just think how pissed he’ll be when he finds out he missed out on the fun.” TJ’s laughter turns into a loud guffaw as we make our way to the bikes.

  Oyster’s Mama lives at the wrong end of Noir Valley. He’s offered to buy her a house away from the projects. A place where she can pass her afternoons away playing bingo and sipping a mint julep or two. But the cantankerous woman refuses to move. Her husband, Oyster’s father died when Oyster was six and is buried in the old cemetery at the back of the house she rents. The man died thirty years ago, and she refuses to leave him. As we pull up outside Ma Keys house. I wonder if I would stay close by to the cemetery where my lover is buried. Then I look up to the sky and chuckle. A couple of more days and I’ll be over Eve and my sex drive will be back. Eager to return to the whores at the club. I turn my gaze to Ma Keys house, then to the house next door and study Rickety-Lee’s home. His bike is in the yard. The drapes are drawn, and the sun is just resting behind the roof. A yawn slips from me as I glance up and down the busy street. When my gaze returns to Ma Keys house, she’s coming out of the front door with a tray loaded with homemade lemonade and several glasses. Day, Oyster and the others have already dismounted from their bikes and are making their way to the front yard. Oyster removes the tray from his mama. He whispers something to her, but I am too far away to hear what, but she nods in response, Oyster pat
s her shoulder, then she returns to the house. Heavy bass fills the air as I dismount from the bike and I join my brothers in the impromptu party. Doors shut and the street is soon empty as the neighbors disappear inside. More bikers’ join us, and a couple of cars, filled with the club’s women, arrive.

  “You think they’ll get the message.” I turn to Day as he joins me by the fence. He leans his body against one of the posts, which rocks, and his frown is fleeting. “Get Pond and Data to fix this.”

  I nod in answer to both his queries, then turn my gaze back to Rickety-Lee’s house, where there is no sign of Life. “Why do you think he’s moved back home?”

  “I don’t trust them, Bastian. Jono’s never does anything without a reason.” Day watches the house. His beer bottle raised to his lips and his brows meet above his nose.

  My gaze returns to Ma Keys home. She’ll be at the back. Probably knitting another sweater for Oyster. He has several which he has never worn. “I’ll get Pond and Data to stay. To keep an eye on things. I’ll also get Oyster to come up with a list of jobs they can do while they’re here.” My gaze goes up and down the street. “It’ll put them all at ease.” Then I push away from the fence. “After all, isn’t that what they pay for.” Day nods. His gaze still on the house next door. The curtains at the front room window twitch. They have done several times as the party grew raucous. Rickety-Lee is inside. I glance down the street and find no sign of Jono, or any other members of Skull Collectors and the top of my spine prickles. “You think Oyster’s their intended target.”

  Day continues to watch the house and shrugs. “He’s supposed to be back on the road in a couple of days. I don’t see why he should be singled out.”

  I glance at TJ who has joined us, and he nods towards Oyster. “He’s single and a lone rider. It makes him an easy target.”

  As the three of us continue to watch the house, Rickety-Lee leaves his home. Although we watch him as he strides down the path, he never looks our way. Again, another tingle, deeper this time twitches between my shoulder blades. “I’m going back to Demon’s Lair.”

  Day glances over the yard. Then he turns to look at me. “The party’s only just started.”

  “And it can carry on at Demon’s Lair.”

  “Copper’s in charge of the boat tonight. He’s taking her down river.”

  “Ma Key’s needs her sleep. Day” The snigger in TJ’s voice has me chuckling and Day slaps the biker on his shoulder as he moves away from the fence.

  “’What you mean is she has a friend coming over.” Day looks towards the house. “You have any idea who.”

  “Who knows with that sexy Mama. Could be any of those fancy men from town.”

  When we arrive at the compound, Demon’s Lair has long since sailed and I glance around the dark lot. The only light cast across the yard, is from a fire burning in the center of the field, and the old shed, where a heavy-duty light, blazes through the window and the open door. We drag out several deckchairs from the shed and set them around the fire. Beer is passed around and someone finds an old CD player and music fills the air. The swiftness with which everyone gets the revelry going again reminds me how eager everyone is to settle and party out the tension in their bodies. As I settle back in my chair, a beer to my lips, my gaze sweeps the compound and lands on Flash, her long legs are on show. The flesh inviting in the fire light. Flash is my favorite, and the whore knows it. Eve’s gone. I doubt she’ll be back. My frown deepens, I’ve never been a one-man woman. Sure, what I had with Eve was good and she knows her way around the bedroom, but I have no intentions of becoming celibate and living like a monk. My cock twitches in agreement and although I dismissed her earlier, I smile at Flash, spreading my legs a little and rest my beer bottle on my junk. I wink at her as my fingers stroke the neck of the beer bottle and Flash smiles at me. Her smile deepens as she keeps her gaze on me and I watch her as she says something to the woman next to her. Tonight, I want to be spoilt. I have seven nights of onesomes to make up and I tip my head to her companion. Flash looks at me then gives her companion the once-over and with a slight nod from her, I watch as they stroll towards me. I lick my lips as my gaze travels over their bodies and my cock twitches once more. The vibration of my cellphone resting on my thigh has me frowning and I give it a courtesy glance. Eve’s face flashes before me and my finger hangs over the decline swipe button. I glance over to the women as they come closer. Then back to the cellphone. I could have Flash and I could have flesh against flesh, or I could have Eve’s sweet voice teasing my ears. My cock twitches. There’s no reason why I can’t have both and my smile deepens. Cake and the icing is within my grasp. I swipe to answer the cellphone, placing my hand over the speaker as I rise from my chair. “I’ve just got to take this.” I turn to the brunette. “Get me a fresh beer.” Then I turn to Flash. “Get her warmed up for me. I’ll not be long.” I place a swift kiss on her lips and rub my thumb over her lips. “Smile, we’re going to have a great night.


  Eve – Eve’s home Washington

  Bastian’s cell continues to ring and as I turn to look out of my apartment window, I contemplate about hanging up. He wasn’t going to answer his cell and I don’t want to wait until the call goes to voicemail and leave a message. Just as I go to press the red hang up icon, his voice reaches my ears and my fingers clench around the cellphone.


  “Bastian.” I glance at my watch. “I’m sorry. You’re probably working. I shouldn’t have called.”

  “I’m glad you did. And no, I’m not working.”

  Through the handset, the heavy throb of music can be heard as it mingles with laughing voices. “Sounds like you’re at a party.” My eyes close as an image of Bastian with one of the club whores on his lap flashes before me. “Look, I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “No. Don’t hang up. Eve.”

  “What about the party?”

  I don’t see his smile, but I do hear it and my smile from earlier, returns. Just hearing his voice warms my blood. “The party’s not going anywhere.”

  “And the woman on your knee.” I bite my lip, wishing I could retract those words, but they had escaped before I could stop them.

  “There’s no woman on my knee, Eve.” The line goes silent and I wait for the but as I hold my breath. “There hasn’t been one since you left.”

  The beat in my heart hurts as it loses sync and I hold my breath to ease the giddiness racing through me. I lean my head against the cold glass of the window. “You want me to believe that the mighty lover, Bastian, has been celibate for a week.”

  His warm chuckle curls my toes and the pulse in my pussy springs to life. Nerves tingle where his tongue has played with me and I want to believe there’s been no one. I close my eyes. I know about Bastian’s past. The ladies at the club only too willing to provide me with the juicy details, especially the blonde called Flash. Some of it had made me blush.

  “My dick and hand have become mighty friendly over the last few nights.”

  I turn from the window and wander over to the studio couch and settle back into the deep cushions. “And who were you, your hand and dick thinking about as they got friendly.”

  “A dark-haired nymph who left me before I was ready for her to leave.”

  “Keep sweet-talking, Boy and I might just start to believe you.”

  “What about you, Babe. Have you missed me?”

  My tongue wets my lips as I raise my right arm and place it behind my head. “I’ve been too busy to miss you. A couple of dates here and there.”

  His chuckle brushes against my pussy and I squeeze my thighs to ease the growing ache. “And that’s why you are calling me, Eve. To tell me what fun you’re having.” The line falls silent and I close my eyes. “Or was it to tell me what lousy lovers they were.”

  My own chuckle escape as I open my eyes and I stare at the white ceiling. “They were lousy, Bastian. Not one of them brought me to a climax.” It was true. Both dates w
ere business dinners. There had been nothing romantic about them and I chuckle again when Bastian groans reaches my ear.

  “I don’t want to think of you with other men, Eve.”

  My stomach twitches. The coils of my nerves tighten. I know I shouldn’t like it. That I shouldn’t be thrilled by the possessiveness in his voice, but I do. With a soft smile lingering on my lips I settle my legs on the couch, rising one until it is bent at the knee.

  “Don’t you, Bastian. Don’t you want to watch another man peel my clothes away from my body. Revealing my lush, sweet flesh to you. Watching as he slides the zipper of my dress free. His warm lips on my naked flesh as he slips my dress over my shoulders until I’m standing in a puddle of black silk. Wearing panties so brief they show off the smooth globes of my ass.” Shit, I’m wetting myself and Bastian’s chuckle fails to ease the ache between my legs.

  “Eve, I’m not in a position to have this kind of conversation with you.”

  “Really, Bastian. What would they think if they knew you were talking to a naked woman? That her fingers were spreading her pussy lips so she could touch and spread the sweet juice between her legs as she imagines you inside her. Deep and thrusting.”

  “Shit, Eve. You’ve lost me.” Against my ear I hear his swallow and I imagine his Adams apple bobbing. “Are you naked with your fingers slipped into that tight tunnel of yours. Are your muscles clamping against the intrusion? Building your orgasm as you take me deeper.”

  A moan escapes me as the aforementioned muscles in my pussy tightens. I may not be touching myself now, but I will be later. This ache building in me needs soothing and I need to climax. “Would you like that Bastian. To hear my fingers as they thrust deep into me. To hear me gasp as my body shudders from its climax.”


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